Sep 9, 2018 | Sep 9, 2018 | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes ~ 💕 |

Raw Space | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ LIVE Launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 with Telstar 18 VANTAGE satellite ~ | .. MORE Partner Series A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch the Telstar 18 Vantage communications satellite tonight (Sept. 9) during a 4-hour launch window that opens at 11:28 p.m. EDT (0328 Sept. 10 GMT). You can watch it live here, or directly from SpaceX, beginning about 15 minutes before liftoff (11:13 p.m. EDT/0313 GMT) .. |

The GoldFish Report FB | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ Triangle shaped UFO spotted on US Aircraft Carrier in Mediterranean Sea ~ |

Breaking911 | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ HEADS UP: Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test Planned ~ | .. IPAWS National Test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) Set For Thursday, September 20, 2018 .. | Blogger: QAnon says: Remain BRAVE... hmm.. 🤔This is NOT good... Takeover of 300 million cell phones in use in the United States, could be a 'planned' FEMA drill, exercise, or whatever you call it, normally tells us, beware of FF ops... FYI .. |

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on September 20, 2018. The WEA portion of the test commences at 2:18 p.m. EDT, and the EAS portion follows at 2:20 p.m. EDT. The test will assess the operational readiness of the infrastructure for distribution of a national message and determine whether improvements are needed.

The WEA test message will be sent to cell phones that are connected to wireless carriers participating in WEA. This is the fourth EAS nationwide test and the first national WEA test. Previous EAS national tests were conducted in September 2011, 2016 and 2017 in collaboration with the FCC, broadcasters, and emergency management officials in recognition of FEMA’s National Preparedness Month.

The EAS is a national public warning system that provides the President with communications capability to address the nation during a national emergency. The test is made available to EAS participants (i.e., radio and television broadcasters, cable systems, satellite radio and television providers, and wireline video providers) and is scheduled to last approximately one minute. The test message will be similar to regular monthly EAS test messages with which the public is familiar. The EAS message will include a reference to the WEA test:
“THIS IS A TEST of the National Emergency Alert System. This system was developed by broadcast and cable operators in voluntary cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Federal Communications Commission, and local authorities to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this had been an actual emergency an official message would have followed the tone alert you heard at the start of this message. A similar wireless emergency alert test message has been sent to all cell phones nationwide. Some cell phones will receive the message; others will not. No action is required.”

SGTreport \\ INFOWARS | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ SHARE THIS EMERGENCY LIVE REPORT! INTERNET MARTIAL LAW INITIATED AHEAD OF TRUMP ASSASSINATION ~ | .. Alex Jones breaks down how the Democrat-captured tech companies are initiating a digital martial law situation to limit the ability of conservatives to communicate ahead of the Deep State’s desperate plan to assassinate President Donald Trump .. | Blogger: DRAMA, DRAMAQUEEN MORE DRAMAQUEEN!? ... I'm not sure if it's nothing more than Alex Jones invented wash-cow newsbreaker, but timing, is everything... |



Surveillance Initiated,Tracking,Desperate People Do Desperate Things,Goodbye [RR] - Episode 1658b

Sustainable Human | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ The End of Kings ~ | Blogger: [🤴Danmarks kommende Konge og Patriarkatet👥] ... Måske skulle de narcissistiske borgmestre, bukkende politikere, skrabende journalister, og fedtende kendis-venner, nærstudere denne video, så de kan videreformidle budskabet, overfor Kongehuset, embeds- værkets Mørke Stat, og Elitenetværkets 423, at den er HELT gal, og vi ønsker et nyt samfund?... |

A Message from my Higher Self | Sep 9, 2018 | Channelled through Mike Quinsey & KRYON |

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight

7th September 2018

I believe our curiosity about our past is now being covered by some recent messages, as it seems that now we have passed the marker of 2012 we are considered ready and more evolved to accept and understand more about our past. As we are now on the path to Ascension we certainly expect to become more enlightened.

We have been held back for many, many years and have much to learn about the truth of our past. The future is becoming more clear and welcoming, knowing that we are leaving the old lower vibrations behind, with all of their dark energies and those souls who refuse to return to the Light. Peace and happiness is beckoning and in the not too distant future we shall be so evolved, that we become Galactic beings.


Life Force creates a soul that is a creation of peace. The Human Soul is unique it has multi-dimensionality and you are the only creature on the planet that has this. Multi-dimensionality, it is from the apparent 23 pairs of chromosomes, the 24th pair is still there but you cannot see them because it is totally and completely multi-dimensional. It gives you a soul that has that in it of God. It creates all your DNA with a Quantum spin of electrons in a Quantum field – that is science.

The Human Soul is so complex and so beautiful, the patternings of your soul, the fractals that are there, the beauty of the sacred geometry within the multi-dimensional fractal tell about your lifetime, who you are, where you are going and where you have been.

Sputniknews | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ Moldova's President Involved in a Car Accident and Hospitalized - Reports ~ | .. A cortege of the Moldovan Pesident Igor Dodon was involved in the car accident, Publika broadcaster reported on Sunday .. | Blogger: [🦅Sneak Attack! By EU & NATO's Operation Gladio? EU EMBARRASSED as Moldovan president REJECTS bloc and wants alliance with 'patriot' Putin🐻] ... Could just be a normal car accident, of course... |


Disclosurenews Italy | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ Schumann Resonance Update ~ | Blogger: [🌊Wooooow... Check that out!... Yesterday, situation has changed drastically, from 10:00 a massive activity was started. Most of the variations went above 40 Hz. and the massive spikes are continuing 💨]... PS: The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like! RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz... Frequency means how many wave cycle happen in a second, 1 Hz. means 1 cycle per second, 40 Hz. means 40 cycles per second, Amplitude is the size of the vibration, how big is the wave, the chart shows the frequency variation in Hz and the amplitude using the white color...|

The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC +7 Source

News 19 WLTX | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ Tropical Storm Florence Expected to Be a Hurricane Again Soon ~ | Blogger: [🏴‍☠️Next False Flag Operation in Pipeline?🏴‍☠️] ... HOW, would the Deep State/Globalists/Shadow Government STOP nationwide sealed indictments from Trump admin or the positive military. Simple, now that we have the 'normal' hurricane season, use HAARP-like weather control devices, to flood the US on a unprecedented scale. Like 9/11 WTC, activating a EMP, will also STOP - everything or let us know, that a unstoppable pandemic, could wipe out the world... I'm sure that 'people' who owns Norway's HAARP Facility EISCAT, could be a major beneficially... |

Nye Borgerlige | 9. Sept 2018 | ~ Derfor bliver vi kaldt racister og fremmedhadere ~ | ~ Nye Borgerlige får 2,8 procent af stemmerne i meningsmåling. Det er det højeste, som Voxmeter har målt hidtil ~ | Blogger: [🖤Dansk hadefuld tale, Jantelov, Dovenskab, Dobbeltmoralskhed og Uvidenhed🤓] ... (1. januar 2017 udgør indvan- drere og efterkommere 13 pct. af befolkningen i Danmark. Andelen af indvandrere er 10 pct., og blandt dem er 58 pct. fra ikke-vestlige lande. I løbet af de seneste 30 år er antallet af ikke-vestlige indvandrere blevet femdoblet. Fra 1956 til 2014 er der givet ophold til i alt 142.450 personer = i gennemsnit 2.450 pr.år. I 2015-2016 har yder- ligere 18.342 fået asyl. Antallet af personer i Danmark med asyl som opholds- grundlag var i alt 54.500 i 2016. Omkring 40.000 har fået asyl de seneste 5 år. Dertil kommer familiesammenførte. Det kan lyde af mange, men flygtninge udgjorde kun 3% af alle de udlændinge, der fik opholdstilladelse i Danmark i 2017) ... 💌 - Hvo- rfor kan vi ikke bare tilgive og udvise flygtningene og emigranterne som tilstrømmer vores grænser, med ubetinget kærlighed...? Hvorfor er der denne modstand? Hvem giver os retten til, at dømme andre mennesker, fordi vi er bange for vores sociale velstand smuldrer væk? Forringer vi vores levevilkår, fordi vi hilser fremmede mennesker velkommen til vores i forvejen, superrigt land? Har Du spurgt dig selv om, hvad der skal til, for at finde ubetinget kærlighed? Tror du, at alle dine negative tanker 'alene' stammer fra dit ego eller højere-selv, eller måske er plantet fra andre mennesker, medier, historiebøger, forældre og politikere, som du støder på hver eneste dag m.m.? Det er ikke nødvendigt at tænke på dine kernevelfærdsydelser bliver forringet, fordi en kommune hyber et antal flygtninge skaber besparelser. Du er sikret, vis i stedet din næstekærlighed... Måske skal du KRAFTIG overveje, at stemme på Dansk Folkeparti, Nye Borgerlige, Venstre og Socialdemokratiet, fordi de HADER, 'fremmede', fordi DU, som borger, gør!.... 💟|


USAWatchdog | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ Deep State Panicked About Coming Military Tribunals – Dave Janda ~ | .. Dr. Dave Janda retired from medicine to dedicate himself to his red hot radio show called “Operation Freedom.” Janda has top notch political, law enforcement and intelligence sources from years of consulting work in Washington D.C. on healthcare issues .. |

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Dr. Dave Janda retired from medicine to dedicate himself to his red hot radio show called “Operation Freedom.” Janda has top notch political, law enforcement and intelligence sources from years of consulting work in Washington D.C. on healthcare issues. Janda says the recent round of attacks on President Trump from the mainstream media (MSM) show the Deep State/Globalists are panicked that Trump is draining the swamp. Janda explains, “I believe this is not coming from a position of strength on behalf of the fake media, which is a tentacle of the Globalist syndicate. It’s a syndicate that has been responsible for multiple wars and the financial chaos that has occurred across the world.”

So, why are the Deep State/Globalists and the MSM in a panic? Janda says military tribunals for treason and sedition are coming for the players who failed to knock Trump out of office by framing him with phony evidence. Does this sound farfetched? Military tribunals were brought up in great detail in this week’s hearing for Judge Kavanaugh. Janda says it’s not been done before and explains, “Lindsey Graham was interviewing Brett Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court appointment process, and what was very interesting as this line of questioning goes on, and it went on between four and five minutes, not one individual interrupted Graham and said what are you doing talking about military tribunals. There was dead silence. Why would Lindsey Graham bring this up? On top of that, we know there are 40,000 to 50,000 sealed indictments. We have actually seen some unsealing of these indictments. . . . Do I think we are in the process of a rule of law reset? Yeah. I have said before these indictments are not going to be unsealed all at once. Some may never be unsealed, but we are seeing the ramifications of them when we see a huge number of folks within Congress, Wall Street, Hollywood just walking away from their jobs. When you look at the number of firings in the Department of Justice and in the FBI, it’s unheard of. This is all part of the reset. I think we are getting ready for a financial reset and a rule of law reset.”

Janda says the Deep State is so unhinged about loss of power, wealth and coming prosecutions that they may attack America. Janda says his Washington D.C. sources say, “Here is what they are really worried about. . . . and why there are so many people concerned about what is going on. My sources told me they are very concerned about an EMP event in the near future. That would lead to problems with the rule of law in this country and to the financial markets. . . . They are concerned about an attack from the Deep State, as an act of not power, but as an act of desperation.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Dave Janda from the popular radio show “Operation Freedom.”

After the Interview:

🔴 Divine Cosmos Update | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent? ~ | Blogger: [This is a MUST-SEE mega-article!] ... ⚠️NEW Mega-Update from David Wilcock and his team... Oorah... (51,701 SEALED INDICTMENTS: A STORY MUCH BIGGER THAN 9/11) - David: (There have certainly been many “false alarms,” but that doesn’t mean these 51,000 indictments are just going to sit on the books indefinitely. I consider it an emergency that I needed to write this, ASAP, despite being in an area with very bad internet access, if it even works at all. You will see why I feel that way) ... |

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-filmCONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.

By David Wilcock

Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?
This is a MUST-SEE mega-article!

This May Be The Big One....

Six different insider sources have confirmed that several spy satellites and computer systems for the Deep State have been blinded… in a stunning attack.

There is widespread agreement among these insider sources that some sort of major, visible action against this genocidal, globalist entity is now impending.

Three of these insider sources are only speaking to us at this time, at least in terms of any public figures they communicate with.

One of these sources is conveying the shared wisdom of five different military “units” of up to eight personnel each.

The code names of the now-disabled satellites are Snow White, Corona and Big Bird, followed by a one or two-digit number.

These covert satellites were apparently the communications backbone of the Deep State.

This mass shut-down of spy satellites appears to be a move that paves the way for swift actions that the Deep State cannot predict in advance.

This may come in the form of the unsealing of a whopping fifty-one thousand, seven hundred and one sealed indictments, and the arresting of the suspects therein.

Clear evidence also suggests that these perpetrators will be subject to military, not civilian, trials — meaning the proceedings will not drag out over ten or twenty years.

This is something all of us really need to think about and get clear on now, before any future data dumps that may throw us into emotional trauma.

Since the highest-level offenders will likely be prosecuted in DC, this mass event may come to be known as the Washington Trials, in homage to the Nuremberg Trials.

Now that these mass arrests may finally be imminent — after eleven years of reporting on this issue — this may be the most significant article we have written here in quite some time.

CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE NOW! \\ | June 6, 2018 - Sep 9, 2918 | ~ Swiss town set for universal basic income experiment ~ | ~ 590 has already made their registration for basic income ~ | .. Some 600 people have enrolled in a private basic income experiment in Switzerland, less than a week after it was announced. The trial apparently aims to find out what the citizens are going to do if granted over $2,500 monthly. A Swiss filmmaker is hoping to show how paying people a guaranteed income could work in practice by conducting a year-long experiment in the town of Rheinau in the canton of Zurich .. | Blogger: [💱Has governments been forced by Rothschilds banks, to terminate the Unconditional Basic Income Europe!?💸] ... (48 percent of Americans now support the idea of living wages for workers who have lost their jobs for auto- mation, according to a survey published by Gallup earlier this year) ... Finland to end basic income trial after two years - Government rejects request for funds to expand scheme and plans stricter benefits rules... Italy's 5-Star Movement defends guaran- teed income pledge... Political Party Alternativet discusses basic income at annual convention, creates working group, but ex-Minister and Economist, Carsten Koch, refuses: 'No, Lars Seier, we do not need a citizen's salary... (Lars Seier, is a Multi Milliardaire, former CEO at Saxo Bank, and trying to control danish politics through The Liberal Alliance (Danish: Liberal Alliance)... |

Rheinau Abbey is one of the chief attractions of the area. Photo: Depositphotos

RT \\ Yahoo Answers | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ 'Liar & thief': Serena Williams launches shocking tirade at umpire in US Open final defeat ~ | ~ Is Serena Williams a man or woman? ~ | Blogger: [👩IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Serena Williams IS A MAN (Like Michelle Obama a.k.a Michael Obama)👨] ... (Serena Williams Accuses Official of Sexism in U.S. Open Loss to Naomi Osaka) ... 🙆☿️🤸 - Is Serena Williams a man or woman? From Yahoo: 🚩 "Best Answer: Funniest question ever .... Thanks for making my day :D ... It's a woman btw :D" | Another comment: 🚩 "Serena Williams is a transgendered man. There is precedent for allowing men, posing as women, to compete at the highest athletic levels. Stella "The Fella" Walsh was a track athlete who competed against women, but after death, during embal- ming, it was revealed that a man had been competing against women for quite some time. Caster Semenya was an African track competitor who claimed she was a woman. After killing all of her competition, she revealed that she was a man. Serena is a transgendered woman, her body structure is that of a man, so is her brow. That's why the women's game is a joke, as John McEnroe has said in the past...."... 💣 PS: SOON, LGBT in Denmark, can celebrate the secret gay couple Obamas, in Kolding, serving students and danish business people with fake news distortion... |



IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Serena Williams IS A MAN | Archive | Beforeitsnews \\ International Tribunal for Natural Justice | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ Eating Human Meat, Butchering Babies and Children in Australia! Shocking Testimony Involving, Child Rape, Butchering Human Meat, and Govern- ment Elected Officials ~ | Blogger: ⚠️DISCLAIMER: Content Warnings -- Some viewers may find this disturbing, viewer discretion is advised .... BOMBSHELL BEAUMONT TESTIMONY SET TO SHOCK THE WORLD!... |

Rachel Vaughan’s testimony highlights the 1966 “Disappearance of the Beaumont Children” case in South Australia, unresolved after half a century. It also raises serious concerns regarding the Mullighan Report, (a 600-page Royal Commission report of sex abuse against Australia’s children in state care over four decades) where the names of perpetrators were supressed, and the truth locked away by the South Australian government for 80 years. Rachel has put her life on the line to expose multiple murders and mutilations perpetrated by her father, whose organised pedo-criminal ring is allegedly still in operation today. Her testimony was heard via a virtual sitting of the ITNJ’s Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse on 1st August, 2018.

Strange Sounds | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ Deadly Ebola outbreak in eastern Congo reaches city of 1.4 million; 93 confirmed cases causing 54 deaths so far – A link to quarantined planes in USA and France? ~ | .. Congo health officials say that a case of Ebola has been discovered in Butembo, a city of 1.4 million people in the country’s northeast. Butembo is the largest city in Congo’s North Kivu province and health experts worry that the contagious Ebola could spread rapidly among its dense population. Since August 1 the current Ebola outbreak has seen 93 confirmed cases which have caused 54 deaths .. | Blogger: Remember we've talked about a MAJOR False Flag from Bio-weapons!?... Just saying... You be the Judge... |

READ MORE: | Archive | | Dec 8, 2012 - Sep 6, 2018 | ~ Dmitry Medvedev muses on aliens and Vladimir Putin's lateness ~ | .. Father Christmas, aliens, President Vladimir Putin's lateness and police "jerks" .. | Blogger: [🔴Dmitry Medvedev: "I tell you the first and last time. Together with a nuclear suitcase the president has a folder, which is top secret and devoted entirely to the report by the Russian secret service which handles the control of extraterrestrials in our country. After the term, the two folders and a small nuclear suitcase are transferred to the new president. How many of them are among us I cannot say because panic might begin"⚪] ... NEWS STORY LIKE THIS - SOMETHING YOU NEVER SEE IN THE MASS MEDIA/INFLUENCE OF MEDIA... "It’s important to note that these statements come after thousands and thousands of UFO files and documentation have been released by dozens of governments world wide, including the Russian Navy and agencies like the NSA... Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has confirmed the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life in a short interview away from network cameras after an appearance on Russian television. This is extremely significant, as it is a rare occasion when a current and former serving Prime Minister of any nation has come forward to share the truth. He also refers to a Russian documentary if you are interested in the subject titled “The Men in Black.” He is not referring to the hollywood film. Keep in mind that Medvedev also served as President of Russia from 2008 to 2012" (collective-evolution) ... |

Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian prime minister Photo: AP


Medvedev talks about aliens on Earth! (English Subs) | Archive | Intel Dinar Chronicles \\ Rumor Mill News | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ Mr. Ed's Intel Update via Email - "Intel Compilation" ~ | Blogger: As always, use your own spiritual discernment, reading on my blog... 🙏|

INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "Intel Compilation" 7/14/18

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Saturday, 14-Jul-2018 21:29:12

The Deep State are trying any way they can to discredit / eliminate Trump.

Trump was asked to run in 2013 by the military to stamp out the monsters in D.C.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt confiscated our parents gold and silver. (the Great Depression of 1929 was a False Flag)

"Delano" was a Chinese Drug Lord in charge of the Territorial United States heroin and opium trade in China.

The Rothschilds are taking out insurance policies on key employees and killing them to collect. (so far 2000 have died suspiciously)

Russia is telling its people about the extraterrestrials.

66% of Russians believe in a shadow government that runs things and it is real. (most Americans are clueless)

Under the new Quantum Financial System, monies are being transferred in a 24 hour time frame instead of 5 days.

It has proven to be unhackable by the cabal banksters.

Credit card theft is been put to bed.

Microsoft used stolen money to get started. (Gate's future is iffy)

Arizona has given out free energy devices already.

Quantum Computers will be coming which are far superior to our present systems which will become obsolete.

Trump and Putin are meeting to accept the surrender of the Queen and Dracos.

Coffee Beans and Chocolate will not grow on any other planet except earth.

There are around 200 million races in the universe.

Here are the ones that are here on earth:

Andromedans - 17,000

Atlanteans - not known

Ant people - not known

Elephant people - 27,000

Lyrans - 66,000

Myans - 10,000

P Talls - 5,000

Presently alien teams are rooting out underground aliens mostly in the western U.S.

By this fall much will be uncovered.

B.T. Nyheder | 9. Sept 2018 | ~ Medie: Ansat fortæller sandheden om dette billede ~ | ~ CNN: National Park Service edited inauguration photos after Trump, Spicer calls ~ | Blogger: [🎙️FAKE NEWS PÅ BERLINGSKE FORSIDE - DE lyver, de lyver, så bukserne de flyver!? Ét spørgsmål optager USA: Hvem er den anonyme kilde i Trumpadministrationen? Et konstant og vedvarende DNC-magtdemonstration for, at få skabt en straffesag for embedsmisbrug, mod Trump (impeachment)🎙️] ... "Western MSM Fear Warmongering Propaganda - FAKE NEWS EVERYDAY ALL DAY" ... (As it turns out, the only thing the fakestream media’s comparison photos actually reveal is whose audience — Trump’s or Obama’s — arrived first! - zero- Hedge) ... (Operation Mockingbird ønsker at skabe maksimalt forvirring, en dyb splittelse og forprogrammering i din underbevidsthed, men taler til dit intellekt, had og ego, for at miskreditere, verdens mægtigste mand i USA. Mens Løkke bliver beskyttet af de Vrede Mænd og medierne i Venstre over nazi-Løkke, og tager afstand fra Omar Marzouk, har SVT udskiftet valgredaktøren efter kontrovers med Sverige- demokraterne) ... KAN DU IKKE SELV SE DET!? -- WHO'S YOUR DADDY?... Efter sønderlemmende kritik fra Obama mod Trump-følgeskabet, SKAL man rent politisk-strategisk, følge op med en historie, som sætter Obama (Hillary, Bush-klanen) i et godt lys og Trump i et dårligt. Men, BT's historie er IKKE deres, det er moderkagen til alt vanvittig sensationsjournalistik i USA, CNN. Bladet, som er skabt til at ødelægge Trump eller hvem som kommer i vejen for DNC (ligeledes via New York Times, der er alle mediers moderskib og meningsdanner)... står for neutralitet og upartiskhed.... Følger kun op på historier som direkte LYVER dig op i dit åbne ansigt... Mediernes fejl får evigt liv på nettet. Danske medier citerer lystigt fra hinanden, så en enkelt historie kan få stor udbredelse. Men hvis historien viser sig at være forkert, er det de færreste, der retter fejlen... (krig mod retouch-tendensen med kampagnen ”Photoshop of Horrors”) - Kan bevise, at billedet IKKE, er photoshopped!? NEJ, men jeg kan garantere dig, de kaster med benzin på bålet, for at skabe en hadefuld og frustrerende stemning, inde i DIG!... |

