Apr 20, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (King of Pop Michael Jackson is dead - long live the King) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Amazing polish street lookalike MJ performance ONE by Cirque du Soleil Concerts & Shows in Las Vegas🌟] ... Every day and over the many years time as a proclaimed citizen journalist that challenges the "official truth", i'll looked over “tens of thousands” or perhaps, "hundreds of thousands" of official research reports, articles, videos etc. etc. from both a "mainstream media" narrative and of course, from Alternative (Spiritual) News view... At first, I got incredible confused and mislead big time, until I discovered and saw the 3-D Matrix showing the famous green code of the virtual world... 90% of people, still believe in the narrative after watching and the allegations of HBO's 'Leaving Neverland' - I do not... Apparently i'm not the only one, Michael Jackson's former nanny for 17 years, Grace Rwaramba, now defends in an official statement the pop king against the pedophilia accusations that have emerged in connection with the HBO documentary... Michael Jackson 'was murdered', claims singer's 18-year-old daughter Paris (independent.co.uk 2017)... He was pronounced dead on June 25 2009 and the Los Angeles county coroner ruled that his death was the result of an overdose of propofol. Murray when interviewed by investigators admitted that he had given Michael Jackson propofol for sixty consecutive nights to treat his insomnia and also so that he could get rest for his rehearsals.... |

“Leave Me Alone, I Need My Privacy” – An Analysis Of Michael Jackson’s ‘Media-Critical’ Songs

The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies | ISSN: 2452-0497

Dynamic, Influential, Inclusive, Cultural, Explorative, Unique

Abstract: With the release of Off The Wall and Thriller, the best-selling album in the entire history of music, Michael Jackson made history as the most successful entertainer of all time. MJ broke record after record and achieved worldwide fame that has been unparalleled so far. Nevertheless, for a long time, Michael Jacksons creative works have been dismissed by critics and academics alike, mainly due to Jacksons negative public image as constructed by the media. A great number of scandals, such as the child molestation allegations of the Chandlers in 1993 or the Arvizos in 2003, eclipsed his artistry and initiated his professional decline. Since his death in 2009, however, the significance of the King of Pops music, dance and videos has slowly been acknowledged. This thesis examines Michael Jacksons counterattack against the destructive speculations and rumors of the media by way of his music. It scrutinizes the lyrics of five of his ‘media-critical songs, namely “Leave Me Alone”, “Why You Wanna Trip On Me”, “Scream”, “Tabloid Junkie” and “Privacy”. In the analyses of these highly autobiographical songs, the focus is always on the respective songs speaker. An examination of the communicative situation, the rhyme scheme, rhetorical devices and musical aspects of the five songs reveals how the (still fictive or fictionalized) speaker progresses from a powerless victim power position in “Leave Me Alone” to a more or less self-empowered being in “Privacy”. This, in turn, potentially gives us interesting insights into Jacksons state of mind over the years with regard to his relationship with the media. Prior to the analytical part, biographical information provides the reader with crucial knowledge about Michael Jacksons rise as a pop artist and his gradual fall because of the constant, biased and sensational media reports. This biographical information is required in order to fully understand the meaning of Jacksons ‘media-critical songs.

BIO: Andreas Ardanic has completed a master’s degree in English and French language teaching at the University of Graz in Austria and is currently in his teacher training year. In the course of his studies, he became extremely interested in Literary Studies and dealt with various forms of anglophone and francophone literature. He has also been a hobby guitarist and songwriter as well as an avid explorer of music for over ten years now...

😮⏰⚔️~ (BREAKING BAD) Royal Bank Of Canada (SP) ~ | Blogger: WHAAAT!?? ... It's really hard to imagine, If this could be facts, taken from a Telegram channel, but since Simon, never goes out with anything, until he has 2 independent sources, could 'they' do the same thing, let's say, in Denmark!?!. That means, your bank, is not only ripping you off with big fees and so on and so forth, when they do go down as well, they (could) take, people's digital account money or seizing customer's bank deposits, to cover their loses, as well... |


Simon Parkes Official 

Canada's largest bank collapsed Friday after hours, dropping 64%

Canada's largest bank, the Royal Bank of Canada or RBC, with $1 trillion in AUM and the largest stock in the TSX, crashed 64% after hours on Friday with no explanation.

Today, customers en masse were locked out of their RBC accounts and RBC is closed.

Trudeau and Freeland release the budget tomorrow. Rumours are that RBC is insolvent, has begun seizing customer's bank deposits to stay solvent and that Trudeau and Freeland will bail out RBC (and other banks) with their budget.

Canada is Collapsing.

@RedPillPharmacy 💊

🌌💥💎~ (Received my 3rd tachyonized Cintamani - the Stone of the Stars) History and Possible Purpose of Cintamani Stones (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [👉' The following appears to be a COBRA inspired presentation of what the Cintamani stones are. But it should be noted that the concept is much older than COBRA. As always, discernment is advisable.' ~ SITSSHOW👈] ... 🙏SoTW (Verdensalt.dk) -- Just wanted to say I greatly appreciate and I AM thankful for receiving this powerful, Ancient, Heart Activation Stone... ❤️‍🔥Almost burned a hole in the palm of my hand (vibrations) the first time... 😮‍💨Then I needed to take another breath....Amazing!!!... 💭 PS: (I'm NOT going to debate about some disturbing facts with Rob Potter vs. COBRA's Cintamani stones and more) -- On a side note, I did own 2 Cintamani stones (*3rd April 2021)... ONE from Rob Potter/Tracee Houghton, who explained it came from DEEP IN THE ARIZONA MOUNTAINS (very expensive). I do trust Tracee Houghton, rather than anybody else in Rob's team (she told me we've telepathically connected). Anywho, the Cintamani stone bought from Rob Potter disappeared on me in 2017, Vegas trip. GONE!!.. The one I bought from COBRA, disappeared on me as well and reappeared just before I was going to Hungary for a COBRA conference (weird - felt out of my backpack, which I already searched hundreds of times before)... Tracee Houghton has explained to me, Cintamani Stones, are VERY alive and has their own purpose and proven to be very energetic, of course with all the galactic interaction there and high conscious beings they would have to be... [READ MORE]... |




SITSSHOW -  History and Possible Purpose of Cintamani Stones

by Staff Writer,

Cintamani is a sacred stone which came from the Sirius star system. Millions of years ago, during a Galactic superwave, a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after a long journey through interstellar space.

In the last 25,000 years, the positive Agarthans were guardians of Cintamani stones. Throughout the history, they have given pieces of Cintamani to some of those individuals who had the maximum potential positive influence on the human history. King Solomon, Alexander the Great and Akbar were in possession of a piece of Cintamani stone.

One piece of Cintamani, previously in Templar possession, was given to Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who revealed the existence of Agartha to humanity in his famous novel The Coming Race.

Later this same piece was given to a certain Templar group near Untersberg and then to the Vril girls (die Vrilerinnen) who channeled the technological know-how for first working space program on the surface of the planet since the fall of Atlantis.[READ MORE] ... | 


READ MORE (blogger)...  

🤗NOTE: I'm delighted to say that, after more than 12 months of downtime, the THC (Cobra's Tachyon Healing Chamber) will be reopened soon in Denmark, after so many requests and a looong waiting list.

It's going to be with or (partly) without Cobra's blessing, since, the Danish THC has been connected to several other worldwide chambers which right now, are sending energy in such a way, it is being able to remove the Corona viruses... 

🙏 ~ 💝 (“Makrellen” slår til igen! Lyder det bekendt?) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Mine forældre og venner på djævleøen, fik 'lyder det bekendt' manifestationen i postkassen og syntes den skulle med her på bloggen... Jeg er hardcore “nordsjællænder”, men elsker den by, jeg er flyttet til, selvom min kropsterapi spirituelle uddannelse samt opstarten på en REIKI-enkeltmandsvirksomhed, blev lagt i ruiner, da 11. Marts 2020, lukkede landet ned... Har jo også valgt, at melde mig (delvis) ud af samfundet, ligesom, 79-årige Annie Nielsen... "Lyder det bekendt" og uanset hvad man mener om Mads Palsvig's parti, JFK21, som jeg har trykket et par gange i hånden, ved flere lejligheder, bl.a. og min ven eller bekendt, Peter Johansen's Open Mind Konferencerne, (og David Icke kom til København og under JFK21 5G-sessioner) der tabte kræft-kampen - er nu i Guds himmerige... SoTW er ikke én full-blown politisk aktivist, hvis det er det, man tror... Jeg har brugt på den anden side af 15-20 år, at komme tilbage til hjerte-chakra-harmoni, holistisk tilgang - spiritualitet og optimal sundhed - som sandhedssøgende ildsjæl... Det er fandeme ikke en dans på roser, skal jeg hilse at sige, at give slip på ens forsvarsmekanismer, super ego/overjeget og 1000's års traumer fra reinkarnationer, når man har været besat af penge, programmeret, til at leve med rundsave på albuerne og fået fortalt, at man var arrogant og uansvarlig, i det stresshelvede af en bankverden, jeg engang, elskede... Vores Spirit Guides har sagt det meget tydeligt. Vi er åndelige væsener, der har en menneskelig oplevelse, og ikke mennesker, der har en åndelig oplevelse. Det betyder, at vi alle er åndelige væsener. Hvis du tror, ​​at der er mere end selve livet i nutiden, og ikke forbliver i fortiden og ikke ser frygten i fremtiden, så bliver du i min bog opmærksom på ens egen åndelige tilstand. Spiritualitet er ikke en religion. Det kommer ikke fra dine forældre eller Jehovas Vidner, der står og prædiker, på dit dørtrin (blot et eksempel). Spiritualitet opstår et eller andet sted dybt inde i dig (SJÆL og HØJERE SELV). Det er en indre tro, der skaber rod i hjertet uden at have nogen synlige beviser eller evidens, hvorfor... [LÆS VIDERE]... |


🛸PS: DR-podcasten, "FLYVENDE TALLERKEN", JydskeVestkysten samt DEN NYE RUMALDER – RADIO4, skal man tage med et STORT, gran salt...

Ikke fordi, jeg ved ALT om SSP (de hemmelige rumprogrammer) men har snakket med tidligere NASA-astronauter, militæret og andre, været til internationale UFO-konferencer. 

🔦👴🚗 ~ (Gamle dybt korrupte mænd i nye biler) Løkkes medlemmer vil have nyt parti: "Jeg vil ikke skuffe forventningerne". Hver tiende vælger vil overveje at give LLR en stemme (B.T. Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: 🙃 (Don't Get Me Started) -- Okay! Okay! jeg ved det godt!... 😠Jeg er sgu også HAMRENDE træt af Magnus LØGNICKE og Mette's logik over underskriften og godkendelsen på Bill Gates og Co. Agenda (Event 201)... 💩Men, med LarsShrekDenLøkkelige (Lille Lars og Generalen af Shitstorme), samt Kristian Jensen (omvendte Brubaker - en bombe under systemet) underskrift på 2018 WEF/DK-aftalen, sidder vi lige nu, med lort til halsen... ✋HUSK LIGE PÅ, det var (også) Løkke og Jensen, der kickstartede det digitale inddrivelsessystem EFI og kaos i Skat i 2005... 🤯Det er ikke tilfældigt, at Kristian Jensen, bliver regeringens første politisk udpegede repræsentant for FN's Sikkerhedsråd og Esben Lunde, fik en en stilling som fellow hos den globale tænketank World Resources Institute i Washington D.C. og fuldbyrdet medlem, af pavens Vatikanets COVID-19-kommission... 🤶Som min mor plejer at sige, siden 1998, hvor Lars Løkke blev amtsborgmester i Frederiksborg Amt, har han snydt og svindlet, alle danskerne og er ikke bedre, end nogen anden dansk toppolitiker... 🙋SÅ SPØRGER JEG NU... 🤔HVEM er disse (bund naive) 14.500 plus plus plus personer, der har meldt sig ind i hans nye politiske netværk og at »mange af dem« taler varmt for at skabe et nyt parti???... 🩲Underbukse Lars Løkke "ER" Dansk politik - totalitært regime - ureguleret lobbyisme hvor interesseorganisationer, virksomheder og andre berørte systematisk kommer til orde, grundet pengedonationer... 🐔Lars Løkke vil ligesom andre Statsministre, ikke have kritiske spørgsmål, danskerne revser Lars Løkke: 'Han er en kylling'...🤺Mens erhvervslivet eeeeelsker vores tidl. statsminister for at beskytte Danmarks Guld 1000 største virksomheder, landbrugsorg., Too Big to Fail But Not too Big to Crush - banker, kvotekongerne, oligarkerne, Kongehuset, USA-demokraterne, diktaturstater, Israel og ikke mindst, den danske politi, efterretningstjenester samt forsvarsindustri og især billioner store medicinske-industrielle kompleks... 🤪PS: Kresten Poulsgaard sagde det i en af de første udgaver af Huxi og det gode gamle Folketing: ”Fyr hele bundet, og start forfra”, ikke at jeg er 100 % enig med den gamle fodermester, men der er noget sandhed i det, han siger... |

"Lars Løkke Rasmussen kan man ikke få en skovl under. En Politisk korkprop, ligegyldig hvad han laver af dumrian-ting, så kommer han altid ud på toppen" ~ Seniorkorrespondent Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm fra en Korte Radioavis 2016

"Har du stadig fidus til teknisk insolvente fidusmageren LLR og LøkkeFonden, så Ryg og Rejs med det færøske rejsebureau Make Travel, sammen med Hougesen og cykelven dømt i Danmarks største historiske bestikkelsessag, samt Don Ø, tidligere Novo direktører og eliten over Atlanten med Umut stegt i “Go’ aften”~ SoTW

"Man handler i virkeligheden med borgernes frihed" ~ Thomas Ploug, professor i dataetik

“At the end, what the 4th industrial Revolution will lead to, is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,”

"Mere konkret forpligter aftalen mellem WEF og den danske stat til, at der samarbejdes om ”biotechnology” og præcisions-medicin og om det såkaldte ”internet of things”. Desuden samarbejdes om ”digital trade/cross border data, Artificial Intelligence/machine learning, Big Data, data ethics, autonomous vehicles, and blockchain”. Denne konstellation af begreber peger direkte i transhumanistisk og singularistisk retning. ~ Thomas Aastrup Rømer


The Four Hells Angels Horsemen of the Apocalypse

💖😊🤘 ~ (Viral Videos Of The Day) MSM co-dependents tactic: You Are The Reason They Die -- Is It Selfish To Not Get The Jab (Lorie Ladd) ~ | Blogger: [👉LL sends out tons of videos, but this, I find very interesting on SoTW👈] ... DID YOU HEAR about the disturbing footage out of the US shows a man suffering seizures behind the wheel of his car while at a mobile Covid-19 vaccination site???... Next in line is, Former Pfizer Vice President, Michael Yeadon, who warns of the technocracy totalitarian regime being implemented with the vaccine passports... 3rd video, is from Australia's 7NEWS anchor, saying that vaccine-company has made treatment to prevent people from dying from the CV-vaccines... Next is, actor, Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins CBE, getting a FAKE coronavirus vaccine. After pretending to inject him, the nurse squirts the vaccine onto the ground... x22 Report explains to us all, that Chlorinated swimming pool water can kill COVID virus in just 30 SECONDS, so does Sunlight, but force everyone indoors... Last but not least, Gladys Hill "They can't hide it anymore!!" share on FB... |