Nov 19, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Guess no one got the memo SMH: SpaceX rocket did NOT hit The Firmament of the Sky Dome Mr. Rodriguez) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Nov 19, 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: Aaand Satan and his half-brother, Lucifer, was forced to pack their earth suitcase to return to their home planets, by the White Hats, one way ticket... Do not take this the wrong way, buuttt, it's unbelievably, everyone (all of a sudden) out of the blue just before the House of Cards falls, that all truthers, believe in “flat-Earth theory”, and The Firmament of the Sky Dome and Ice Wall and hidden countries and continents. Of course SpaceX blew up and we haven't been on the moon either in a tin-can in the 60s and Antarctica has been explored to the fullest by Admiral Richard E. Byrd and the Secret Space Programs. We already know, that Antarctica contains all the most important earth and aliens history under the ice, largest pyramids in the galaxy and there's access to the inner earth from there. But Flat Earth and we live in Hunger Ganes arena under a cheese dome - nope not in a million years… Like my DK holistic ND just said to me; 'As in all religious sects that, for example, were they commit suicide, they have been brainwashed to believe in the case, the more people believe, the stronger the effect, just as a lot of meditation works powerfully if it is a certain subject that is focused on, I must admit that I got a stomach hurt from laughing.'.. |

👁️⃤𓂀💰🤪웃 (Rig penge-kat, Bling-Bling Tju Bang Chokolade'mand') Pengene vælter ind hos "Jens" Janni, Mads 'Dittmann' og 'Okman[D]'. Men løgn, fortielse og ondsindede rygter skal ud, som man siger. ~ 19. November 2023 ~ |

Once you see it, You can't unsee it (VELUX)... 

Maskuliniteter, kønsidentiteter og kønsmisforståelser...

[👉Fun-Facts about the HM Queen Margrethe II: The BEST children's books was "Winnie the Pooh" - Transgender or Intersex? Another fun fact is The Queen 'Daisy' got another nickname after she (officially) "Entered Apprentice" and accepted into Copenhagen DDFO in 1994 same year they removed her "identity" after cancer surgery. TBJ told us 2 separated times she's a babyboy👈]

FREE GUY: Aldrig har 'kvinder' været så maskuline både på udseendet og væremåde. Og mænd, aldrig så feminine og under tøflen. Gud skabte både manden og kvinden i sit billede, sgu da ikke, 72 kønsidentiteter og transhumanisme.  Står der i biblen man kan blive født som intetkøn? Kan interkønnede få børn? Jeg er glad for jeg ikke er forvirret oven i hoved og ikke har tilknytning til frimureriet og den royale institution, hvor babybørn, bliver neutraliseret med omskæring af kvinderens vulva og mænds circumcision.

Den altid analfikserede israelske agent, Ditte 'OK'Man[D] og hendes homo-panel, hvor julemanden, får sig en hyggelig røvpuler, skal bag en betalingsmur på pisogpotteimo. Der igen, ejes af filantropiske milliardomsættende, Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker, der har rødder tilbage til 1750 og en tobaksspinderi. Ligesom det røvsyge nye program "Kirsten ringer til Rasmus (podcast)", ejes R8DIO af formanden, Thomas Ryge Mikkelsen, eks-koncerndirektør i Pandora. 

Det hele er så sammenspist og frimurerisk, man tror det er løgn og latin. Imens alle Drengene fra Angora lytter med sammen med hun = she han = he henne= her ham = him henne og ham. For ved du præcist hvem, af alle dine yndlings-kendisser, som er en "ægte mand eller kvinde"? Jeg gør ikke mere... | 


SoTW - hvad vil Janni ligne uden makeup?

💖🛏️🌌 (Med-Beds new tech made and supervised by benevolent off-worlders) Se "A Deep Dive into Medbeds - A reading with Crystal Ball and Tarot ~ Nov 19, 2023 ~ |