Dec 15, 2019

📸💥 ~ Lykkelige Fagre Nye DK (Chaos Navigator) 🔐 ~ | Blogger: [💜 'Chaos Navigator' - The YouTube Channel, is managed by the blog called: ''. Highly recommended] ... |

Om Ansigtsgenkendelse, Frihed og Overvågning med Juraprofessor Eva Smith - om DK som Fagre Nye Verden og Kina, om George Orwell's '1984' og Aldous Huxley's 'Fagre Nye Verden', etc. Please del - nyediteret lige nu

👼 ~ 💗The infinite joy of that most wondrous moment awaits you 💕 (Jesus through John) ~ | Blogger: Pssst!: Did you know, that Jesus Christ, were 125 years old? - according to Denmark's most significant Bible researcher and the book "Christ in Kashmir" written by a Muhammadan named Aziz Kashmiri in 1973... |

The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2019 johnsmallman

Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday December 14th

There is only One, but It is infinitely vast, and It is You at One with Source, your Creator, from Whom you are never and can never be separated. So relax, all is well and always will be, as you will fully understand when you awaken from the dream that has been causing you so much pain and suffering over the eons. The human collective has made the decision to awaken, and so the process of awakening has started.

Humanity’s progress towards awakening is quite phenomenal! God’s divine plan is for you to awaken, and it always has been since the moment that you chose to experience an unreal state of separation from Source, the Source with Whom ALL are One. Therefore it is inevitable that you awaken, and all that you can do is choose when this will be by choosing when to open your hearts to let Love enter. Here in the non physical or spiritual realms we are fully aware of the plan and have been observing its progress from the beginning, knowing that it would be totally successful, but we did not fully understand how incredibly rapidly it would be brought to completion. Completion is now very close indeed, far closer than we realized, and for this all of you in form are to be most heartily congratulated! You are all doing phenomenal work.

At this moment much is arising worldwide that is very unsettling for all of humanity, indeed it is very painful and frightening for many of you. Hang in there! You are all, without any exception, most fully and lovingly supported as your awareness of your divine nature intensifies and, along with that, your feelings of unworthiness, of not being good enough, even of being sinners deserving punishment also arise into your conscious awareness. These are thoughts of a negative and very self judging kind that are utterly and completely invalid!

🤴 ~ Kongehusekspert efter ny måling: Giv tronen til Frederik ( ~ | .. DK poll : Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark, should sooner than later, take the position as King, for it will serve the country best .. | Blogger: Problem is, will, Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom allow Margrethe II of Denmark, to abdicate?... Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom - Monarch of the British Commonwealth, Supreme Governor of Church of England, head of International Freemasonry, head of the Order of the Garter, head of Committee of 300, owns 1/6th of worlds landmass, connected to most crimes and fraud in the world. Not to forget, she's also the owner of SSP (Secret Space Programs) according to David Wilcock... |


5️⃣📶🛑 ~ Om et år er Huawei ude af TDC's mobilnet (ITWatch) ~ | Blogger: Yeah - my bare ass (sorry the phrase)... {luckily i'm not living in the town of Helsingør} ... The danish / foreign owned telecompany, TDC A/S or TDC Group, has promised to completely remove Huawei, out of the telecommunications company's mobile network. WHAAAT? Do you know how much integrated Huawei chipset devices and network infrastructure equipment, TDC has? It's like saying, that China has never EVER threaten the socialist-communist govt Kingdom of Denmark, through The Faroe Islands. I have worked with networking for 10 years and Huawei with China's govt in their back, will NEVER leave danish telecommunication infrastructure - quite the contrary... |

TDC Net sætter nu fuld gang i sin satsning på 5G-mobilnet med lanceringen af en testudrulning i Helsingør. Og indenfor de næste 12 måneder ryger Huawei helt ud af teleselskabets mobilnet

💚 ~ COP25 på vej mod stor skuffelse: Klimaminister Dan Jørgensen river sig i håret i frustration ( ~ | Blogger: Nååårh, hvor er det synd for dig min ven KlimaDan.... PRØV AT HØR ENGANG: Global opvarmning, temperatur- stigninger, global udvikling af havoverfladen og klimaforandringer er IKKE, jeg gentager gerne, IKKE, et menneskeskabt fænomen. Klimaændringer er ægte nok, men IKKE på grund af global opvarmning, drivhuseffekt og drivhusgasser. Det skyldes LANGT større faktorer såsom galaktiske og solcykluser... Global-opvarmning-hoax er de grønne-globale-elites konstrukt, for at skabe penge, ned i Deres lommer. Eksempel er Al Gore's (tidligere vicepræsident for De Forenede Stater) kulstofafgift (carbon tax) som er et gebyr, der pålægges forbrænding af kulstofbaserede brændstoffer (kul, olie, gas). Det lyder jo skidegodt, men problemet er bare, at det hele er bygget på løgn. Vores globalister, især oligarkerne, ønsker sig total dominans og det får de via "Kulstofkreditter" (man skaber et fiktivt marked for reduktion af drivhusemissioner ved at give en monetær værdi til omkostningerne ved forurening af luften). Der er en grund til, at Trump, undlod at rive sig med via Parisaftalen (2015) af den simple grund, globalisternes ønske om global kontrol (dette kommer fra mange kilder bla. James Gilliland)... Og så siger Benjamin Fulford noget andet, nemlig, at Parisaftalerne, der blev støttet af 19 ud af 20 G20-lande på sin side, var et forsøg på at holde blodlinien (lidt ligesom Jesuitterne og frimurerne) intakt for et kontrolleret IMF, Verdensbanken, FN og andre internationale institutioner ved, at give kineserne større stemmerettigheder på bekostning af USA, også selvom, de holdt disse institutioner fast under deres kontrol... Uanset hvad, så er det hele et HOAX og så kan Dankogeren rase videre og smide tryllestøv over den danske befolkning, for det HELE er et SCAM... Og så er vi slet ikke kommet ind på den globale 5G-netværk og Agenda 21 (UN Agenda 2030)... |

Fra den synkende skude på COP15     -   klimaftalens makeover     -          Baby-Lars som verdensmand 
Illustrationerne er hentet fra nettet, sammensat af 


🤥 ~ The Truth in Afghanistan (KPBS Roundtable Podcast) ~ | Blogger: [🏴‍☠️FINALLY - Fake (Zionist Banking) War In Afghanistan (Was Created After The 'Inside Job' 9/11) Has Cost 1.000BN Dollars & Loss Of Soldiers From US & NATO Countries (incl Denmark). U.S. Officials Misled Public On Afghan War, According To Washington Post⚔️] ... {Dead Western soldiers in vain in Afghanistan? Absolutely. Did the politicians know that? Yes. The bleak truth about Afghanistan never came to light ~ SoTW} ... (It's funny, that the CIA Project Mockingbird Washington Post never mentioning 9/11 as FF op created to mislead the world) ... "According to US reports that have been kept secret so far, the mission in Afghanistan was a mistake and Americans have sacrificed human lives and billions of money on nothing. The reports will, of course, be used by current President Donald Trump to show that it is time to shut down efforts in Afghanistan. But it also shows a gloomy picture of politicians who lied about what happened. The United States initially entered Afghanistan after the terrorist attacks against New York and Washington on September 11, 2001. The then US President, George W. Bush, ordered US soldiers to crush Al Qaeda, whose leader Osama Bin Laden had built a large base in Afghanistan and lived under the protection of the Taliban, who at that time ruled the country with a hard hand" ~ several media.... |

A Washington Post report details misleading public information over the course of the war in Afghanistan, San Diego has a stark racial gap when it comes to arrests and drug prosecutions, and the new religious themed Legacy International Center opens in Mission Valley.

🕵️‍♂️ ~ Medie: Dansk politi fik hjælp fra udlandet (E.B.) ~ | Blogger: The danish tabloid newspaper can now reveal, that the Israeli intelligence service (Mossad) has allegedly helped Denmark in the recent MAJOR terrorist operation (plot) with bombs of the explosive TATP (triacetone triperoxide).... I rest my case... |


🔴🔥📉 ~ MORE CUTS At Deutsche Bank! - Restructuring FAILS As COLLAPSE Approaches! (World Alternative Media) ~ | Blogger: Danish Danske Bank is of course also highlighted in this video, but i don't think we should worry about the Lame Stream Media (MSM) hyped up Trump use of Deutsche.. |

Josh Sigurdson reports on the continued collapse of Deutsche Bank as they desperately attempt to restructure, cutting tens of thousands of jobs, recently over 100 million euros and now cutting 20% of bonuses. It's hard enough to keep the best employees at Deutsche Bank through the ten year long collapse, failed Commerzbank merger, bad bank, S&P downgrade, Fed living will test and share price spiral, but now 20% of bonuses are being cut. Who would want the reputation of being one of the top people at Deutsche Bank after it collapses? That's like saying you were one of the people behind the success of Lehman Brothers... Well, with a massive derivative exposure and an everything bubble world wide, this does not look good for Deutsche Bank. It's incredible it has lasted as long as it has. In the end, this will be one of the greatest dominoes to fall worldwide in the financial system. It will be Lehman Brothers 2.0. We will continue to cover Deutsche Bank as we have for years. Stay tuned for more from WAM