May 28, 2022

📰🍿❌ ~ ('Those who truly understand the PLAN...') Restored Republic via a GCR (DC) ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... The Cabal is Panicking... They are exposed, False Flags, QFS, G/NESARA, Clone-Celebs and leaders are exposed, Crumbling Matrix is accelerating... Please tell me, Why is the most important/powerful man in entire world getting picked up at airport by the Uber/civilian? Where is the security detail? Where is the Secret Service why is he carrying his own bags?... *IN THE NEWS* 📰 First case of monkeypox confirmed in Ireland (another Cabal-country)... 📰Will Smith (who's already dead 'original version' looks 25 yrs younger like Tom Cruise) saw his career disappear during ayahuasca trip before Oscars controversy... 📰A very, very important Cardinal, Angelo Sodano, longtime Vatican power broker, is dead (as you know, so is the 'original version' Pope Francis and Lilibet). After the announcement of Lilibet AKA Queen-Lizzy's dead, ready is DDFO-Daisy, to take over as HEAD of The Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians - most powerful group, in the world... ⚔️PS: MASSIVE Jewish protest after the comedian, Zelenskyy, has been depicted as a 'monster' with a big nose. Ukraine has now admitted, that their neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, has lost the battle. SoTW wish is, that Mr. Putin (2nd version forced to work with TheWhiteHats) has the balls (or allowed) to tell the western community, the truth... 😥How extensive is Cabal Kingdoms of Denmark evil involvement? Ukraine has started receiving Harpoon anti-ship missiles from Denmark and self-propelled howitzers from the United States to be used to hit Russian warships in the Black Sea, and it has given quite a wide publicity in world news (Al Arabiya News, BBC and The Economic Times - of course). Who's in charge? Margrethe II is Queen of Denmark and commander-in-chief of the Danish Defence (look it up on Google)... |


Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 28, 2022

Excerpts from short report of May 28:

Compiled Sat. 28 May 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

It’s Time. Checkmate
…John McAfee

Judy Note:

  • World War III Nuclear Scare Event Imminent.
Global Currency Reset Update: No significant change since my last report.

Judy Reminder: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the codes will be entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments. That would be decided from calculations of the Military Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

The Real News for Fri. 27 May 2022:

  • Turkey is on the top of the list for potential integration in BRICS due to multiple geological, geographical and economical factors. Potential Integration beginning with 2025.

Fri. 27 May 2022 White Hat Intel:

🤗⚖️⛓️ ~ (Lake Geneva + NYC + Silicon Valley: 'When you see it on AP & NYT then you know it's game over.' ~ BF) NINOS CORNER-Benjamin Fulford - The Deep State Has Exhausted The Playbook 5-26-22~ | Blogger: [👉Nino sums it up: 'the good news is, the Deep State is of it tail end of exhausting the play-book or Hail Marys👈] ... (SoTW) - No matter if you trust in BF, this is for me, a really good positive "End-Times-Madness" view, how close we are to the western 'Cabal' or 'The Establishment' demise (call them what you wish) and before it all crashes for the 'Hidden-Hand' as David Icke, calls them and we are able to see the New Golden Age transformation in the glitches of the Matrix... |

The desperate moves of control continue within the deep state. Benjamin explains why the deep state is all but done.Are we witnessing the last desperate moves of a dying old guard? It seems so...ENJOY! 

🥁🇧🇷💃🏼🕺🏻 ~ (Aalborg Carnival - Aalborg Karneval) WHAT A BUMMER! Nordeuropas største karneval ikke i nærheden af historiebøgernes 2019 rekord med 80.000 deltagere der festede i AAL. Men SKØN stemning (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Jeg var på pletten og tog til AAL med en MTB-cykeltur og tog billeder! Og forsøger virkelig at være positiv her, men er ikke en træmand; man skulle nok have været ung og stang-bacardi-fordrukken, for at syntes, det var sjovt, at drikke sig i hegnet, kl. 9 (gammel dansk kl. 6) om morgen. Der er RIGTIG mange af os alle, som trænger til at slå et STORT hul i vejen - føle os frie og bevægelige igen, uden nogle partisoldater, skal sætte os i kasser og i bås. Desværre, var der ikke Brasilianske sambatrommer og kostumer, virkede lidt à la 9. klasse kostume til sidste skoledag og udklædninger - men sjove og festlige, var de alle. Meget var 'Top Gun,' brought to you by the U.S. military-inspiredede, S.W.A.T. var der også, julemandsparade, og jeg skal komme efter dig. Hvorfor unge mænd, var i sexet-stuepige-eller-matros kostumer og unge kvins, uden samba-outfit, er mig en gåde, har ej heller, levet under LGBT+ og transkønnet-bevægelsen og er nok, bare, gammel, konservativ og forstokket. Man må ønske sig for Copenhagen Carnival, den bliver noget større med rigtige sambarytmer og ubegrænset timer, sat af. Det hele startede kl. 9.30 og allerede 11.30, var AAL kommunes fejekoste, i gang med oprydningsarbejdet på Limfjordsbroen. Hvor de festede videre, uden politieskorte, senere på dagen, vides ikke. Nordjyllands Politi, HJV, og en mystisk Militær Rekoniserings Fly, der cirklede om byen under chemtrails, konstant med overvågning, baggårdstisseri, kostede 1.500 i bøde, lagde en dæmper under orkanens øje på paraderuten på Vesterbro. Man blev advaret i DR P4 om der ville være militærets tilstedeværelse og overvågning (Ansigtsgenkendelse), hele morgenen, i radioen. Regeringens Corona-"skræmmekampagne" (coronapanik, angst samt vis samfundssind) de sidste 2 år, må have forankret sig dybt ind i de unge menneskers SINDELAG. Heldigvis, (sked) de på det hele og festede i gaderne, uden slogskampe, heldigvis. Der var også plads til et billede af krydstogtskibet Viking Venus og vendte man sig om, kunne jeg se det særpræget frimurerlogo "sejlet" og mådehold, tavshed, forsigtighed og barmhjertighed – De fire dyder som frimurerbrødrene forventes at leve efter, men aldrig, gør det. AAL, ligesom AAR, er en KÆMPE-mæssig frimurerens paradis, religion, kult, kirker og templer samt forsvarets betydningsfulde steder. Og i enhver dansk by, med respekt for dem selv, findes også en (mason) S-politiker, såsom, Thomas Kastrup-Larsen, som er så korrupt, man tror, det er løgn. Lige nu er Næstved, i chok over massage, vinlagre, sorte udbetalinger, internet og hestepasning på kommunens regning. Ser man længere syd på, nærmere Midtjylland, som er de eneste 2 steder jeg kender til, har vi som i NJ, en rumnation og assistent til forsvarets mange elite udrykningskorps, Terma A/S. Hold godt øje med dem. De udvikler ikke kun elektronik og hardware til forsvarsindustrien verden over. Besøgt, et utal af gange af regentparret, samt politikeren på Deres lønningsliste, såsom, betændte, Claus Hjort (Vader). Det kan måske chokere nogen, men 11 østjyder er med på Top 100-listen over Danmarks rigeste familier og personer i 2022... |

😂🆚😭 ~ (Inspirational Videos) SoTW could eat positivity all day long. These videos should give you pleasurable emotions. Getting spiritually aligned isn't optional (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: We all have our moments when we need to halt inner work and relax... Becoming more tune with yourself and more of a spiritual person helps you to feel more connected to something greater than yourself. When you can view life with your spiritual eyes, life just makes more sense. You stress less. You feel happier and more peaceful. You get in touch with the core of who you really are and that simply feels good. Spiritual exhaustion afflicts most of us at some point on our journey toward enlightenment. I probably shouldn’t be writing this while I’m spiritually exhausted. However, I believe there’s no better time to be able to fully convey what is going on when you’re exhausted. If you’ve ever felt fatigue for no physical reason and you just can’t fully engage in spiritual activities for a short time, then you are probably on the same page here. Sometimes we just reach our limit of spiritual awakening for a day and we want to crawl into a cave. We have been overloaded with spiritual transformation and our small energy fields and brains can’t take much more! But we must press on eventually. When you’re spiritually exhausted, make no mistake: you’re on the right path. So, you can’t just go back into the matrix and start living mindlessly again!... |