May 14, 2022
🙏 ~ 💝 (Ud med Muslimer ind med Ukrainer! Det er fan'me uhyggeligt, du!) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [👉Jubiiii, så VANDT Ukraine Eurovision Song Contest i 2022 med en fædrelandssang og bandet Kalush Orchestra, som var så dårlig, at en femårig kunne have brygget den sammen, med allerfleste point, nogensinde!!!! Var du nogensinde i tvivl??👈] ... Der er I-N-T-E-T nyt under solen, kære venner!... Hvis EU-borgere er forblindede og eller lader Ukraine vinde med falske stemmer, kan det tænkes, at Dannevang, også kan snyde med valget 1. Juni og næste valg til Folketinget, inden 2023??. EBU har fundet uregelmæssigheder i jurystemmer fra seks lande og der er ballade bag kulissen .. Demokratiet behøver kritiske og uafhængige medier!... Selv, de hardcore af slagsen, udenfor det fine selskab af danske journaliststand der ikke får mediestøtte, drages af konflikter og drama... [LÆS VIDERE]... For første gang i partiets historie går EL nu ikke længere aktivt ind for en dansk udmeldelse af EU - presset af Frimurer-Mørke-Mætte og Co.? »Velkommen til en førsteklasses røvpuling«, som kød-avatar, Kirsten-Birgit, sagde om SAS... Uha da da - min far er såååå sur på Putin, fordi han ser TV 2 FNYS NEWS 27/4 med 20 gentagelser i løbet af en dag. Samme sagde han om Trump eller Glistrup (eller hvem som nu var dømt sorteper og fjendebilledet af medierne og den herskende politiske magt)... Polens premierminister mener Putin, er farligere end Hitler - ja det er sku da klart, når han lukker for strømmen og gassen, som de er næsten 100% afhængige af Rusland. Samme er Nordmakedonien, Moldova og Bosnien-Hercegovina, mens Finland og Letland får mere end 90 % af deres gas fra Rusland, mens Serbien har 89 %. HVAD havde man regnet med? EU vedtager 5. runde af sanktioner mod Rusland og hvis man prikker til den sovende Bjørn med anden største og mest magtfulde militær og verdens største landmasse - hvad tror du der sker? Ud af de ca. 1.700 danske journalister, hvoraf, 1.400 arbejder med nyhedsjournalistik, kender jeg ikke én, som turde af give sin FULDE meningsdannelse i offentligheden, andet end, Tommy Hansen - og han kunne IKKE lyve. Mødte ham på Open Mind-konferencen. Det er åbenbart et alvorligt handikap, hvis man er journalist i Danmark. Han blev indstillet til en Cavling-pris i 1983, da han var ansat på Morsø Folkeblad, men efter stigende fornemmelse af, at der var noget grueligt galt, først med den officielle historie om terrorangrebet i USA d. 11. september, senere med, det HELE. Truet på sit livsgrundlag og det han brændte for, måtte han flygte ud af Dannevang, til Tyskland, hvor han også døde med sit Free21, som skibet hedder, er en genial fusion af den trykte publikation og internettets muligheder... |
🐸⛓️💧 ~ (New Star Wars Movie - Enjoy The Show...) They're Coming To Take Me Away Ha-Haaa! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Hooold on - Star Wars in the Rescue (or midnight rider)... Let's get Ready to Rumble!!!... What I think is the "Newest video" from EYE DROP MEDIA - called THE PEDOFATHER (it's quite funny). Other pictures is from SoTW picked up from MSM etc.... Starring SLEEPY JOE (Twin clone or idiot sidekick) Barry Soetoro as the Kenyan President AKA OBAMAGATE (double Obama licensed to Shill). Big Mike as PENIS GALORE (the trans-lover) and Trump AKA PAYBACK, General Flynn AS Q, Time-To-Pay with The Barr Bill, The Bull Burham, KILLERY as Malevolent (one seriously evil bitch) aaaand of course "PEPE" (and many more)... PS: Click on link, since, they haven't posted it on their website or I can't find it... 🤦♂️NOTE: Have you seen the sickening "Madonna" (younger clone) on the NFT project “Mother of Creation”?? (videos of Madonna giving birth to various essential aspects of humanity).. Or even worse Gwyneth Paltrows "The Diapér" (A new disposable diaper lined with virgin alpaca wool and fastened with amber gemstones, known for their ancient emotional-cleansing properties) - WTF! These People are Sick... | | | |
👩🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: More proof) Space News (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Finally, Elena Danaan, has turned on the YT-sharing bottom and I'm sure, Dr. Michael Salla, will turn this video into a full episode - they're as thick as thieves. However, I do resonate with Megan Rose and her channelings, and I assume, Elena, got her "fame" from Salla and Alex Collier and discarded Megan Rose. Even though SoTW have meet Salla a few times (his persona do not always resonate with me on SoTW). You should also watch video from "Jacob of Ephraim". He had good UFO-sightings and "proofs or evidence" of "TR-3B or radar abnormally" when he analysis, David Wilcock, latest video, talking about the subject... Anyways, sad to say, SoTW, will not attend any MUFON in Denver or other UFO or SSP-conferences in USA, because of the demand of vaccinations etc. Missing Rob Potters Mt. Shasta conference, is a bummer. It's a damn shame. And my friend in the Philippines or China, Canada, Australia, Thailand ( 5-day Alternate Quarantine) and Nord Korea (who wants to go there??) and even, Italy (nasty restrictions)... |
🎴🔮💝 ~ (Could it really be true. Do you believe in... ) Time Travel, Nikola Tesla’s Tech & Trump: Tarot by Janine – May 13, 2022 (Cosmic News) ~ | Blogger: Rumor has it and Janine and Ashley talked about this Trump involvement subject in their video... Rumor is, whether you think the "old" Trump-family was Cabal, Dark Cult or just working for the "Baddies" or from a "positive counter-forces, Grey or White Hat" perspective, because we also heard that FBI or CIA took possession over Teslas belongings, and used it for evil stuff... Sooo, rumor has it, when Nikola Tesla died in the New Yorker Hotel in 1943, John G Trump, his uncle, was tasked with collecting Tesla's work and asked to review it. John Trump was an eminent scientist from MIT, a man with a brilliant mind. He said he couldn't find anything of any use to the Government. A stroke of genius... PS: CN has added an embedded video of reference called "The Trump Time Travel Miracle - 2022 Revisit" only got 20K views. Buuutt, it's also unfathomable topic and for most us, hard to get ones head around... |
👼 ~ ✨ (Beautiful and healing message) Mary: Feel the Wind of Life Guiding You (EOL + Channeled by Pamela Kribbe) 💕 ~ |
Dear friends,
I am Mother Mary and I bring to you a gentle energy. You need that, because you have been wounded by life on Earth.
Those wounds can sometimes become so deep that you lose your way here and you wonder if you can face this life. You wonder if you can bear it and what is the meaning of it all.
❥ I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I see the heart of courage and determination in you. Despite all the pain that you have been through there is a flame inside you, an inner drive to face this life.
You are like a bird, a beautiful heavenly bird that has been imprisoned in a jail which is dark and musty and dank. Yet, you have come to do some things in that prison. You have come to retrieve a child who is hidden in one of its corners. That child has been mesmerized by fear, by the restricted ideas of other people, by the society around it. That prison is not real, but for the child it is: the walls are very strong and the room is very dark. You have come to redeem this child. There is a way out of that prison, but first you have to find the child.
Imagine you are present in that dark room in the form of a bird or an angel; your body, your essence, radiates light.
In that musty, dank space, you emanate a soft, bluish light. The child sees that light and feels something arise in its heart, because it recognises in you the energy of Home, of trust and of light.
❥ To this child you now say: “Come out! Come to me, I am your mother”. Feel that mother energy within you, the warmth in your heart; the empathy that you have for that which is vulnerable, for that which is distorted and broken in yourself and also in others. Feel the gentleness in your heart. You all carry that mother energy in you.
I was a representative of that mother energy in the life on Earth when I was the mother of Jeshua.