Feb 3, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Mette med Slapt Underliv, Stækkede Vinger og Ondt i Eksistensen, men Fortsætter på Toppen) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Livet går videre, som man siger... FINT, skal det være og se ud for feministernes festivitas, Medico-Mette-Mink og Co. - Dansen med Project "Corona-vaccination" er nemlig SLUT! Og hun har gjort det, FÆNOMENALT GODT - hvis hun selv, skal sige det! Vi ÅBNER i Dannevang, fordi glorien bliver pudset. Politiker-taktikere, har via indirekte tvang skubbet 80% ud i at modtage en eksperimentel genterapi vakZine og fordi tilslutningen er så høj kan de ikke tvinge flere. De andre rygende feminister af løgnagtighed, Tv-værter, såsom, Janni Pedersen og Co., (bollede) med samme 20 år yngre elev og får, 'Dorph' og Jens Gaard-i-bro fældet, er med Go' aften LIVE, der satte fokus på filtre og perfekthedskulturen på sociale medie, SKAM-SOVSES! Datatilsynet udtaler alvorlig kritik af TV 2 og Norrbom BOOM Vinding. Mørke-Mette, AKA Landsmoderen, festede igennem med 'Søren Barba Pape Poulsen', som lignede en Barbapapa eller måske nærmere en Barbamamma (for Barbapapalovers). Al lort, pejler af M&M og hendes Sundhedsstat, som ægte fullblown narcissister, har nemlig siden barnsben tunet sine tricks, som Teflon-pander, skyer olie og vand, sammen med Den Medicinske Mafia. Selv, lyder det nu fra CEO af WHO og SST Tissekonedoktoren, Brostrøm.. [LÆS VIDERE]... |

Vil efteråret igen (igen) sparke til Corona-ilden?. Alles immunpas er udløbet - en farligere muteret virus skal gøre os angste eller er det slut for evig tid og minde? 

Stemningssindssygdommenes historie i det 21. århundrede, er først lige begyndt! Ikke alene er det en praktisk udfordring at give slip på styringen, magtfuldhed til magtfuldkommenhed samt hele BENÆGTELSEN!...

​De fire musketerer på række og geled, lige efter de har svoret ind til Corona-agendaen: 'En for alle og alle for en!...

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Denmark


...at de genovervejer anbefalingen om vaccination af 5-11-årige. Som har fået en masse familier op i det RØDE felt, inklusive Maria Skelbæk-Bundesen og sønnen Matias på 11 år samt 'Besserwisserne' og Søs Marie Serup. 

Næste Project "lynafleder" er Bimbo-Bramsens krigsdrama mod verdens største hærnation, Rusland, som forbandes af tusinde af Forsvarets ansatte og selv, Taliban. 

Eller, Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen, AKA den ukendte "Jane Doe", som NÆGTER at lade mediestøtten udfases. På Nordjyske.dk grinede værten i hele 5 minutter i radioen over hun vil bekæmpe techgiganterne og algoritmer, mens influencers og mig, sagde hunden, bloggere, skal kunne straffers, for hvad der bliver skrevet!. 

Vice-statsministern, Statens »overhund« kaldet for »ST DC«, »BBB«, »B-P-S-I-R« fortsætter sin EKSPLOSIVE lønudvikling - har kurs mod 3 millioner kroner - hjulpet på vej af fast stor bonus, som tak for et godt stykke arbejde, siger journalista.dk. 

📰🍿❌ ~ ('Fences on Cabal’s Parliament Building in the Hague, Ottawa, WH in DC, while Buckingham Palace and the Vatican were being emptied.') Restored Republic via a GCR (DC) ~ | Blogger: According to Simon Parkes and his sources, he's also getting reports of fences being put up around the Vatican, German Parliament and Dutch Parliament (official blog)... Belgian authorities and cyberattacks reported by European energy companies - and so it begins (RT.com).... What to do when you’re just sitting around in the “Spiritual waiting room“ and nothing is happening? What is your intuition telling you? Relax those shoulders and take a deep breath. BREEEEATHE. And then simply look out for the synchronicity and signs that are going to start appearing as soon as you stop pushing, trying harder, shoving, efforting, chasing (whining). You get the vibe. Trust that if something is meant for you then nothing can stop it from being realized or manifested, so keep holding the vision but let go of the yearning and frustration. Remember, we're all in this sh*t together. You are Me and I am You! Wherever you want to achieve success in any field really, or just wanna send out prayers, love or compassion to other people or universe, it will be picked up and fall in tune with the collective consciousness. I believe The Law of Cause and Effect states that whatever you send into the universe comes back. Action - re-action are equal and opposite... |

"Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you. Remember, life is an echo. It always gets back to you. So give goodness."...


Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 3, 2022

Compiled Thurs. 3 Feb. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Blackout Incoming!!!

Militaries Across the Globe Placed on High Alert.

Pfizer Vaccine Found Stuffed with 5G Powdered Graphene Based Nano-Tech: https://banned.video/watch?id=61f94e7d17bdc33301c16f51

New England Medical Journal recently published that Covid-19 vaccines produced spike-like proteins that could lead to Myocarditis and Neurological problems.

Pfizer Executive Admitted PCR Tests don’t work, never have and contained radiation.

Now vaccine that were known to cause serious health problems including heart attacks and even death were being mandated for our children with no medical backup as to why.

Millions were supporting Trucker Freedom Convoys Against Vaccine Mandates that took over the Canadian Capitol and US Border. Next week Freedom Convoys were planned for the Super Bowl, a drive from LA to DC, a drive from Scotland to London, and to the Australian, Spain, Netherlands and Italian capitols.

Let Us All Press On (arr. Richard Elliott) – The Tabernacle Choir – YouTube

Judy Note:

  • Led by the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy, hundreds of thousands of truckers and millions of citizens across the world have joined the strike against vaccine mandates – which was causing a shortage of food, fuel and goods. You were advised to stock up at least 2-3 weeks worth of essential supplies.
  • Imminent: Solar Storm, Cyber Attacks, Food, Fuel, Goods Shortages, Global Currency Reset, Worldwide Martial Law and Mass Arrests of Global Elite Illuminati Satan Worshippers.
  • Blackout Incoming! Solar storm warning: NASA predicts ‘direct hit’ on Earth in hours: ‘Fast and strong!’ A SOLAR STORM is heading straight for Earth in a “direct hit”, according to NASA, prompting fears of blackouts from the “fast and strong” impact. …Trump + Q The Great Awakening https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1559074/solar-storm-warning-nasa-direct-hit-blackout-met-office-noaa-space-weather
  • Fleming: Every time they try to insert the codes and lock in the currency, I get an email on whether or not it was successful. The small amounts get through fine, it’s the large amounts that are having a hard time. As soon as that is resolved, then the German Bonds will pay out to the people that get 1-9%. Once that’s completed for the German Bonds, then the Yellow Dragon Bonds follow, and then those people in Tier 4B will be able to exchange and redeem.
  • As of 1 Jan. 2022 the US Inc.’s fiat US Dollar was officially bankrupt and most nations no longer accepted it for international trade. The US National Debt has breached $30,000,000,000,000 for first time in American history. A Global Currency Reset was imminent in order for the world’s financial system to function.

WARNING: There are people out there trying to obtain your confidential information and/or currencies or Zim saying they will help you exchange and/or redeem. You do not need them. You do not need a trust set up in order to exchange or redeem. These are scammers. Stay away from them. At no point give up your confidential information and/or currencies or bonds except when you are at the Exchange Center.

A. Recent Restored Republic History:

  • Due to interference of a foreign power (Chinese Communist Party) in the fraudulent 2020 Election, a peaceful transition to Military Power in the US actually took place at Biden’s inauguration on 20 Jan. 2021
  • The Biden Administration has since acted as a puppet government for China, the occupying power, holding control of the White House in Washington DC (the occupied territory) via election fraud since the 2020 Presidential Election.
  • According to the US Law of War Manual Section 11.3 an illegitimate government has to be in power for a year before the military could lawfully remove them. We reached that deadline on Fri. 21 Jan. 2022.
  • On 1 Feb. 2022 Executive Order 13848 went into effect: imposing certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in a US Election – meaning all super powers – Chinese Communist Party, Vatican, Queen, Corporations and others who participated in the fraudulent 2020 Election, would be sanctioned into bankruptcy, their assets seized…a process that has been the works since Jan. 2021.
  • In apparent preparation for demolition, cement fences were being constructed around the 
  • American units and Regiment’s placed on High Alert & have been given a 24 hr. Deployment notice for a possible Eastern Europe deployment. – 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg. – 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg & Fort Campbell. – 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell. – 4th Infantry at Fort Carson.

🙏 ~ 💝 (I'm Ready to Paarrtyyy! Me, me, me!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: I'm sorry y'all - a bit frisky today! 2 years in lockdown will do that to you and no girlfriend!. Any unvaxed woman, please step forward!... PS: DID YOU KNOW, a certified nurse confirms Justin Trudeau and wife, Sophie, faked vaccination on live TV, while trying to force Canadians to take the deadly jab!!! (on Rumble 'Truth inc') Same goes for Danish PM MSM video a dark skinned Danish (actor) nurse covering up the injection... Btw. NOTHING, and I mean, N-O-T-H-I-N-G comes even close to beat, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, a famous cult film... I went and watched the experience, back in the days of the early 90s, in Boston, in a movie theater, and once, in a outdoor (projection) movie screen... Wearing raincoats, people throwing rice and people also began to yell back lines to the screen and dress up as the characters, procuring a fascination with the film’s spontaneity and a growing number of followers... It's not like today's 4DX or IMAX, but nevertheless - the good prana energy and hilarious fun of togetherness - you can't compare it to anything else. Especially under these INSANE coronadays... The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), and the audience enthusiastic participants, was a cultural phenomenon surrounding the large fan base of the movie generally credited as being the best-known cinematic "midnight movie", if not the first... PS: For those who are unfamiliar with “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” it is a film with the perfect balance of transvestites, men from Mars and dancing hunchbacks. Brad and Janet, a newly engaged couple, go off on a trip together, only to get stuck at Dr. Frank N. Furter’s castle. Here, they are introduced to his odd clan and discover his creation, Rocky. Through their weird journey of singing, dancing and increasingly weird encounters, we eventually find out that the doctor is actually a mad scientist from the planet Transsexual in the galaxy of Transylvania (of course it's made by the Hollyweird's pedofactory - nevertheless - pretty funny).... |

👸🌹💔 ~ ('Spencer' of Nothingburger) Movie Fable of Hauntingly Sadness: Is the Movie made to shine back on Earths most Powerful, Deadly & Evil Lizzie 2nd before The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend 2022 to cover-up they killed Diana? Or was she taken by White Hats? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉The portrait of "Lady Di", was right about one thing in this movie as Diana says; There's no HOPE for me - not with "them". - Will they KILL me, do you think?👈]... - (Spoiler Alert) - Pablo Larraín's Spencer opens with a label that reads, "A fable from a true tragedy.". A Christmas weekend in the early '90s together with her young children, Diana, got separated and realizes the depth of her own despair and decides to pursue her freedom. It's a "fictional", raw and depressing tragic story about a young woman with great mental health problems in The Royal House of Windsor, in order to bring back Queen Elizabeth 2nd (to life) after scandal after scandal and keep the Queen of Greatness in tact for centuries. This movie, is so depressingly wrong depicted, I could cry. But it might keep "Lady Di" (alive) long enough to make people THINK! 'Spencer' does not really tell the whole story of the princess from Wales. Instead, it zooms in on her eating disorder and the Royal Family's handling of the disease. The movie is all specifically about three days in the princess life at Christmas time... PS: You might wanna read this longer documentary posted by Joni Lynn on June 20, 2011 about the parasitic murdering reptiles know as the Royal Family of England and what princess Diana discovered about them. Some people may find this totally unbelievable and shocking! And what Diana told Christine Fitzgerald that the Queen Mother was the power behind the Windsors, along with Prince Philip. etc. etc... Or just watch "Jay Myers Documentaries" (JayM_Documentaries on Bitchute) and all of this is censored everywhere. He has gone deep dive into more documentaries about the Crowns, Palaces and a (mostly) adoring public, but what lies behind the scenes of the most influential family on earth?... |

What Princess Diana Knew – The Official Resistance...

On 6th February this year Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth.


What Princess Diana Knew – The Official Resistance

Blogger: Please use your own spiritual discernment!!

🙏Excerpts: 💨.. Writer: 'Most people in Britain will be astonished to read this because the Queen Mother’s propaganda has turned her into the nation’s favourite grandmother. “Oh yes, the Queen Mum, such a lovely, gentle, kind old lady.” But this woman is not what she is claimed to be. I can’t emphasize that enough... It was the Queen Mother and her close friend, Diana’s grandmother, Ruth Lady Fermoy, who manipulated Diana into the marriage with Prince Charles.. The sex thing is a big part of their rituals because it’s kundalini energy, see, which is the core, our generator. The orgies stopped because one of the couples died and they had an odd number and they didn’t want to bring in anyone else. So even that was ritual. Everything about them is ritual.. all that heraldry, all that pomp and ceremony. Negative energy gets drawn to negative energy.”.. (..).. the highest ranked woman in the Satanic hierarchy in the United States and she was one of only three Mother Goddesses in the world. This is Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene..(..).. What she told my friend, and later told me on audio and video tape, supports the information supplied by other slaves and by Christine Fitzgerald about the Windsors and their true nature. Arizona said that she officiated at Satanic rituals at Glamis Castle in Tayside, Scotland, the childhood home of the Queen Mother, who still owns the property, and also at Balmoral, the Queen’s Scottish residence. The Brotherhood obsession with Scotland, she said, was because there are many entrances there into the inner-Earth where the physical reptilians live.. It is clear that Diana knew about the true nature of the royal family’s genetic history and the reptilian control. Her nicknames for the Windsors were “the lizards” and “the reptiles” and Diane used to say in all seriousness: “They’re not human”. There is a very good reason for Diana using this description of the Windsors.. Queen Mother and Prince Philip then shape-shifted into reptiles to show Diana who they really were!.. Christine Fitzgerald and insider friends : "The Royal Family hasn’t died for a long time, they have just metamorphosised. It’s sort of cloning, but in a different way. They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the body from one little bit".. Christine Fitzgerald that the Queen Mother was the power behind the Windsors, along with Prince Philip. But Philip was subordinate in the hierarchy to the Queen Mother, Diana said. The Queen Mother is connected to a long list of Brotherhood groups and societies and she is the head of the Inner Temple, the elite and highly secret society for the upper levels of the legal profession on the ‘former’ Knights Templar land at Temple Bar in London.. Only "Pindar" (..)..Pindar is Charles’ real father.. (the Marquis de Libeaux) is above The Queen Mother at Satanic hierarchy.. “Diana used to tell that the Queen Mother was evil”.. Diana told Christine Fitzgerald in 1989 that they were going to kill her and Barry Mannakee'.. Christine Fitzgerald and insider friends : But even though these reptilian ones are f******, they are sad, pathetic beasts really, while humanity is galloping towards light. They’re just pathetic lumps of nastiness who aren’t going to win. I can’t talk about this everywhere because they would just go ‘Christine, get a white coat, put it on backwards, get out’. But I want an end to the b*******.”... |

Posted first time on July 29, 2015 by Verdensalt

Posted by Joni Lynn on June 20, 2011 at 6:49 pm

This is only a fractional part of a very long document about the parasitic murdering reptiles know as the Royal Family of England and what princess Diana discovered about them. Some people may find this totally unbelievable and shocking!

There have also been questions about whether Diana is even buried on the island. In the Summer of 1998, the Star magazine in the United States quoted an unnamed “senior source” at Buckingham Palace as saying she was secretly cremated and according to a report in the Los Angeles Times some people in the village of Great Brington also don’t believe she is buried on the island. I know these reports are true from my own sources.

One resident quoted by the LA Times said that the night her coffin was taken to Althorp for burial, the village had been ‘invaded’ by the army, police and special forces units, and all the villagers were hustled into their homes. She said that the crematorium at the church was working late into the night. Betty Andrews, the former cook and housekeeper at Althorp, is quoted by Star magazine as saying:
“There’s a strange feeling amongst the villagers that we may not be hearing the complete picture”.
While researching this book I was introduced to Christine Fitzgerald, a brilliant and gifted healer, who was a close friend and confidant of Diana for nine years. Because of Christine’s understanding of the esoteric, Diana was able to talk to her about matters she would not dare to share with anyone else for fear of being dubbed crazy. It is clear that Diana knew about the true nature of the royal family’s genetic history and the reptilian control. Her nicknames for the Windsors were “the lizards” and “the reptiles” and she used to say in all seriousness: “They’re not human”. There is a very good reason for Diana using this description of the Windsors.

As her deprogramming continued, Arizona Wilder remembered clearly a ritual she attended at Clarence House, the Queen Mother’s home near to Buckingham Palace, in which Diana was shown who the Windsors really are. It took place in the first seven days of July 1981, just before Diana and Charles were married on the 29th.
This period is the last seven days of the cycle of the Oak Tree, according to esoteric law, and the ritual was called The Awakening of the Bride. This is a ritual for all females of the 13 bloodlines who are going to be in publicly high positions and marry reptilians to produce the new generation of rulers. Arizona says that the Queen Mother, the Queen, Prince Philip, Lady Fermoy, Diana’s father Earl Spencer, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles were all present when Diana was brought into the room.

She was wearing a white gown and a drug had been administered by Lady Fermoy. Diana was told that she should consider her union with Prince Charles as only a means to produce heirs and nothing else. Camilla Parker-Bowles was his consort, not her. Arizona says that Prince Philip and the Queen Mother then shape-shifted into reptiles to show Diana who they really were. ‘Diana was terrified, but quiet’, she said. Diana was told that if she ever revealed the truth about them, she would be killed. (Remember the guy I mentioned who had a call from Diana in the March before she died asking for his advice on how to reveal information about the royals that would ‘shake the world’?)