Sep 27, 2016

I dag udkommer Anders Fogh Rasmussen med sin nye bog ’The Will To Lead’, som forsvarer USA som verdens førende leder(Blogger: The Fog Of War - American Psycho 9II - En sønderlemmende kritik af Fogh fra selveste Oliver Stone: "..Han (Fogh, red.) skulle tænke over historien. Irak-krigen, de 3,5 millioner i Vietnam som blev dræbt, samt række militære aktioner af USA. Tæller man alle de døde, har det virkelig været en tredje verdenskrig.USA har i årtier været aggressor i lande over hele kloden, og ikke en eneste af dem kan ifølge instruktøren retfærdiggøres.." Ledende politikere, underordnede, embedsværket i ministeriet og iagttagere fra hans tid som skatteminister (»rædselsregimet«) var så træt af Fogh, at de så at sige smed ham under bussen....Han var helt nådesløs og skabte et rent rædselsregime. Han gjorde sig så forhadt med sine holdninger til skattesystemet og embedsmandsværket. Han havde en karakteristik af folk som uduelige. I hans verden var Skatteministeriet en socialdemokratisk blodsugningsmaskine inficeret af Robin Hood-typer, der ikke ville rette en skude, som havde sejlet samme vej i 40 år. Eneste fedterøve er Per Stig Møller samt Jens Rohde (R) og andre anonyme kilder, der er smurt ind i lort til knæhaserne af hemmelighedskræmmeri, fordækt dagsorden samt overlevelsesstrategi af begejsteret americanisme, at de brækker sig ved tanken om de kan risikere Deres job, hvis de fortæller befolkningen, sandheden...Fogh virkede troværdig, når han barberede sig og ikke smilede for bredt. Ifølge flere kilder er han en perfektionistisk egenrådig stivstikker, som hader folk, der ikke ligner ham selv. Han plukker sine øjenbryn og farver sit hår. På Christiansborg var han accepteret, men ikke vellidt. Den italienske premierminister Silvio Berlusconi har sagt, at »hvis min kone skal være mig utro, så skal det være med Anders Fogh Rasmussen«...Er Fogh en American Psycho aka »Der er intet at komme efter« eller er han i virkeligheden bange for at blive dømt som krigsforbryder? Siden Oliver Stone's film "JFK" blev Pia Kjærsgaard klippet ind i en dansk kopi som hed: "AFR" - Pia - "Jeg er uden at være spurgt blevet aktør i filmen ”AFR – i sandhed en stor løgn”, der får danmarkspremiere i et par danske biografer om få dage (2007). Filmen handler om et mord på statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, der da heldigvis stadig er spillevende! Et mord, der begås af Anders Foghs mandlige elsker – i filmen er statsministeren nemlig bøsse" .."..Søren Søndergaard indleder sin lille birolle med ordene: »Altså, jeg synes, han var en nar. Jeg synes, han var politisk ulækker..«.)


Medvirkende:Titel: "AFR"
Danmark 2007
Instruktion: Morten Hartz Kaplers
Manuskript: Morten Hartz Kaplers og Allan Milter Jakobsen
Udlejning: Filmfolket
Længde: 85 minutter
Medierådets vurdering: Tilladt for børn over 11 år
Emil: Morten Hartz Kaplers
Herudover medvirker en række ikke-navngivne skuespillere samt bl.a. Pia Kjærsgaard, Helge Adam Møller, Holger K. Nielsen, Naser Khader, Søren Søndergaard m.fl.

Søren Søndergaard indleder sin lille birolle med ordene:
»Altså, jeg synes, han var en nar. Jeg synes, han var politisk ulækker ...«.

The Dollar Vigilante | Surviving & Prospering During and After The Dollar Collapse (Økonomisk Ugebrev: Nedtur fortsætter i DeutscheBank,tæt på smertegrænsen 10 DM | Er Deutsche Bank ved at blive den næste "Lehman Brothers"..)

Ny afslørende forskning: Alvorlige bivirkninger forsvinder i forsøgsdata!!!!(Endelig tør de danske medier tage affære mod Big-Pharma-kontrollerede medicinske-industrielle kompleks?"...Nyt studie afslører, at alvorlige bivirkninger som død og selvmord ikke kommer med, når medicinalvirksomheder publicerer forsøg. En praksis, der kan være fatal for patienterne..")

Af Cordelia Weber / Jeppe Findalen - 27/09-16 04:00

Når medicinalvirksomheder publicerer forsøg med deres lægemidler, forsvinder halvdelen af de bivirkninger, som fremgår af upubliceret data.

Det viser en ny undersøgelse af 28 studier af lægemidler, hvor forskere har sammenlignet publicerede og upubliceret data fra medicinalindustrien.

Medforfatter til undersøgelsen, der er publiceret i det videnskabelige tidsskrift PLOS Medicine, professor i medicin og farmakologi Yoon K. Loke, fortæller, at manglen på data betyder, at man kun har en begrænset viden om mulige skadevirkninger...

Læs videre:

Tre lægemiddelskandaler, der rystede verden Omniscan
Mindst 60 danskere døde eller blev invaliderede, efter de fik kontrastmidlet Omniscan i forbindelse med MR-undersøgelser i 90erne og 00erne. Midlet viste sig at kunne påføre patienter med svage nyrer den stærkt invaliderende og dødbringende sygdom NSF. Der er ingen behandling. BT kunne i 2011 afsløre, at virksomheden bag midlet havde lavet forsøg, der viste, at midlet kunne være giftigt, men den viden fik danske læger aldrig. På billedet ses nogle af ofrene for Omniscan-skandalen til samråd i Sundhedsudvalget.
Tre lægemiddelskandaler, der rystede verden Vioxx - Medicinalgiganten Merck trak i september 2004 det populære gigt-lægemiddel Vioxx tilbage på grund af bekymringer om, at midlet øgede risikoen for hjerteanfald og blodpropper. Tilbagetrækkelsen skete efter afsløringer om, at Merck havde tilbageholdt informationer om risikoen ved Vioxx fra læger og patienter i over fem år resulterende i mellem 88.000 og 140.000 alvorlige sager om hjerteproblemer. Kilder: Dagens Medicin,, New Scientist, New York Times. 
Tre lægemiddelskandaler, der rystede verden - Antidepressiv medicin
Til trods for at producenterne af antidepressiv medicin havde beviser for, at deres produkter ikke havde effekt på børn og unge, men førte til selvmordsadfærd, så hemmeligholdt virksomhederne deres viden. British Medical Journal afslørede sidste år, at producenten af det antidepressive middel Seroxat i 2001 lavede et studie, der viste, at deres medicin ikke havde nogen effekt på unge i alderen 12-18 år, og hver ottende udviklede selvmordstanker. De resultater blev skjult af producenten, og i Danmark har 3.057 unge under 18 år fået pillerne siden år 2000.

Message from James Gilliland - ECETI

ECETI News Sept. 2016

Here we go again more false flags in a last ditch effort to maintain the corrupt status quo. The powers that were are imploding. The Boston bombing, a complete botched false flag now has part two. Sandy Hook was also a complete failure unless you are a neutered zombie robot consumer believing the lame stream press; which unfortunately is the case for a lot of people. There is a saying, “You get the government you deserve.” If you are going to behave like ignorant sheep you create job security for the tyrants. There is an oath within most military and government enforcement agencies to protect and serve the people. Most take an oath to protect the constitution as well against enemies foreign and domestic. We need to walk our talk when it comes to foreign countries as well. I was given a refrigerator magnet showing a GI kicking a door in saying lets talk about freedom. We cannot operate in foreign countries in complete contradiction to the ideals America was founded on. Not to mention honoring international law.

The status quo has lost all sight of honor, integrity, the God given rights of all humanity succumbing to unbridled greed, power over others and in many cases genocide. We are talking about being governed by pathological liars, thieves, and murderers. We are talking about down right satanic, demonic and maniacal forces when you get down to the root of the matter. This is not conspiracy it is fact and the condition of humanity and the Earth bears testimony to this. With all the wars, man made diseases, tainted inoculations, cancerous chemicals in the food and water, extremely toxic chemtrails one has to ask how these inhumane things came to pass. Non humans do inhumane things.

Prepare for Change: You Are Being “Played” ("..So, what do the CABAL do to keep the General Public's Vibrations low? They have shootings which scare people into worrying. They bring in immigrants to take their jobs so that the general public stress over that issue. They put lead in their water, pollute the environment, threaten Martial Law, offer unsuitable candidates for president. They do everything they can to scare people into worry and fear to keep the vibration low preventing "Good - Working Out" things from happening..." - use your own discernment..)

The RV will happen when the "Working Out" Vibration is strong enough that it reaches the Tipping Point and goes.

Even though we in Dinarland think we are helping the RV go, we are being Played by CABAL tricks to keep it from going. You are being used and you don’t even know it. Here is how they are "Playing You" to keep the RV from happening. There are two main groups that are being manipulated, the Un-Aware General Public, and the Aware Dinarland.

How Negative or Positive Vibration Influence Events

The whole point is that there has to be a high Vibration of Working Out, to support and Cause the High Vibration Working Out RV Event. Simply stated: High Working Out Vibrations Create Working Out Events. On the other hand, increased NOT Working Out Vibrations prevent good things from happening (Not Supported) and instead create/cause bad (not working out) things to happen.

How "They" Play The Un-Aware General Public

Of course, the General Public has no Idea about the RV/NESARA that will change their lives for the better. This is a GREAT (Working Out) event that is "Pending" in their future. When will it happen for them? Simple, when the vibration of working out is strong enough to tip the scales toward starting the (Working Out) RV/NESARA event.
So, what do the CABAL do to keep the General Public's Vibrations low? They have shootings which scare people into worrying. They bring in immigrants to take their jobs so that the general public stress over that issue. They put lead in their water, pollute the environment, threaten Martial Law, offer unsuitable candidates for president. They do everything they can to scare people into worry and fear to keep the vibration low preventing "Good - Working Out" things from happening.
The Un-Aware General Public is being played just like a fiddle. Pluck this string and they are mad, pluck another string and they are afraid, and pluck another string and they worry that there will be war, or martial law or some other catastrophe.
However, there is a VERY HUGE benefit of all this manipulation of the General Public, for every pain, worry and sorrow, they wish for and hope for things to get better. This is creating a HUGE "Potential" working out vibration waiting to be activated. That is, when the RV/NESARA does happen, and they will realize that everything they ever hoped for is coming true, they will swing their vibrations to the working outside so fast and hard that everything good can start happening all at once. At that point, when you have the entire General Public move their vibration to the Working out, high vibration side, the CABAL are finished. there will be NO vibration support for their agenda.

How "They" Play Dinarland

It is easy to Play the General Public because they have no idea they are being played. They think that all these false flag events are real and everything on TV and in the news is real. But we in Dinarland know better. We know the game the CABAL plays with the sleeping Public, but, we are being played in a different way, and don’t even know it. Here is how.
Remember that the "Dividing Line" is between Working Out and NOT Working Out. They Play the sleeping public by using false flag events, for example, to get the General Public to believe things are not working out (Low Vibration). However, we think that we are smarter than that because we know that those events are staged and so we are not tricked or influenced to the Not Working Out Vibrations side.
Guess What? They know that play doesn’t work on you, so they use one that does. They infiltrate Dinarland with fake Dinarland members and they get you to think that things are not working out for you. They keep telling you that the RV/NESARA will not happen, or that it will be much later, or that the rates will be very low. That has kept you worried and stressed for a long time.... But times are changing.
While these "Plays" have been effective for a long time to keep Dinarland down in a not working out state of mind, their effectiveness is now dropping. We know the RV/NESARA is going to happen, and now we can tell that it will be happening very soon, and Dinarland knows to ask for the higher rates no matter what they have been told. This is causing the Working Out Vibration to rise up and get stronger and stronger. Frankly it is just about to go.... But, it hasn't. Why not?

The "Plays" That No Longer Work In Dinarland

US: Dairy industry murders 500,000 cows to keep milk prices high (DK: 30,000 jersey calves are killed annually in Denmark - Jersey calves is a waste product of milk production...)

Dairy industry murders 500,000 cows to keep milk prices high
Mike AdamsYou won't believe the cruelty of the dairy industry and how they murdered half a million cows just to prop up the prices of milk. That story is below...
Tonight the big presidential debate is on. Be sure to watch. As we approach election day, I ask all Natural News readers: Do you choose DEATH for America, or LIFE for our country?
P.S. Ty Bollinger's new book is about to be launched: The Truth About Cancer uncovers everything the cancer industry doesn't want you to know. Click here to get the book now.

By Samantha Debbie | Read the full story

Læs også: 30.000 jerseykalve bliver slået ihjel om året i Danmark

Simon Parkes Update (full notes summary) September 27, 2016 CET

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams......

Published on Sep 21, 2016

You can listen to the show here, it's only 62-minutes this week.

Highlights of some of the topics Simon covered: (Text in ochre are my comments)
  • Simon has (had, hopefully) kidney stones and requested for healing from listeners by visualising the stones being broken up
  • Acknowledges that it's a "demanding time for everybody"; he'll be taking a 2-week break
  • Hillary: it was a body double who emerged from Chelsea's apartment, and also out of the vehicle after the stumble; the one on the airplane is an un-souled clone, which is a significant development. (Simon had previously informed that Hillary hadn't consented to the clone receiving her Soul because she knows that it would be the end for her.)
  • The following potential was discussed at high levels ~ the world would be told of Hillary's  ill-health, which would mean she won't be fit to run. Since there's insufficient time to appoint a replacement, the election would be postponed and Obama would stay on a bit longer. The status quo political arm are determined to keep Trump out, because he's backed by the military
  • Norad's old Cheyenne underground base was fitted to protect against very real possibility of EMP pulses
  • White beams from ships are non-disruptive scanners; red are X-ray-like; very light blue/violet are tractor beams; blue beams bathe groups to mind-blank them eg in UFO sightings. Many beams are used to perform analysis or create stable portals
  • 10 Eton students held private talks with Putin at end August, this is not the first time such a thing has taken place, it's quite normal for potential leaders who usually come from Cambridge, Oxford, Eton
  • Explosions at certain locations are like "drip-drip" exercises to build peoples' minds to expect the big agenda for terrorism
  • Chipping is still on the agenda because it's cheapest and easiest. May be done through Fake Alien Invasion agenda by showing aliens who look like your next-door neighbours, therefore people have to be chipped so that they can be scanned to verify that they are human. Chipping could be carried out through threat of major virus outbreak.

NASA Update - 'There may be ALIENS on Europa' Scientists say Jupiter's moon has key ingredients for LIFE (Blogger: But, NASA will never ever conlude or confirm directly found of alien life and benevolent galactic civilizations, but we all know, they exist... Both N.A.S.A./CIA 70 (seventy) years of coverup on UFO, SSP, teleportation and inhabited planets elsewhere in the multiple universes or multiverse... please remember - it's all about frequency - everybody is making a choice about what they choose what they believe and what they choose to create....)

Composite image of Europa superimposed on Hubble data


SCIENTISTS have tonight said there could be life in space after discovering evidence of a huge ocean and surface water on Europa.

The space agency announced that the Hubble Telescope has discovered evidence of possible water plumes on the freezing moon, which is one of Jupiter's largest.

Excited boffins said there is also evidence of some surface water on its icy surfaces and added that they also had found evidence of a sea on another of the gas giant's smaller moons, called Enceladus.

The jaw-dropping dual announcement will raise the hopes of those who believe that alien life could exist in our solar system.

Revealing the stunning find Paul Hertz, director of the Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said: “For a long time humanity has been wondering whether there’s life beyond earth and we’re lucky to live in an era where we can address questions like that scientifically.

“On earth life is found wherever there’s energy water and nutrients, so we are interested in anywhere which shares these characteristics. Europa might be such a place.”

He added: “Today’s events increase our confidence that water and other materials from Europa’s hidden ocean might be on the surface of Europa and able for us to land and study without digging through those miles of ice.”
NASA is set to make a historic announcement about Europa
The view of Jupiter from Europa

Most-read: 3rd Party Jill Stein responds to Clinton-Trump duel livetime (Blogger: As i stated many times, Clinton-Trump will never ever be inaugurated as presidents in the White House...)
Barred from participating in the Clinton-Trump showdown at New York’s Hofstra University, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein fights back with her own livestream Q&A contribution to the debate on social media.

In answer to a debate question how to achieve prosperity, Stein said Clinton approved of NAFTA, which was signed into law by her husband, then president, Bill Clinton.

She said everything that Donald Trump markets is an off-shored manufactured item.

“So Donald Trump knows all about it. In fact he advised that people to close their factories and move somewhere and then impose low wages on the workers,” said Stein with more than 7,000 watchers on her livestream.

“We are calling for the antidote to NAFTA. The Green New Deal, investing in people, 20 million living wage jobs that will transition us to 100 percent clean energy," said Stein.”…[Restoring] our ecosystem, turning the tide on climate change, revives our health, that alone is enough.”

READ MORE: Jill Stein escorted by police away from Clinton-Trump, plans debate fightback via livestream Q&A

With over 9,000 viewers online, Stein said the policies that led to the Wall Street crisis, and the consequence of predatory lending and predatory student loans, were a result of deregulation brought to us by then president Bill Clinton, with the support of Hillary Clinton. Clinton is a friend of the big banks, too, said Stein.

Goldman Sachs are under heavy attack in three continents. Goldman Sachs and their evil empire is going down. What will happen to their minion banks like Nordea after the epic shitstorms in the past years? Nordea has gone 104 image seats down the ladder. Nordea Bank AB, commonly referred to as Nordea, is a Swedish financial services group. Biggest in the Nordic countries... Just, again, awarded as best bank by Euromoney 2016.. However, Nordea's CEO, and acc. to LinkedIn: The CEO from Nordea - Casper von Koskull - was former Managing Director and Partner of Goldman Sachs and Managing Director, Nordic Investment Banking of UBS. Just an observation. Golden Slacks (Goldman Sachs nickname) and UBS as major players and inner cicle of the global Rothschild's private banking Cartel. Both GSG, UBS global international banks has several confirmed tax fraud and money laundering charges, like Malaysia 1MDB Scandal, that US Investigators is probing Goldman Sachs. Dong Energy’s debut sparks outrage in Denmark over Goldman windfall, however Goldman Sachs is ready to invest more in Denmark. Does Rotschild's and their gangster minions like Goldman Sachs Group owns Denmark now? Where does Nordea fits in this obedience and greedy new world order? And that's NOT all acc. to Benjamin Fulford's latest intel regarding Goldman Sachs....[READ MORE])


Excerpts from Sept 26, 2016 Report: .... In any case, their financial fronts like Goldman Sachs are under heavy attack in three continents.

In Asia, a boycott of deals has forced Goldman to lay off 30% of its bankers there. There is also a move to force the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller mafia to hand back the shares of Japanese listed companies they extorted from Japan. Japan is going to get Russian backing for this move, CIA sources in Asia say. According to them a peace deal has already been finalized with Russia over 4 disputed Islands. In this deal, Japan will get the two Southernmost Islands returned. After that, a strong Japanese, Russian military and commercial alliance is expected to emerge, the sources say.

This will be officially announced when Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Japan on December 15th, they say.

In Europe, meanwhile, ex-Goldman economist Jim O’Neill was forced to resign from his job as UK Treasury minister. In the EU former EU commission chief Jose Barroso is under investigation for suddenly quitting his job and joining Goldman Sachs.

The Goldman backed firm Uber and the Bush drug money launderer Bank of America are also being hit by revelations their adviser, former EU Commissioner Neelie Croes, was involved in shady Bahamas deals while in office.

In the US too ex-Goldman employee billionaires running hedge funds like Leon Cooperman of Omega advisors and Dan Och from Och-Ziff Capital Management are under investigation.


End of excerpts.. the hole story .....

Benjamin Fulford FULL Update - Sept 26, 2016 CET (※Weekly geo-political news and analysis) (excerpts: "...massive funding would be made available for.........setting up a future planning agency. The agency’s initial job would be to oversee the continued clean-up of the Khazarian gangster filth who have ruined the United States and caused so much misery in places like the Middle East and the Ukraine. It was agreed the agency would eventually have an annual budget worth trillions of dollars to finance massive projects to replenish the oceans with fish, turn the deserts green, upgrade world infrastructure, explore the universe and more...The Chinese military are offering vast sums of gold to back up this agency, while certain Asian royals are offering usable cash dollars to go with this gold. The problem now being worked on is figuring out is if these dollars are being laundered through the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller mafia or not. CIA and Mossad sources are saying the US dollar will continue after September 30th but....[READ MORE - FULL UPDATE- Included Video by Lord James of Blackheath $15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO FRAUD EXPOSED])

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier. 

Major world power struggles and changes due in October

Udgivet af Benjamin den 26. September 2016

Multiple, reliable sources inside the world’s intelligence agencies and secret societies are predicting major changes in the world’s power structure in October. The struggle is centering on who will control the United States and its military industrial complex, the sources agree.

CIA and Pentagon sources are now both saying neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump will become the next president of the United States. However, they disagree on who will become president, showing that the issue is still up for grabs.

US based CIA sources are still insisting Vice President Joe Biden will become President only to be quickly replaced by VP candidate Tim Kaine. These sources are also saying there is a faction pushing to have Michelle Obama become President thus de-facto prolonging the Obama Presidency.

However, Pentagon sources say a Biden Presidency “would be a disaster.” They are saying that instead “The October surprise may have the Republic restored and new candidates for President like speaker Paul Ryan (R) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (Dem), who gained national profile for publically flogging Wells Fargo CEO.”

The White Dragon Society, for its part, is recommending that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau head a North American Union. When the US and Canada parted ways in 1776, the Americans opted for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” while the Canadians promoted the more prosaic “good government.”

The institutions of the United States are now so corrupted it may well take friendly outsiders like the Canadians to clean them up. It is also worth noting that Scotland only became part of England because a Scottish king ended up ruling both, so having a Canadian rule the US would have a similar result in the long term. Also a United States of North America would have a population of 475 million and would thus be a much stronger entity. Absorbing the 122 million relatively poor Mexicans would be the main drawback to this proposal but at the same time, these Mexicans would help North American industry compete with the Asians.

These topics came up during negotiations between WDS representatives, CIA white hats and Asian secret society plus Chinese government representatives last weekend. The talks went very well.

It was agreed between the Chinese government and the CIA that massive funding would be made available for........

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author) 