Feb 14, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (A.I. butch, femme, or straight acting King Frederik X?) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Feb 14, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: SoTW (verdensalt) is bond by a Light Warriors knighty oath: Protect the weak and uphold the good. This code states that knights must defend the weak and the innocent, must protect women and children, must fight fairly and honorably, and obey their lieges. I will hold this energy of protecting the sacred feminine, as well. So be it, and so it is! SoTW is here to remind you, that the first order of business is always to calm your mental / emotional state, to assure you that you are not alone, to remind you that you have journeyed through other challenging moments in this life, reincarnations and other realms and to move your entire vibration into a state of peacefulness. You deserve (unconditional) LOVE, to THRIVE and show your COURAGE... |

Partly created and made by SoTW (verdensalt.dk) and after Tarot By Janine's video
 Made from Michael K Jaco video and verdensalt.dk research - this is how SICK they are!!!

👁️⃤𓂀🍀✡️🦎 (Er Militær-Mette én C4-Chabad-Chameleon?) Her er Den Korte Verdensavis: Arrogance, magtfuldkommenhed og krigsliderlighed, beskriver meget godt, SVM-regeringen. Mette-Mord, har politiseret embedsværket, truet pressen, brudt loven utallige gange og trukket et spor af skandaler efter sig ~ 14. Februar 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: Hvorfor har Mette Forræderiksen, taget et spadestik i en tysk ammunitionsfabrik? Hvorfor hentede hun placebo eller dødssprøjter hjem til Dannevang fra Israel? Hvorfor kan hun slippe fra straf efter Mink-Murder og slettede SMS'erne? Hvem kan stoppe hende? Mit H-S siger hun bliver 'væltet' eller går af, inden Maj 2024 og EU-valget. DDFO-Daisy er jo smidt ud af DeHvideHatte. Og da det skete, var jo som under befrielsen efter 2. verdenskrig, en glædens dag, præget af opgøret med stikkere, satanister, kontrolleret opposition, hipoer, værnemagere og tyskerpiger. Nu, mangler vi bare, Biden, Paven, Mette, går af... |

WHO-chef slår alarm
Trump-udmelding skaber atter usikkerhed om NATO-alliancen
Rygterne om Michelle Obama er begyndt at svirre
PET-kampagne er "eksplicit racisme"


Børn begik overgreb mod skolekammerater


Dansk komiker brutalt overfaldet på gaden

🔮👨🏻‍💼🛐 (How low can you go TBJ?) How can you even consider calling another 'truther' (Nick), right or wrong, a SCUMBAG? (dirty or despicable person). Or LOOSH? (food for the dark forces who feed of negative emotions) ~ Feb 14, 2024 ~ |

There's a golden rule that goes something like, “Treat others how you want to be treated.” So much division and direct brash style and megalomania in the truther-community if you ask me on SoTW

Editor's Note:
 I've seen TBJ get upset with concerned comments all the time, from followers, Ego of Defenses? I've seen her mentally "bitch-slapped" a number of people, Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, General Flynn aaaand Michelle Fielding, which Nicholas Veniamin, considered unsettling and not allowed TBJ on his show. TBJ stopped working with Catherine Edwards Academy + many more - why? Due to her own troublesome persona!?  

Has 'QAnon-leader' Phil Godlewski inadvertently outs himself as a Groomer? How can one be grounded / humble / polite and be assertive at the same time? What makes Tarot by Janine stand out in the world of Tarot and her COMPADRE JeanClaude? What sets her or them, apart from the norm? How we all can live in such chaos is 'beyond' me. Buuut make sure to stay grounded, be polite and accept others opinion, is a MUST. Otherwise, you're no different from the CABAL... |