Jul 26, 2024

💣💥🛐 (CHARLIE WARD SHOW W/ DECODE & BROOKER) SoTW; attempt to kill Trump was a JFK assassination ritual. Ukraine Nest of Nazi Evil & Israel land-grab of Gaza's multibillion dollar oil/gas field ~ July 26, 2024 ~ |


Editor's Note: as Gene explains, attempted assassination of Trump was a 3rd degree masonic ritual just like JFK was. 3 shooters, assassins always have 3 names. Jacob's Ladder and the  “Umbrella man.” An inside job (and much more). Then he talk about Harvesting organs and sex trafficking Ukraine with COVID-19 Bio Weapon labs - worse places on Earth. And Israel Oil under Gaza and Clinton-Cabal to attempt to start WWIII against Iran - highest wish for the military - and nuclear holocaust to wipe out HUmanity. Lucky for HU is, that The White Hats, knows about the evil plan... |  


😎🥳😵 (Multiple-Jill & Taller-Joe. Does Kamala Swift have a Switch?) Today's Crazy Vid, Quotes & Memes ~ July 26, 2024 ~ |

Friday even more freakier than freaky... Dudududu dudududu dudududu - Twilight zone
Dead & Alive: Let Me Clarify - Intuitive Insights & Tarot by Scott A. Yates

Riddle me this... Jill in Paris and at White House... at the same time???

Obama is "very upset". Doesn't believe Kamala can beat Trump - not endorsing her.
Big Mike swoop in?
 (or will Kamala be switched out for Gov. Josh Shapiro???)
JUST IN: Obamas endorse Kamala Harris for president (go figure)
This is getting good popcorn 🍿 tune

SoTW - It’s a snip! - Mary and Frederik are muzzled

‘Massive’ Sabotage Acts Hit Paris Trains Ahead of Olympics, More
US Bird Flu Outbreak Seeing 'Sustained' Spread Between Mammals, Study Warns

😎🥳🤪 (Fredags-Fjollerier) PlanDemiens CV-19[84] og dødssprøjte-dronningen Major Mary må kun snakke med DDR / TV 2 Fnys News i Paris. Mens DDFO's Onde Øje zigzagger mellem Mason-Minions Corona-smitte i kraftig stigning og/eller Coronatest er ligemeget ~ 26. Juli 2024 ~ |


"Mason -religionen bør opretholdes af os alle, der er indviede (33 grader) af de højeste grader i renheden af den Luciferiske (sataniske) doktrin."...

SoTW - Aarhus-rigmand har bygget en 1:1 kopi af kendt Tintin-slot
Tintin er ikke “bare” en tegneserie for børn og voksne (verdensalt)
Lego-arving køber land for 221 millioner kroner

Fjæsen (Privat)
Politisk Satire (grinte min r-ø-v i laser da jeg så denne)

🤍🎩🖤 (Is White Hats in control?) 'The Illuminati knows and have accepted Trump's win in November (Project Looking Glass).' ~ July 26, 2024 ~ |

'They sent Trump a message; 'we can take you out whenever we want.' The Illuminati have same ET technology that White Hats has and can do whatever they can, going back to Ancient Egypt.' ~ Kerry 

Editor's Note: Kerry looooves to hear her own voice and much "too confident or egocentric" attitude of her own belief system. Kerry has active sources in the Illuminati order, she says (strange). Anywho, basically, what Kerry Cassedy are saying or implying (which i've meet in London Awake & Aware conference 2018) The attempted assassination of Donald Trump was NOT a setup by White Hats. On the contrary, it was the Illuminati who sent him a signal. There was multiple shooters in place, Kerry says. Also White Hats shooters and Secret Service's Counter Snipers (and she starts laughing).   

Btw, Alex Collier, (which i've meet at a 2015 Mt Shasta conference) has a (invite only) Telegram channel called "Knights of Terra" with 1,361 members (the old channel one was much better) who pushed out a voice message July 14, 2024 saying; the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was NOT scripted and asking all his members to stop saying that. It was a genuine assassination attempt and the Deep State is desperate, Alex says. He also says, the Deep State and Cabal is gonna fight to the very end (SoTW has also said this over and over again). Because they know what awaits them in the end, Alex says. They are gonna drag this out in order to survive, he says (and more) .. | 

Kerry Cassidy and I discuss current events and who is really running the world.

Jul 25, 2024

👁️⃤𓂀👉🥴👈 (Børn er altid uskyldige) Efter børns leg er forbi og alvoren indtræffer med introduktion og indoktrineringen, bestemmes børns tro af forældrene, der alle tjener de 5 autoriteter; lægen, skolelæren, præsten og samfundets frimurer-politiker og deres dikterede levevilkår (hånd-i-hånd med håndlangere - medierne, den fjerde statsmagt) ~ 25. Juli 2024 ~ |

SoTW - 'Q' efterlyste job til sin datter - så brød helvede løs
Henrik's syv cifre i hans løn - altså en årsløn på over én million kroner

'Bare fordi man anses lavest kasteløs i det sociale hierarki, kan man godt være en stor kanon' ~ SoTW

Udgivet den 25. Juli 2024 af Verdensalt

Husk på - du ER hvad du har LÆRT!...Og har du masser af 'penge', så kan du 'gå', men har du ingen, så bliver du 'straffet'. Kommer jeg på SoTW til penge igen eller får et fedt job, bliver jeg 'upgraded' til tjenerklassen (shudra) og de fire kaster i hinduismen?

Jeg er en Lysarbejder og Lyskriger, der konstant og indædt kæmper imod Den »dybe stat« i Trumpland. Ashkenazi-Kabbalah jøderne (zionister) i Dannevang. De pædofile satanister, kontrolleret opposition og gale globalister, hvor verden, er præget af hemmelige selskaber, loger og sammensværgelser med skjulte, onde dagsordener.

Jeg har gjort mit yderste, for at være den bedste "far" og "mand/kæreste/ven/kollega". Min forældre er gode mennesker. Men har ikke altid selv, været en en "god" dreng eller "mand" i andres øjne. Har altid været "beskytter" af børn og svage sjæle (det har kostet mig dyrt). 

🙃🔄🥴 (SoTW Sundry, Trolling Thursday & Goofy Gaslighting) How do you LIKE them APPLES!... Isn't it OBVIOUS?... Which PART don't you UNDERSTAND?... ~ July 25, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: DemRats, Kabbalah Elites & The Khazarian Mafia supporting The GREATER Israel's war in Gaza killing 38,000 people is NOT between JEWS or JUNTOS... The Russo-Ukrainian war killing 500,000+ people is NOT between UKRAINIANS or RUSSIANS who's all descendants of Ancient Rus... This is a TAKEDOWN of The Fourth Reich - Neo-Nazi totalitarian - Nazism from WWII to the PRESENT... This is between GOOD and EVIL... The PYRAMID of POWER - The Archons, Draconians, Dracoreptilians, and Demons... Wake up Sheeple!.. [READ MORE] ... | 

SoTW - Who's signature is this?

SoTW -  Important video-report by Greg Reese - Where is Joe Biden?
What awaits us in 2024?!🤔 The funeral of Uncle Joe Baydoun

SoTW - KM HOO King BIBI can barely finish a sentence without thunderous applause by his AIPAC "employees."

We’re about to get a couple weeks of Kabala’s Greatest Hits! 🍆✊🏾🍆
Edward Snowden Kamala Harris Facts:
One on the left 2012, the actor on the right is 2024. Not the same Patriots.

Jul 24, 2024

🕯️🕯️💥🧈 (Verdens største mordmysterie / konspirationsteori?) $2,3TN manglede i Pentagons "kaffekasse" sagde Rumsfeld den 10. september 2001 ~ 24. juli 2024 ~ |

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen vidste, at det ville ske | 911facts.dk

Masser af øjenvidner hørte et 'bang, bang, bang' af eksplosioner inden de 2 WTC kollapsede præcist ned i deres egne fodaftryk. Samme skete for Bygning 7... 

Udgivet den 24. Juli 2024 af Verdensalt

Næste dag, efter "Rummy"'s ord faldt, den 11. september 2001 kl. 10.00 dut, forsvandt Pentagons revisionsafdeling, flere tre-bogstavers føderale agenturer, der skulle til, at implementere, NESARA. Som ville splitte hele Washington D.C., i atomer, nedlægge IRS (skat) og fjerne, alle menneskers gældsposter.

Vi ved nu med garanti, at 2,996+ mennesker omkom, i et sprængstoflignende nanotermit brag (kontrolleret nedrivning) i en sky af røg, sten, papir og glas, og et enkelt krydsermissil (Pentagon) og "2 fake fly" (stadig kæmpe diskussion). Man anslår, at ca 10.000 mennesker dør af det dødbringende støv og af kræft, årene efter 9/11 skete.

Det syvende tårn, World Trade Center 7 fik ikke væsentlige skader, men styrede også "mirakuløst" vertikalt sammen, som tvillingtårnene, med omkring samme hastighed som tyngdeaccellerationen, og præcist ned i deres egne fodaftryk, grundet, en simpel "opstået brand.". 

Om det hedder billioner eller trillioner, er vel ligegyldigt, for de teknisk imbecile, pointen er, at pengene, forsvandt sporløst, ned i et sort hul, sandsynligt "black budget" program, som ingen, kan spore (Den menneskelige hjerne er ikke beregnet til at tænke på billioner af dollar). 

Jeg tror fortsat på, at de mange billioner er gået ned i lommen på Det militær-industrielle kompleks (MIC) og De Hemmelige Rumprogram. (SSP - også F-35 fortjenesten). Rumsfeld sagde, der manglede $2,3 billioner fra Pentagon. Nææ, det er nærmere $21 billioner (til sammenligning er amerikanske budgetunderskud på $35tn eller billioner). 

🥶🛸卍 (Admiral Byrd: "Enemy with UFO's flying from pole-2-pole in a matter of hours.") The Secrets of Base 211: Alien Tech and Antarctica’s Black Goo Mystery ~ July 24, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: Still amazing, mind-bending, life-changing, brain-expand story telling. I have not had the pleasure to meet Brad Olsen IRL. Buuutt was lucky during my own Truther-Tour between 2015-2019 to meet; Dr Michael Salla (twice), James Gilliland, Tolec of the Andromeda Council, of the planet - Dakote, Omnec Onec : ambassador from Venus, Alex Collier, Rob Potter,  R. Scott Lemriel, Ted Mahr (twice), Craig Camposso, Dr Ken Johnston, L. Blaine Hammond and many more... |   

🍿🎥🎭⭐ (Dead Man Still Talking) SoTW; What makes a good movie? Good actors! Is the Future set in Stone? Mirror or Parallel Universes in The Looking Glass? Barron Time Traveling, Trump, & Tesla Connection? ~ July 24, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: As far as I understand it, everything is put in place for the public eye to see, for a reason... There is no coincidence. Only the illusion of coincidence ... Future is NOT set in Stone. What you agreed upon before re-entering the Matrix (Earth) - yes (Spirituel Contract). Buuut, our Higher Self lives within multiple timelines and universes, branching paths within a single universe, resulting from different events or choices. Each timeline represents a distinct sequence of events, while still sharing a common origin (Use AI to help in Brave Search) ...     



... I don't care if Mr. Musk is already dead, replaced and played by a puppet actor or clone and his X-team is White Hat assets. They're doing a superb job exposing the 3D Matrix of Illusion.... Harris has lost 92% of her staff in three years – watchdog...  

Musk legacy protected but Elons Avatar is being used by Alliance Three clones known



... We also know that the actor from 'Thor', 'Terminator Salvation', and 'Breaking Bad' died from suicide after jumping off a bridge in Arizona, according to US media. Noooo, the Hollyweird illuminati-order killed Isaac Kappy about to expose the Global PedoGate and Hollyweird elites like Tom Hanks and Seth Green ...  


... The 1990s NWO illuminati card game that ‘predicted’ 9/11, Donald Trump, Covid and the Capitol riot... In the flash-forward episode "Bart to the Future", Lisa Simpson becomes president and wears a purple suit and pearls that are uncannily similar to what Kamala Harris – who is now running for president – wore when she was inaugurated as vice president ...


... (Remembering That Time Teenage Barack Obama Went to Mars) According to Dr Michael Salla, Andrew Basiago’s testimony, both Obama and Andrew run for the 2016 Presidential election is partly based on his belief that he was pre-identified as a future U.S. President in a CIA/DARPA run time travel program called "Project Pegasus."... Forget Kenya. Never mind the secret madrassas. The sinister, shocking truth about Barack Obama's past lies not in east Africa, but in outer space ...