Aug 26, 2021
😮✈️📙 ~ (Dude, you are not gonna freaking BELIEVE this - undeniable proof of a White Hat sting FF ops inflatable prop!?!) FAKE PLANE FLAT OUT TRUTH (MIRRORED) (LindaB2) ~ | Blogger: [🤜As we speak: Pentagon confirms EXPLOSION outside airport in Afghanistan's capital. 2 blast reported and 13 killed after French envoy warns civilians to leave area 'urgently' - so they claim🤛] ... O-M-G! WHAT THE F*... More details below or inside Miss Nyla Nguyen's update... Nothing can beat this - it's hilarious (with all due respect)... SoTW used to serve in The Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) as Military Police K9-unit and we used to go back and forth Air Base Karup & Vaerlose air base (danish: Flyvestation Værløse, ICAO: EKVL) in a Lockheed C-130 Hercules and the Kabul US C-17 seems to be a dummy.. As you know, the military used inflatable Army to help D-Day to succeed and much more. The inflatable decoy dummy tank weapons of mass deception has been used since WWI, perhaps before that time.. SoTW has already speculated on the blog, a what if... scenario... supported by AmazingPolly the fakery of Afghans running alongside U.S. military plane at Kabul Airport.. Here is more proof.. Could it be, the US C-17 swarmed by Afghans (crisis-actors) in video, are inflatable in a 'false flag' operation? If so, this is the best proof so far (so good) - bad joke, but, my eyes are NOT deceiving me... Where is the engines and windows, where is the wheel, check out the nose of the plane, compare sizes and look at the markings for god sake and the "MAGA Hat" and ankle cuffs at First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, leaning on the "wrong" foot and China Joe's fake pre-recorded inauguration... check it out... |
🙏 ~ 💝 (Read It and Weep:' The End Of The Coronavirus'...) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Kryon 2021 - Dissolve Your Karma. You don't need it🌟] ... Thanks to my Danish holistic ND for sharing is caring. We have often talked about enrolling one of Lee Carroll sessions (channeling Kryon) in EU, then came the Plan[Demic] lockdowns, but we can still read and listen to his messages online.. I encourage you to read Maria Chambers message below about the virus, that has become politicized, people have become polarized, and it's job is to clear out stuck energies, and its job is nearly done.. Also, or/and listen to the latest teachers transmission. At the video transmission 31 minute marker, Kyron, presented as an entity from the "magnetic service", who supposedly is responsible for reconstruction of the magnetic grid of the Earth, will talk about the paradigm shift taking place one our planet Earth, and invites you to take A Power, you didn't have before... |
The End Of The Coronavirus...
⛓🔗🔒 ~ ('Frihed er godt. Kontrol er bedre') Diktator-commie Magt-Mette-Makrel's SmartCity Frimurerlogen Cimbria Aalborg er faldet sammen med sygeplejerskerne. "Corona-Lone" og "Elite-gynækologen" er kørt med De Blå VakkZinevogne for at stikke alle unge i NJ, målet er flere DNA-HPV-stik samt CO_Vanvid. mIS/c-bivirkninger ses nu hos børn efter de farlige vakkZinestik (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Tidl. læge, Stig Gerde; "Jeg tror, det er selvfølgelig ikke noget jeg ved, at HPV-vaccinen, er en forløber til COVID"🤛] ... 🤦 ('En svinestreg') - Jeg fik sgu ret, eller rettere, min egen 50 års erfarne ledende sygeplejerskemor, fik ret. Den klassiske lønkamp er tabt? De får en bitte bid, som de stemte nej til, i første omgang, regeringen 'lovede' at holde fingrene væk, men ligesom DNC-Guzzi-Helle's ulovlige indgreb og Danmarksstørste lockout på 69.000 lærere, er det nu SLUT! De kan jo takke Deres egen formand, ja hende, Ukonkrete-Grethe, som har opslugt den 'ekstra' sygeplejerskensløn, eftersom hun tog på USA-rejse til 2.5 millioner kroner sammen med sin næstformand - og Villy Sleep Valley og andre politikere (plumrådden).. 💰Nu vel, de vigtigere grupper er naturligvis og har altid været, skolelærerne (politifolk m.v.) som får rigeligt med smør40 i forvejen (de indoktrinerer jo også børn - mere vigtigt end at redde liv😉)... 👑Min mor har desuden også sagt, og er 100% overbevist, efter at have snakket med ledende medarbejdere på Rigshospitalet, dengang hvor prinsgemalen var indlagt, at han havde en dødelig lungesygdom, som man kun ser hos homoseksuelle og rygterne har svirret, lige-så-længe jeg kan huske om Henrik og Jokkes hemmelige udfoldelser... 🤗Nåmen, Krammeterapeuten Per Brændgaard, er dømt i ny sag, for at kalde DSB-ansatte, for "fascister", fordi han nægtede at tage mundbind på. Så kan han jo stille sig op i rækken af antastede, sigtede og dømte, efter, dukkeafbrændingen, som lige har vundet og ikke bliver sigtet efter paragraf 113.. 🏋️Desuden er en anden mand, Lars G, blev forfulgt i 3 dage, af Syd- og Sønderjyllands Politi, og 6 betjente... [LÆS VIDERE] ...PS: 🙏Det ENESTE vi almindelige mennesker kan gøre er, at afvente. Vente og vente, på ét af de største spirituelle paradigmeskifte i verdenshistorien i 2021.. |
Hvorfor blev 47 piger, der har det fællestræk, at de er blevet MEGET MEGET syge efter at være blevet vaxxineret for HPV i 2015 og indtil dato?
Min mor har nogle gamle sygeplejerske-veninder og har lige været til reunion-møde i Aug 2021 og der blev det sagt, fordi, Danmark, men ikke resten af Norden, havde tilført et "ukendt" tilsætningsstof, som langt om længe, er bortskaffet, igen... Kan fortælle om flere sindssyge ting, min mor lige har fortalt mig, men venter... | Undersøger 'sjælden betændelsestilstand' hos vaccineret 17-årig | |
🙏 ~ 💝 (New Nyla Nguyen Update: 'The Perfect STORM to breakup the FDA') INDICTMENT OF ANTONY FAUCI, GERMANY AND DENMARK LIFTING RESTRICTIONS, FDA APPROVING CLOT SHOT, TRUDE (3D to 5D Consciousness) ~ | Blogger: Wrong "data" from Denmark, Nyla??? (15 minute marker).. SoTW do like the Canadian Nyla Nguyen, online personal trainer, fitness model/competitor, and an entrepreneur, because she seems to be no (spiritual) bullshitter! She will not lure you in her spiritual enterprise with heavy fees, for her, telling the (truth)... That said, I'm not sure I agree with Nyla Nguyen about Denmark, Germany & Singapore, as she mention. Yes, Romania, is AWESOME, almost all of the vakkZine-centers is gone, with only 42% vaxxinated (9M out of 19M citizens).. HOWEVER, the Danish govt is still pushing V-E-R-Y hard to get all vaxxed until 90% of the population, is fully vaxxinated - right now it's 80%. And today, they are trying to force, youngsters, both to get their HPV-jab and COVID, by sending out special teams, at different places around the country at schools and institutions with Drop-in clinics.. Nyla, was right about Denmark are "discussing" the panic-laws that was created in 2020 (unprecedented draconian illegal legislation) about, getting Corona virus from "List A" (For general dangerous diseases) to "List B" (For other infectious diseases) - basically a flu or cold. And yes it's true, lesser COVID measures in DK, lesser test centers, and facemasks and visor are fully phased out on September 1, 2021 -- buuutt - we ARE NOT out of the woods yet... |
🕉️ ~ ✨ (NEW COBRA UPDATE) Hold the Light (Cobra2012) ~ | Blogger: [🤜"August 30th is set as a trigger date to start a global revolution by certain groups." ~ Cobra RM🤛] ... The most hardcore Cobra RM 'occultist' or "I belong to a cult," still hangs on to these news reports, like, glue. And please continue to do so, if all the intel, resonate with you... For me at SoTW, on the other hand, I would compare these reports, to Benjamin Fulford’s reports, reading them, should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment... SoTW has NOT been in Cobra's organization as Deep Discipleship, but once very engaged in the inner circle, but no more, since 2018... |
Non-physical dark forces are using their scalar technologies and entity possession to keep the surface population in a state of fear and induced mass psychosis:
This fear is like a cloud around the planetary surface and even most of the Lightworkers have succumbed to it.
Light Forces have communicated that it is of the utmost importance to go within, connect with the Light and hold the Light no matter what happens in the outside world in the next few weeks and months. If enough people hold the Light, this will ensure the most positive possible outcome in the current challenging situation.
👩🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: 2060 Star Trek Future) THESE 7 “STAR TREK” TECHNOLOGIES MAY SOON BECOME REALITY (The Debrief) ~ | Blogger: IF, the Solar Warden was build on Star Trek models... I personally believe, and has nothing to do with Dr Salla or this article, The Solar Warden armada, has more Dreadnought-class Fleet Carrier-Command Battleship or the Invincible-class - the single largest multi-mission combat-equipped starship ever constructed by Starfleet. Rather than, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701 Enterprise-D or E) for combat, alone... If it's true, and I personally still think it's a least, durable, that 5 major SSP factions exist in our Milky Way Universe, and furthest reaches of uncharted space, cruising and meeting and trading with new civilizations for at least 40 years or more... The long, strange journey of military might 'Gung-Ho' attitude would not have build USS starship for space to go exploring the Stars and think, all ET's, was friendly... I'm sure, if you can imagine, there's a HU-man made Solar Warden Armada, operating in SPACE, where no eyes are aiming at, like, lets say, USSS Lemay or USSS Hillenkoetter, "USSS" coming from the "United States Space Ship," the US Space Shuttle, they MUST have some kind of Warp Drive to maneuver these MASSIVE spaceships. The Secret Space Program Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named 'Solar Warden' has been in operation unknown to the public. SoTW have not talked to McKinnon about his, but others, like T.L. KELLER, seen his presentations and William Mills Tompkins and the “Heavy Transport” Sketch (1954) - USSS Hillenkoetter and USSS LeMay. Studied U.F.O.'s in the sky over Mt. Shasta with James Gilliland and in Sedona, UFO and Stargazing Night Tour, with exclusive $5000 military night vision, I'm convinced, that offworld MIC-SSP factions beneficiaries from all major countries on Earth, has been involved in the biggest cover-up, in space history... 'I Want To Believe', but you be the judge... |
When the iconic science fiction television show Star Trek first premiered in 1966, humanity had yet to walk on the moon, and things like cell phones and the internet were still decades away from becoming more or less ubiquitous.
Still, the groundbreaking show, which evolved into numerous movies and follow-up series, not to mention an entire cult following of dedicated fans, also featured an array of futuristic weapons, ships, and devices to go along with the countless habitable worlds explored by the starship U.S.S. Enterprise and its intrepid crew. This included things like Photon Torpedoes, Food Replicators, Warp Drives, Phasers, Life Sign Detectors, Tractor Beams, Transporters, and even a Universal Translator, all of which added to the forward-looking and visionary aspect of the entire Star Trek universe.
In the nearly six decades since, a series of real-world scientific advancements have brought a number of those devices and technologies closer to reality, while some others like cell phones and talking computer interfaces are already part of our everyday 21st-century universe.
Here, we look at seven of those technologies that may one day move from fiction to reality.
👽🖖🌌 ~ ('We have a spectrum of ET races living on Earth. After multiple ET races nuclear wars or nuclear weapons' on Earth their pigmentation was altered. The Anunnaki played a major role in all of these issues') Alex Collier – Question and Answer Webinar 13 – August 20, 2021 – VOD (Alex Collier Official) 💕~ | Blogger: (SoTW) - Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts. etc. etc. etc... PS: Yes, SoTW has meet Alex IRL... |
bibliotecapleyades: (Excerpts) Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts. I got this note from someoneI have analyzed Alex Collier's information, had phone interviews with him, and also interverviewed him over a four day period in September 2005. I have witnessed some physical evidence he has provided to support his testimony. I have also spoken with a direct witness verifying various aspects of Alex's contact experiences. Alex has also revealed that he was the recipient of threats from shadow government agencies and abruptly chose to stop disseminating his information in 2000. Furthermore, Alex has give face to face interviews with veteran UFO researcher Paola Harris who has had the opportunity to examine the evidence supporting his testimony and concludes he is credible. My conclusion from my investigation so far of Alex is that he is very credible and very likely a genuine contactee with a 'friendly' extraterrestrial race. I therefore recommend taking the information he has to reveal very seriously. All those interested in galactic diplomacy and understanding a variety of extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity, will find Alex's work to be very helpful.
By popular demand, Alex Collier hosted his 13th 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar on August 20, 2021. This webinar did not include a monologue and Alex answered questions throughout. Hosted by James Harkin from and former radio host JayPee. Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, August 20, 2021, at 2pm Eastern Time.
In 2-hours Alex answered 24 questions (some questions had multiple parts so Alex spent time answering these questions) including sharing information on:
- Do our different skin colors come from different solar systems?
- Do the clones know they are clones?
- What is the consciousness of a clone?
- Are walk-ins a key part of our ascension?
- How will we experience emotions as we evolve to 5D?
- How do Andromedans emotions differ from Terrans?
- Why can we be telepathic with ETs, but not with other Terrans?
- Did all of the planets in our solar system originate here or were they brought here from elsewhere?
- Are all universes holograms?
- What will be the Terrans best contribution to the Isness?
- Are we experiencing multiple timelines right now?
- Are there more colors in our reality now than before?
- How does 5D differ from 6D?
- Does our evolution depend on us getting to 5D?
- Was Tiamet in a different galaxy before Earth came to it's current position?
- What type of opportunities will be available for us after ascension?
- How have you been able to deal with the frustrations of predicted timelines not manifesting?
- Can you see an aura on the fake humans and what technology can we use to see them?
- Is there a black hole in the center of our planet?
- What is happening on Venus?
- Who made the Rh-negative humans?
- Do you believe those not able to ascend are leaving the planet?
- Are they chipping us through the vaccine?
- Will we reach a critical mass of awakening to collectively change the direction humanity is heading?
- What do the Andromedans think of your animals?
- Do you think it's possible those on the other side are helping us win this war?
- And many more!
🕉️📰🔮 ~ (World affairs) QuickLines V2 – August 26 (by Soren Dreier) ~ | Blogger: SD is a Danish philosophical researcher who authors and compiles the hugely popular ' / zen-haven' website. Also well known for his extra-sensory abilities and has 30 years experience of readings, healing and spiritual guidance. Soren has appeared in numerous radio and TV Shows (like Jeff Rense) and has traveled the world as a spiritual teacher on seminars and inspirational talks, stunning audiences with his on stage readings and spiritual insight. Soren has studied the mystical field in Greece and present, lives in Andalusia, Spain... |
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