Feb 26, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (The Masonry Cult Danish Broadcasting Corporation airing US Naval Victory 1976 Midway movie to bring out the US heroes!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: There is no coincidence in this world... All warfare is based on deception (Sun tzu)... Let me be very very clear since I (could) have a lot of haters right now - SoTW - do not promote ANY wars and ANY conflicts that takes ANY lives, soldiers or civilians. I was once a soldier, but luckily NEVER been into any wars! I stand by Ukrainians and Russians, or any nation to defend their civil rights to choose their elected leaders and own constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. HOWEVER, most of us can't grasp the idea, that US Government perpetrated the 2014 Coup in Ukraine. Putin actions go against the universal Laws of Justice, yes, I agree, but I strongly believe, it's a Military strategy gameplay, to liberate us from some of the most evil Cabal strongholds, world's BSL4 labs and reptilian entities, lack of a better word. Harming ANY living being is NOT of the LIGHT. And it's great there's overwhelming global opposition to his (invasion) 'special military operation'. For that means, people are good hearted, but it's NOT okay to turn their anger on the Russians. Kiev has been a part of Russia since 1667. That’s 500 years! Kiev (Ukraine) only “declared independence” in 2014 when the Cabal stole it from Russia! It’s presented in The West as having been a ‘revolution’ instead of a coup; but whatever it was, it certainly generated the ‘new Cold War’ (the economic sanctions and NATO buildup on Russia’s borders); and, to know whether it was a coup, or instead a revolution, is to know what actually started the ‘new Cold War’, and why. So, this is historically very important! Since there is NO alternative outcome, to get a loving world of peace and collaboration back, as I see it!. This is our New Earth and NOT relive WW2 or a New WW3. The field is pulsing alive soon, nobody can reenter the 3D matrix that is soon ancient history!. To regain our freedom we must FORCELY take it back, so it seems, even if SoTW is against it. I told you once, the Cabal will fight to the death to remain in power, as long as possible!. Remember everything that was in place to take down "President" Trump or Putin and all of the little people were also the same things that were needed to take down the Cabal, should White hats decide to turn the tables! THAT is what we are seeing now! Of course I could be wrong and perhaps I will never see my sister and her boyfriend, who is as frustrated and furiated at me and the Russians! GOOD! Finally people are waking up and getting on their feet to fight the inner fight, please do so, but don't point fingers at something you do not understand. Namaste... |

PS: Thanks to my Holistic ND for sharing is caring about the movie being showed today at DR

The Danish propaganda machinery are promoting the USA or Ukrainians heroes, comparing Russians to Japanese AKA Tangoes, Bogeys and Bandits. The Danish DR baby-sister to BBC copycat MSM media are claiming Putin's "invasion" is about to fail and can quickly change to Ukraine advances. 'Russia has underestimated Ukraine's battle will, with high casualties, tactical errors and hard Ukrainian resistance. According to a count made by the Russian OVD info, then 2,692 people have been arrested with the demonstrations since the war broke out in Ukraine, reported by The Guardian. In a desperate Cabal move, Germany contradicts it's own neutrality and sends missiles and armored weapons to Ukraine while Russian ship seized by French authorities... 

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