(SE) Ett kontantlöst Sverige vore ett stort misstag. Det skriver Tove Andersson, grundare av KryptoGäris och marknadsansvarig på blockchainbolaget Superblocks, i en gästkrönika.
Jan 11, 2020
💵 ~ Kontanterna är på väg att försvinna – därför får det inte hända ~ | Blogger: [Cash Is Dead - Long Live RV/GCR] ... In response to Tove from Sweden: The cashless society is a mistake, buuutt, it's a con - and big finance is behind it... Moneyless society, e-kroner, cryptocurrency, digital wallet, fintech, blockchain etc. etc. - it's an unstoppable process. The people who oppose, has no effect whatsoever, and cash payments, will disappear, very soon. Denmark and Sweden has already gone from paper cash to 96% digital (account) money. What we need to focus on is an RV / GCR with the QCGFS system (The New Hack-Proof, Super-Conscious, Quantum Computer Global Financial System). Not fintech and blockchain so banksters once again, are able to make a new Wall Street scheme that will locked us all (and the government) into a proprietary system, that could end up binding us to fix fees, high transaction costs and (secret) social network... RV/GCR (currency revaluation or global currency reset) is a necessary process, whether we believe in quantum physics or not... Many are claiming that the U.S. will enter its next recession in 2020. The American economy is in dire straits, end of this month already and at the next date for fiscal year 2020 and beyond. The BRICS countries most be laughing, all the way to the bank.... |
(SE) Ett kontantlöst Sverige vore ett stort misstag. Det skriver Tove Andersson, grundare av KryptoGäris och marknadsansvarig på blockchainbolaget Superblocks, i en gästkrönika.
🆘🔴 ~ 20 danske toppolitikere bryder reglerne ~ | Blogger: [😨Åh nej hva' gør vi?! Ring til Camilla!! Kan Normalerweize og Bagerjomfruerne, hjælpe os?🦮] ... {Karma is a bitch - not a challenge} ... ⚠️Pingo's eget hemmelige Forsvar, huskøb i udlandet og 12 ugers luksusferie i Alperne... ⚠️Jokkes jordlodder, hussvindel og årpenge til Paris.... ⚠️x-chef i Rigspolitiet, Bettina Jensens 1.4M kræves tilbage... ⚠️Danmark blev advaret seks timer før missilangreb i Irak... ⚠️Baby-Lars (har man hørt en loppe gø), verdens mindste mand, med verdens største ego, sviner Trump til, med verdens mindste hænder og verdens største magt, mens han svindler, danskerne... ✋Når boss-manden svindler og bedrager, så gør jeg det (altså) også. Og mig, og mig, siger alle undersåtterne... Men, vi skal VÆK fra den tankegang (går den, så går den)... Alle (A-L-L-E) kender til de præcise konsekvenser af at snyde og bedrage... Måske ikke lige NU, men senere, ergo, boomerang-effekten, kommer og bider dig i (bagdelen)... Loven om (årsag og virkning), fortæller os nemlig, at uanset hvad du sender ud i universet (positivt eller negativt) kommer det tilbage, igen. Enhver årsag har sin virkning; enhver virkning, dens årsag. Der er ikke sådan noget som hedder en tilfældighed... |
Blogger: Hvor er jeg DØDTRÆT af al det fordærv, korruption, fuprejser, tyveri, snyderi, skattevanvid, nepotisme, hemmelighedskræmmerier, rævekager, nødløgne, psykoser, depression, mindreværdskomplekser, egocentrisme, verbalonani samt sexisme i centraladministrationen. De burde være tvunget til at læse Joan Ørting's bog, Elsk dig selv – og bliv elsket!!. Mens, en psykoterapeut- og REKI behandler nedbryder alle Deres dårligdomme og vaner, tramauer, deres magtliderlighed, begæret for penge og manglende respekt overfor Deres medmennesker... øv for en stank af mødding!
"Det er det samme hver gang. Man har en plan, en genial plan! Og så er man omgivet af hundehoveder og hængerøve, lusede amatører, elendige klamphuggere, latterlige skidesprællere. Talentløse skiderikker, impotente grødbønder, og Socialdemokrater!" ~ Egon Olsen
20 folketingspolitikere oplyser stik imod reglerne ikke om, hvorvidt de har bijob og økonomiske interesser. Listen af politikere tæller flere prominente eks-ministre, der indtil for nylig ellers var tvunget til at fremlægge oplysninger om deres økonomiske interesser. Efter avisen Danmarks henvendelse vil flere af dem dog nu rette ind, siger de.
Det kniber med folketingspolitikernes åbenhed om bestyrelsesposter, gaver, udlandsrejser og aktieposter. Selv om et klart flertal i Folketinget har besluttet, at politikerne skal oplyse om økonomiske interesser ved siden af folketingsjobbet, undlader en lang række folketingspolitikere stik imod reglerne at oplyse, om de har økonomiske interesser. Det skriver avisen Danmark. (LÆS VIDERE)
🥤 ~ Coca-Cola Launches Obesity Subscription Service ~ | Blogger: [☠️Perhaps you will rethink after this video, the article and after these (commercial) messages... we'll be right back!🙅♂️] ... My own holistic natural doctor has forced my addiction out, but now and then, i do fall into a black pit of despair or depression, like a alcoholic, and starts drinking Coca Cola (candy, white sugar), again - damn it... It all started when my mom gave me soda, when i was 6 years of age... |
Source (HNN)
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Story at-a-glance –
While it said it would stop advertising on children’s TV, Coke still advertises on family-oriented TV, at amusement and theme parks and in other child-rich venues, reported the Center for Science in the Public Interest.3 Coca-Cola also said it would cease using characters who strongly appeal to children under 12, yet it still uses its holiday polar bears4 to sell its products — even as I write this.
And there’s more, as the late-night ads say. Not content to just continue advertising to kids despite its vows, in December 2019, Coca-Cola North America debuted its “Insiders Club” — a whole new way to stick with Coke products. (READ MORE)
- Coca-Cola Co. has just launched its Insiders Club, a subscription service that delivers new drinks to subscribers’ doors before the products reach the stores
- Coke vowed it would stop advertising directly to children but continues to do so, including in ads directed at their mothers; its aggressive marketing is widely seen as contributing to obesity, especially in children
- Obesity puts children at risk for asthma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease and more
- Coke is able to suppress research it funds at universities if it does not like the conclusions
- Through high-level lobbying, Coke has portrayed obesity as caused by lack of exercise instead of sugary drinks
While it said it would stop advertising on children’s TV, Coke still advertises on family-oriented TV, at amusement and theme parks and in other child-rich venues, reported the Center for Science in the Public Interest.3 Coca-Cola also said it would cease using characters who strongly appeal to children under 12, yet it still uses its holiday polar bears4 to sell its products — even as I write this.
And there’s more, as the late-night ads say. Not content to just continue advertising to kids despite its vows, in December 2019, Coca-Cola North America debuted its “Insiders Club” — a whole new way to stick with Coke products. (READ MORE)
🛸 ~ US Navy confirms it has another video of Nimitz UFO encounter yet to be released ~ | Blogger: Thx to The Goldfish Report... |
Source (dailystar.co.uk)
The Navy said the video of the USS Nimitz UFO has been classified "secret". A former US Air Force intelligence expert has since told Daily Star Online this video could be "clearer" and at least "10 minutes long"
👽 ~ Boyd Bushman (Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist) Was The Real Deal And How I Know This To Be Tru ~ | Blogger: "Boyd ushman (Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist), who died Aug. 7, 2014 revealed in a filmed interview before his death what he says is information about, and photos of, aliens and alien spacecraft he obtained as a senior scientist at Lockheed Martin."... SoTW did not meet Boyd before he died, but heard of him and seen his deathbed confessions... But I have meet, retired aerospace engineer SSP Whistleblower William Tompkins, at the 2017 MUFON Symposium in Las Vegas, before he died, 1 month later. And, more at Conscious Life Expo 2017 etc... Oh my gosh there's so many whistleblowers, besides Corey Goode, David Wilcock-ish sensationary characters... The book "Alien Interview " - letters received from Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy at a official Top Secret U.S. Army Air Force interview transcripts, is a another good example etc. etc... |
Source (Michael Lee Hill Net)
Alien Interview Perfect Paperback – 2 Aug 2008
Area 51 & Area 52: Secret Underground Levels?
GARY PARKER: Egypt, Pyramids & Aliens Return in 2022
The Underground War,Happening Now...
Alien Interview Perfect Paperback – 2 Aug 2008
Area 51 & Area 52: Secret Underground Levels?
GARY PARKER: Egypt, Pyramids & Aliens Return in 2022
The Underground War,Happening Now...
Former Lockheed Martin Engineer Boyd Bushman Deathbed Confession, Provides Evidence of Alien Contact (read more)
🙃 ~ ‘HOLY S**T’: Deepfake YouTuber ‘embarasses’ Netflix & Scorsese by de-aging ‘The Irishman’ better than they ever could ~ | Blogger: The Irishman is the worst movie of 2019, perhaps this century, but as a (home movie theater) movie buff, many movies is made with CGI (Computer-generated imagery) - used in films, television programs and commercials, and in printed media... Funny thing is that Facebook is banning Deepfake videos ahead of the 2020 election, but are the biggest con man in the known history of the world... Star Wars: Rogue One - the filmmakers CGI-pasted ’80s-era Carrie Fisher on a double’s face, and the results are what you’d expect: A weird, glossy sheen on Leia’s face, and buggy eyes that look taken from a poorly-rendered video game cutscene... |
Source (RT)
An anonymous YouTuber spent far less time and money than Martin Scorsese and Netflix to de-age actors in ‘The Irishman’ using the deepfake technology – and the results are rapidly winning fans over (READ MORE)
💌 ~ ‘Love will prevail’: Spiritual Guru Didn’t Consult Her 3rd Eye About Presidential Chances and Now She’s Out 👋 ~ | Blogger: Wanna Bet? Odds are that Bernie Sanders wins Iowa, Joe Biden wins the Democratic nomination and Donald Trump wins the presidency - but loses the popular vote (again) ~ WSJ... SoTW Odds are that Creepy (Uncle) Joe Biden will fate away big time, because he's ‘neck deep’ in Ukraine corruption with son Hunter... Mr. Magoo (denied by Trump) wins the presidency, my wish is that Tulsi Gabbard, who recently said that; 'Everybody knows' Hillary Clinton is a 'war-monger', wins it all.. Best (female) candidate right now, fighting for Hawai'i - Tulsi Gabbard - could well be the only genuine Anti-war, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Interventionist & Anti-LGBTQ legislation candidate... |
Source (The Root)
Wanna Bet? The Market Has a View on the 2020 Election
Tulsi Gabbard: 'Everybody knows' Hillary Clinton is a 'war-monger'
Author Marianne Williamson, more commonly referred to as “the kooky lady running for president” ended her 2020 Democratic presidential campaign Friday after many people who are openly Democrat and follow politics were like, “She’s still in the race?”
🤗 ~ Goooooood Morning, World : Ohhh Man, Are You Feeling The New Energies? 💥 ~ | Blogger: I feel like Adrian Cronauer, this morning! Wooow!😃... My own Energy Barometer goes through the roof! Being a Lunar Eclipse and going through the Global Activations emotions are high! The 3D to 5D Ascension Earth SPLIT that is happening right NOW! The Intergalactic Plasma Light ripples through our lives and the Global Power Infrastructure.! Energies are INTENSE now, don't know how to describe them better, but one thing is sure, protected we must be, and reinforced. By Earth's biomagnetic field, very important for helping us remain grounded... Yesterday, I was out mountainbiking, it was as if I had replaced my old MTB with a new Tesla electric version and later on, looking at the spectacular Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and the gateway is, WIDE open! After that i couldn't sleep and this morning up early, high-speed front crawl swimming 1.5 kilometer ½ hour later, i still have energy left... Even if I lost 2 friends in 2019, no girlfriend, daughter left me, people are mad because i'll expose the Elites and the Royals for who they are, i'm a conspiracy geek and a failure to my old banking colleagues, my friends wifes, but i'm still excited to be alive🙂... When corruption is the operation system; secrecy, corruption and conflicts of interest pervade state governments (it's a fact)... The world is steeped in misogyny, patriarchy and the gender system; balancing our Feminine and Masculine energies is key here!... Humanity is going through a MASSIVE detox... The Forces of Light will Prevail over the Power of Darkness... Go out there and take in every little thing...💙 |
Northern part of Zealand of Denmark, January 11, 2020 early in the morning |
What do Hindu scriptures say about a red sunrise and sunset? Is there any description in the ancient texts? |
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