Dec 30, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 (400,000 AOA Lightworkers / Warriors) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟The Best Is Yet To Come—To Heal Our Past Wounds, Age of Aquarius meditation on December 21st! ~ galaxy7777🌟] ... btw, that's my twin soul flame, or intense soul connection other half, trying to locate and connect with me, from the Ashtar Command Galactic Pleiadian Mothership😏... |

👑👸🦸‍♀️ ~ (Matriark Ledelse: »Bevarelse At Sumpen«) Danmarks statsoverhoved er H.M. Dronning Margrethe 2. Har dog delt verden og Coronakagen med den danske kvindelige politiske tronfølge og Coronadroningen over alle, Landsmoder Mette-mus (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Her bestemmer Dronning Mette mor! Klanens moder, matriarken, bliver betragtet som det verdslige sidestykke til jordgudinden Dronning Elizabeth II, der har ejendomsretten til ca. 6,6 milliarder hektar jord over hele verden - Mette-Mor - er samfundets vigtigste person, dets leder, ypperstepræstinde og administrator af klanens ejendom og værdier ~ SoTW👈] ... Lidt sjov må man da lov at have for fanden da - lad nu vær med at blive sur!.. For nogle, er disse kvindelige udgaver, heltinder, for andre, det stik modsatte... SoTW er ikke indehaver af disse memes, FB opslag og billeder, men er medlem af flere grupper, også blandt de 100.000 som samler sig i protestgruppe mod @Stoejberggate. Inger Støjberg er så emotionel skadet af at være frontfigur på Borgen, og ægte fullblown narcissist, har nemlig siden barnsben tunet sine tricks, som Teflon-pander, skyer olie og vand. Hunulven, ligesom Mette-mor, kan IKKE se egne fejl, det er blot os andre, som er nogle idioter. Og snart tager Inger, et tigerspring over i et andet parti, som endda er mere, »fremmedhadske«... Et eller andet sted ønsker vi vel fred og retfærdighed for, ALLE, mennesker!... Men mange danskere er født til at opfatte verden anderledes, er blevet racistiske, kyniske og fremmedhadet er blevet så almindeligt, at vi ikke bemærker det... Alle har rettigheder, også dem, med anden hudfarve, religion og etnicitet, så længe alle overholder landets love og ikke er vokset op med ekstremisme og terrorisme m.m... Vi må også tolerere, dem, som lever i »Sumpen«, lidt endnu, indtil kærlige energier, den spirituelle udredningsprocessen og retraumatisering, kan påbegynde... Men sjovt nok tror man fejlagtigt, at mandlige toppolitikere er mere farlige, end kvindelige udgaver... Alle disse mandlige og kvindelige udgaver af narkopater (narcissistiske sociopater) og Dronninger og Konger af dansk politik, embedsværk samt centraladministration, sigter alle mod samme mål og demokratiet taber på alle regeringers »magtfuldkommenhed«... Og nye skandaler kan forventes at tage udgangspunkt i dødssynder som griskhed, ladhed og nydelsessyge... |

Eksperter med dyster melding: Forvent restriktioner i månedsvis i 2021

⚠️💯😮 ~ (it's never going away) THIS IS WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR YOU IN 2025 TO 2028! WELCOME TO YOUR FUTURE! (Diana Lenska) ~ | Blogger: thanks to James Gilliland ECETI Ranch for sharing is caring... |

THIS IS WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR YOU IN 2025 TO 2028! WELCOME TO YOUR FUTURE Share this video on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. Contact for a copy of the 89 page report.

🤖🕺🤯 ~ (Dancing Killer Dogs & Humanoid like robots) 'We've learned nothing from sci-fi movies': Boston Dynamics' advanced dancing robots both amuse & scare (RT) ~ | Blogger: [👉Do You Love Me?... Wauv! You need to watch this... at home.. Under lockdown... And protected!👈] ... PS: Here at verdensalt, i'll always been fascinated with the notion that super-advanced military SSP application 80 light-years ahead of its earthly competitors exist, perhaps because of my host-dad injected some trauma in my mind, waaay back in the late 80s first trip to U.S.A. as foreign exchange student, was awesome. Best trip ever and been there many times since then, talking to military contractors, spiritual leaders, conferences and what have you... Well, my first host dad freaked me out though, back in 1988, he claimed to work as security detail or security contractors to NASA or 3-letter agency, advanced robotics division, hard to remember. When he told me about the stuff he saw with his own eyes on advanced robotics, military secrets, i couldn't believe it. I was 18 years old and he actually scared the bejesus outta me...Sooo, i'm a eccentric or odd person?. A kook, nutbag, nutter, odd duck, wacko, weirdo?... Maybe, but I do beleive classified UFO program that involved a clandestine corporate effort to reverse engineering a retrieved extraterrestrial spacecraft back in 1947 resulted into a military space agency, that's beyond our wildest dreams, bigger than Star Trek & Star Wars - all together... The military has always been at the cutting edge of technology, and years or decades before, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, are able to buy it at a store, and many time never-ever been cleared, to the public. Just image how advanced robotics could be, if a even more secret organisation, MIC-SSP, has develop out-of-this-world unimaginable A.I. systems, just under 100 years time (ago)... |


American robotics company Boston Dynamics released a video showing off its collection of robots dancing to The Contours' 'Do You Love Me'. But the reactions from the public were quite mixed.

The video – which showed off two robot humanoids, one robot dog-like creature with an extendable snake head, and a tall robot on two wheels doing a group dance – went viral on social media, with users both praising and condemning the robotic advancements.[READ MORE]

⏰💊🥰 ~ (SITUATION UPDATE PODCAST) Dec. 29th – Extensive evidence of foreign interference in the US election is now surfacing (NN) ~ | Blogger. Guys, it's NOT only about The Dominion Voting system, owned and controlled by foreign entities, like Germany, Barcelona, Serbia, and Canada and Trump's fight to the death over Deep State, which is vital on it's own, to how the world is gonna be like, in 2021, no, no, no!... Mike Adams, also talk about a man, who dies in Israel hours after first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Everyone in the world dies (of) CV-19, actually dies (with) CV-19, but authorities claims, the 75-year-old man with serious health problems, dies (with) the vaccine!... Now, News outlets reported that the Nashville bomber died of COVID-19, so Mike is laughing, because, now of days, if you blow yourself up, it's due to the fact, you are infected with Corona... Asymptomatic spread is FALSE - it doesn't exist - so FACEMASK, is pointless... And that is just the beginning og Mike's podcast... PS: Also today, check the Natural News for lots of news on preventing the covid pandemic, Fauci lies about herd immunity, how US corporations are actually owned by communist China, and much more... |

Extensive evidence of foreign interference about to blow wide open
Mike Adams

Over the next few days, a flurry of evidence showing foreign interference in the US election going public. This "game changer" evidence will sway the votes of members of Congress on January 6th and reveal that the election was actually an act of cyber warfare, plotted by foreign aggressors.

In other words, the election rigging was an act of war.

In today's Situation Update, I reveal the full details and describe what happens on January 6th and the days following.

Listen to the full podcast here.

(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update for Dec. 29th covers the new outpouring of extensive evidence of foreign interference in the US election.

The November 3rd election, it turns out, was actually an act of cyber warfare initiated by foreign aggressors against the United States. That’s why the election outcome is null and void and will eventually be halted.

As Creative Destruction Media reports, Dominion voting machines sent ballots for adjudication to at least four countries on election night and over subsequent days:
  • The Dominion Voting system is owned and controlled by foreign entities. We lose control of the data when it goes to a foreign country.
  • The electronic information went to Germany, Barcelona, Serbia, and Canada.
  • Dominion Voting Systems and related companies are owned or heavily controlled and influenced by foreign agents, countries, and interests. The forensic report prepared by experts found that “the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.
  • The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors…The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud.”
  • The report found the election management system to be wrought with unacceptable and unlawful vulnerabilities—including access to the internet— probable cause to find evidence of fraud, and numerous malicious actions.
  • Dominion and Smartmatic share a physical address in Barbados despite their insistence that there is no relationship between the companies. They also have a mutual non- compete agreement.
  • Hootan Yaghoobzadeh is the CEO and Chairman of Staple Street Capital, which is the entity that owns Dominion. Hootan Yaghoobzadeh was a close confidant to Sadaam Hussein and worked for the Saudi Bin Laden group.
  • Kavtech is a Pakistan based Business Intelligence firm with ties to the Pakistani intelligence ISI. The Co-Founder Waqas Butt is cc’d on emails containing personally identifiable voter information from the Nevada Secretary of State. The lead data scientist named Bilal Khan Nawabzada tweets directly to ISI.

🕉️ ~ 💗 (The best is yet to come) NEW COBRA UPDATE: Age of Aquarius Activation Report 💕~ | Blogger: [✨"Mass-medi and 400K under AOAFA reached the critical mass. Dec 21st 2020, a very strong pulse of pure galactic Love energy has reached the surface of the planet from M 87 galaxy. Instantly removing about 10% of all remaining primary anomaly that is accumulated close to the surface. Many traumatic events were erased from the energy fields of certain Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, and huge healing of the heart took place. The Light Forces have also managed to anchor pure Light on the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996." ~ Cobra✨] ... LOOOOOVE HAS WON!!!... {meme: After 12.21 mediation has succeeded we'll go there to start destroying the MATRIX} ... So be it and so it is!... This long Cobra update will explain it all with links and booklets... Victory of the Light!... PS: Most people are not aware that communism is a Jesuit creation... |


Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Age of Aquarius Activation Report

Our activation was a huge success, we have reached the critical mass many times over with about 400,000 people participating in the meditation.

The meditation sent a strong flash of energy into the planetary energy grid, with tectonic plates reacting and volcanoes erupting:

Exactly at 6:22 pm UTC on December 21st, a very strong pulse of pure galactic Love energy has reached the surface of the planet from M 87 galaxy. The pulse lasted for about 10-15 seconds, but it was strong enough to instantly remove about 10% of all remaining primary anomaly that is accumulated close to the surface.