Apr 24, 2022

🎴👑💘 ~ (What a happy day what a happy day!!) Janine and David Cover Everything From Politics to Media, Plane Activity, Queen, Music, and More! (David Cowan) ~ | Blogger: You might wanna watch this one. The picture below with the two Pale white horses + "death"-card as Janine pulled, same as 'Sophia Tarot Reader'. We are veeeeery close to "London Bridge Is Falling Down" (YEEES!)... They also read into a guy called "Josh Kennedy" (Australian rules football player) that is actually rumored to be JFK Jr. son (called out by Negative 48)... Who owns the World you ask?: Blackrock and Vanguard.. Janine pull cards on Blackrock and they have been STOPPED and in BIG TROUBLE & FACING JUSTICE (JEEEAH!)... Who is getting the billions upon billions of money, from the Corona-Vaccines? It has been taken over, TheBlackHats are losing the income, off-worlders has intercepted it now! It will go to sovereign beings, freedom loving humans and or going back to the PEOPLE (HURAAA!!!). The (dirty) money is going to fund all the RV, Janine claims.... Finished it off at 25 minute marker, there must be soooo much more... Sorry, SoTW got carried away, I just badly needed some positive rings in the water. Keeping our spirits on high all the time, can be hard... |



🐺⚔️🦊 ~ (De to ulve som altid slås) Hold en super god konfirmationstale, men hvordan? Her er hvad jeg gjorde, som onklen... (SoTW Arkiv) ~ | 5 minutters læsetid | Blogger: [👉Åhhh disse minder tra la la la (semi-glemte corona tider)👈] ... I 2020, blev Altergang aflyst overalt, for første gang siden Reformationen i danske kirker og konfirmationsforberedelserne, blev i mange tilfælde annulleret, ellers gjorde, Konfirmanterne det selv, af frygt, som i mit tilfælde, hvor min søsters 2 unge mennesker, skulle konfirmeres. Heldigvis, holdt vi festen, senere, og jeg som altid, satte en sjov video sammen, til glæde (for de fleste)... Coronafrygten og de mange unge konfirmanter, tror heller ikke på Gud og Biblen, og i den udforming, som Folkekirken, repræsenterer. Mere på gaver og festen, foruden det pres, der ligger hos Deres venner og skolekammarater. Er selv glad for, jeg har meldt mig ud af Folkekiren og alt andet religions-fnidderfnadder. Og nej, Spiritualisme er ikke en religion med dogmer og kirke, men en løs betegnelse for teknikker, der giver adgang til ens indre ressourcer, så man igen føler sig levende. Målet er at finde sig selv og så ønske eller glæde sig til, (ikke 'håbe' frygtord) at det lykkes og ikke ender i skuffelse over det fundne... PS: Apple iMovie gør det så let... |

An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life...

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

"One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.

"The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

"This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
"Which wolf will win?"

The old chief simply replied,
"The one you feed."

Hold en super god konfirmationstale, men hvordan? Her er hvad jeg gjorde, som 'onklen'... 

Udgivet første gang den 1. Maj 2016 af Verdensalt.dk 

Fik lavet en forside til et nyt blad med min niece og
hun og alle i min familie er gudesmukke også mn
elskede datter, Isabella...
En konfirmationstale findes i alle afskygninger, lige fra de tåkrummende pinlige over de langstrakte ligegyldige til de fantastisk morsomme og rammende. Alle forældre vil gerne kunne skrive en tale til konfirmation der rammer plet… og det kan faktisk være 'sværere', end det lyder!

Glem den forstokket-gammeldags-onkel-tale, der med pegefingerens skreven og påtegning om, at konfirmandens overgang til de voksnes rækker kommer med et ansvar samt kristendommen og dens religiøse aspekt. Og nu skal du høre på Onkel Peter, min unge konfirmand. 

Har luret den. Dog, er det naturligvis meget forskel på hvem af familien man tilhører. Jeg har den opfattelse, det er svært for mor og far, at holde en tale uden den bliver følelsesmæssigt afstumpet eller det stik modsatte, grundet det er svært at sige "jeg elsker dig'" indpakket i cellofan, uden det går hen og bliver pinligt, klammo eller med gråd. Det er langtfra alle, der elsker at tale foran en større forsamling. Hører du til dem, der får svedige håndflader bare ved tanken om at rejse sig og slå på glasset, så gør det sjovt, levende og anderledes og inddrag gerne konfirmanden direkte i talen. Husk på, konfirmanden selv er lige så spændt på hvad der bliver sagt.   

De voksnes 'Core Values' der ikke harmonere med de unges behov

Min forestilling er, vi skal hele vejen tilbage til vores egen konfirmation og de 'Core Values' som krævede vores opmærksom dengang. Energierne ændrer sig hele tiden, det gør vores 'Core Values' også, men ikke nødvendigvis vores "adopterede tankemæssige mønstre", som næsten alle voksne lider af (de tankemæssige mønstre er de indoktrinerede mekanismer som hobes op i vores hjerne når vi hele vores barndom er tvungen opdragelse fra præsten, læreren, forældrene samt alle voksen-autoriteter for at følge en kollektiv tankegang og meningsdannelse, etik og moral)  
Typisk eksempel:  familiens tvang med børn - "spis nu op", men det er ikke hensigtsmæssigt fordi grundværdien skal være "vi skal være frie individer og stoppe med at spise når energien tillader det". "Du skal lære at lytte til mor og far". "Du må ikke svare igen". "Vi bestemmer, fordi vi er voksne". osv. Mange af vores værdisæt er baseret på "Janteloven" og "kollektiv bevidstheder" i forskellige familiegrupper... Mange danskere lider under mindreværdskomplekser eller ikke så stor selvtillid og underspiller os selv, fordi vi ikke stoler på vores egne evner... Vi er dog en tid hvor vi skal udrense vores tankemønstre og være i balance med os selv og omgivelser....Vi skal gøre op med vores kerneværdier (core values) og skabe nye,  f.eks.nye kunne være "hjælpe andre mennesker" eller "gode ting kommer altid til mig" osv. osv.
De ovennævnte ting, er voksne ting. De er svære at  omsætte eller overfører til et ungdomssprog. Jeg er både Onkel, Morbror og Gudfar, så jeg valte ikke, at mine tanker skulle ned på papir. Min idé var simpel. Jeg havde produceret to videoer, ene var en hyldest på ét minut som en video via projektor. Anden video var en længere sjov video med min nieces bedste veninder som medskuespillere. Den første korte video indeholdt billeder af hende som barn m.m. Skulle fange min nieces opmærksomhed og så skabe en platform som kun var for os 2. Derfor, sagde jeg til hende:  "Nu skal vi have en 2-vejs kommunikation, interagere sammen og se hinanden i øjnene", for at fange hendes opmærksomhed.

👨‍💼🐸😀 ~ (Evolve or... REPEAT!) Memes should be... (SoTW) ~ |


❤️‍🔥🐛 ~ (RFK Jr. on Bil Gates: “a dark form of philanthrocapitalism based on biopiracy and corporate biopiracy.”) More on Global Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages. Russia/Ukraine Intensifies, Inflation & Drought (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: DO NOT WORRY -- PM Modi: India Can ‘Feed the World’ in Face of Russia War Shortages.... And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack. And you may find yourself in another part of the world. And you may think - this global food crisis will not affect me and my country. Think again, The Ukrainewar is just doing that + Elites attempt to monopolise and dominate global food production + Bill Gates as the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States (died in 2014 but his clones and handlers)... Ukraine war food price spikes may push 40 million into extreme poverty, development group says... WEF and Ida Auken - by 2030, will we all own nothing, live in pods, and eat bugs?... There are zero reported peace talks going on to settle the war in Ukraine. This can mean only one thing, and that is this conflict will intensify. EU / UN / NATO / Cabal will do what it takes to create the long-wished-for WWIII and THE GREAT RESET... BUT IT WILL NOT HAPPEN FOLKS - trust me on this. The fourth version of Putin and his army and the "Special Operations" will soon cease and end with "everything will go back to normal". Buuutt, there's no "normal" anymore after COVID-SCANDEMIC. It can't get no worse before it gets better - just watch (and learn). UNIVERSAL LAWS says; No gods or aliens are going to step in and prevent nuclear war - it's down to us." Russia's nuclear missile Sarmat, also known as Satan 2. I disagree. ALIENS have repeatedly switched off nuclear warheads in Russia and the United States, in a bid to stop world war three breaking out, experts has claimed since 1950's. AND the Galactic Federation of World / Light will not accept, any nations, trying to attempt a WIII or Global Food Crisis that will lead to millions to die or anything else, by the last breath taken, before the CABAL, finally dies. That is, SoTW's humble opinion... |



Global Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages:

  • Italy, Milan: The elderly people of the country are forced to dig through the waste in the markets in order to find food for themselves. Too low a pension does not allow them to live until the end of the month. The whole nation resents Mario Draghi because of his policies.
  • China Hungry residents of Shanghai come out in the middle of the night and bang pots and pans, asking for some food from the government.
  • The big reboot: artificial food shortages. Hackers are attacking farmers with extortionate software. Six grain companies were attacked last fall, and two more have already been attacked this year.
  • 2019 Iraq Rivers of Discord: In Basra in Iraq, people get poisoned with polluted water. Every day, 4,000 people are hospitalised after drinking or simply touching it. Once known as the Venice of the East, the canals of Iraq’s second-largest city are in a disastrous state. Upstream, brine chokes the Mesopotamian Marshes, once one of the world’s most extensive wetlands, and threatens the migrating birds and herds of buffalo. Dr Azzam Alwash, an engineer, started Nature Iraq to save his beloved marshes and draw the government’s attention to the devastation caused by climate change and environmental vandalism.
  • Anonymous source: “Spontaneous” ignition of food stocks is happening more and more often and I am glad that it attracts people’s attention.  One remark: this has been going on for many years. Here is a map that I created in 2020, when the number of suspicious fires at food enterprises began to grow, and then it became impossible to keep track! Each pin is a farm, food distribution center, warehouse or elevator engulfed in flames. And each of them reduces the sustainability of our food supply chain. 20 fires in the last 2 months (which are not yet on this map), although noteworthy, are only the latest acceleration. Simply put, instead of feeding the hungry, they burn food in order to disrupt food supply chains and establish chaos/a new world order.

👀⏰⚔️ ~ (Trump, Voter Fraud, Dark Italian Satellites, Biden, Juan-O-Savin-Flynn, Vatican, IH3RC, Sex-Trafficking, DUMBS, God, UFO's) Simon Parkes Important Conversation and Big Updates (Video) (Before It's News by N.Morgan) ~ | Blogger: THIS is to some degree very confusing. You can go to "AMP" or "WN.com" or "Bitchute" or watch it DIRECTLY on BIN. SoTW had to find all the links myself and Simon has not posted anything about this on his own blog. The REAL title is "Conversations of Consequence with Simon Parkes (21-4-2022)." (by John Michael Chambers from American Media Periscope)... BIN calls it a "Vital interview with Simon and he discloses some HUGE news and updates". SoTW are not sure that is TRUE, but it depends on, if you knew, Simon and John, already, last few years. If you're newbie to American Alternative News and Simon, this might be SUPER GREAT news and highly recommended to watch it. For CC-members it might be a repeat, buuutt, Simon goes in more depth by answering questions he already has covered in the past, by adding more details. 💭NOTE: Simon will go on a fact-finding-tour in June/July in Florida and meet US coordinators!! (How will he do that, when Foreign nationals traveling to the United States must demonstrate proof of full vaccination against COVID-19??). Simon's hope to move semi-permanently to America and his Florida house, in Dec/Jan of 2023. His very last words was, that America, Britain and Australia are very close to be liberated, but not Canada, just yet. People need to put pressure on their government (what about Denmark and EU and rest of the world??)... |

PS (SoTW): Why don't Simon create more CC and worldly "News reports" like he did in the past? Ask him - perhaps of his NDA, maybe he's more busy in the background or nothing vital happens - take your pick - I have no idea. Yesterday, the amazing HOST Leigh of "International CC member Meditation to raise consciousness" said, that many are complaining that only 100 people shows up on Zoom, out of a 1000 people, but she said, Simon and Becky has cost by emailing people - which is a bit (lame excuse). I strongly feel, people are losing faith in SP and CC-DK is no better. We really miss the old days (SoTW do). We miss some solid information and positive news and updates more frequently (with all due respect). Yes, CC are a spiritual organization, absolutely, and we need to speak about spiritualism - sure - and how we evolve and assist HUmanity - right. SP has issued a (Business) Conduct Guidelines, that have more rules, than IBM, that I have worked for. Rules in a spiritual organization?? Yes, we had some MAJOR setbacks by 4 Danish people within a "cult" who did some nasty things and CC, moved to another platform etc. etc... Anyways, we also need plane "news" from the alternative world of understanding. What's the point on going to "Charlie's tour" in Birmingham, when we've not out of the woods yet? My Danish friend said to me, what if the BlackHats will target people with DEW, like in Awake and Aware London? To meet-up, hug and share love, yes - it's beautiful - but the ENERGY is not there (yet), people are still fearful of wars and what comes next after Ukraine etc. etc... I even heard, Kent Dunn said, world is cleared out in 2025. Janine and Brad, 2023.  Stewart Swerdlow on Dr. Salla told us, that we have to "wait" until 2024. Others mentions 2032, like Michelle Fielding. HUmanity and Truth-community really need a breakthrough in 2022 and SoTW knows TheDarkHats are still powerful, but the whole cleanup, might take until 2032 (New Golden Age is completed). However, we still need to see the light in the tunnel, SOON!. Not a MAJOR EVENT, but some glitches in the Matrix, to convince our neighbors and our Soul, that we're on the right track for Planetary Liberation. I trust my Higher-Self, I really do, but H-S reading is like looking at Tarot cards - it's a 'clear and present movement in time', that can change of course. May of 2022, might be THE LANDMARK event, we've all waiting for, if , TheDarkHats, will not set the world on fire... | 

This is a vital interview with Simon and he discloses some HUGE news and updates. The summer is quickly approaching and things are about to heat up for sure!