Jul 29, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Rulebreaking pure-blooded O'Connor *ALIVE*. So is Obamas' whistleblower chef servering HU & Reptiles!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ July 29, 2023 ~ |

(8) TBJ WN July 26 2023 O'connor & Obama - YouTube

Free Guy: Alex Collier mentioned 'Obama and Michael' yesterday, both gone like they do not exist anymore. Obama has added whole new dimensions of treason, he said. Did Obama appropriate SSN of a dead man born in 1890 and use it as his own?... | 

Aarhus-rigmand har bygget en 1:1 kopi af kendt Tintin-slot | stiften.dk
Simon Møller - Creative Manager - Møllenborg Slot A/S | LinkedIn

Mange var i dag mødt frem for at 👋 til Hendes Majestæt Dronningen, der i disse uger opholder sig på Graasten Slot sammen med Hendes… | Instagram
Tour de France til Danmark? Kronprinsen og Lars Løkke møder løbsdirektør | Tour de France | DR
Riis kendte til en af Rasmussens advarsler - sn.dk - Sjællandske Nyheder
60 Minutes investigates hidden motors and pro cycling - CBS News
Doping at the Tour de France - Wikipedia

🤬🧸🚸 ~ (At blive emotional "trigget") Torben Steno: For gevaldig og selvhadende! For tre år siden fyldte hun 18 år, men Torben Steno har stadig ikke hørt fra sin datter, Amalie. Dengang blev hun fjernet fra ham, fordi hendes mor beskyldte ham for at have begået seksuelle overgreb mod datteren ~ 29. Juli 2023 (SoTW; At sidde inde i Familieretshuset (tidligere Statsforvaltningen) kontorer, med hjertebanken, koldsved og stress, i så mange år, som jeg har på SoTW, anklaget, for alt, mellem himmel og jord. Det er som om, at se eller gense, filmen, Beetlejuice, fra 1988. Hvor, Alec Baldwins Adam og Geena Davis' Barbara, befinder sig efter deres alt for tidlige bortgang på et socialsikringskontor eller kitschet lighus, som hedder "Afterlife Waiting Room") ~ |

Torben Steno: For gevaldig og selvhadende! | Weekendavisen

Free Guy: Hvis vi glemmer, Chefredaktør Martin Krasnik, selverklæret SuperZionist og jøde på Weekendavisen, skete det, i løbet af samtalen eller podcasten begyndte Hassan Preisler at græde (medie stunt?). Derefter, Det, vi taler om, med Ditte 'OK'man[D], begyndte at græde (medie stunt?), og så fik SoTW et flashback med min egen datters forsvinden og den frustration og sorg, af, at miste. 

Kan sagtens sætte mig ind i Radio- og tv-vært Torben Sten's afstandtagen, for at bruge et formildende ord, om den feministiske Familieretshuset og Staten. Som, har haft flere navne, under den over 10 årige mentale krigsførelse, min datters mor, indledte, da Isabella, var 8 måneder gammel og der førte til, jeg mistede min datter! Det skal lige siges, min datters mor, misbrugte ikke statsapparatet om falsk anmeldelse af seksuelt misbrug, men min familie og jeg, sad hver dag i en lang periode af nervepirrende øjeblikke, at det skulle ske. Hun fik dog den "eneste" mandlige sagsbehandler jeg havde, afsat, grundet en banal fejl, så alle de kvindelige, kunne føre sagen videre, til hendes fordel. Vi har skam også været i fogedretten og været HELE cirkusmanegen, igennem med spirituelle alternative behandlere og statens krise- og børnepsykologer. 

🙏 ~ 💓 ('Missing' someone can be one of the most intense feelings for any of us) A Trip Down Memory Lane - Beyond Time and Space with my Deceased friend, Jay. I Miss you old buddy! My Soul-friend passed into the Astral Plane (and his father Gerard, in 2011, that was my host-dad). Or passed on to the Summerland, or Heaven, or Nirvana, or whatever you wanna call it, where Souls reside, still Imperfect. Recovering and Regaining Strength to Return to another trip to Earth or other Place in the Universe of Choosing ~ July 29, 2023 ~ |

In Memory of my best (US) friend Jay, that have passed with leukemia, back in 2006. RIP (US) Patrice Anne (Patty) LONEY 2019: See you 'wheeling through the galaxies'. My (DK) friends, Gitte Toya and Peter Johansen, died very young, in 2021. Well known and believed, in the alternative- and truther community, in Denmark. And my soon-to-be, 25 year old biological daughter, Isabella (2012), (PL/DK) and my 13 year old stepdaughter, Rosa (2016), (UKR/Kurd/DK). Both, still alive, not allowed to love (unconditionally) or contact SoTW (nothing that I have desired or deserved)... 

Posted on December 7th, 2014 by Verdensalt
Jay (and me in red) in Phoenix, Arizona or Sedona, cannot remember
(only pic of me at SoTW)
Hi Jay, 
Been a while Jay since we spoke, more precisely last time in November 2005, when you call me in the middle of the night Danish time, and told me, in your own words, "You have been diagnosed with cancer". I just knew then, even you might had been hidden the truth a while or in state of denial, it was apparent,  i had to come over to Phoenix - ASAP. It was time, so i did.
Searching on the Internet recently, surprising googling your dad obituary from 2011. My condolence!, was surprised, however was aware of his conditions and struggling from cancer as well.... Your properly having a ball in cities of light in heaven right now, I'm sure of that....
Anyways... the weeks ahead was the best wake-up call for me, how fragile life was, the feeling of numbness or total ignorance, what if .. the guy with the Grim Reaper had come to take you away or some miracle would happen and pull the leukemia cancer straight out of your body, like John Coffey did in The Green Mile. But seems you mind was up to something, you had a plan already. Visiting old friends and relations and saying "goodbye" to all. Actually, I was very grateful. Remember we meet up with your old friend, just recently out of prison, special moments .. we had friends over for dinner, did a lot a stuff, just didn't strike me right at that time back in 2005, it was the last time i ever saw you.

Jay, when the devastating phone call came a few months later from your wife  Jeanene, she said with tears in her eyes, "Jay had passed away"things just stopped. You told me, you needed second phase of Chemotherapy treatment in Dallas, Texas after Stem Cell Transplant from Your sister Angela. Well, first of all, You hated that place, particular due to the Bush family's presence. (that's a whole other story). 

💖🛏️🌌 (Pres Trump 2020: 'Within a year’s time most hospital procedures are obsolete.') Medeea Greere, an independent publisher: Med Beds - Full Healing With Quantum Healing Technologies (video) ~ July 29, 2023 (SoTW: Has anybody got any proof that Med Beds has been released from SSP? Absolutely not! Sorry! Brad Johnson, New Earth Teachings, might be right, all a long! Med Beds are real! Just not on Earth yet and will NOT be as advanced as they have in SPACE) ~ |

Free Guy: On a side note, for all we know, the Secret Space Program (SSP), has for over 80 years been develop to perfection, MED-BEDS so advanced and mind-bending, that these medical advancements, can grow back missing limbs and organs within hours. Advanced medical technologies literally rejuvenate the DNA, RNA, cells, muscles, ligaments, bones, organs, senses, and systems within the human body. As SoTW understands it, most of the information came from James Rink's supersoldiertalk with Jared Rand and Captain Randy Cramer, many years ago. That said, Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings, has also stated with his intuition and tarot cards etc., that, SSP will not provide Earthlings, living on Mother GAIA, with Med-Beds in the "nearest future" to have access to the "same" superadvanced technology that SSP has created for Med Beds in SPACE. And Brad, has a good point. Elites, The Ruling Families or Ruling Houses (our Controllers), on Earth, could make themselves 20 years younger and illness free, forever. Another point I wish to make. DO NOT and I repeat, be very careful what comes out of the mouth from this SSP "active" nurse (Vibrational Healing Mentor in the SSP) called "Skye Prince" and the new telegram (Skye's Med Bed Room). She has changed her storyline so many times and going in and out of social media and has NO new intel to tell us. And then we have a bit over-excitement news coming out from Elena Danaan, Megan Rose, Alex Collier, Tarot by Janine, Michael Jaco, Kimberly L, Jenny Lee, Billy Falcon, Simon Parkes, Juan O' Savin & David Nino Rodriguez and Dr. Charlie Ward.. I trust some-kind of Med-Beds are coming to Earth in the near future, but we still have a VERY VERY powerful (military) medical–industrial complex, to take care of... |

🔺🐘💂 (Luke: No. No. That's not true. That's impossible!) Giant much taller than an adult Elephant spotted in a museum in Tunisia ~ July 29, 2023 ~ |

El Djem Museum, Tunisia - Fragment of the mosaic floor of Casa da Afrika, 3rd century AD. We see a giant much taller than an adult elephant. Notice, it is not a baby elephant, because this elephant has large tusks!

😱👽🛸 (David: 'A: Why is it all allowed to come out NOW!?. B: What other level of the compartmentalized structure knows far more than does lower down that are coming out and making this public.'?) Yes, 'Aliens Exist' - But The Fake 'Alien' Invasion Scam Is Building - David Icke Dot-Connector ~ July 29, 2023 ~ |

Commercial pilots were told not speak publicly about UFOs and had their jobs threatened, expert says | Daily Mail Online

Yes, 'Aliens Exist' - But The Fake 'Alien' Invasion Scam Is Building - David Icke Dot-Connector (banned.video)

🌗🥥🛰️ (NA: "These babies were huge, sir!." Alex Collier 188th *LIVE* Webinar: "As a child I always knew the Moon was a Base.") Universe Inside You: The Hidden Truth About The Moon - Something Is Wrong! ~ July 29, 2023 ~ |

Mission Control calling Apollo 11. Apollo 11: These babies were huge, sir!.... Enormous!... Oh God! You wouldn’t believe it!....I’m telling you there are other space-craft out there…lined up on the far side of the crater edge!...They’re on the Moon watching us!

Free Guy: ONE of the best video's right now, because she got the full monty at the topic in hand. She brings so much more to the table that spins around the Moon. I have followed her for a looong time, not everything is in my interest, but she is highly evolved with spiritual intelligence... P.S.: Listen to what SoTW's higher self told my Day Consciousness in regards to the Moon (use translator)... | 

The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: 💌🥰🤳 (Simon Smooth-tongued. Jim Caviezel movie gonna be blocked. Hollow Moon. Joe-the-Moe out 6th of July. Anunnaki Lulu-Amelu. And Mette knows...) ~ 1. Juli 2023 ~ | (verdensalt.dk) 

※🙂💖(Very positive report & outcome for HUmanity) Benjamin Fulford Update Today July 29, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: BF's last report for 3 weeks going back into the woods for an off-grid Canadian summer. It's a cliché but gonna say it anyway - a must-watch short video - to keep your spirit on high, stay grounded and mood barometer set on maximum. If you wish to get depressed, and stay as AI doomers, gung ho and trigger-happy, doom and gloom in 3-D, listen to Kerry Cassidy, Mike Adams, Steve Quaye, Alex Jones, and in particular, 'Canadian Prepper' on YT with 1,4M followers. That will do the trick. With all due respect. And all the MSM Lame Stream Media...| 

At one time, SoTW, was approached by Josef Hanji, an old school teacher, spends a looot of time smoking weed on Freetown Christiania, that helped found the Danish 9/11 Truther movement (+ Niels Harrit). And chief editor on (former) Konspiration nu - Denmark's first magazine dedicated to conspiracy theories and ​Denmark's leading doomsday prophet believes that your everyday life has become a dystopia. Josef told me back in the days, that you CANNOT trust BF. And I told him; so what Josef! You are telling me not to trust BF, but you yourself, are creating "conspiracy theories" out of thin air.! Who are you to say you are right and he is wrong? Actually I didn't say that to him, but could have - I'm not here to judge anymore and I have no ego. I just said "okay"! P.S. I never smoked weed - tried Cannabis Cookies together with my back then, best friend, one of the IT directors of Saxo bank... (anyways)... |

Benjamin Fulford Update Today July 28, 2023 - Benjamin Fulford (bitchute.com)