Nov 18, 2022
😎🥳✌️ (Freaky-Friday: In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night) Todays Crazy Vid, Quotes & Memes ~ Nov 18, 2022 (SoTW; Strange ppl depicts 'Crazy Nancy', 'Big Mike' & 'Crooked Hitlery', as innocent little old bag ladies w/ millions and most-followed celebrities in HU-history) ~ |
👁️⃤ 🎙️🛐 ~ (Ritual på 33. grader beskytter oliestaten Qatar og deres slaveagtige kafala-system) Det er ikke personlig vendetta, men dramaet er bare blevet, for meget, for mig. Især når familien Dannevang, med børn og barnlige sjæle, bliver så hjernevasket og indoktrineret. Ud af de 1.700 DK-journalister (1.200 som jobber med nyhedsstof) er Tandløs-Tantholdt, én af de værste, af slagsen. For en i helv*** hvor er jeg træt af det her shitshow. Kan ikke finde på gode idiomatiske vendinger og sproglig kraft end at sige, du bliver taget godt og grundigt, i dit store røvhulshul (Kirsten Birgit udtryk). Stortset alt hvad du ser på dit gammeldags flow-tv, er forprogrammeret og fake - det ved du godt, ikke sandt? Min største force er, at jeg har fintunet min indre intuition i mere end 20 år og kan lugte BS, 5 km væk. Frimurer styret eller "kontrolleret opposition” Rasmus Tante-og sludrechatol sensationsjournalisten, der sendes til verdens brændpunkter, fra krigs- og katastrofeområder til fodboldlande, er nu gået berserk og frådende forsvarer og beskytter, VM under diktaturet og tropelandet Qatar, i dagens B.T.'s Det, vi taler om. Feminist-rødstrømpen, Me-too legenden, 'Shin Bet Ditte Okinok', og Co. der normalt, går balalajka efter Sandhedsbevægelsen, var i struben på løgnhalsen, men han fortsatte ufortrøden, med at snakke, et øre af. Såååå, var det et fake TV-setup, da Qatar-sikkerhedsfolk truede med at smadre TV 2-kameraen? You bet your sweet bippy. Kan jeg bevise det, neeej, naturligvis kan jeg ikke det, ellers havde Frimurerpolitiet, FE/PET kommet og hentet mig, i den blå vogn ~ 18. Nov 2022 ~ |
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Tantholdt og UFO-bevægelsen: På UFO-jagt i Area 51 - Dokumentar • 39 min - TV 2 PLAY FBI, Air Force Agents Raid UFO Blogger Joerg Arnu's Houses ( ![]() |
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- Det vil tage lang tid • |
🔮 ('Was Diana, Princess of Wales present at President Trump's Address 15th of Nov 2022? Was there a E.T., present?) Deeply Woo and Tarot,Too: Was Diana Present?" ~ Nov 18, 2022 (SoTW; Is Lady Di, still alive? Some say, 'Princess' Diana, was born a 'boy' into a 'noble' family, to wealthy parents, but it was marrying (King) Prince Charles III, that made her royalty and changed her life forever. And I don't really care, we're all on a spiritual path to redemption. Universe, is always offering us the opportunity to step into integrity, truth, atonement, and love) ~ |
Editor's Note: You know, I'll lost American and Danish friends, to cancer. Five, to be exact. Jay, was my soulmate. My bio-daughter forced to disowned me and my family, out of pure hate - she was not allowed, to love, her father. My step-daughter forced to disowned me after divorce by my Ukraine wife. More (old) friends not speaking to me, after Corona-scare 2020 and all because, I'm a fighter and true believer to the cause, of Planetary Liberation. Friends are saying; you've had ugly life, always in the gladiator arena, fighting and not, a steady person. Actually, I'm a very patient, trustworthy and sensitive lovely HUman being, but have run into some nasty people, with personality disorders and have learned a lot about myself and my strength and weaknesses. Some of my so-called friends consider me a 'conspiracy-terrorist' and a loser, believing in Ghost stories and little green men, from Mars. An unvaxxed crazy person with no job and no future, who's stepped outside the 3-D matrix of Simulation. Yes, Id some tough times but also amazing times. Remember, we all signed an Divine Contract, before entering into the Matrix, in all of the, reincarnations. I have removed the *trigger alerts* of trauma, ego, (most of the) addictions, greed and lust, and trust my inner beacon and believe system. Get rid of Trauma & Ego (rejection of authentic self) is the most difficult things in life - trust me... |
⚔️💛💙 ('The Ukrainian leader’s insistence that a Russian missile hit Poland “could get millions” killed, the Fox News host said.') Zelensky ‘lying’ to drag US into WW3 – Tucker Carlson ~ Nov 18, 2022 (SoTW; The Gay actor, 'Lord Voldemort' Zelenskyy, on the warpath again and again? Dead Silence, Delays and Deception? Why do you think EU-leaders having their game face on, these days? That includes the mink-killer, acting, PM of Denmark? Because, they must be aware, they have backed a Nazi-leader, bigger than Hitler, hiding in the Führerbunker, yelling and screaming for WWIII, controlled by Rothchild-banksters and their Military–industrial complex and masters of evil, 4th Dimensional Entities. Tell me I'm wrong! Did you know what G20 just did to HUmanity?) ~ |
Zelensky ‘lying’ to drag US into WW3 – Tucker Carlson — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union |
In silence: G20 leaders have just signed a declaration which states that vaccine passports will be adopted to “facilitate” all international travel - Strange Sounds |
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Coronakrisen er ikke slut endnu: 74.000 virksomheder afventer, om de er købt eller solgt - Frihedsbrevet ( |
Danmark anklages for "kreativ bogføring" med klimastøtte - TV 2 ( |
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