Dec 13, 2015

14 Things To Stop Saying Now If You Want to Find Love - Dec 13, 2015

by Andrea Schulman
Guest writer,

If you want to find love, it can be hard when you look around and notice that seemingly everyone else is paired up except for you. It can make you feel as if there is something wrong with you, or that the universe is totally against you. It can be very disheartening, trust me-I get it!

However, the good thing here to understand is that the only reason we ever find ourselves alone is because we expect to be alone! Our world is shaped entirely by our expectations and beliefs. Fortunately, if a person can change his or her expectations about relationships, the Law of Attraction will bring him or her a compatible mate to love and cherish.

So, how do you change your expectation if you find yourself alone?

Well, one of the most effective things that you can do is change the way you speak about love and relationships. Often, when we feel jaded about love, this comes across in our speech. Then, once we start talking about our insecurities and disappointments, we amplify them with the Law of Attraction.

So, if you want to find love, here are a few things I suggest you stop saying (if you’ve been saying them at all). Each of the phrases below has the power to repel the relationship you are seeking, as they each reinforce limiting beliefs about love.
1.“Nobody loves me.”
2.“I’m going to die alone.”
3.“I’m going to be an old maid/bachelor.”
4.“There are no good men/women out there.”
5.“I’m too old to find love.”
6.“I’m not attractive enough, smart enough, funny enough, etc.”
7.“I don’t make enough money to support a spouse/family.”
8.“Good men/women are hard to find.”
9.“I get nervous talking to men/women.”
10.“They only want me for my money.”
11.“They only want one thing.”
12.“You can’t trust men/women.”
13.“Relationships are hard.”
14.“What if I never get married/find ‘the one?’”

It’s always wise to be selective about our word choices, especially in regards to the things we really, really want. If you want to find love, please take care to make sure your language isn’t holding you back.

Have you heard of any other common negative phrases about love and relationships? Comment below and add them to our list!

Click here for more articles by Andrea Schulman!
About the author:
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.

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