Mar 2, 2017

ZeroHedge | Tyler Durden | Prominent Hedge Fund Trader Jumps To His Death In Manhattan | Why Are So Many Bankers Committing Suicide? | June 12, 2016: During the past few years we have extensively covered the odd rash of banker suicides, pointing out the various conspiracy theories linking various high-level bank executives and inside scandals at the very highest levels across Europe's banks |

A prominent 47-year-old hedge fund trader was killed when he jumped from a luxury apartment building on Manhattan's Upper West Side, in an apparent suicide, authorities told the NY Post.

Kevin Bell, most recently head of Credit Risk at Arrowgrass Capital, jumped from a ninth-floor kitchen window at the Apthorp building on West End Avenue near West 79th Street around 7:20 a.m. He landed on scaffolding that was set up in front of the building and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Bell left a note indicating he had been depressed, the source said. He had a history of depression, the source added.

According to the NY Post, Bell left behind a wife and two daughters. His family was at home when he jumped, according to the source. “The family is hysterical. He was under a lot of meds. He did not give a specific reason why he jumped, but he was depressed,” the source said.

Bell, a graduate of Duke University, worked at Arrowgrass Capital Partners, where he was head of credit risk, according to his LinkedIn page. Arrowgrass managed $4.5 billion as of mid-2016. It is run by former Deutsche Bank traders Henry Kenner and Nicholas Niell, and in 2015 had been stocking its ranks with Saba alumni after losing several employees in its credit-trading group in April. The firm focuses on strategies including corporate distressed assets in the U.S. and Europe.

Christian Truther | VIDEO#1 - TEDx Talks - The Future of Human Augmentation | VIDEO#2 - IBM Watson Social Robotics - NVIDIA GTC 2016 | Nazi Technology on Steroids: The Coming Augmented Reality, Where Computers Are ‘Alive’ and Cognitive

Berlingske | Pludselig gik Claus Hjort på amerikansk tv og åbnede for at styrke forsvaret med 20 milliarder | Claus Hjort Frederiksen sagde til CNN - stik mod meldingerne herhjemme - at det er regeringens mål at øge forsvarsbudgettet til to procent af BNP inden for ti år, svarende til ca. 20 mia. kr. DF og K klapper i hænderne, mens S har »meget, meget, meget, meget, meget, meget svært« ved at se det ske | Den amerikanske forsvarsminister, James Mattis, smed for små to uger siden et ultimatum på bordet, da han holdt et lukket møde med de 27 andre NATO-lande... | Blogger: Vores danske krigsliderlige genetisk-modificerede-politikere, står til igen..."Uddrag fra EB:.. Vores alles Forsvarsminister vil have flere penge til militæret, truslen fra Rusland er skræmmende og Danmark risikerer russiske hacker angreb, der kan sætte hospitaler og elektricitet ud af drift, siger Claus Hjort Frederiksen! Samtidig er Rusland ved at sætte missiler op, der kan nå København og derfor er Danmark, ifølge Hjort, nød til at opruste kraftigt, så at man sammen med Nato, kan modstå Putins omspændende aggressioner i Verden..".".. Folkets røst: Philip Dybdahl: Efter min mening grænser det til sindssyge, hvis man tror at Putin vil angribe Skandinaviske lande!. Claus hjort og ligesindede er offer for det der hedder kontrolleret sindssyge, en sygdom, der går ud på at løgnen bliver så stor, at man ikke ser den som en løgn, men en sandhed, der får alle borgere til at tro, at det er normalt! Men det er ikke normalt! Danmark skal til at skrotte sit militær ikke udbygge det..")

Torsdag D. 2. MARTS 2017 KL. 11:45 

Yahoo News | Reuters | Antarctica hits record high temperature at balmy 63.5°F (17.5 degrees Celsius) |

Reuters, March 1, 2017

OSLO (Reuters) - An Argentine research base near the northern tip of the Antarctic peninsula has set a heat record at a balmy 63.5° Fahrenheit (17.5 degrees Celsius), the U.N. weather agency said on Wednesday.

The Experanza base set the high on March 24, 2015, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said after reviewing data around Antarctica to set benchmarks to help track future global warming and natural variations.

"Verification of maximum and minimum temperatures help us to build up a picture of the weather and climate in one of Earth’s final frontiers," said Michael Sparrow, a polar expert with the WMO co-sponsored World Climate Research Programme.

Antarctica locks up 90 percent of the world's fresh water as ice and would raise sea levels by about 60 meters (200 ft) if it were all to melt, meaning scientists are concerned to know even about extremes around the fringes.

The heat record for the broader Antarctic region, defined as anywhere south of 60 degrees latitude, was 19.8°C (67.6°F) on Jan. 30, 1982 on Signy Island in the South Atlantic, it said.

And the warmest temperature recorded on the Antarctic plateau, above 2,500 meters (8,202 feet), was -7.0°C (19.4°F) on Dec. 28, 1980, it said.

Wednesday's WMO report only examined the highs.

The lowest temperature set anywhere on the planet was a numbing -89.2°C (-128.6°F) at the Soviet Union's Vostok station in central Antarctica on July 21, 1983.

Kristeligt-dagblad | DR: Bibelafbrænding var kunst, koranafbrænding var had | Vi ville ikke lægge en hel trosretning for had, siger Anne-Marie Dohm, direktør i DR Danmark |

"Risiko er altid en faktor, når man tager stilling til, om noget er principielt nok til at vise,”
 siger Anne-Marie Dohm, direktør i DR Danmark. – Foto: Bjarne Bergius Hermansen/DR

Vi ville ikke lægge en hel trosretning for had, siger Anne-Marie Dohm, direktør i DR Danmark

Af Jens From Lyng

Anne-Marie Dohm, DR2 Dagen undlod at vise den koranafbrænding, der lå til grund for tiltalen af en nordjysk mand for blasfemi, hvilket var emnet for udsendelsen. Hvorfor?

Det var fordi, selve handlingen i videoen ikke var særlig relevant. Vi ville diskutere blasfemiparagraffen, fordi den sjældent bliver anvendt i Danmark. Til den diskussion behøvede vi ikke dokumentation i form af en video fra Facebook.

Men burde dét, at paragraffen bliver anvendt så sjældent, netop ikke betyde, at seerne har interesse i at se, hvad der skal til, før det bliver rejst tiltale?

Når man viser noget på tv eller i andre medier, er det som journalist og redaktør nødvendigt at overveje, om man bliver spændt for en vogn. Om man går nogens ærinde i forhold til at lægge nogen for had for eksempel. Hvis man viser optagelser som denne, er der en risiko for, at man bliver spændt for sådan en vogn.
Vi forsøger ikke at lægge en dæmper på debatten om islam. Den har vi taget talrige gange. Dette tilfælde handler om, at vi ikke vil spændes for en stemning om at lægge en trosretning for had. -- Anne-Marie Dohm, direktør i DR

EB | Ulrik Haagerup stopper på DR | Haagerup mistede sine lukrative bonuspoint på én time | MØGSAGERNE: Hesten, Flyveturene, Demonstrationen, Nytårstalen, Påtalen | Blogger: Dagens, måske bedste nyhed? Men er sikker på, at Ulrik Haagerup får en heftig fratrædelsesordning som funktionær og dermed sikre sig en bonus i millionklassen, så hvem er det, der griner hele vejen ned til banken? |

DRs nyhedsdirektør, Ulrik Haagerup stopper. Foto: Mik Eskestad

Ulrik Haagerup stopper på DR

2. mar. 2017 - kl. 12:29 Opdateret 2. mar. 2017 - kl. 12:30

DRs nyhedschef Ulrik Haagerup stopper på DR.

Det meddeler DR i en pressemeddelelse.

- Ulrik Haagerup har efter 10 år i DR valgt at fratræde sin stilling som nyhedsdirektør. Ulrik Haagerup kom til DR i 2007 fra en chefredaktørstilling i Nordjyske Medier. Først var han divisionschef i DR Nyheder, og siden 2010 har han været nyhedsdirektør.

Selv siger Haagerup følgende:
- Her i marts måned har jeg været i DR Nyheder i præcis 10 år, og jeg er stolt over de resultater, som talentfulde og ambitiøse medarbejdere og chefer sammen har skabt. Vi har næppe tidligere stået stærkere, fordi fokus hver dag er på at samarbejde om at levere høj public service-kvalitet i nyhedsformidlingen på alle platforme. Det bliver vemodigt at sige farvel til DR og til alle de dygtige mennesker, jeg har arbejdet sammen med.
.... [læs videre]

Get Holistic Health | Professor Colin T. Campbell | VIDEO | Cancer Can Be CURED And This Doctor Refused To Keep Quiet | Colin T. Campbell discovered that the main reason behind chronic diseases and even cancer was consuming animal products including meat, milk and fish |

in Overall Health by

Professor Colin T. Campbell was recently at a great crossroad in his life – he needed to choose one between his professional career and sharing the new scientific discoveries that would change the world for the better with everyone. Even the CIA showed up at his door asking questions about his new discoveries while his colleagues warned him not to continue the controversial research. He was also threatened with being fired but despite all this, Dr. Campbell chose the truth.

Colin T. Campbell is a professor of nutritional biochemistry at the Cornell University and during his latest research – he discovered that the main reason behind chronic diseases and even cancer was consuming animal products including meat, milk and fish. He managed to find a link between breast cancer and “casein” which is a protein found in milk.

And although Dr. Campbell is a professional, he highly disapproves of popular diets and doesn’t get along with celebrity doctors as his main goal is to provide health to everyone, including the people of the world that cannot afford pharmaceutical drugs and treatments.

According to him, doctors can’t be nutritionists as they don’t have the professional training to give diet advices. But when it comes to him, he’s spent more than 50 years in publicly financed labs and he now wants to share the results of his research with the world as well as the fact that simple diet changes can prevent heart disease, reduce the risk of cancer and even treat cancer itself.

According to the research of Dr. Campbell, consuming animal products activates cancer cells, while reducing the intake of meat reduces the risk of cancer. In other words a high-protein diet increases the proliferation of cancer cells and provides oxygen to free radicals, which are often the cause of cancer.
The research of Dr. Campbell strongly points out that the cure for cancer is believe it or not – in plants.

The research of Dr. Campbell strongly points out that the cure for cancer is believe it or not – in plants.

MSN Nyheder | Espresso - Judith Lussier | Populære teorier: Det sker der efter døden | Tror du på liv efter døden? Her er 20 teorier, der forsøger at give svar på, hvad der sker efter døden | 1-20: Det biocentriske univers | Den egocentriske teori | Den paranormale teori | Vi er blot et resultat af nogle højeres drømme | Kryogen-teorien | Nørd-teorien | Faraoernes teori | Platos teori | Du bliver genfødt | Martyr-teorien | Aztekernes teori | Den buddhistiske teori | The terrorist theory | Den Raelske teori | Den kristne teori | Nihilist-teorien | Teorien fra filmen Beetlejuice | Rasta-teorien | Stranger Things-teorien | Den pessimistiske teori |

Check MSN - Klik videre i galleriet, og se de forskellige teorier

Hvad sker der efter døden? Her er 20 fremtrædende teorier

Tror du på liv efter døden? Her er 20 teorier, der forsøger at give svar på, hvad der sker efter døden.

Dr Michael Salla Update | Exopolitics | Exoarcheology | Antarctica’s Secret History – Extraterrestrial Colony Created Elite Bloodline Rulers

Written by Dr Michael Salla on

Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode, has revealed more startling information about Antarctica and its history as an extraterrestrial refugee colony established roughly 60,000 years ago. He asserts that the alien refugees found advanced “builder race” technologies there that were created over 1.8 billion years ago.

Equally intriguing is his claim that some of the extraterrestrial refugees are still alive today in stasis chambers, located inside 30 mile long motherships buried under 2000 feet of ice below Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf.

In Goode’s February 21, 2017 Cosmic Disclosure TV episode he stated that he continues to receive briefings from a USAF run secret space program about the excavations in Antarctica being conducted by archeologists, which began in 2002, In an earlier article, I described what Goode told me about the USAF briefings, and what he had encountered during a January 2017 visit to Antarctica with an Inner Earth civilization called the “Anshar”.

In the Cosmic Disclosure episode, Goode provides more details and graphic depictions of what he personally witnessed in Antarctica. He describes the extraterrestrials as “Pre-Adamites”, who were originally from Mars and a Super-Earth (Maldek) whose remains now form the Asteroid Belt.

Artist depiction of Pre-Adamites. Permission: Sphere Being Alliance

During their long history, he says that the inhabitants of Mars and Maldek fought a series of high tech wars back when Mars was a moon of Maldek. Approximately 500,000 years ago, these wars came to a climactic end with Maldek being obliterated.

Maldek’s remains hit Mars with such force that the latter’s surface cities on one side of the planet were totally destroyed, and most of its atmosphere was lost. This made life on Mars’ surface very precarious at best, and led to planetary evacuation by the Martian survivors.

Billions of refugees from both Mars and Maldek found refuge on our present Moon. However, the time of the catastrophe our Moon was another satellite of Maldek, but it was artificially created with vast living areas in its interior as Goode has previously described.

The Pre-Adamites inhabited the Moon for approximately 440,000 years, and at some point during this period, according to information received by Goode, the Moon was moved into its present orbit around the Earth.

Destroying The Illusion | Jordan Sather | The Flat Earth Society Has Members All Across The Globe

Published on Mar 1, 2017
My opinions on the whole Flat Earth thing...

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

Personal transformation and health coaching services

Destroying the Illusion by unveiling the Truth.
Your contributions help tremendously. Thank you to anyone who donates to support the cause.
PayPal donations accepted at:

COBRA | 2012 Portal | Etheric Liberation Update | March 2, 2017 CET

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller ( for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Our meditation on Sunday was the turning point in the decisive battle for the energy grid of planet Earth that is taking place between January and April 2017, and one of the biggest victories of the Light. It is estimated that our meditation has cut the remaining waiting time towards the Event by half.

 The critical mass has been more than reached. Somewhere between 1 and 2 million people were informed about the meditation with around 150,000 to 200,000 people actually participating. There were so many people meditating that the server for one of the main websites for the meditation crashed because too many people tried to connect and join the meditation.

 I first noticed that something extraordinary is happening around 2 hours before the activation when I began to receive certain intel of a critically important nature, parts of which I will be able to release in the following weeks and months. Then less than one hour before the activation it became obvious that we will reach the critical mass and I was instructed to communicate that through my blog just before the activation started.

At the moment of the activation, a huge wave of positive plasma swept throughout the solar system and then through the ionosphere, causing the Schumann resonances to explode.

This wave was detected by Space Observing System in Tomsk in Russia, where the activation happened at 9:55 pm local time. You can clearly see drastic increase of plasma activity starting around one hour after the activation and lasting for about 36 hours, if you click on the picture below:

FB Comments from Sphere Being Alliance | World News Daily Report | March 1, 2017: Familiar sounding information. :) Disinfo to confuse everyone? Blending Fake News with info from unacknowledged programs has been a heavily used tactic recently. Corey: Antarctica: NASA Images Reveal Traces of Ancient Human Settlement Underneath 2.3 km of Ice |

Antarctica: NASA Images Reveal Traces of Ancient Human Settlement Underneath 2.3 km of Ice 

WASHINGTON | Recently released remote sensing photography of NASA’s Operation IceBridge mission in Antarctica led to a fascinating discovery when images revealed what some experts believe could be the existence of a possible ancient human settlement lying beneath an impressive 2.3 kilometers of ice.

The intriguing discovery was made during aircraft tests trials of NASA’s Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) lidar technology set to be launched on the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) in 2017, that aims to monitor changes in polar ice.

“There’s very little margin for error when it comes to individual photons hitting on individual fiber optics, that is why we were so surprised when we noticed these abnormal features on the lidar imagery,” explains Nathan Borrowitz, IceBridge’s project scientist and sea ice researcher with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

“As of now we can only speculate as to what these features are but the launching of ICESat-2 in 2017 could lead to other major discoveries and a better understanding of Antarctica’s geomorphological features” he adds.

Although NASA scientist Nathan Borrowitz claims the infrared images
are definitely intriguing, other experts claim they are clearly the
proof of ancient human engineering

A human settlement buried under 2.3 km of ice

BT | Udland | Var det bevidst? Trump underskrev lov i al ubemærkethed | Én ud af flere love, han underskrev, tilbageruller de stramninger af våbenloven, Barack Obama indførte efter et frygtelige Sandy Hook-skoleskyderi i december 2012 | Siden Sandy Hook-massakren har der været mindst 1.307 masseskyderier i USA, som har kostet mindst 1.422 menneskeliv og 5.155 sårede | (Blogger: Stoooop! Jeg vil ikke male fanden på væggen, men det hæmmer min sans for logik og BS alarmen går igang. Ønsker ikke at dømme, og fordybe mig med bevæggrunde, hvorfor, Hr. Trump udsteder 'executive orders' og dekreter, det burde BT og andre MSM nyhederne heller ikke, fordi, ingen af os aner hvad der foregår bag ved scenen og vi kan kun gisne. Vi, danskere, kan heller ikke sætte os ind hvorfor amerikanerne er så beskyttende omkring deres ret til at bære våben og forsvare sig osv. Den kultur kender vi ikke til i Danmark. Vidste du, at den 200 år gamle våbenlov blev nedfældet, for at sikre USA mod indianere og englændere i 1791? Dvs. den amerikanske våbenlov udspringer af et ønske om at kunne beskytte sig mod blandt andre de oprindelige amerikanere. Det er den officielle forklaring.. Nok om det.. Lad mig blot nævne Sandy Hook-massakren, som BT & The Mirror (MSM media) forsøger, at piske en stemning op omkring. Det her, er ikke noget jeg selv støver op fra konspirationsteorier, har også snakket med masser af amerikanere om dette, set tonsvis af beviser på, at Sandy Hook-massakren, var den første bevislige, FF Operation. Det bedste bevis kommer fra whistleblower David Steele, en tidligere marinesoldat og fra CIA's hemmelige specialtjeneste (clandestine services) der siger, at de fleste terroraktioner i USA, udføres af false flag terrorister, eller blev skabt af egne sikkerhedstjenester.. Kan blot konstatere, at Sandy Hook, i daglig tale kendt som Sandy Hook Hoax eller Sandy Hoax, er den første FF Ops i nyere historie, afsløret som en total fabrikeret begivenhed, propfyldt med falske omgivelser (en falsk skole) og falske ofre. Har flere hundrede artikler omkring emnet på bloggen ud af 6500 blogindlæg.. Men det er jo kun dig selv som skal overbevises, verden omkring dig, ønsker at lulle dig i søvn og skræmme os alle med frygt, for vid og sans, så vi aldrig, finder ud af sandheden.. MSM nyhedspressen har en bestemt agenda. Husk, jeg kender heller ikke hele sandheden, men kan kun gisne, ligesom vores agressive nyhedspresse som trofast støtter, Bush, Obama og Hillary regimet..)

USA's præsident Donald Trump blev foreviget kort før han
underskrev et dekret den 3. februar. Foto: KEVIN LAMARQUE

Var det bevidst? Trump underskrev lov i al ubemærkethed

Niels Pedersen -

Donald Trump har sørget for, at det er blevet foreviget, når han underskriver et dekret eller en ny lov i Det Hvide Hus. Men tirsdag gjorde han en bemærkelsesværdig undtagelse.

Det skriver The Mirror.

Her satte den amerikanske præsident sin signatur på en ny lov i al ubemærkethed og bag lukkede døre. Det britiske medie spekulerer i, at det var et særdeles bevidst valg fra Trumps side.

Loven, han underskrev, tilbageruller de stramninger af våbenloven, Barack Obama indførte efter et frygtelige Sandy Hook-skoleskyderi i december 2012, hvor 20-årige Adam Lanza dræbte 26 personer - herunder 20 børn i alderen i seks til syv år. Dermed er det ikke længere lovpligtigt, at personer, som modtager offentlig hjælp på grund af psykiske sygdomme eller personer, som er dømt ude af stand til at varetage deres egen økonomi, skal undersøges nærmere, før de får våbentilladelse....[læs mere]


Let the cleansing begin! | World Wide #PedoGate News | DK: Danish man charged with ordering rape of 346 children in ‘historic’ livestream sex abuse case | NO: Norway asylum center worker charged with sexually assaulting ‘more than 10 children’ | IE: Catholic church sex abuse victim quits Pope’s commission over ‘shameful resistance’ from officials | US: CNN: 1000 Pedophiles Housing Foster Children in CA in 2011 | UK: Pedophiles face chemical castration in prison to stem growing number of sex offences | US: Hundreds Arrested Across Los Angeles In Massive Pedophile Ring Bust | UK Police Announce There Are So Many Pedophiles, They Will Stop Arresting Them... |