Mar 9, 2022
🙏 ~ 💝 (MARCH MADNESS UPDATE) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Why it's so IMPORTANT for Powerful protection DECREES to bring you protection from Heaven. SoTW use a number of Declarations & Decrees, each day, in order to protect and send out prayers, Godly decrees + positive affirmations etc. I used to get attacks by (physical) Direct-Energy Weapon (at a Cobra conference in Hungary + Simon Parkes Aware-event in London + UFO congress in USA and at home) and very few, but HEAVLY, attacks in the nighttime under “lucid dreaming" by fourth dimension aggressive ET parasites which causes EXTREME headaches, intense psychological and physiological stress in that you can feel all your insides etc. I call upon Archangel Michael for protection and use my REIKI healing - it helps (every time). Go to my "I Declare and Decree" section for more on my blog. There's one I use daily; "MotherGaia, we are sorry, MG, please forgive us. MG, please assist our Ascension, give us courage, spirituality, prosperity, abundance, freedom, peace and unconditional love. MG, we thank you, MG, we love you"... |
🤐🚇⛰️ ~ (Proof-of-life!?!) Underground DUMBS – March 7, 2022 (RR) ~ | Blogger: (SoTW research). What are D.U.M.Bs, which stands for Deep Underground Military Bases? Well they are whole secret cities for the "New World Order". As above, so below, Earth of secret, and these operations include a huge worldwide UFO cover up and the building and maintaining of (D.U.M.B.S). There are at least 1,400 DUMBS worldwide, 188 known DUMBS in the U.S., with 2 underground bases being built per year in the U.S. The average depth of bases are 4.25 miles underground. The BIGGEST of them, like Dulce in New Mexico, Brecon Beacons in Wales, Los Alamos in Mexico, Pine Gap in Australia, The Snowy mountains in Australia, bases are on average the size a medium SIZED CITY. Each DUMB base-costs between 17 & 26 billion $ to build, which is funded by MI6/CIA drug money & human trafficking money. Each underground base employs 1,800 to 10,000 workers. A nuclear powered drill it used to dig underground. This drill goes through rock at a tremendous rate and literally melts the rock away to form a smooth glass like surface around the edges of the tunnels. It is said that the DUMBS have been around since the end of WWII, however, it is also understood there are more ancient, deeper tunnels that exist, as well. In other words, these DUMBS have been funded by taxpayer dollars, siphoned through a “CIA Black Budget”, built, maintained, upgraded and run by the members of the Deep State. Black Budget Programs, or better known as, ‘deep black programs’, are programs that are extremely sensitive and exempt from the regular reporting protocol to Congress, according to a 1997 US Senate report. Underground DUMBS are connected worldwide. They used technology NOT available to those on the surface of Earth - such as FREE ENERGY, magnetic levitation transportation & highway systems with trains going up to 1500 MPH. Their ability to move massive cargo overseas can be done in minutes & hours. Why not many HUmans knows anything about or heard anything about DUMBS, is, because of its interaction with extra-terrestrial species and its twisted view that the people are children and cannot handle the truth... |
✨🤗👀 ~ (E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G over by June. QFS 'of Things'. Trump will be back acting Pres. for 3 mos. Russia gold standard. NSA, not the council, is a WH organization - whaaaat!) Simon & Tania Joy - Beauty For Ashes... (SP Official) ~ | Blogger:.. Beside the fact, (beautiful) Tania seems into Christianity Beliefs, like Doug Billings, veeery exciting about this particular update and one of the more positive (timelines). I listen to and read a looot, every day, but not all resonate with me and not all will get on my blog (of course). This videocast with Simon & Tania is absolutte joyful. To people who don't know who Simon is, go and watch the show and why he has been focused entirely, on America, for the last, 2 years. What happens in USA will affect the rest of the world. To the rest of us, great optimism in the air. As I said, on SoTW, and very sadly, I agree with Simon on this matter (I don't agree on everything he says). Simon says, we will NEVER, he actually used that word, get from the WhiteHats (or BlackHats) as an example, will be told, that Hillary Clinton is dead, played by an actor or clone (whatever), like Joe Biden's actor, who get 100 million dollars for his performance. And this is a extremely touchy subject to me, because I AM a tell-it-all-straight-up kinda person and many other truthers, out there! My higher self, told me when asking about 'Lizzie-Queen' or 'Pontiff' that's assumable already has left the earth plane. I was told, that people cannot handle the REAL TRUTH. English and world Royalists would commit "Mass suicide" (mentally or physically) if they were told, their beloved monarch, the UK Queen, was dead, years ago, one of the worst evil reptilian of Earth or the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State, was actually a pedophile. That's the way the cookie crumbles, unfortunnaly, but i could be "dead wrong". Let's wish that I AM. Soon going to my holistic ND and asking same questions, once again to my Higher Self to be absorbed, by my "day-consciousness"... | |
Putin's real reason that's not talked about at all.
"Russian spy satellites picked up a heat signature under the old Chernobyl power plant and the military send the info to Pentagon.
Pentagon replied; someone is spinning Uranium racing to build a nuclear bomb. Deep State cleverly knew, no cruise missile could be use to destroy it, and that was the main reason for (WhiteHats) Russia's Putin to authorize 'special military operation' and paratroopers were dropped in over Chernobyl.
Ukraine is the world's largest reservoir of Uranium. That is why DS started to make a nuclear bomb. Putin is fighting the DS mafia mercenaries and NOT targeting civilians. Under Trump presidency, the Ukraine situation would never have happened, because, Trump, would have dealt with it, himself. The truth will not come out right now, as Putin is painted as the bad guy!" ~ Simon
👋🤦♂️😟 ~ (Hjemve? STOP jer selv Tvind og Mogens, du er dog den værste, af alle danske svindlere!) Fem fra ledelsen i Tvind af 'nyreligiøse' på flugt, vil have den internationale efterlysning stoppet om en straffesag om skattesvig og underslæb (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Som min sjællandske advokat sagde engang til mig, eftersom jeg havde trådt ud af vores 3D matrix af simulationen uden job og uafhængig af stat, kirke og offentlige ydelser og kæmpede for min datter og skilles fra min kone; "Pas på - retsstaten tror ikke på man kan leve af ingenting"... Nej, det kan man ikke, UNDTAGEN, Mogens Amdi Petersen og fire andre fra ledelsen i Tvind... Vi snyder og bedrager og rager til os - like there's no tomorrow. Der bliver himlet op om en velfærdsstat, der kræver mådeholdenhed, generøsitet og arbejdsiver. Vi får at vide, at socialt bedrageri koster staten milliarder. Tilflyttere skal ikke koste kommunen noget. Kommunerne sparer på velfærden, hæver skatterne, mens der ligger milliarder på kistebunden, der sporløst forsvinder og Alle holder med Else, kender rumlen af råddenskab i plejesektoren. Alle de kloge, som bedrager os - de mindre kloge, er mere optaget af, hvor mange penge man kan hive ud af kommunekassen, i stedet for at bidrage til den. For når naboen kan, så kan jeg også, virker det som om.. Det er nemlig ikke vores penge, men skatteyderens pengepung - et stort ta-selv-bord... Bettina Jensen og Britta Nielsen, hendes børn, (hvor er det bare synd for dem) Rigspolitiet, og alle hendes veninder snyder os. Kommunaldirektører. Borgmestre. Sygehusfolk. Kommunale havne. Det kommunale affaldshierarkiet. Hele hærskaren af embedsfolk og Politikere. Så lige på, at selv den selvudråbte heltinde, Lisbeth Zornig, der bekæmper fattigdomsbekæmpelse, scorer over 30.000 kroner for foredrag på biblioteker og i børnehaver. ALLE som har en lederstatus eller har erhvervet sig en eller anden form for magtposition i Statsadelen, får åbenlyst overdraget nøglen til Joakim Von Ands' skattekiste, har snablen dybt begravet nede i den offentlige pengetank, fordi de ligger frit tilgængeligt. Nu, også Tvind koncernen, er du overrasket? Det er ikke længere et tænkt eksempel, når alm. borgere skyder penge til Statsforvaltningen-Kommunen-Udt.Danmark-SKAT. Skylder du penge til Staten, Fx børnebidrag eller uddannelsesbidrag (som et eksperiment), bliver der slået HÅRDT ned. Så lige på TV2 FNYS NEWS Søs Marie Serup i går, med Ukrainske gule og blå farver (selvfølgelig) der snakkede om image blandt sportsfolk. Hun sagde engang, tror under "Det, vi taler om", at den danske regering, har hvert år, ca. 2.000 milliarder kr. at gøre godt med på de offentlige finanser. Dvs. ca. 1.000 mia. kr. på plussiden, at lege med. Du hørte rigtigt og hvor går alle de resterende penge hen, når 900.000 fra centraladministrationen har fået deres løn?... |
Tvind sammenlignet med rockere: Noget der kan få mig heeeelt op i det RØDE felt er svindel eller 'soft korruption' i centraladmin...
Kommuner sendte millioner til Tvind - afsløret af en aktindsigt som og DR har fået udarbejdet...
I en pressemeddelelse skriver Gældsstyrelsen, at cirka 318.000 borgere i løbet af 2021 blev trukket i deres indkomst, mens, Tvind-empirelisterne går fri..
Vi skal hele tiden belæres; Frimurer-logen er ikke en kirke, men frimurernes symboler viser vej til Gud. Den Rejsende Højskole, som bliver starten på Tvind-imperiet, svindles millioner ud af naive og uskyldige, ned til paradiset i Miami og Mexico. Syvende Dags Adventister og Jehovas vidner, Scientology, kristadelfianerne, puritanere, kristne korsriddere, har alle sammen et snildt af Østens mystik eller okkultisme fra Vesten! Alle disse nyreligiøse sekter og bevægelser, styret af enevældige og almægtige guruer, befamler og befaler, men ikke befrier... |
❤️🩹🤫 ~ (On A THC Mission) How To Keep Your Spiritual Stealth Missions Quiet (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [🌱Principles of word of mouth healing marketing. The Tachyon Chamber is designed for human evolution only🌹] ...⚠️UPDATE From steering board and SoTW 2022⚠️ THC in Denmark is NOW opened up again to heal HUmans (not a Cure or Med Bed). THC DK has been involved in a experiment to connect other countries THC's, trying to dime or break the Corona spell, since early 2020 and was closed from entering in person, for almost 1,5 years. They open up again and moved the THC indoors, extremely expensive and difficult process aligning the crytal to universal coordinates by Cobra's team, instead of the THC was designated in a cold "caravan", outside. You are not nude, but cannot be allowed to take any metal inside the pyramid shaped THC, so that normally means, no pants on. Actually the DK THC has been accessible since summer of 2021, but I want Danish and foreigners to know. People are coming from Sweden and Norway to go into the THC... [READ MORE]... 💸PS: The best things is, that in Denmark, it's not about "bling bling" - it doesn't come with a heavy price-tag. It's all about (money) donations and sending looove👍🥰🙏... |
{PS: Please be aware, other companies provide services to similar Tachyon healing products, which is not originated from Pleiadians starbrothers and starsisters - claimed by Cobra}...
As your properly aware of, planetary network of Tachyon Healing Chambers is being supervised by Cobra, locals to enforce it and supported by Pleiadians and other cosmic civilizations of Light. You can now schedule Tachyon healing sessions worldwide...
Here's ONE version, how to explain THC: A Tachyon Chamber is a portal that delivers tachyon energy to the human body. Using advanced, Pleiadian technology that configures sacred geometry, noble metals, and crystals embedded with “wormhole technology,” the Chamber attracts tachyon particles from beyond “near Earth orbit” and funnels them directly into the person occupying the Chamber. The effects of Tachyon Chamber sessions are permanent. Each session experience is very individual, from enhancement of their general energy field, increased feelings of well-being, greater emotional and mental clarity, and increasing ease with physical issues etc. etc...
💋🍆💦 ~ (Sexisme-Tsunami) Begriber Du, hvorfor Jeppe Kofod, stadig er minister? Hævet over enhver tvivl og den moralske lov, politiske kodeks, fordi Mørke-Mette og commie-troldehærens 300 socialakrobater medunderskrivere, ikke vil tabe ansigt (SoTW Arkiv Okt 2020) ~ | Blogger: [🙅♀️»Sexisme i LAU« Syv kvindelige medlemmer af Liberal Alliances Ungdom (LAU) fortæller i anonyme vidnesbyrd om voldtægt, seksuelle krænkelser og tilnærmelser begået af mandlige medlemmer af ungdomspartiet. VU og DSU, har haft lignende sager⛔] ... {BREAKING korrigering: Iflg. Vibeke Manniche, hvor jeg dog elsker hendes blog, er Jonas Moestrup og TV2 og deres procentregninger - en decideret løgn! Desuden kunne Jeppe Kofod have fået op til 4 års fængsel. At han ikke blev politi-anmeldt er mig decideret fortsat en gåde iflg. VM} ... I fredags måtte, Morten Østergaard, erkende, at flere kvinder har følt sig udsat for »uønsket seksuel kontakt« fra hans side og der lå konkrete sager på Morten Østergaard i partiets sekretariat på Christiansborg og at, Sofie Carsten Nielsen, vidste alt og dækkede over det og at, Lotte Rod, var en medspiller... Dog, overlever én synder og moralist, Danmarks nuværende udenrigsminister, Jeppe Kofod, som i 2008 i Information blev kaldt »Pigernes Jeppe Pilfinger« og i Politikens ATS blev kaldt »Kneppe Kofod«, efter han i forbindelse med et oplæg for en gruppe ungdomspolitikere havde sex med en pige på 15 år (14 år 4 dage før episoden)... Den højt profilerede radiovært på DRs hard-talk-program »Shitstorm« Mads Aagaard Danielsen sættes nu i forbindelse med dybt kritisk opførsel, der involverer seksuelle krænkelser, trusler, hadbeskeder, tilsvininger og uønskede tilnærmelser og er ny FYRET... men, Jeppe Kofod, består... Er Du, Alleslandsmoder Mink-Medico-Mette (og Ukraine-heltinde) i tvivl om, hvad der skal ske med Kofod, kære statsminister? Så spørg dig selv: hvad hvis det var min Datter? Men der er åbenbart forskel på folk og Du, lukker bare øjnene for den dobbelmoral, der lige nu er gemt borte i dit indre universe og dit bagland. Dog, er SKADEN SKET, Fru. Statsoverhoved - hvad med Frank KLAM Jensen? Kendte du til det?... Når, men lad os glæde og grine lidt af Kirsten Birgit's twitter, som er rødglødende, for tiden... |
Kan du huske, hvad DIN yndlingsfeminist sagde, da det i 2008 kom frem, at Jeppe Kofod havde haft sex med en netop femtenårig praktikant?
MEEEEN, ser vi på, hvad ANDRE mennesker bliver FÆNGSLET for, så undre det mig...
FOR SOM, det er beskrevet i Det, vi taler om, så HAR Kofod begået DIREKTE OVERGREB OG VOLDTÆGT af en, uskyldig (døddrukken) DSU-novice (14-årig-plus-368-dage) 15 årig gammel jomfru, som sad og græd på toilettet, mens enten Kofod gemte sig under sengen i skam, eller havde et håndklæde om (tissetrolden), efter badet og så diffust ud, da de 'andre' DSU'er (brød ind) på hotelværelset. Sådan cirka, er udsagnet fra Henrik Qvortrup og de andre i panelet...
(Det værste er, at forældrene til pigebarnet, er gjort tavse af mulige trusler eller bestikkelse af Fredericias tidligere S-borgmester Jacob Bjerregaard, som politiet ikke har afsluttet at efterforske i 2022)
IKKE, at de siger, Kofod har begået voldtægt, det må stå for SoTW's egen regning, men det ligner meget tæt på, da jeg overhørte programmet, Det, vi taler om...
PLUDSELIGT ud af det blå, DDR med ny udmelding: Vil kompensere kvinderne fra pigekoret 'markant højere'
PS: I USA, så ville Jeppe Kofod, have siddet i fængsel, har boet derover, besøgt USA flere gange siden og snakket med amerikanere - de FINDER sig ikke i sådanne en sag, som i Danmark..
PSS: Mette F. bakker op, men GØR IKKE EN SKID!... |
Hentet fra:
👁️⃤ 👯♀️🔞 ~ (The illuminati is REAL and so is rumors about Tom Hanx!?!) “Illuminati Mad”: The Dark Meaning of Kanye West’s Video “EAZY” (vigilantcitizen) ~ | Blogger: [🤜In America, what is the punishment for producing Child Pornography! 15 mandatory minimum sentence in jail under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2251. But why is it, that for prominent politicians, laws protecting children, is optional?🤛]... Just take one example. Millions over the world, have seen Angels & Demons from 2009 movie directed by Ron Howard, based on Dan Brown's 2000 novel of the same title. That is one thing, to believe in, another is, that Tom Hanks (Hanx) is the Satanist pedophile king of Hollywood, and he's been hiding it in plain sight only as of the last few years... 🙋♂️DID YOU KNOW, that Creepy Uncle Joe Biden really owns an island next to Epstein’s Pedo-island and they both have submarine bases and many "Dr. Evil lairs" in Ukraine❓ That, proof from Hunter Biden's laptop, shows, Joe Biden's son has descended into a morass of drugs, drink, sex abuse and sleaze❓ That, disgraced Victoria's Secret mogul Les Wexner 'let Jeffrey Epstein abuse young girls at his sprawling Ohio mega-mansion'❓ Why is it, that, Judge dismisses Prince Andrew case after royal and accuser agree settlement? Is it all a "show"❓ Is Prince Andrew, already, judged, dead and gone just like Ghislaine Maxwell❓ Is Tom Hanx (america's dad) a pedophile, become a Greek citizen, protected by Greece and to skirt the law, but was arrested in Australia and fitted with an ankle bracelet❓ Why does Tom Hanks in the SNL-video, talk about his buttons on his dinner jacket, that slides into these little slots❓(pedo-language?). He's also using "Qcards", has a semi-nude-tits-picture behind his Tim-Tam monologue. etc. etc... | |
🙏Sorry, but I think that Tom Hanks is a AMAZING actor, but when he post pictures of shoes (normally used under False Flags ops) and abbreviations drawn with chalk on roads that link to the #PizzaGate conspiracy or #TheGlobalPedoGate, it gets me confused...
🛑PS: All of Mouthy Buddha YouTube channel documentary solid proof, about Tom Hanx Pedo affairs has been erased by GoogleG - of course - but check his Bitchute channel or video called "Shocking Truth About Tom Hanks FLEEING Hollywood to Greece" by Popcorned Planet... |
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