Aug 22, 2021

👨‍💻🕹️🎥 ~ (Riddle me this) Hvad hvis vi lever i en "film" og det hele er et "show"? Hvad hvis Elon Musk og andre har ret i, at vi lever i en computersimulation aka et 3-D Matrix af illusion? Kan du bevise vi ikke gør? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: .. Jeg mener, youtuber "AmazingPolly", (BOOM! Another Unbelievable Discovery) har ret i, at det virker helt absurd, at såkaldte "paniske" afghanere, og billederne fra den internationale lufthavn i Kabul, hvor folk forsøgte at hoppe på et rullende fly og kostede i løbet af ugen flere dødsfald - er blot en PR-kampagne-stunt - i én "film". Hvordan kan disse mennesker hæfte sig fast på et metalrullende fly med deres teflonglatte stofklæder, der kører mellem 240-280km i timen inden takeoff? De havde ihvertfald faldet pladask til jorden, inden, militærflyet lettede, med den kraft. Tror heller ikke på, at militærets piloter, er så hjernevasket, og ønsker så meget rå opmærksomhed, de er også mennesker og har familier. Har du nogensinde set dette før i verdenshistorien? Er folk så idiotiske, at være i stand til at gøre sådanne noget? Er det hele blot skabt af Steven Spielberg eller George Lucas, som har skaffet et hold b-skuespillere eller "crisis-actors" fra Jagten på den forsvundne skat, der løber lalleglade rundt?... Berlingske har været ud og sige, at evakuering af Danmarks ambassade blev løbende øvet, igen og igen og igen. Alligevel endte exit fra Afghanistan i tumult og ydmygelse.. Ambassadør måtte flygte ud af Afghanistan, selvom Danmark har arbejdet på Afghanistan-plan siden april.. Vi har nogle af verdensbedste militærfolk i Dannevang som rådgiver og planlægger krige, faktisk aktivt i internationale militære operationer siden 1991, som krigsførende nation, men alligevel, så sidder alle tilbage og fester videre med forsvarschef Flemming Lentfer, i ro og mag, som er "politisk" drevet af Bimbo-Bramsen, der også blev advaret, men festede videre, sammen med Mæætte og Co... Med til "filmen", har vi også alle vores ledere som er "kloner" og ja, det er fysisk muligt at klone ét menneske, og den teknologi kommer ikke fra "fåret Dolly" i 1996, da man eksperimenterede med genetisk kopiering, men fra de hemmelige rumprogrammer (SSP). Ifølge min holistiske ND, skal man blot bruge én celle, for at klone et menneske. Resten er historie.. Faktisk har "Sending Ravens with Tarot by Janine" lagt kort på "Creepy Joe" og har sagt, ikke nok med, har de brugt alternative tidslinjer (tidsportaler) til at bringe én "China Joe" ind og ud, men har benyttet sig af CGI, (that's a given) men også avanceret hologrammer, fordi, den rigtige "Corona Joe", er død og borte i 2017 eller langt tid før... |

Musk: »Chancen for, at vi lever i den oprindelige verden, er en milliard til én,« ~ Code Conference 2016

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: always above) EP 142 - Dr. Salla & Elena Danaan - The Bigger Picture - Galactic Wars - Space News & Updates (Journey to Truth Podcast) ~ | Blogger: (out of this report) -- First of all, it's veeery hard for most of us, to get our head around that Bezos, Branson & Musk, might have been secretly travel to Jupiter for negotiations with The Galactic Federation, because, they are considered the scum-of-the-earth, pardon my French.. Even more unbelievable it is, that there's a Star Trek future right at our doorstep, in deep space, 100 miles up in the Kármán Line and beyond. And every single major space nation with private Aerospace and defense companies, has put in billions in these projects, since before WWII, believe it or not. The total Earthly (partly ET) controlled SSP-fractions (5 major space forces - call it what you like) are so huge and runned by compartmentalization, that our normal technician from Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories, has no clue that he's building a doormat to his ASTRA TR-3B, but in SPACE, a Solar Warden armada exist, that has spaceships as long as 1,5 km long with quantum vacuum propulsion system, tesla shields and what have you. I'm sure, only a few, above The Majestic 12 security clearances, has the overall picture. Same goes for all the DUMB's, housing human prisoners, sexslaves, unimageable technologies we are not allowed to get on the surface, biological weapons, exotic weaponry build for space, hybrids and other creatures etc. etc. Not to talk about the Inner Earth and realm of Aghartha.. It all seems far-fetched and looney-tunes crazy... |


Elena Danaan 

This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. This book includes as well an illustrated descriptive of 110 different alien races involved with our planet, detailed information about groups and alliances in this galaxy and precious information, as well as a map of the sky with locations of alien life. This book contains also beautiful messages of hope for humanity. This book has been expected for a long time. It brings support and understanding to all those who have been through the ordeal of alien abduction, answering many questions. Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. She worked as field Archaeologist twenty years of her life, among which eight years in Egypt as an engineer epigraphist for the CNRS (Karnak, Luxor, Cairo, Dendera and Valley of the Kings) before returning to France, assigned to the University of Toulouse. Completing studies in Druidry, Shamanism, energy and sound healing, she is actually working as a spiritual practitioner. Elena Danaan Book - 'A Gift From The Stars' - Order here: Dr. Michael Salla is an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution and U.S. foreign policy. He has held academic appointments in the School of International Service & the Center for Global Peace, American University, Washington D.C. (1996-2004); the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1994-96); and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington D.C. (2002). He has a Ph.D in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia. During his academic career he was the author/editor of four books focusing on international politics. Dr. Salla has conducted research and fieldwork in ethnic conflicts involving East Timor, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka. He has been awarded significant financial grants from the United States Institute of Peace and the Ford Foundation for peacemaking initiatives. involving mid-to-high level participants from the East Timor conflict. Dr. Salla is more popularly known as a pioneer in the development of 'exopolitics', the study of the main actors, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life. He wrote the first published book on 'exopolitics' in 2004, titled Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence, and followed this with Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life in 2009, Galactic Diplomacy in 2013; and Kennedy's Last Stand (2013), which investigated the relationship between classified UFO's and the Kennedy Assassination.


🍿🔴🤑 ~ ('Dinar-gurus' are extremely popular sites but are they reliable?) Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 22, 2021 (DC) ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... EVERYONE is making money of something and somebody, so does "DC" except SoTW - not even donations, do I attract, well, i've survive for now... For 25 years I have been working with IT-banking and had a good salary, now of days, I don't receive one single dime, from anyone and my last dollar spend on, for some, (scammers) like Cobra RM (go figure). But, I don't see it in that way, if not for this organization, I was not able to meet my short, but passionate, "fling" and so many other enlighten beings... Once, DC had something called "RV/Intelligence Alert" it was short, precise and to the point, not these Restored Republic via a GCR updates, nowadays, it's simple to long and complicated reading, that has some truth, some rumors and gossip. To some extend, none of us, are able to use it in our present reality, before it comes to effect. But look who's talking as SoTW believes in SSP, Green Marsmen, and all kinds of so-called "conspiracy facts"... |

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 22 Aug. 2021

Excerpts: A. The Real News for Sat. 21 Aug: Whiplash347: Once you understand Druze & Libya you will understand many of the Scandals. Pandora’s Box. Navy Seals in Thailand Saving the Kids stuck in the Caves. Delta Force uncovering Ghaddafi’s Stolen Gold in Thailand that Obama was using to pay off ISIS with. Extortion 17 – Seals dieing Obama/Killary/Biden ordering the shoot down of Seal Team 6. They were going to out them for the fake Bin Laden raid. Some survived and know they are here following me. Benghazi attack on Jesus Christ’s Birthday 11 Sept. 2012. Seals dying Fake Osama Bin Laden raid Twin Towers on Jesus’s Birthday 11 Sept. 2001. Many things before it....

Compiled Sun. 22 Aug. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

“Trust the Plan, Recognize it is a Movie with Sets and Actors and Enjoy the Show.” …Q

The Freedom Tribe includes everyone that heard about the vision for VND, IQD, ZIM, etc., and believed in this incredible vision – our right to be free. All wonderful Freedom Tribe members are now waiting at the table, ready for the glorious repast to be served. To all the open-hearted souls able to grasp the importance of this time and this day, we honor you. You are the Kingdom Come. You are the Future. You carry the hearts and minds of great nations in your capable hands. Your time has come.”…Nick Fleming Sat. 21 Aug.

God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

Judy Note: According to Fleming’s Military Intel Contact, on Sat. 21 Aug. in the wee hours of the morning, the codes were successfully entered and “all was flowing our way.”

On Sun. morning 22 Aug. 12:01 am to 3 am banks worldwide would set new currency rates and synchronize for the coming week.

The US Treasury was telling Bond holders, Whales and Adjudicated Settlement sovereign groups that their liquidity would be fully accessible by next Tues. 24 Aug.

On Wed. 25 Aug. after Tier 4B was started, Zim platforms would pay out with access to liquidity. You were advised to take your Zim to your appointment.

This weekend the banks were training on exchange protocols.

👼 ~ 💕 ('Think of life as an exam, pass it you move on to another level, never stops until ultimate goal to return to the Godhead. The dark Ones cannot survive in such a high level.') Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self 💕 ( ~ |

20th August 2021. Mike Quinsey.

The future beckons and is full of promise and of an upliftment of your vibrations, and it is unstoppable as you start to enter a new area of space. In fact it is beginning to affect those of you who are already living your life with Ascension in mind.

There are also signs that Governments are losing their appetite for warlike actions, and you will find a growing reluctance to war with other nations. It was expected and welcomed as a precursor to world peace. Countries are seeking a more friendly approach to their actions where differences are causing strife and problems that in the past would have resulted in a cold war. It is particularly apparent where religious differences have previously been so powerful that peaceful solutions have been difficult to come by.

Permanent peace between nations is coming and peaceful souls who know how to bring it about are appearing on the horizon. Ever since you passed the marker of 2012, the changes in vibrations have increased for the better, enabling the Light to become stronger thus gradually subduing the lower vibrations.

🚸🚨🏟️ ~ (Repeat it today with tears: AUS, NZ, DK is the TEST countries prototype for NWO clubs of Freemasonry) How much more brainwashing of commercialism can the Aussie stand for, before the collective consciousness will break free? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: EVERYONE should know by now, and confirmed by Max Igan, Deanna Lorraine, Stew Peters, Tarot by Janine and many other freedom fighters, that brainwashed zombie parents to 24,000 innocent Australian children, students etc., was ushered into a sports arena or stadium and forced to take their (deathly) vakkZine. 2 children confirmed death.. Parents was NOT allowed inside the so-called FEMA-camps, or at elderly homes, where people, were also dying, because then they could gaslight the public, to think, everything was hunky-dory... Not only do we have these draconian lockdowns and laws, containment tents, law enforcement and governments are spying on us, people are turning neighbors in, we also have horrific Nazi-like masses of helpless youths is the furtherance of proof that Australia is the prototype for the New World Order... In Denmark, another footballer, Ahmed Daghim, collapses during a match, and was ushered to the hospital. Like, Denmark's Christian Eriksen collapsed on the pitch during the Euro 2020 game against Finland, having suffered a cardiac arrest. Question is how many vakkZine shots they both got, before?... Journalist and TV-celeb, the Danish physician, Peter Qvortrup Geisling, has stated very clearly; - vakkZines - will create lots of mutations and we have to create new vakkZines and that is the spring, future and years ahead, we need to prepare for (i rest my case)... PS: The F.D.A. is aiming to give full approval to Pfizer’s VakkZine on Monday and guess what - SoTW agrees with Steve Quayle when he says; - This is to make claim that there is no longer any resistance to this experimental injection to force on the military and public!... |

PS: As of today, 4,000,000 Danes out of 5,600,000 has now finished their vaxxination, while several parishes, shuts down and the medical industry becomes, increasingly richer, by the minute. 124 new Corona patients are the highest since June of 2021 in Denmark, they say, and next is third, then fourth and fifth vakkZine, until our govt are able to steamroll the very few unvaxxed left behind... |