Jan 8, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Messages from Ann & the Angels: Live and Let Live – That is True Freedom) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: "Hi All, It's going to be a year to immerse ourselves in the reality of "live and let live" if we want to experience true freedom. It doesn't serve us to be tied to others with our expectations of them or their expectations of us. Today, the angels talk about how eager we were before birth to embrace earth's diversity and I'll share thoughts and tips about how to accept yourself and others even when it isn't so easy. Have a blessed & beautiful week :) ♥ Ann" ... |

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👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (USSF Semper Supra - Always Above) HE ALIEN NEXT DOOR: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? | THE SHEILA ZILINSKY REPORT | 01-07-2022 ~ | Blogger: As you know, in the first MiB movies, the "hot sheets" always had tips in the supermarket tabloids. Or as "Kay" puts it; Best investigative reporting on the planet. Read the New York Times if you want, they get lucky sometimes (one of those in real-life is TheSun / Dailymail)... With all due respect, I think the gang of Sheila (Steve Quayle, Mike Adams, SkyWatchTV , Brad from Full Spectrum Survival etc.), has (sometimes) amazing truthful stuff about many things, but also with warmongering, black-magic, "gung-ho", itchy-trigger-finger prepper and survivalists energy... However, Sheila has maaany good news reports from MSM- and alternative outlets, about UFO's, before she turn "black" and discuss how Satanists like Aleister Crowley (father of Betty White, Barbara Bush) and Jack Parsons with Scientology L. Ron Hubbard, tried to summon demons in space (evil 4th dimensional entities). Not sure she understand the significance, what Elon Musk (now turned to White Hats) has with his StarLink, EBS and Trump launches 'TRUTH' social media platform etc... As I understand on SoTW, the information we're receiving from Dr Salla sources and Megan Rose, Elena Danaan, Cobra RM, Janine and Alex Collier etc.; we're all been liberated from all aggressive species around Earth, Moon, Mars and Venus, Saturn (60% Black Hats left on Earth) Mostly we now dealing with fighting of small remaining pockets that consist of Freemasonic illuminati Earthling humanoid minions (They are all gone; from Demiurge called The Gnostic God Yaldabaoth. Mind Parasites & Matrix computer on Back side of the Moon and Saturn rings, all the evilest of Astral Spider Queen/Kings, Queen-Lizzie, Lord Archons, Greys, Reptilians, Preying Mantis Mantids are gone). But of course, we have not won yet... |

TheSun: V-shaped UFO flies above Airbus A230 passenger jet in video filmed from plane’s cockpit


🙏 ~ 💝 (Løgn, Ærlighed, Fortielse, Sandhed) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Ingen kender (hele) Sandheden om Livets opståen, Jorden og Solen og Universet! Og alt det ind imellem🌟] ... (SoTW) Alle ønsker sandheden, nogle af os, den indre sandhed via spirituelle udviklingsforløb, guidede meditationer, astrologisk sjælslæsning, yoga, breathwork - you name it... Mellem os, verdensalt.dk, blev skabt eller rettere, fast besluttet på, at afsløre sandheden. At finde sandheden eller meningen med livet, er vanskeligere end at finde en nål i en høstak. Måske finder vi aldrig noget svar, så hvorfor anstrenge os? Nogle af os kan ikke lade være med at lede. Så enkelt er det... Man kan også vende det om at sige, det er svært, hvis ikke umuligt, at vende ryggen til noget, når man først, er vågnet op af tornerosesøvnen. Så er der ingen vej tilbage... Alle har sin unikke vej at gå, sin unikke måde at søge på. Her er blot nogle eksempler: ved at undersøge, udforske og aldrig holde op med at spørge. Ved at læse om eksistentielle temaer, det kunne jo være temaerne om døden, meningsløsheden, friheden og aleneheden. Men det kunne også være som i mit tilfælde, at lede efter ligesindede med spirituelt og åndeligt indhold, som deler samme budskaber om, esoterisk-visdom-og-åndsvidenskab - und so weiter. Ved at kontakte mennesker, som er optaget af sådanne spørgsmål. Ved at begynde at blive opmærksomme på os selv, uden for os selv og indeni. Ved at gå bag facaden. Ved at være i stilhed. Ved at bede. Ved at skabe dialog med vores indre landskab... Faktisk er det en ekstrem svært vej at gå, siden vi alle ønsker, at se beviser for sandheden, hvordan skal vi ellers overbevise andre, og os selv. Konstant render vi hoved mod muren, frygt, forsvarsmekanismer og ego-ekkokammeret og alle dens facetter, bloker, filtrer og beskytter... Den skjulte sandhed - konspirationsteorier; magt, demokrati, konflikt, videnskab og religion, m.v., opstår ikke ud af den blå luft. Den ultimative sandhed som forklarer alt, og hvordan alting hænger sammen, er inde i os selv, men ingen mennesker på jorden, ej heller verdensalt.dk, kender hele den ydre sandhed, om livets opståen, jorden, solen og universet - endnu! Tusindvis af års historieskrivning, skal snart, skrives om... |

Coronakrisen er slut, næste pandemi rangerer blandt fugleinfluenza, der hærger Dannevang. 100.000 høns samt 100.000 kalkuner, er allerede slået ned...

"Professor-statens-stik-i-rend-dreng Søren: 'Vi må frem til, at covid-19 bliver en sygdom som alle andre, der findes i vores samfund, og som sundhedssystemet skal tage sig af'...

"SS(I) Medical Core Frau-Krause: Corona kan være historie om to måneder... 




Facebook flyder over med historier at danske hospialter bruger "dukker" i Deres Corona senge. 
Ifølge Anders Perner fra Rigshospitalet bruger de meget tid på at finde plads til patienter.
Jeg har et gratis råd til sundhedssystemet: Smid dukkerne ud af sengene. Det vil give plads


🧊💣✨ ~ (Greenland quakes M5,2 DUMBs destroyed: Seat of the successors last Roman Emperor - Vatican & Greenland) Situation Update: The War Is Already Won! False Flag From Space! Cirsten W. RIP! Russian Troops Moving In! Jab Passport Is Remote Tracing! (We The People News) ~ | Blogger: [👉Please be careful we lost a dear sister yesterday Cirsten W. was put in the hospital and passed away or murdered in California atl costs we must not go to the hospital!! ~ bestnewshere👈] ... SoTW has aded a direct link to (rumble) and the Word Doc... As always, looong video and report, she's mentioning Simon Parkes reports and the critical phase we're entering until 19/20th of January 2022 (starts at 1 hour and 15 minute marker until the end)... Please pay attention to 30 minute in and destructions of the enormous DUMBS and the connection tunnels which are the connection in the LayLine to South America conducted in ten kilometer, which is a "fixed depth" for the White Hats to use and set explosive charges removing DUMBs. PS: As Tarot by Janine said, Greenland, is or was a "hotspot" for Danish and foreign Cabal leaders "playground" (Adrenochrome Harvest / Child Trafficking / Sex orgies + Ancient Thule Society etc.). Berlin, the epicenter being in the center of Berlin under a building on a street shaped like a Swastika (major city quakes are really rare)... 45-62 minute marker, reports from latest Benjamin Fulford-Full report, that includes Betty White AKA {Snow White Witch} top satanist, Barbara Bush and Betty White are the daughters of Aleister Crowley etc... C. President George W. Bush Convicted of War Crimes, Hanged at GITMO (many sources including roserambles.org)... NOTE: links to Telegrams and MSM outlets is SoTW own newest report from January 8th of 2022. Denmark and NATO evil Cabal ready to go to war with Russia, is BS and they will loose big time, if they did. Remember, QTrump-Team, is still Commander in Chief... |


