Jun 18, 2018

TV2 FNYS | 18. June, 2018 | ~ Foto afslører russisk hemmelighed - er det her et atomlager nær Bornholm? ~ | (In English:) Satellite photos of a military area in Kaliningrad reveal a construction project that resembles a nuclear weapons stock, only 350 kilometer from Bornholm - a Danish island in the Baltic Sea .. | Blogger: [MAMBO JUMBO MOMENT - Russian collusion - We're All Gonna Die🤣] ... |

LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/udland/2018-06-18-foto-afsloerer-russisk-hemmelighed-er-det-her-et-atomlager-naer-bornholm

Netavisen Pio | 18. Juni 2018 | ~ Aktindsigt: Stort Gennemtræk hos Sophie Løhde ~ | Blogger: ✴️ ja ja bevares, ved godt PIOPIO tager afsæt i et demokratisk, socialistisk idégrundlang, altså er Socialdemokratiets kæpheste og trolde, men verdensalt.dk er et uafhængigt og upartisk alternativ netmedie, men nu hvor der er valgkamp, og LøkkePosen bliver endevendt, så er det nærliggende, at tage fat i roden og smutte ned i selve maskinrummet, embedsværket eller Teknokratiet og de satans ministerier, såsom Offentlig Innovation, og Deres Robotkvindeforkæmper, Sophie Løhde, som styres af en Kunstig Intelligens... 🤖Undskyld mit franske, men regeringen vil da skide højt og flot på menneskelige ressourcer - StatsAdelen aka embedsværkets elitekorps af partisoldater, har for længst beregnet sig frem til en cost benefit model og kommet frem til et resultat, der brænder de 800.000 offentlige ansattes lys af i begge ender. DE OFFENTLIGE ANSATTE koster for meget, af have siddende (godt gammeldaws Venstre politik) ... Til gengæld, har erhvervseliten og banksektoren, fået en hjælpende håndsrækning med garantien om konstante fyringsrunder, hvor mennesker, bliver erstattet af ROBOTTER, lige siden Sophie Løhde, blev ny minister for offentlig innovation .. Sophie Løhde er IKKE en CYBORG lige nu, men en Genetisk Modificeret Politiker, som vil ændre Danmark med hidtil uset form for digitalisering- & robotiseringsteknologier ... |

Aktindsigt: Stort Gennemtræk hos Sophie Løhde

Minister for Offentlig Innovation har mistet 11 af sine nærmeste medarbejdere på bare halvandet år

Der er travlt i svingdøren hos Minister for Offentlig Innovation, Sophie Løhde (V).

Således er 11 af hendes allernærmeste medarbejdere stoppet hos hende, siden hun startede som minister for Offentlig Innovation 28. november 2016 – altså på bare godt halvandet år.

Det viser en opgørelse, som Finansministeriet har udarbejdet for Netavisen Pio – på baggrund af en anmodning om aktindsigt. Opgørelsen vedrører personer, som ”er knyttet til ministeren for offentlig innovation eller som i væsentligt omfang har perioder med primær arbejdsfunktion rettet mod ministeren for offentlig innovation.”

Her er listen over de nære medarbejdere, der i hastigt tempo er fratrådt hos Løhde – af den ene eller anden grund:

Særlig rådgiver Jens Kloppenborg-Skrumsager – fratrådt 28. april 2017.

Afdelingschef Søren Hartmann Hede – fratrådt 31. juli 2017.

Amicus Humani Generis | June 18, 2018 | ~ President Trump Just Created A Space Force... No I'm Not Joking ~ | Blogger: [⚠️3 MONTHS OLD BREAKING NEWS OR PERHAPS 70 YEAR PLUS 🚀] ... President Donald Trump ORDERS the Pentagon to create 'SPACE FORCE' branch of military at Space Event, and EVERY national daily newspapers in Denmark has this BREAKING 'news-story' at frontpage today, because their sister MSM media in US, controlled by CIA and the 'shadow government' has given permission to do so ... Hate to break it to you guys, we already have a SPACE FORCE, which started after mid-1947 and Roswell UFO incident.... 🌌- There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden. What we’re talking about here is a secret space program (SSP) that has been kept hidden from the public. But a program that was paid for by the public. When you look at the Apollo moon missions, the Vietnam war, etc, it was all money laundering to fund these programs. Lower level secret space program is funded from money laundering operations on Earth, but the higher level programs are self-funded via their own trading platforms with other groups and ET races. [These higher level groups would be called breakaway civilizations because they are no longer dependent on society to achieve their goals.] During the crash at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 the government grabbed technology and reverse engineered it, but kept it secret so it can be exploited by this hidden group. But one person broke through the ranks and is spilling the beans, as an insider and whistleblower, that’s Corey .. |

Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | June 18, 2018 | ~ Rebirth of Manchuria plotted as Europe faces summer of discontent ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: (Then we have the government of Austria kicking out imams and mobilizing its border police as a wave of 80,000 migrants approaches its border.) ... 📌On a side note, and then, we have The Prime Minister of Denmark, the head of government in the Kingdom of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen (the elephant in the room), promise to established a new secret European expat center (in an unknown rich EU country) for rejected asylum seekers, before the end of 2018. Something Holland and Germany, refuses to acknowledge, only Austria seems to know about this prestige project, and 'absolut' nobody else, knows anything about it... |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, DenInternationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

Rebirth of Manchuria plotted as Europe faces summer of discontent

Udgivet af Benjamin den 18. Juni 2018

Once again the world faces a long hot summer of discontent, with the major action likely to be in Europe and East Asia this year. The EU is likely to experience regime change due to popular anger as warm weather brings in yet another massive wave of mostly male Muslim immigrants. In the Far East, the summit meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un has led to serious plotting to revive a Manchurian empire straddling from Mongolia to Northern China to Korea to Japan, according to multiple independent sources, including CIA and Japanese military intelligence.

Let’s start with the situation in Europe, where governments in Austria, Italy, Sweden, and elsewhere are waking up to the fact that the so-called refugee crisis is actually a Muslim invasion. This is no exaggeration, since over 60% of the roughly five million refugees who have arrived in Europe since 2013 are men. Put another way, an army of three million military-age Muslim men has invaded Europe by stealth means. These statistics come from Eurostat via Wikipedia.

This is not just a random occurrence, either. The “refugees” are being handed false papers; for example, Afghan and Pakistani men are being given travel expenses and allowances, as well as fake Syrian passports by the P2 Freemason self-appointed social engineers who are behind this crisis. As we have mentioned before, we were told when we visited the P2 in Italy a few years ago that their plan was to force Islam and Christianity to fight each other in order to merge the two into a single one-world religion controlled by them.

This is the background to a series of news events that popped up last week as the warm weather began in earnest. First of all, we have the new Italian government getting into a war of words with France after deciding to stop admitting boats filled with refugees.

Then we have the government of Austria kicking out imams and mobilizing its border police as a wave of 80,000 migrants approaches its border.

Also, as we mentioned last week, Sweden has mobilized its Home Guard for the first time in 40 years to deal with the lawless government no-go zones created inside Sweden by these mostly Muslim men.

The crisis is likely to overthrow the two regimes—those of France and Germany—that are still going along with plans to increase the inflow of refugees. Members of pro-“refugee” German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government are now saying she will be replaced “within a week” because of her refugee stance.

The situation is expected to come to a head at the NATO Summit meeting scheduled for July 11 and 12, 2018.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will be meeting U.S. President Donald Trump around that time, according to Russian government sources. This is definitely connected to the meeting in Finland on June 10th between top U.S. General Joseph Dunford, and Russia’s Chief of the military’s General Staff, Gen. Valery Gerasimov, where they discussed “European security issues,” “Syria [Israel],” and other matters.

Someone “in the know” and who is directly involved with the negotiations between Kim Jong-un, [Chinese President] Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Donald Trump said, “Watch Vladimir Putin carefully during the World Cup, especially his chess move right after…


( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)

Arcturian Group Message | Jun 18, 2018 | Channelled through Marilyn Raffael | .. Mankind is beginning to awaken. Know that a great deal is going on behind the scenes that the general public is not yet aware of. Your news sources do not give you the whole picture, so keep that in mind when you tune in .. |

Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer.

Kanaliseret af Marilyn Raffaele
© 2018 onenessofall

JUNE 17,2018

Greetings once again dear ones. We are well aware of the troubling activities and chaos tempting many of you to fall into fear and doubt. Always remember that in spite of appearances, what you are witnessing is the exposure of old programming, secrets, and three dimensional creations. High resonating energies of Light are illuminating and paving the way for their removal because denser energies cannot exist in the higher more refined ones.

All is well in spite of how things may seem. The world needs to become aware of these things before it can change. Do not lose hope dear ones, for you are creating a new world with your awakened consciousness as you bring in and hold the Light, assisting those now ready to awaken and creating space for the many evolved souls now arriving.

Some are coming as walk-ins and some as newborns, but a large number are already here as children and teens who have come specifically to assist in the ascension process of Gaia and mankind through their evolved levels of consciousness. Most of them are not yet aware of their mission, but see and understand the world from a more evolved state of awareness than most. Do not force these young ones into box's of conformity in the belief that there is something wrong with them. They are very old souls in very young bodies.

As more and more individuals awaken, Light frequencies automatically become stronger and more dominant. Understand that much of the suffering you are witnessing at this time represents pre-birth choices made by individuals for the purpose of changing world consciousness through exposing how many commonly accepted beliefs serve only a few while bringing pain and suffering to others.

Many who up to now have lived fully enmeshed in beliefs of duality and separation, are beginning to awaken and recognize the suffering brought about by some commonly accepted beliefs and laws many of which were created brought about by nothing more than self righteous moral authority.

ETH \\ japantimes.co.jp | June 18, 2018 | ~ Powerful 5.9 earthquake rocks northern Osaka, Strongest in decades ~ | .. At least three killed, more than 300 injured after strong earthquake rattles Osaka .. | Blogger: Volcanic unrest around the world: eruptions at Fernandina island (Galapagos), Sakurajima (Japan), Klyuchevskoy (Russia) and Kilauea (USA). TheCommonSenseShow has said, that Kilauea is not the real killer, but Yellowstone could end all life on the Planet (Yellowstone, the world’s largest super volcano) ... |

One of the most powerful earthquakes in decades struck the Osaka region Monday morning, but there were no immediate reports of casualties and Kansai Electric Power Co. said its nuclear plants in Fukui Prefecture were operating normally. The earthquake, measuring a magnitude 5.9 and a lower 6 on the Japanese seismic scale to 7, hit at 7:58 a.m. and was centered in northern Osaka Prefecture, the Meteorological Agency said. No tsunami warning was issued. As of 9 a.m. all JR West trains and the Kintetsu Line were shut down as well as some expressways. All JR trains and Nankai trains from Osaka to Kansai international airport were also stopped.... READ MORE

PFC \\ ITM Trading | June 18, 2018 | ~ Corporations Selling Stocks And Central Banks Buying Gold: Verge Of Major Turning Point ~ |

U.S. Minute Men Turning Back British Banking Forces.

The global system is weakening and it’s not all Italy’s fault. Here’s what is causing the slowdown and what to do about it…

As a Wall Street “Unicorn” it’s current market cap is $58.2 billion, even though there are losses as far as the eye can see.

On June 12th the stock price surged 3.19% and is now up 40% from its April low, when Wall Street questioned its ability to sell more debt. Why? Because Tesla is cutting its work force by 9%.
Trump Just Told The President Of The Deep State EU “You’re A Brutal Killer”
Last week I asked if the tax changes and repatriation had kicked into gear. The speech by SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson, Jr. confirms this.

In the first quarter of 2018 American corporations “bought back a record $178 billion in stock” and CNBC points out that there is $2.5 trillion set to “pour into buybacks, dividends and M&A this year”. It seems the tax changes and repatriation has indeed, kicked into gear, pushing markets higher.

Personally, I think you should always do what the smartest guys, on any given topic, do for themselves. Corporate insiders are selling stocks and central banks are buying gold. I think that says it all.

BREAKING | bbc.co.uk | June 18, 2018 | ~ Loughborough Junction: Three killed by train in south London ~ | .. Three people have died after being struck by a train near Loughborough Junction in south London .. | Blogger: AND, the swarm of bees, as of terror or FF ops, escalates, to dumb people down, before these diamond-plasma flows will maintain their intensity through the end of June, with our Cosmic Trigger point during the June Solstice passage (peak on June 21 at 3:47 AM PDT). Our Gateway window is June 17-24 for Global focus.... |

READ MORE: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-44520759

RT - Russia Today | June 16, 2018 | ~ White Helmets: A tool for ‘regime change’ in Syria that’s too important to stop funding? ~ | Blogger: yeah, right! 😑 And, The Peter Schmeichel Show ⚽, Schmeichel's workplace is Putin's propaganda machine. RT's editor-in-chief himself has called the medium for an "information weapon", says danish media and politicians 🤣.... |

READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/news/429930-white-helmets-tool-funding/

TV2 FNYS | 18. Juni 2018 | ~ Forskere om hpv-vaccine: Markant fald i kræftforstadier hos unge piger ~ | .. Den første vaccinerede årgang har 40 procent færre tilfælde af svære celleforandringer. Den omstridte hpv-vaccine virker. Sådan lyder konklusionen fra forskere fra Københavns Universitet, der som de første i verden har undersøgt hpv-vaccinens effekt på en hel årgang .. | Blogger: [🙄HOLD DA K***. Jeg vil ikke have trøstende løgne, kun SANDHEDEN🙉] ... ( Liar Liar Pants On Fire) ... ... Husk på, det handler om kontrol af borgers vidensniveau via fortielse og fornægtelse. Sundhedsstyrelsen er en del af folketingets statsapparatus og dermed også en del af Deres politik, som holder hånden over ”den farmaceutiske mafia” ... Snakkede med min gode ven forleden, som sagde til mig, at hans to drenge på henholdsvis, 15 og 19, fik beordret af Deres mor, at få HPV-vaccination, til henholdsvis 3600 kr pr. stk, for en måned siden, UDEN FADERENS velsignelse. Én ting er, at fælles forældremyndig, åbenbart ikke gælder møderne, som nurser, pleaser og overreagere, for at overbeskytte børnene, men også at give DRENGE, hpv, som overhoved INGEN virkning har, tværtimod, kan den være LIVSFARLIGT .. O-M-G! 😲 - Hvor er vi alle, NAIVE... . STOP nu den følelsesmæssige frygtpropaganda!!! Bliver med ét vildt skræmt og vild ked af det, hvis danskere, kryber til patten efter denne udmelding. Ved snart ikke hvad man skal gøre og sige mere, for at overbevise mennesker, at HPV er LIVSFARLIGT! Hvordan skal jeg ellers viderebringe den sørgmodige nyhed, i bevidsthedens klare lys? Nej, jeg er ikke ekspert. Nej, jeg har ikke udarbejdet fejlbehæftet og forfalskede rapporter efter rapporter, med samarbejdspartnere i hele verden (Statens helsetilsyn (Sverige), Sundhedsstyrelsen, SSI, WHO, CDC, ECDC, EMA m.v.). Nej, jeg har ikke modbeviser på, at der FAKTISK er sammenhæng med vaccinen og udviklingen af 45 sygdomme hos voksne kvinder. Men jeg har deltaget i masser af amerikanske holistiske seminarer m.fl., læst godt på lektien, som med sikkerhed kan konstaterer følgende: (gælder for andre vacc. også) | HPV-vaccinen er den mest modbydelige og teknologisk mest avancerede, jeg nogensinde har studeret, og det er ikke noget, at jeg trækker ud af min bare mås. Både Gardasil® og Cervarix® fremstilles ved hjælp af rekombinant DNA-teknologi og nanoteknologisk overlegenhed. Med andre ord, du siger ja til at nanoroboter og RFID microchipping m.v., kan svømme frit rundt i dine organer (Med nanoteknologiens revolution kommer en uovertruffen kontrol over elektronernes vandring i en nano-transistor) | HPV DNA er i stand til at ændre humant DNA, der potentielt initierer cancer | Der er en sammenhæng med børn, vaccinationer og antidepressiva, HPV, ADHD, OCD og Autisme | Studier udenom den klare konventionelle lægevidenskab fortæller os, at der er STORE bivirkninger med injektion fra HPV-vaccinen i Danmark, England, Irland, Spanien, Colombia | Både HPV og kræftscreening er farlig for kvinder, vidste du det? | HPV-vaccine/andre vacciner indeholder RFID-chips, helt alm. praksis hos amerikanske soldater; nu standard implementeret i mange vestlige lande | HPV indeholder aluminum, kviksølv (nu thimerosal) og hjælpestoffer som polysorbate 80 .. Hold nu fast her!!! ✋ Aluminium -- fremmer hjælpestoffer fra vaccinen til at trænge dybt ind i hjernen og forårsager, neurologiske lidelser. Det hedder 'Blod-hjerne-barrieren' -- adskiller hjernevævet fra blodet. Blod-hjerne-barrieren er hjernens effektive forsvarsmur, værn mod giftstoffer. PS: Dvs. - Aluminium - binder (virus) og bakterier og andre lægemidler/kemiske stoffer som den farmaceutiske industri fremstiller, til at passere gennem hjernen sammen med Polysorbate-80 (Monsanto) som emulgatorer der igen, få fedtstof og vand til at hænge sammen | Med rekombinant DNA-teknik aka gensplejset DNA aka chimeric DNA, kan man gøre indgreb i det genetiske materiale (arvemassen) hos levende organismer. Simpelthen | WHO, ECDC (det europæiske center for sygdomsbekæmpelse) og CDC (det amerikanske center for sygdomsbekæmpelse), er blevet afsløret. Ud af den lange række af vaccinehjælpestoffer, fandt man dyrkede nyreceller fra grøn afrikansk abe (man ved de er følsomme overfor enterotoksin) samt fibroblastceller fra aborterede menneskelige fostre. Vi snakker altså om syge og inficerede aber og menneskefostre i dine vacciner!. Tænk over det!!... |

LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/samfund/2018-06-17-forskere-om-hpv-vaccine-markant-fald-i-kraeftforstadier-hos-unge-piger

i24news.tv | June 18, 2018 | ~ One dead, 3 injured as van hits pedestrians near Dutch music festival ~ | .. A van slammed into pedestrians near a campsite at a major music festival in the Netherlands on Monday, killing one person and seriously injuring three others, police said .. | Blogger: [🏴‍☠️OMG!!! The vehicle-ramming attacks continues.!! HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!. Fiat Diablo = The El Diablo Satanic Hand Sign👺] ... IN OTHER NEWS: | "Suspect dead, many injured after NJ arts festival shooting" | "1 killed, 2 injured after armed carjacker meets armed driver at Walmart parking lot - in Washington state" | "Woman 'shouting Allahu akbar' stabs two in French store" | "Large area blocked in Copenhagen after reports of shooting". No casualties, but a man is arrested, dragged away in a DNA suit"??... |

READ MORE: https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/177417-180618-one-dead-3-injured-as-van-hits-pedestrians-near-dutch-music-festival


Richie Allen | June 17, 2018 | ~ Sunday View On richieallen.co.uk ~ | Blogger: BIO: The show features up to the minute news analysis by researchers, journalists and academics who are ignored by the corporate controlled media, as well as featuring activists from all around the world who are making a difference in their communities every day. People are tired of hearing about the problems, they want to hear of positive solutions. That is why the show, while challenging the mainstream medias version of events, focuses heavily on the men and women who are trying to cause a seismic shift in the current paradigm. The skype line to the show will be open for listeners to call in and have their say. There will be no censorship .. |

Sunday View For June 17th 2018. Richie reviews the Sunday Newspapers. There's a report on a post-Brexit dividend of £20 billion for the NHS. Is it true? Richie also explains why there's no need for your teenage daughter OR SON to have the HPV vaccine as the papers report it will be made available for 400,000 boys in the UK. There's an update on young Billy Caldwell, whose severe epilepsy has been treated successfully with Cannabis oil and much much more. Support YOUR show by donating at www.richieallen.co.uk 

Richie has been producing and presenting television and radio programs for the best part of twenty years. The Richie Allen Show airs Monday - Thursday at 7 PM GMT and at 11 AM UK Time each Sunday. 

John B. Wells The ONLY Official CTM Channel | June 6, 2018 | Episode 751 | Caravan To Midnight | ~ The spiraling rabbit hole of the Seth Rich Murder - With George Webb ~ | Blogger: [👼George Webb = Almost-A-Hero? - OR - A Liar?🤥] ... Caravan To Midnight is a very popular show. But, investigative journalist Liz Crokin joins SGTReport for some time ago, in an in-depth discussion about the attempted assassination of Rep. Steve Scalise in Alexandria, VA... SGTReport also discuss why it's very hard to believe in TheDeepState and Clinton Mafia and also George Webb Cirkus. Yeah! So many people trust him, but as Liz Crokin calls it, YouTube cirkus campaign, is George Webb paided by TheDeepState?... |

Episode 751 – George Webb, Steven Aukstakalnis & Joseph Meyer Full Episode: https://caravantomidnight.com/episode... In this edition we welcome back George Webb Webb starts us off disclosing findings from the Seth Rich murder in spiraling rabbit hole format. Subscribe to the John B Wells show on Caravan to Midnight today for the truth behind the headlines - Only $5 per month. We are sensitive to the expectations of our audience and remain faithful to our mandate to provide educational, cultural and informational programs independent of commercial obligations or influence. http://caravantomidnight.com/ctm-memb... Former Host of Coast To Coast AM John B Wells is now in control on Caravan To Midnight & Ark Midnight https://caravantomidnight.com/your-host/ Executive producer John B. Wells Category News &Politics

Alien UFO Sightings | June 18, 2018 | ~ Sun Shili, Former Chinese Government Official: ETs Walk Among Us ~ | .. A former Chinese official has come forward to reveal new evidence that extraterrestrials walk amongst the peoples of Earth. These beings are everywhere—from lowly factory workers to the highest echelons of industry and government.. The Chinese people accept the mysterious with open arms. They’ve always been interested in the odd, the bizarre, the unexplainable. Their ancient literature and texts—some of the oldest in the world outside the ancient writings of Sumeria and Tibet—are crammed with accounts of otherworldly visitors, amazing encounters with ETs and strange visitors suddenly appearing in remote Chinese villages .. | Blogger: The World is changing and disclosure is getting closer... 🛸👽 |

Above photo: Aerial view of Xianyang Pyramid complex revealing flat landing platform

NWOReport.me | June 18, 2018 CET | by Mark Megahan | ~ Media Blackout On Navy Cyber Attack ~ | .. China got their hands on over 600 gigabytes of highly classified undersea warfare data, including the ‘Sea Dragon’ sub-launched supersonic missile program. The media isn’t saying a word .. | Blogger: [😶All very hush-hush and whoosh-whoosh🤐] ... DENMARK has also been hacked, so the intelligence services says; Maersk Oil lost billions, hundred of danish companies and several ministries, one is The Agency for the Modernisation of Public Administration (Moderniseringsstyrelsen). Danish government points fingers at their no 1# enemy = Russia, but China is on that list as well ... PS: IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME. The Danish National Police, ID numbers of each person in DK, Civil Registration System was hacked, Vehicle registrations and more (2012) ... 5,282,616 CPR numbers leaked to Chinese company in 2015... etc. etc. |

Earlier this year, China’s Ministry of State Security hacked into an unnamed defense contractor working for Rhode Island’s Naval Undersea Warfare Center. Billions of dollars worth of military technology secrets are in the hands of the enemy. Not one single network media outlet is telling the American people anything about it.

The contractor was working on the “Sea Dragon” project. Sub-launched, supersonic missiles costing billions are being installed through the Virginia-class submarine fleet, but the theft of their data was hushed up and swept under the rug with zero explanation.

The Chinese took advantage of poor security that was defending an unclassified network and managed to remove over 600 gigabytes of files.

One by one, each was unclassified. When you put them all together, it means a devastating compromise of top-secret ultra-advanced technology relied on across the armed forces.

Nobody is admitting publicly that the core of the system is the same SM-6 air defense missile “designed to be launched by U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and Ticonderoga-class cruisers to defend the fleet from cruise missiles, manned aircraft, unmanned aircraft, and even short-range ballistic missiles.”

Intended to give Navy subs a new “disruptive offensive capability,” Sea Dragon “combines an existing U.S. Navy platform with an existing capability.” The generic air defense missile can be adapted to targeting ships.

ZeroHedge | June 16, 2018 | ~ "We Had Whistleblowers": Nunes Reveals "Good FBI Agents" Tipped Off Congress About Comey Team ~ | .. Good FBI agents brought this to our attention.".. |

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) revealed that in late September 2016, "Good FBI agents" stepped forward as whistleblowers to tell them about additional Hillary Clinton emails "sitting" on Anthony Weiner's laptop.

"I've never actually said this before," said Nunes. "We had whistleblowers that came to us in late September of 2016 who talked to us about this laptop sitting up in New York that had additional emails on it."

In light of IG's failure to look at leaking/anti-Clinton bias among agents in NYC field office, this seems quite relevant. Nunes says "good FBI agents" told him about Weiner laptop in late September 2016.

In other words, the New York FBI "rebelled" - as Rudy Giuliani puts it - which former FBI Director James Comey tried to quash, twice.
The FBI sat on the revelation that previously unknown emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server were recovered on the laptop of sex-crimes convict Anthony Weiner for just under a month, according to a review by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General.
The stated rationale was to prioritize the Russia investigation, which was a decision made by Peter Strzok, a top FBI agent involved in both investigations and who texted his lover that he would “stop” Donald Trump from becoming president. -Daily Caller
Appearing Friday on Fox and Friends, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said that FBI agents in the New York office "rebelled" and "had a revolution" which Comey could not keep quiet - forcing him to reopen the Clinton email investigation.
"The agents in the NY office - we all know this, rebelled. They had a revolution. And Comey made two attempts to quiet them down and then realized "I can't do that, I'm gonna look terrible here. If she gets elected I'll look terrible, if she doesn't.." -Rudy Giuliani

READ MORE: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-16/we-had-whistleblowers-nunes-reveals-good-fbi-agents-tipped-congress-about-comey

Folkets Avis | 18. juni 2018 | ~ Er Folkemødet virkelig en fejring af folkets magt, Berlingske? ~ | .. Det lyder fra Berlingske: "Folkets magt har aldrig været større og den blev fejret på Bornholm" .. Lørdagens leder i Berlingske har allerede i overskriften to påstande: 1. "Folkets magt har aldrig været større og den blev fejret på Bornholm" Altså: Folkets magt er i dag større end nogensinde før 2. Folkemødet på Bornhold er fejring af den kendsgerning. Desværre går det galt allerede i 1) og det bliver ikke mindre underligt at af 1) til dels søges bevist af 2) - altså er vi ude i noget cirkulært halløj. Man kunne måske godt få den opfattelse at folkets magt i dag er større end nogensinde før. Der gøres i hvert fald meget for at skabe den opfattelse. Borgerforslag for eksempel .. |

Foto: Lennart Kiil
LÆS VIDERE: https://www.folkets.dk/node/2812

24syv Morgen 07.05 | 18. Juni 2018 | ~ Morten Messerschmidt taler usandt i sag om EU-midler ~ | Blogger: [👼Er Messerschmidt en Helt, Fakir eller Lystløgner?🤥]... Godt nok er Ekstra Bladet meget udskældt, en graverjournalist er inviteret i Radio24Syv's lydstudie, og får NULL stjerner hos Jonatan Spang og desuden er 'Kisser' blevet uvenner med hovedpersonen i 'Messershit-sagen', da Morten ikke ville hjælpe Kirsten, som sidste løsning, med billetter til Folkemødet, men har fundet grunden til, hvorfor Den Korte Weekendavis, ikke var inviteret med til folkemødet/ snobbemødet, og det indebærer en elendig sandwich... (der er mange kommaer) |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.radio24syv.dk/programmer/24syv-morgen/27891641/24syv-morgen-0705-18-06-2018