REAL PIC??? - Secret Space Program - SSP - Solar Warden - Massive Air Ships For Evacuation Or Survival Purposes | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban
PS: Lørdag og Søndag, var der fuldstændigt skyfrit og flyvene havde meget små flystriber bag sig. Se nu denne Mandag! Uanset om man tror på at DeHvideHatte udleder gode ting eller DeSorteHatte stadigvæk har kontrollen over solen, nogen tror er en 'kunstig' en af slagsen! Helt tydelige spor af Chemtrails. Se hvordan kemikalier 'siver' væk fra 'striben' og dækker solens stråler!
Den kollektive bevidsthed er gået af fløjten, ingen ved mere, hvad man inderst inde skal tænke og føle, frygt eller ubehag, men lande, eksperter og autoriteter, siger, vi skal HADE dem, de anser som "fjendebilleder". Den falske præsident Biden taget på weekend i sit hjem i Delaware, hvor han vil tilbringe fridagene med at lege med sine hunde. Hvis han ellers kan huske, hvad de hedder, Pelosi har svært ved at vise hvor Ukraine ligger og Obama, i gang med at slette, alle beviser på korruption og fordærv! Det spørgsmål, som ingen vil tage stilling til; Er du nikkedukke, medløber, kaninhul, eller konspirationsteoretiker? Alle har negative klang og der findes ikke rigtigt eller forkerte svar! Det ligger alt sammen i vores underbevidsthed og højere bevidsthed. Vi kan ikke se skoven for bare træer! Selvom det ligger lige frem, foran os, styres vi af autoriteten, og naiviteten og mentaliteten, der giver dem, fuldmagten & værgemål, til at vildlede! Dybt inde i os alle, ligger sjælsenergi- og bevidsthed lagret i vores celler, både fysisk via DNA og spirituelt via tanker- og følelsesvibrationerne. Vi kender alle svarene, men er nulstillet, når vi er født og skal kæmpe for at genoplive vores cellehukommelser! Vi er både fysiske og åndelige mennesker. Den sidste del har de fleste af os glemt. Når vi er dybt forbundet til os selv, så kender vi alle svarene til, at leve et meningsfyldt liv i forhold til det, der er sandt for os. De fleste har brug for inspiration, støtte og hjælp til at rejse indad. Husk det... |
Så er May Day her igen!
Nu sker det, det er lige om hjørnet, det varer ikke længe, vi skal snart fejre, det er nemlig... den 1. marts...
... hvor vi lancerer den store underskriftindsamling i EU ved navn 'Stop 5G - Stay Connected but Protected' mod følgerne af 5G. Det startede i Tyskland, faldt på gulvet der, men blev så samlet op af Danmark (May Day og EHS-foreningen), som på 18 måneder har fået organiseret 25 lande om projektet, og Tyskland er selvfølgeligt med igen. Vi har formuleret et europæisk borgerinitiativ med 23 lovforslag til EU, og startskuddet går den 1. marts. Derfra har vi 1 år til at samle 1 mio. underskrifter.
25 lande er nu i fuld gang med at organisere sig, designe og udsende kampagnematerialer, lave hjemmesider, kontakte lokale støttegrupper, der kan kontakte andre grupper, osv. Også forskere støtter vores projekt, og det kan alt sammen ses på
De 23 lovforslag fordeler sig på tre hovedområder: 1. helbresskader på mennesker og natur, 2. skader på miljøet i form af ødelæggelse af landområder og habitater samt et enormt energiforbrug og stigende forurening fra tusindvis af satellitter i rummet, og 3. den stigende overvågning og indsamling af persondata, profilering af os alle samt risiko for hacking og læk, når alle data samles på meget få steder.
Til sidst sender May Day en kærlig hilsen til alle frie og frihedselskende mennesker i verden – ikke mindst det stærke, frie folk i Ukraine.
Advokat kræver Magnus Heunickes afgang
Advokaten beskriver her, hvordan MH gentagne gange kommer med urigtige oplysninger om bl.a. naturlig immunitet kontra vaccineimmunitet på trods af 150 studier, der viser, at naturlig immunitet er bedre! Også flere andre anklager mod Heunicke.
Forstå Covid-19: Forskere finder ligheder mellem infektioner og injektioner
Blodpropper har vist sig at være en fællesnævner for mange af symptomerne på COVID-19. Forskere i Tyskland har opdaget, at virusset kan ændre størrelsen og stivheden af de røde og hvide blodlegemer. Desuden kan disse ændringer vare i månedsvis, hvilket muligvis forklarer de mange symptomer på COVID-19. Vaccineskader følger samme mønster. Men bestemte stoffer kan hjælpe.
May Day har indsendt endnu et høringssvar om loven, der stadig har for mange muligheder for tvangsforanstaltninger uden klagemuligheder over for en sygdom, som ministeren alene kan klassificere som en ”samfundskritisk sygdom”. Selve definitionen på de forskellige klasser af sygdomme flyder og kan let blive påvirket af øjeblikkets frygt overdramatisering.
Berlingske: Ideer om, at vores kapitalistiske samfund har brug for et »Great Reset«, har bredt sig. Men disse ideer kan lede til sammenblanding af private og offentlige interesser og andre dårligdomme. Den effektive markedsøkonomi har ikke brug for et reset, ifølge skribenten Nicolai J. Foss, professor ved Copenhagen Business School.
Danmark halter langt bagefter i forskning af homøopati
»Skandale,« kalder Liberal Alliance et nyt forsøg, der skal se på helbredende effekter af håndrystet vand fra dansk firma. Flere partier stoler dog på, at forskerne går videnskabeligt til værks. For nu er der nemlig et studie på vej! Læs også her: Over halvdelen af Tysklands befolkning bruger homøopati.(svensk)
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams..
"Jens Otto Krag, Anker Jørgensen og Orla Møller, alle frimurer. Fleste frimurer er fra rød blok, især S, men blå blok, også. Knud var den eneste dansker, som vidste, Jens, Anker og Orla, gik til frimurermøder. Orla advarede Knud at de var "farlige" og sagde; hvis ikke jeg var frimurer, havde jeg aldrig fået min post, som minister."
Compiled Sun. 27 Feb. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.
C. In Reality the Ukraine War was about Putin & the Alliance liberating Ukraine from the Deep State:
My mom’s cousin who lives in Kharkiv (Eastern Ukraine) has been hiding in some basement for two days now, bombs going off all over the city. From what I’ve heard, Russians aren’t entering the cities. Russians have been strategically removing NWO facilities in Ukraine, including several bio weapons labs similar to the one in Wuhan – probably where Gates was hoping to release the next virus from. Russians do not want to harm civilians in any way, yet Ukrainian military forces strategically positioned their guns in the streets of the cities to use civilians as a shield and inviting Russians to destroy the cities. We’ll see how it all ends, but we sure won’t hear any truth from the MSM here and definitely not from our swampy administration who have been using Ukraine as a money laundering machine for years.
US, Ukraine, Iran Corruption: Obama sends $150 billion in cash to Iran before leaving office in 2016. John Kerry’s daughter is married to an Iranian national. Ukraine = Hunter Biden/Joe Biden dealings & corruption, stealing millions from American tax payers to funnel money to Ukraine. Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul sits on the board of a Ukrainian energy company. Romney’s son does too as does John Kerry’s son and Biden’s son. The tentacles of Ukraine corruption go to Bush’s 9/11 cabinet, Obama, Biden, Soros, Schiff, Pelosi, Bolton, John Kerry, Romney & the Clintons.
The Rothshild’s/Bankers/Globalists financed Hitler, Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Jacob Schiff ordered the murder of the Russia Romanov family because they refused to go along with the Bankers plans and turn Russia into a Communist country. The Romanov’s were Christians. The Alliance and Putin were fighting the same Communist neo Nazis today in the Ukraine.
The Ukraine Crisis was much more than most people know. Biden wants Ukraine burned down. Inside the chaos they plan a CIA style ops and destroy servers and all data points that link Money laundering, billions in illegal oil/ gas deals distribution).
The Ukrainians were investigatingBiden and Obama and had a lot of evidence in closed indictments against the Obama Administration which connected to the fake killing of Osama bin laden. The Iranian government protected Bin Laden, gave Obama a fake decoy to apprehend and have killed by Seal Team Six. Minutes after the killing Obama announced it, which lifted him in the polls and got him re-elected. What Americans didn’t know was that moments after Obama gave his live speech Seal Team Six identified the dead body as not being Bin Laden. Iran then blackmailed Obama. That’s why Obama paid billions in cash to Iran and Hillary Clinton set up the deaths of the Seal Team Six. The billions that went to Iran was money laundered into the Ukraine market oil, gas, weapons and Europe’s largest human trafficking network.
Now the Deep State Cabal, Biden and Obama want Ukraine destroyed. Biden and the Deep State in Europe will use Ukraine as an excuse for inflation, falling markets, supply chain interruptions and a distraction away from the Plandemic narrative that was falling apart and the Durham investigation disclosures on Obama and Biden.
George SOROS has controlled Ukraine since 2012, having been inserted by the DAVOS Group backed by Obama, UN, NATO and CIA (the same who created the Plandemic, backed the vaccine companies and surprised vaccines deaths through controlled Media Big Tech.
The Deep State created a CIA playbook Color Revolution in Ukraine in 2014 and used students in the coup.
Since then the Deep State has been robbing the Ukraine of it’s natural resources and products they produced, plus laundered over seven trillion dollars through the Ukraine neo Nazi government.
The Ukraine has been held hostage by the Global Elites. Putin is fighting to liberate the Ukraine people from the Global Elite puppet Ukraine president Zelensky and his neo Nazis drug running and human trafficking rings.
Putin addresses Ukraine military: “Take power into your own hands. It seems that it will be easier for us to come to an agreement than with this gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis who settled in Kiev and took hostage the entire Ukrainian people” Via RT news.
Fireworks and celebrating in Donbas after Putin recognized their sovereignty.
The Bilderberg Group, World Economic Forum and DAVOS Group were highly Elite organizations that controlled the UN and NATO, plus infiltrated countries, presidents, prime ministers and world corporations that controlled Big Pharma, Big Tech and world news orgs.
In 2014WEF Leader George SOROS created the Color Revolution in the Ukraine and along with Biden, Obama and Hillary Clinton took over the countries’ resources for their world money laundering network.
Corruption in the Ukraine was vast and connected to biological weapons labs in Ukraine only accessible to U.S. In the Ukraine Biolabs were death experiments tested on local citizens in D.U.M.B.s and tunnel systems in the Ukraine owned by Biden that connected to Europe.
The Q Alliance Special Military Operation Forces have been in the Ukraine since Dec. 2021.
They’ve hacked and released Russian MOD information into the public domain.
Globalists want War in the Ukraine in order to destroy server records about the Globalist crew’s criminality including money laundering.
On Ukraine Servers there were original records from the Pentagon about the trillions missing the day before 9-11. (A missile hit a section of the Pentagon where records were destroyed).
On Ukraine Servers there were original notes from the IRS, DEA and FBI on drug trafficking and the Oklahoma City bombing where all records were destroyed.
🎞️Filmen handler om Thomas Deleuran's søster som har levet et liv med mange hemmeligheder, pludseligt bliver slået ihjel, fordi hun havde sprængfarlige informationer om den efterretningstjeneste, deres far havde viet sit liv til. Thomas hvirvles ind i sagen, og pludselig bliver han selv overvåget, aflyttet, forfulgt og truet, og må kæmpe, på liv og død, for at få sit normale liv, tilbage. Taglines fra filmen er også sigende; 'Hvem kan du egentlig stole på'? (Who can you truly trust?)....
[👉'Kirsten Birgit, Rasmus Bruun og Malou ønsker hinanden et godt nytår og taler om hvad der er i pipeline. Kirsten har jo fundet på et nyt nyhedskoncept, et nyhedsshow, som på sigt skal finansiere Den Politiske Bivuak og Krænkernes Hjem. Rasmus mener, at Kirsten har stjålet et tweet fra ham, men er det overhovedet det samme? Kirsten har en god saftig bøf om hvem, der kom til at afsløre FE-chef Lars Findsen.'👈]
Allison Coe. My name is Allison and I'm a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner living in Portland, OR, USA. I do hypnosis and dream interpretations. I set up this channel to share portions of my QHHT sessions that I deem beneficial to the public, and dreams that are sent to me from all over the world that I have interpreted. For more information on Quantum Healing Hypnosis please visit my website at - I'd love to answer any of your questions.
Siri performing a ceremony - showing us what she's done with, and what she is manifesting in its place. She went in her room and thought hard about what bothers her in this world, and this is the amazing list she came up with. Thanks to all of you for putting your foot down today, and also proclaiming what you want. Your passion has moved me, beyond words. Beautiful. Thank you, and so much love. Allison
Trump + Putin Ukraine WH Op. Clean out the D.U.M.B.s and Pedos and criminals in Ukraine. 11 Biolabs Target. Reps, Anunnaki, tunnel system and Devils Mountain. COVID Scandal Payback. Corona = Alien A.I. derived (Kerry got evidence + interviews last 2 yrs). Juan O Savin (aka JFKjr). Jim Carrey (aka Joe Biden + other actors + clones) Clinton as Pres. = WW3