Mar 24, 2017
News LIFT | Dec 15, 2016 | Clinical trial suggests therapeutic effect of THCV in type 2 diabetes A team of researchers from the UK recently launched a pilot clinical trial to study the effects of CBD and THC-V in type 2 diabetes patients. The results... | Blogger: Den Korte Radioavis med senior-korrespondent Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm, har lige nævnt, at cannabis med THC-V kan kurere type 2 diabetes patienter og hverken Novo eller regeringen, ønsker at få det frem i lyset, eftersom det kan få katastrofale følger, for statskassen. Vi ved jo alle sammen, at regeringen (KK) og landmændene har planer om at levere forsøg med medicinsk cannabis i 2018.. Har en del artikler omkring cannabis m.m. på bloggen... |
Among the manifold roles of the mammal endocannabinoid (eCB) system is the regulation of metabolism and energy expenditure. This function extends to pathological conditions, as evidenced by previous research showing this system to be over-activated in conditions of obesity and diabetes type 2. A synthetic cannabinoid – Rimbonant – that interacts with cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptors, was temporarily marketed for these two conditions, before being withdrawn in 2008 due to its severe psychiatric side effects.
Researchers kept examining other cannabinoids, hoping to find a drug with a safer profile that was also effective in these metabolic disorders. Two compounds, cannabidiol (CBD) and THCV (an analogue of THC with different pharmacological effects) had good results in animal models of obesity and diabetes. Instigated by these findings, a team of researchers from the UK launched a pilot clinical trial to study their effects in type 2 diabetes patients. The results were recently published in the journal Diabetes Care.
The trial followed a randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled design. Sixty-two adults from four centers of the United Kingdom were divided among five conditions, receiving one of the following dosages twice daily for the duration of 13 weeks: 100mg of CBD; 5mg of THCV; 5mg of CBD plus 5mg of THCV; 100mg of CBD plus 5mg of THCV; or placebo. Exclusion criteria included recent use of cannabis, depression diagnosis, and certain genetic profiles that could interfere with the analysis.
The primary assessment was the change in serum HDL-C concentration, the so called “good cholesterol” that is reduced in diabetes type 2. Neither drug, alone or in combination, had an effect on this marker. However, THCV treatment led to an increase in protein Apo A (a major constituent of the HDL-C) concentrations compared to baseline and placebo. On secondary and tertiary endpoints, THCV was associated with a reduction in plasma glucose concentration, which was in line with significant increases in other measures of insulin and blood glucose response.
Exopolitics | Mar 24, 2017 | By Dr Michael Salla and Corey Goode Update | Antarctic Ice Shelf Destabilized as Race for Ancient Alien Artifacts & New Weapons Heats Up |
A multinational effort to excavate key regions of Antarctica in search of artifacts from a flash frozen alien civilization created by refugees is destabilizing the continent’s massive ice shelves, according to secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode. He furthermore reveals that secret military bases in Antarctica are using some of the artifacts for weapons development in violation of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, which stipulates that the continent’s resources will be only used for scientific purposes.
This article is the third in a series [click for Part One and Part Two]. Corey’s written contribution to this final installment has led to it being our first collaborative writing venture. To identify who is writing for the reader, I [Michael Salla] will take the role of the narrator and distinguish when Corey is directly contributing in his own words, as opposed to me paraphrasing his briefing material.
Disclosure of the Antarctica ruins is still imminent, Corey reports, as a number of key variables impact on when and how much is to be revealed to the world about the discoveries while maintaining secrecy about the ongoing military programs to weaponize alien artifacts.
In a detailed briefing given to me on March 16, 2017, Corey shared additional details about the “Pre-Adamite” civilization supplementing the data he previously put out. This new information was originally slated for release in an article, “Endgame III”, as the sequel to the popularEndgame II article and video which focused on secret Antarctica excavations.
Corey said earlier that the extraterrestrial civilization, identified by him as Pre-Adamites, first arrived 55,000 to 60,000 years ago and established outposts all over Antarctica which notably has a land mass almost twice the size of the contiguous United States. He described them as standing approximately 12-14 feet in height and possessing elongated skulls.
Corey also described how they created a hybrid species, Homo Capensis according to anthropological classification, which became ruling elites, or demigods, in ancient South American, Asian and European societies.
In the March 16 briefing, Corey began by explaining that the Pre-Adamites had established their main base right over “Ancient Builder Race” technology, which included a “stargate” or “wormhole” device very similar to that depicted in the popular Science Fiction show, Stargate SG-1.
Corey said that this show was an example of a soft disclosure in which the U.S. Air Force took the lead in revealing key elements of the technologies developed by the Ancient Builder Race, who had established a travel grid throughout the galaxy using traversable wormholes hundreds of millions, if not billions, of years ago..... [READ MORE]
Verdensalt | 24. Marts 2017 | Hvide flystriber, der ikke forsvinder på himlen, er tilbage - beviser fra en lille provinsby i Nordsjælland | Chemtrails eksistere og er farlig -- Hyposen eller sammensværgelsesteorien hævder, at flyenes udstødning efterlader farverige brede 'flystriber' eller 'haler' som ikke er naturlige kondensstriber. DMI og alverdens magthavere, påstår ihærdigt, at det hedder "Contrails" (består hovedsageligt af frossen vanddamp) som er ganske ufarlig for mennesker og liv på jorden. Tricket med at postulere det modsatte, kaster en skygge af tvivl af sig, men faktisk er sandheden, at disse flystriber, er en form for kemiske eller biologiske agenser (nano-mikroorganismer), der bevidst udledes i ganske store højder og som danner hvidt skylag, der dækker for Solen. Årtier tilbage var det et amerikansk militært eksperiment, vejrmanipulation, for at afhjælpe den globale opvarmning. Nu om dage er det et bevidst målrettet værktøj, alt bliver dumpet ud i atmosfæren, lige fra at tjene penge på vejrderivater (vejrmanipulation) til at teste nye vira og virus hos medicinalindustrien, en pengemaskine, kontrolleret militært uden om offentlighedens søgelys i hemmelige programmer rettet af regeringsrepræsentanter. Vi snakker om solstråle-blokering, psykologisk manipulation, eller menneskelige befolknings- kontrol, vejr-modifikation eller biologisk og kemisk krigsførelse...vælg selv... |
Alle snakker om vejret, men ingen gør noget ved det, sagde Storm P engang (Blogger: Hvad sagde du? Findes "Chemtrails" ikke? Jeg sagde ikke “con-trails.” Der er altså forskel! Jeg snakker om bevidst sprøjtning af stratosfæriske aerosoler oppe i Jordens atmosfære. Er du stadigvæk ikke overbevist? En bekymret borger kontakter DMI, se hvad der kom ud af samtalen. Vedlægger også lige et par billeder fra en helt almindelig solskinsdag i det nordsjællandske... Måske skifter du mening?)
Published on Apr 11, 2014
DEL GERNE DENNE VIDEO: Ringer til DMI: Har flyspor ikke noget med klima at gøre !!!! Chemtrails. Gør et ihærdig forsøg på at få et par ord fra DMI omkring det store emne klima engineering, har du set hvordan flysporene folder sig ud og skaber det helt overskyet på himlen. Men ifølge DMI har det intet med klima og deres domæne at gøre. Det hænger ikke sammen, da vi tydelig alle kan se hvordan fly striberne danner kunstige skyer og gør det helt overskyet. Det kan kun være giftig og usundt. Og det ændre vores vejr og klima, ikke også kære DMI.
Udgivet den 3. December 2016 af verdensalt
Chemtrails(geoengineering): Det startede faktisk med at US Air Force (USAF) forsøgte sig med at spraye skinnende svovl-partikler langt ude i atmosfæren som efterligner den kølende effekt som vulkanudbrud har - vejrmanipulation i 1970'erne. Senere udviklede det sig drastisk at indeholde alt hvad forsvarsindustrien, den medicinal-industrielle kompleks og 'corporatocracy' virksomheder, kunne sælge for profit. (Vejr-derivater)
DMI's nationale partnere |
Danmark blev ledet af en VKR-regering i 90'erne. Tænk hvis det faktisk kom frem i lyset, at 'nogen' i vores regering har tilladt fly af hvide eller umærkede eller ligefrem CIA-relaterede ubemandede luftfartøjer i dansk luftrum i over 20 år for at dumpe toksiner, Nano-Aerosoler(programmerbare nanopartikler), aluminiumoxid, vacciner(du hørte rigtigt), strontium, barium, biologiske agenser og masse andet skidt, folk i Danmark ville jo gå bananas..
"Vi kalder det bare 'Contrails', naturligvis benægter vi alt", tænkte vores regering (bare en lille nødløgn ud af mange - det er jo bare cool business mellem os og USA)
How To Exit The Matrix | Feb 28, 2017 | The Enslavement System Is Crashing |
All signs point to the total collapse of the enslavement system: organized religions/organized cults, ruling elites, corrupted justice system, fiat money, shadow government and all lower frequency ways of living. The dominoes have been started. A higher dimensional world is taking shape and physically manifesting. The mass mind control is rapidly breaking down. Once the transition is fully completed, You can look forward to nothing but awesomeness.
The ENSLAVEMENT SYSTEM IS CRASHING. Signs of crash are everywhere. A RESTART will follow ★
The enslavement system includes:
1. Controlling systems through laws and regulations.
2. Religions filled with lies and deceptions which have resulted in many wars and deaths of billions.
3. Money, debt and banking systems.
4. Finance and economic systems.
5. Trading and commerce systems.
6. Import and export systems.
7. Corruption and deception system through threats/briberies/propagandas.
8. MIND CONTROL through inplants, frequency weapons, and etheric manipulation.
9. Etc…
All of them are crashing now.
In the midst of chaos and reordering, Remember to raise your consciousness, vibrations and frequencies. Say goodbye to enslavement and say hello to GALACTIC CITIZENSHIPS and INTERSTELLAR INTERACTION among Star Nations.
٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
“The powers that be are desperately attempting to institute safeguards to a system that is crashing. WE just can’t have an economic model which funnels resources into the hands of the elite, and a social system that disregards an ethical and sustainable approach to the environment, without something eventually breaking. With their last breath they are creating secret trade agreements designed to implement a world government, yet there’s a growing commUNITY of awakening people that are discussing and designing innovative solutions to the systemic mess WE’re in.
The masses have not yet awoken to the fact that WE operate under a privately owned central banking system which maintains the monopolization of our monetary system for a dozen or so international banking families. In fact, Many of our so-called leaders – such as politicians, charity organizations and those in the public spotlight – have awoken to this insanity either.
If WE were to collectively recognize this, there is no doubt that WE would instantly stand up and institute a banking system & a world that is created for the people, by the people.” ★
٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Here is the domino effect of events & changes to come ★
1. New financial structure.
2. Cabal loses their control of their network and their pyramid crumbles quickly.
3. No more Cabal creating money from thin air and manipulate people into debt slavery.
4. Release people of debt and slavery to money (NESARA/GESARA, Swissindo, Ubuntu)
5. MAJOR rise in frequency & consciousness, as the suppressed energy release into the magnetic field.
6. Release or “rediscover” different advanced hidden technologies, they most likely will be using free energy or some no pollution resources.
7. Galactic Disclosure worldwide. A ton of truth will come out, everything from where WE originated from, to who created different humans races/bodies, to our DNA and our connection to different star systems of our true ancestors.
8. WE become galactic beings in the physical and get to explore space in mass number.
9. WE become guardians for this solar system and join into the galactic commUNITY.
10. Goodbye to what is known as duality consciousness on Earth.
٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Daily Mail | Mar 23, 2017 | Would YOU choose to live forever? Age-reversing pill that Nasa wants to give to astronauts on Mars will begin human trials within six months | Blogger: We just heard about Pres. Trump's declassify anti-aging & free energy technologies -- 'Soft-Disclosure' according to Dr. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Several articles also confirms about age regression used in Secret Space Programs confirmed as Scientifically Feasible. ".. Due to recent breakthroughs in genetic research, the claims of three whistleblowers, who say they underwent an age-regression process in secret space programs, have become that much more plausible. The whistleblowers, Corey Goode, Randy Cramer and Michael Relfe, all say that they were age-regressed to become 20 years younger at the end of their respective tours of duty in secret space programs. Recently, geneticists have identified the genes that control the aging process, and in stunning experiments, the results of which have been released in peer reviewed scientific journals, have demonstrated that they were able to reverse the aging process to varying degrees of success. The results of these experiments make it plausible that the three whistleblowers did indeed undergo an age-regression process using classified medical technologies in secret space programs, as they claimed.." |
- Scientists have discovered a key signalling process in DNA repair
- They have used this process in the development of a drug to reverse ageing
- Trials on mice found that the pill repaired DNA damage after a week
- Nasa wants the new technology to protect its astronauts from solar radiation
Read more: Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladministrationen | Radio24Syv Nyheder | 24. Marts 2017 | Faren for million ekstraregninger for fjernvarmekunder var kendt på Christiansborg siden 2012. Alligevel har politikere over en bred kam kritiseret en fjernvarmesag fra Herning | Blogger: Den kloge, narrer den mindre kloge.. Klimaministeren Lars Christian Lilleholt 'galer' op i appel om fjernvarme, indkalder Folketingets partier til drøftelser om sagen og er klar til at ændre reglerne med tilbagevirkende kraft. Altså et forsøg på, at få lovgivet sig ud af et nyt økonomisk tag-selv-bord, hvor slunkne kommunekasser bliver fyldt ved hjælp af ekstra regninger til fjernvarmekunder, siger han selv.. Nu viser det sig, at Folketinget med Lars Christian Lilleholt i spidsen, allerede kendte til sagen i 2012. Selv samme minister har millionforbindelser til selskaber bag milliardbud på Danmarks gasnet og Lars Christian Lilleholt var i perioden fra 2010 - 2015 medlem af i alt 11 bestyrelser med tilknytning til energisektoren, heraf fire i Energi Fyn-koncernen, som også er blandt de fire potentielle købere af gasforsyningsnettet. Ministeren har oplyst indtægter fra 2013-2015 til Finans, der på den baggrund konservativt beregner at han i perioden fra 2010-2015 har modtaget ca. 1,5 mio. kr. fra bestyrelsesposter i el, gas- og fjernvarmesektoren, heraf ca. halv mio. kr. fra poster forbundet til Energi Fyn-koncernen. Brian Mikkelsen går heller ikke fri, har sammen med sin ægtefælle, investeret fem mio. kr. i en kapitalfond - SE Blue Equity - hvor energiselskabet SE(konsortium) er storinvestor og primus motor i gasdistribution i Danmark med en potentiel milliardhandel og Brian og viv har måske scoret 1 mio kr. ud af denne deal.. »Vi forstår simpelthen ikke, hvorfor man ikke for længst har fået ændret reglerne i 2012,« siger Kim Mortensen, direktør i Dansk Fjernvarme.. »Hverken politikere eller embedsmænd viser rettidigt omhu,« siger Brian Vad Mathiesen, professor i energiplanlægning på Aalborg Universitet.. Med andre ord, politikere har kendt til fjernvarmemanøvre i flere år og nu prøver de at angre og gøre boet op og overlader heltegerningen, i Deres eget favør, mens de fortsætter at snyde og bedrage, skatteyderne, igen og igen... |
Nyheder 08.00 24-03-2017
BREAKING | RT news | Mar 24, 2017 | Six Russian servicemen have been killed and several more injured in a militant attack on a Russian National Guard base in the Chechen Republic | Blogger: North Caucasian Chechen separatist-led Islamic insurgents? CIA terrorists at work? Mossad backed operation? ISIS' branch in Russia, the "Caucasus Emirate"? US proxy group trying to destabilize Russia? As always we can only guess, but in the light of the last days events, people must understand NATO's and 'deep states' heavy aggression and PSYWAR, towards Russia. Nothing can surprise me anymore... |
According to a statement posted on the Russian National Guard website, “around 2:30am on March 24 a group of armed militants attempted to enter the territory of one of the military camps of the Russian National Guard.”
The militant group was spotted by an army detachment, which confronted it. Six attackers were killed. At the same time, six servicemen died in the shootout too while several more were wounded......[READ MORE]
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