Apr 1, 2020

🎄 ~ 🌍 Who is behind Salt Of The World? What is its purpose? 🌍 (SoTW) | Blogger: [🤜You have a choice: Either stick to the globalist agenda and their '3-D Matrix of illusion' which leads to 'their perception is Your reality' - OR - start confront Your own 'two wolves who are always fighting' to seek out the TRUTH🤛] ... 👨‍🌾 I am exactly the same age as our beloved Crown Prince Frederik, Denmark's coming King, born on the Three Kings' Day. Consider myself an energy-coach. Verdensalt.dk kickstarted in 2014 and have 18,500 blogposts and counting. However, I am a moneyless proprietor, unknown "John Doe" and daydreamer. My 16 years of 'indoctrinated' school time, or 30 years in the Rothschild banking cartel, was no bed of roses, but awaken and seen a flash of light, a 'glitch' in the existing 3D Matrix of the illusion 👁️‍🗨️ ... The name of my blog, verdensalt, was inspired of the knowledge, by the dairy-maker, Martinus Thomsen, and his vast universe... SALT of the World or Verden(salt): Nobility, landlords and rulership and Kings - social hierarchy of nobility in medieval times - considered SALT, a precious commodity. The closer one peasant was to the nobility, one could reach the SALT and it was, in fact, a huge rare commodity and highly sought merchandise, just as Gold is, in our days.. YOU are the salt of (Mother GAIA) Earth and therefore, a divine Angelic being of importance... Remember that... |

🌍'Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World'🌍

Former PM / Network / Design / Technology
Specialist - Banking

Denmark is a very small country... the world is very large...but, the TRUTH gets out in SECONDS around the GLOBE...

 YOU are the salt of the world. WE are the salt of the world. WE live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity.

TRUTH is ONLY what you perceive in YOUR OWN SPACE. The person sitting NEXT to YOU, might have a different OPINION and should NOT be FORCED upon. EVERYONE have FREE WILL and having their own SPIRITUAL AWAKENING EXPERIENCE. In other WORDS, STICK to the INNER TRUTH from your HIGHER SELF, that will always LEAD YOU STRAIGHT home.

🥳👵😂 ~ Den Korte Coronavis Ep. 11 - En god ven... ~ | Blogger: [🤝En god ven er sådan én der lige siger: "Ved du hvad, kammerat. Der er du gået galt i byen"🙅] ... |

🔴🐲 ~ COBRA: Joint Cobra / Benjamin Fulford interview by Prepare for Change ~ |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

You might want to listen to the new joint Cobra / Fulford interview on Youtube here:


Prepare for Change welcomes back Cobra and Benjamin Fulford for a very important conversation about the Corona Virus and escalation in the war for planetary liberation. We include several vital messages for our Prepare for Change community that we urge you to listen to for a little more perspective of what’s going on and for the need to react calmly to reject the Cabal’s dark agenda. 

Our conversation with Benjamin and Cobra thoroughly goes through all the rumours regarding the Corona Virus and focuses the attention squarely to the Cabal perpetrators. We take up how they are reacting and what the White Hats response is and will be over the near future. Cobra gives us an update from the higher planes perspective and we also set up the mindset of the dark brotherhood for those new to this message. 


🦠😷🧼 ~ Is COVID-19 Even Real? (minivanjack) ~ | ~ Extended Lockdowns, A Form Of Mass Torture - David Icke Talks To The TradCatKnight Podcast ~ | Blogger: [👉Wauv! More Questions is popping up in my mind after these 2 videos👈] ... {Both are talking about the Manufactured Pandemic} ... PS: David Icke is also mention Denmark, in 21 minute marker, about the mandatory vacation program for CV-19 or as he says, the Corona-all-in-one vaccination with nanotechnology and the transformation of the human body to start mutate DNA - the vaccine agenda.. |

🤯😵🤗 ~ Can You Catch A Virus? Coronavirus Questions ~ | Blogger: [✊Listen to what Tom Barnett has to say: "“YOU CANNOT CATCH A VIRUS. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE”👊] ... {Thanks to Tom Barnett & Max Egan} ... HOW is that even possible.. [Listen to more] ... (SoTW) - As promised yesterday... THIS is the ONLY video you need to watch.. AND I KNOW, it's not going to be easy... I KNOW, that ego defense mechanisms will kick in and you will, DENY, DENY, DENY... THIS is NOT about if COVID-19 is real or not. Of course it is real, but this is about understanding how the governments have CREATED the dystopian future, and it is NOW.... It's about the "COVID-19-Pandemic", the "false" narrative about Global numbers of "death toll". The "projections" of millions of fatalities. The COVID-19 "comparison" of Spanish flu and END-OF-THE-WORLD-SPIN. To "flatten" the COVID-19 curve is to "target" the "Subconscious". The COVID-19 "Lockdown", has "created" the "largest human experiment in history". A playbook from The Official C.I.A. Manual of Trickery and Deception... COVID-19 is a "drill" for "EVENT 21 a.k.a. Agenda 21/2030" to "stop" or "pause humanity", to evolve to next level in our Consciousness Evolution and Ascension Process. A Global Depopulation Program for Global Vaccination... You be the judge... 🌱 PS: (Are Viruses Alive in our Third Dimension?)... Viruses lack many of the features that are the hallmarks of life... A 3-D rock is not alive - although - a rock receives energy that surrounds it and of the minerals they contain. But a rock is considered metabolically active sack, devoid of genetic material and the potential for propagation, is also not alive. Are Crystals alive? My opinion is that, yes, they have a form of consciousness. It may not be in the same way we experience or understand that but, yes. A bacterium, though, is alive. Although it is a single cell, it can generate energy and the molecules needed to sustain itself, and it can reproduce. But what about a seed?. And the story goes on and on... |

Source (Tom Barnett)
Is it actually possible to catch Coronavirus, and if so, how? Is there more than meets the eye with this so-called Pandemic, and is it following the same script as every other?

🤪 ~ Døde poeters klub: Jaja! Jeg skal nok! Fromme LandsModer, siger Kjeld og Danskerne. The Hollyweird show must go on og 'alle' falder i svime over Mette-mus, mens den danske forfatter Anita Furu, skældgriner, hele vejen ned til banken med sin næsten million årsgage ~ | Blogger: Vidste du det, at Anita Furu har været ansat som taleskriver i Statsministeriet siden 2005 og har dermed skrevet taler for Anders Fogh, Lars Løkke, Helle Thorning og nu også Mette Frederiksen... Samtlige taler Dronning Margrethe får, kommer også fra statsministeriet, uden undtagelse... "Rundt om talens spinkle substans lå et tykt lag med veltilrettelagt politisk kommunikation, hvor der blev lagt vægt på socialdemokratiske kerneværdier som solidaritet, velfærdssamfund og ikke mindst den slagkraftige genopfindelse ’samfundssind’ - eb.dk... Mens at "Guzzi-Helle-mus" skider højt og flot på os danskere, sine leverandører og sin mand, Stephen Kinnock, der har brudt Storbritanniens regler for udgang under corona-pandemien... BestsellerKongen er ikke en snus, bedre. Han sender mad-levering ud til dig og mig, tjener millioner-milliarder på nemlig.com, fyrer 750, foruden at lade udlejere, medarbejdere og staten betale for Bestsellers tab under coronakrisen.. Hold da kæft hvor er det et fantastisk land, vi bor i, hva'... If I was a rich man tra la la la la la.... Jeg kan godt fortælle dig, hvis dette ophav af narcissistisk og dyssocial personligheds- forstyrrelse elementer ikke stopper, sover Denmark, stille ind. Narcissister udnytter din empati og godhed aka Energivampyrer og skammer sig ALDRIG! Hører du mig?. Burde ikke gå ind i dramaet, men når man selv står med l**t til halsen og ingen penge har, som verdensalt.dk, så skammer jeg mig ikke, har bare ikke ord for, hvor naive, vi alle er... |

Kilde (E.B.)

Den 58-årige forfatter Anita Furu får 884.000 kroner om året for at skrive Mette Frederiksens bevingede ord


🔺 ~ Triangular UFO spotted again over Texas as mystery lights move across sky ~ | Blogger: [👉Great that papers like Daily Mail & Dailystar.co.uk are picking up on these UFO sightings👈] ... Here's what you need to know about 'TR-3B Triangle UFO... I know what you're thinking, but I have been to several UFO-conferences in America, (almost) stormed Area 51 (from Las Vegas free festival), talked to a IT guy who operates the Janet airline (SAS Airlines is involved, proof in many blogpost) and been to Groom Lake, backdoor of Area 51, Edwards Air Force Base etc. etc... (it's not april's fool)... Secret U.S. space programs exist... There's a global consortium of corporations (G20 govt's as well) secretly funded the development of flying triangles using antigravity and torsion field principles adopted from the Nazi Bell experiments. These resulted in the development of a squadron of TR-3B’s based out of Area 51’s highly secretive S-4 facility at Papoose Lake. The U.S. Air Force Space Command and Defense Intelligence Agency is in charge of the TR-3B or ‘Locust’, operating out of S-4. The Sekret Machines, TR-3B, is a combined U.S. military and corporate made aerospace vehicle capable of operating both near the Earth’s surface as a conventional aircraft, and in near Earth orbit as a spacecraft. There is different sized Locust vehicles, with the largest being several hundred feet across... All this information has been picked up by SoTW with Edgar Fouche, an aerospace engineer, who worked at Area 51, Tom DeLonge and Dr. Michael Salla... Truth or not - you decide... |

This  is NOT a real photo of TR-3B Triangle UFO...

Source ( Dailystar.co.uk)

It is the third sighting of the so-called triangular UFO in Texas, after one sighting on New Year's Day and another last month

🌌 ~ 💗 Part 3 – Situation Update GFOL 💕 ~ | Blogger: PS: (Not to offend anybody), but, PFC - Prepare For Change is of course very Cobra-supportive, so this article from Galactic Federation, has spiritual esoteric material which "aligns" (to some extent) with CO-BRA (Compression Breakthrough) as the only spokesperson for The Resistance Movement (inner earth groups & Pleiadians wisdom). Cobra2012's blog is the intelligence hub for the victory of light and the official communication outlet for the Resistance Movement... |

Source (PFC)

Part 3

Source: Galactic Federation – SaVi

Disclaimer: This message is only meant for those to whom the contents resonate, for everybody else you can read and then let it go.

The article series is structured in different parts which are not necessarily connected to each other. They provide an overview of the current developments.

Activation of Light Warriors (Commander)

Since October 2019 some light warriors who are incarnated on earth, and whom some are also commanders, were called to the GFOL fleet ships for a special mission which started on 01.01.2020. Since then they have been working closely with Light Forces in teams for different tasks. Many groups were formed with these special tasks – and in each group there is one Light Warrior incarnated on the surface. It does not matter if you are aware of this meeting in your day consciousness or not.

Most of them have no access or awareness of their being part of a group in day-consciousness due to protection they are receiving, but they are part of this operation. All of these Light Warriors work in a special in-between timeline that stabilizes the positive timeline – many Starseeds are already very much decoupled from the old 3D matrix world, making it harder for them to stay in the old matrix. This is very noticeable to them in many areas of their daily routines, day consciousness or the 3D environment.

Offense of Light Forces since January 2020

🔕 ~ Findes der sikkerhedspakker for journalister som vil være whistleblower? Nej vel, ellers ville den danske presse gå planken ud mod faglig selvudslettelse (Verdensalt Arkiv) | Blogger: Din karriere er slut, hvis du tør stå frem som kendis i offentligheden eller værre, ud af de 1200 danske journalister som arbejder med Nyhedsjournalistik og afslører usandheder, der kan ramme censuren, der beskytter stater eller andre magtinstanser... Free21.org, som er grundlagt af journalist Tommy Hansen, den danske journalist - den ægte vare - og frihedskæmper, døde desværre i 2018. Ære være Tommy's minde... Samme gælder Fox Business værten, Trish Regan, der blev afskediget grundet Demokraternes beskyldninger om Corona sammensværgelser, fordi hun tillod sig at sige, at DNC ville misbruge CV19 til et 'impeachment scam', som ville bringe Trump i unåde og få ham afsat. Det passer naturligvis som 'fod i hose' med vores danske Demokrater aka Socialakrobaterne, der lykkes med, at lukke kæften på Radio24syv's graverjournalister og Kirsten Birgit... |

Udgivet første gang den 11. December 2015 af verdensalt 

HUSK at støtte "Fake News" danske medier under CV-19
Forord: "Når jeg skriver romaner, er jeg hersker i mit eget kongerige, skriver Bjarne Reuter"... jeg er selv blogger og det er min force... Med det i mente, årtier tilbage tilbragte jeg en kort tid på Politikens hus som studentermedhjælper, endda i redaktionen. Men der skal ikke en journalistisk insider-viden til, for at gennemskue hvordan propaganda er skadelig for befolkningens tillid til pressens overlevelse... 

Grunden til jeg gik i krig med dette emne er såre simpel, at lokalisere 'the silver lining' via den danske presse og vores journalister, få afdækket hvorfor journalister ikke 'tør' betale prisen og fortælle en kontroversiel sandhed, fordi det skaber fjendskaber, isolation og ensomhed. Eller rettere, 'den kritiske sandhed'. Der findes så og sige ingen som stiller spørgsmål til, troværdigheden af den danske presse, andet end deres egen selvhøjtidelige særpræg og stolthed, men det garantere jeg dig for, ikke er tilfældet i f.eks. USA. Amerikanere er efterhånden begyndt at stille spørgsmål til alting som kommer frem via mediedækningen med en god og kritisk tilgang. Er det fordi danske journalister er blottet for selvbestemmelse over historier, uden af været 100 procent dækket ind af anonyme tys-tys kilder eller det der er værre, journalister er 'betalt' for at fortie sandheden?...

Gallup 1966: Danskerne er kritiske over for Vietnamkrigen, men hvad med ISIS anno 2015?

Er vi som danskere, enten naive og sluger alting råt eller ikke selvkritiske nok, når det kommer til at få undersøgt baggrund stoffet i historierne virkelighed? Begrundelse for Irak-krigen var 'sikkert korrekt' anskuet og afdækket i 2003, fordi samtlige medierne brugte samme retorik og politisk lederstil, for at 'føje' den dertil siddende regering. 

Dog er danskere begyndt at vågne til en ny virkelighed og ser Anders Fogh som en del af problemet. Men vi sluger historien 'råt', når den er dugfrisk... 

Tør du som læser dette blogindlæg, betvivle eller bekende, at det faktisk er amerikanske kræfter som finansiere og styre ISIS, i stedet dette maleriske 'Islamofobisk Propaganda' billede? 

Sandheden er noget, vi alle skal 'søge' efterDet får vi ikke fra flimmerkassen eller fra nyhedsmedierne. Det manuskript som læses op på TV2 News hver dag 24/7 kunne lige så være eksekveret fra aber. Det som jeg kalder "Monkey In Suits". Det er måske svært at forstå, men vi er lige så meget underlagt censur og lobbyister fra stærke virksomhedsinteresser og geopolitiske kræfter og magtelitens 'banksters' som kvæler ytringsfriheden... 

Hvis stærke kræfter (centralt kontrol) styrer roret og er en del af magtbalancen der tillader tabloidaviser- og nyhedsmediers "sensationalisme" over udgivelser af et konstant forenklet, underspillet og censureret fremstilling af nyheder som blot handler om skandaler, intriger, krig, terror, mord og ødelæggelse. Alt sammen som skaber negativt fortegn i mennesker. Frygt & kontrol. Massedrab foregår omkring os, bare ikke i vores baghave. Det er ikke kun bomber og kanonerDet er også den medicinden forurenede luft og vores forarbejdet fødevarerDu er i en konstant krigszone, ikke kun tusindvis af kilometer væk fra krigszonen? Ville du tillade dit eget ego og forblive konstant 'tavs' i tryghedens andedam? Eller tillader du dig selv at læse indenad og se igennem røverhistorierne?

'Journalisternes selvopfattelse og ambition kommer i første række, dernæst historiens indhold

😇 ~ 💗 444 Gateway Activations (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Excerps: ". We’ve seen the power of this virus sweep through communities, triggering Plutonian survival instincts and fear. The reptilian brain is ruled by Pluto and is the home of unconscious programming. What are your unconscious triggers around survival? We will do some activations to disconnect and clear it out during the global meditation."... |


The arrival of the ‘444’ Gateway on April 4th has such significance during this global healing crisis and shift in consciousness. 444 is the symbol for Archangels. On April 4th we will receive an influx of magnificent Angelic Love, support and encouragement while we navigate a global pandemic. When most of the population is home-bound while the 444 Gateway is open and active, you have the rare opportunity to evaluate and reset the course of your life path.

444 symbolizes the dedication and drive to attain your higher purpose. Your guardian angels surround you with their devotion and protection. While the 444 Gateway is active we will meet the Archangels at the Great Central Sun and work on personal and planetary transformation.

Also occurring on April 4th is an exact alignment of Jupiter conjunct Pluto at 24°Capricorn. Pluto rules pandemics and the cycles of life/death/rebirth, while Jupiter expands, magnifies and spreads. We’ve seen the power of this virus sweep through communities, triggering Plutonian survival instincts and fear. The reptilian brain is ruled by Pluto and is the home of unconscious programming. What are your unconscious triggers around survival? We will do some activations to disconnect and clear it out during the global meditation.

👮 ~ Drama i Ringe overstået: Hus stormet af politiet ~ | Blogger: [🍔 Police Militarization Emergency 'Nothing Burger', The Phrase That Is Sweeping The COVID-19 Nation🍔] ... ALT mens det elefantastiske-drama-fatamorgana finder sted på fyn, stemmer Radikale imod dobbeltstraffe under coronakrise, som smider helt alm. mennesker i fængsel, for, at tyvstjæle én enkel Håndsprit. Og vi kommer til at se endnu flere "vanvittige" hastelove blive stemt igennem, fordi, vi lever i dystopiske tider. Apartheid og overvågning der får DDR til, at ligne et åbent og frit samfund. Terror regime/Demokrati 1-0... Vi skulle gøre som Turkmenistan, som forbyder ordet 'coronavirus' (😁 aprilsnar)... |

Kilde (Fyens.dk)

"..(..).. Ifølge politiets vagtchef Sten Nyland gik aktionen på Svendborgvej trods alt roligt for sig.
- Selv om det måske så voldsomt ud, så gik det fredeligt for sig, fortæller Sten Nyland, der ellers ikke vil sætte mange ord på sagen.
- Af hensyn til sagen og til vedkommende har jeg ikke andre kommentarer, lyder det fra vagtchefen.
Lige omkring klokken 18 blev afspærringen af Svendborgvej ophævet...(..)

😒 ~ King of Thailand self-isolates from coronavirus by hiring out entire luxury German hotel for him and his entourage including a harem of 20 concubines ~ |

Source (D.mail)

  • King of Thailand  hires out grand Bavarian resort to self isolate with harem 
  • Up to 20 concubines are thought to be with King Maha in southern Germany
  • It's not known whether his fourth wife is also staying at Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl 
  • More than 100 people in the King's entourage reportedly sent back to Thailand
  • Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?

💉☠️⤴️ ~ Folketinget vedtager ny vaccinationspakke ~ | Blogger: ["Hvis ikke denne vaccine indeholder ID-mærkning eller microchipning, så indeholder den enten covid-xx eller typer influenza viruses: A, B, C and D" ~ SoTW] ... "Seruminstitut tror ikke på snarlig vaccine: - Vi er nødt til at vente på, at 👉virus går gennem👈 befolkningen" ~ Kåre Mølbak, faglig direktør i Statens Serum Institut... "Opfordring fra eksperter: Hold igen med 👉hjemmelavede👈 corona-tal." ~ TV 2 Nyheder (en INDIREKTE besked til Dr. Vibeke Manniche?) ... "Frivillige printer 3D-værnemidler i kampen mod corona. Sammen har de skabt en 👉bevægelse👈, der skal sørge for visirer til sygehusvæsenet (god og sund sammenhold, men total nytteløs og vanvittigt)... |

Kilde (policywatch.dk)

👼 ~ 💗 April 2020 ENERGY UPDATE (LeeHarrisEnergy) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "As I was delivering the April Energy Update, the following themes and focus points for this extraordinary time emerged: +MAJOR AWAKENING ENERGY - There is an expanded energy range right now between Fear and Love. Feeling Weird ‘at times’ is NORMAL."(..).. |

Source (LeeHarrisEnergy)
Mid-March Energy Update: CORONAVIRUS (Special Update)

Lee Harris has monthly forecasts via 15-30 minute intensive videos and he works with energies that are truly rewarding and very real bids on how we are influenced by the energy fields and energy streams that exist everywhere in nature and around us. Lee Harris describes the current situations that all people and children should relate to and how we restore the balance.

Personally i think his mindfulness of things is a uplifting experience and actually, very appealing. Will also say, Lee Harris, is at an awareness level I also share, many things he tells us are pretty much many of the topics I describe on my blog...

⚠️ ~ 💗 Three Days of Darkness, Three World Split, Easter Great Reveal 1st-13th April 2020 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"Each individual creates it's own "unique" timeline 'reality domain'. Your thoughts creates your 'reality' as we have said so many times in these transmissions and so to, do your collective thoughts create collective, and global 'reality'. And this is that, which takes literally center stage upon your planet, at your current time period" ~ The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine👈] ... |

Source (Magenta Pixie)

Global lockdown, three days of darkness into the thirteen days of The Great Reveal, 1st-13th April 2020. The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine deliver their transmission for monadic template download to their conduit, Magenta Pixie.