Aug 4, 2017

RT - Russia Today | Aug 4, 2017 | Hospitals in Denmark capital Copenhagen hit by major IT breakdown | Blogger: “Something is rotten in the IT state of Denmark”.. Denmark's unprecedented IT scandals continue.. Besides KMD and Danish IT Tax systems, the health platform is the most expensive IT project in the Danish healthcare system's history. It costs 2.8 billion and replaces up to 30 different IT systems in hospitals. It is the American software provider Epic, who has developed the IT system on which the Health Platform is based. This means new workflows for both medical doctors, GPs and nurses. Both the patients, relatives and health professionals can use the Health Platform. 44,000 employees and 2,5 million citizens get access. Politicians in the Capital Region are facing losses of up to 430 million after this years implementation. The new health platform also leads to fewer treatments. The Medical Association shouts vigilantly against the Health Platform, which continues to struggle with fundamental problems. For example, the system automatically deletes the medicine prescribed by the doctors for the patients. "It's not just too slow - it's going too slowly. We are talking about vital parts of the IT package we have, says Lisbeth Lintz, vice-chairman of the Medical Association. At the same time, there are still significant problems with getting the health platform and the joint medical card to work together - a relationship that the region otherwise promised to control before the platform was introduced at Rigshospitalet. According to the Medical Association, the Health Platform works far from the hospitals in Herlev and Gentofte, despite being nine months ago, it was implemented there. Health platform failure lambs quality work. The health platform hardly supplies data to 16 clinical quality databases. The quality of the lame hospitals depends on having received almost complete data sets for all treatment units in the country... |

© Getty Images
Hospitals in the Capital Region of Denmark have suffered a major breakdown in IT systems on Friday, regional authorities said.

The breakdown reportedly started at 07:20am Friday and affected computers, telephones and call centers.

The Capital Region of Denmark, the easternmost region of the country, has a population of about 1.8 million people. It includes the municipality of Copenhagen, the Danish capital and the most populous city.

“Capital Region of Denmark hit by network outages [in the IT systems]. Error localized and networks are expected to work again soon,” local authorities tweeted.
Later they said that the problem of the IT breakdown had been resolved, but some functions are still not working.

“It's still too early to say whether [the breakdown] is going to affect today's program of planned operations,” an official from the Capital Region authorities told TV 2 News channel.

According to TV 2 sources, the planned operations will be delayed.

It is still early to say if a cyberattack precipitated the IT breakdown, a spokesman for the region told Reuters.


Wakeup-World | Aug 4, 2017 | My Journey with Ayahuasca – How I Learned to Overcome Negativity (and How You Can Too!) | .. What to remember from this article: | We are playing the Game of Life | Everything consists of vibration | Love dissolves negativity | Love must be consciously activated through intention | Love must be consciously practiced through attention | Every choice counts | Choose Love – again and again! Finally, as the source of your own light, you have the power to illuminate all darkness!.. |

By Nanice Ellis

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

From Darkness to Light

Although this is my story of defeating darkness, this article is intended to help you defeat all forms of negativity in your life and in the world. Whether it is depression you face alone, suppression in a difficult relationship, or the fear of global oppression, the core answer is always the same. Fortunately, you already possess the key, and by the end of my story, you will know exactly how to use that key for healing and transformation.

I’m about to take you through my dark journey in the Amazonian jungle; however, once you begin this journey with me, please stay tuned until we reach love and light at the end.

My Quest for Answers and Awakening

With over three decades of searching for truth and spiritual awakening, my quest brought many answers, but every answer ignited more questions. Finally, desperate to find the missing pieces of the puzzle, in 2009, I decided to do something I swore I would never do; I traveled to Peru, and in the heart of the Amazonian Jungle, I drank the mysterious tea, Ayahuasca, for the very first time.

Ayahuasca is an ancient healing medicine that is brewed by combining two Amazonian plants, and although it is impossible to understand how Ayahuasca works without experiencing it yourself, it’s fair to say that it awakens consciousness and can facilitate healing in a way that is therapeutic and unique for each person. Oftentimes, profound shifts in consciousness result in deep and permanent transformation, but this is not just about Ayahuasca; this is a story about overcoming extreme negativity…

Journey to the Amazon

Sitting in the circular shamanic lodge, just hours after arriving in the Amazon, I found myself among twenty fellow journeyers from all over the world. As I quietly watched the shaman prepare Ayahuasca, anxiety swept over me, and, yet, when it was my turn to drink, I courageously drank every last drop ….


Danish Ole Dammegard -- Light On Conspiracies Podcast | Aug 4, 2017 | Jasvinder Sanghera - Forced marriage survivor, Part 1 |

Ole Dammegard is the author of Coup d’etat, a masterful book on the death of the Prime Minister of Sweden, Olof Palme… tracing all the various angles and connections between that assassination and other hits around the globe. This includes the Kennedy assassination, the false flags Aurora, Sandy Hook and Boston Bombings and more…Dammegard also discloses how CIA’s Operation 40, originally implemented in 1960 by Vice President Richard M. Nixon, became a super-secret and very deadly assassination squad that was used by the Elite to carry out a swath of destabilizing assassinations worldwide,including the political assassinations of JFK, Robert F. Kennedy, with roles in Watergate and 9/11. CIA Operation 40 was also deployed against visionary musicians like John Lennon and Bob Marley.  


Jasvinder Sanghera was born and brought up in Derby. A survivor of a forced marriage, she is the founder of Karma Nirvana, a national award winning charity that supports both men and women affected by honour based abuse and forced marriages. Ole Dammegard interviews Jasvinder Sanghera, CBE, born and brought up in the UK. She is a highly acclaimed international speaker and an expert advisor to the courts in matters of child, civil and criminal proceedings. Jasvinder’s memoirs ‘Shame’ and ‘Daughters of Shame’ are Sunday Times Top 10 Bestsellers.


Finans | 30. Juli 2017 | Kundernes penge er spildt: El-konger taber milliarder på kommercielle fejlskud | .. En række af landets største el-selskaber har tabt milliarder på kommercielle fejlskud i stedet for at sænke priserne. Erhvervs- og forbrugerorganisationer raser .. | Blogger: Hvad er Korruption?. Transparency International definerer korruption som: “misbrug af betroet magt for egen vindings skyld“. Ordet “egen” skal forstås bredt, så det også kan omfatte en gruppe af fysiske eller juridiske personer, ligesom ordet “vinding” kan omfatte penge, værdier eller andre fordele. Herunder findes der: Politisk korruption, bestikkelse, smørelse, bedrageri, afpresning, nepotisme, karteller, matchfixing, interessekonflikt osv.. Men hvordan definere man 'korruption', når el-kongerne i kundeejede selskaber misbruger forbrugernes penge på kommercielt fejlslagne investeringer? Dvs. tab på investeringer som er udenfor el-selskabernes kerneforretning, der normalt består i at distribuere elektricitet til husstande og virksomheder?. Der er ingen definition og lovgivningen er ikke-eksisterende. Vi snakker om privatejet virksomheder som har vide beføjelser til at klatte forbrugerens penge på langsigtede investeringer i nye forretningsområder, som de evt. ikke har forstand på. Problemet opstår når misbruget skaber enorme tab istedet for at give forbrugerne og samfundet rabat på tarifferne. Gennemsnitlig betaling til nettarif og netabonnement for en husstand er steget med 13 pct. på 10 år. Erhvervsmæssige udgifter til el kan fradrages, mens den almene private borger, er taget som gidsel. Danmark har de højeste skatter og afgifter på strømmen i hele Europa. Hele 57 procent af den danske elpris kommer således fra skatter og afgifter, ifølge den nye undersøgelse. Igen, vores samfund er baseret på et tag-selv-bord for magteliten og i denne sag kan Energi-, forsynings- og klimaminister Lars Christian Lilleholt (V) intet stille op og det er selvom el-selskabernes kommercielle aktiviteter vedrører offentlige investeringer som, landsdækkende fibernet, havvindmøller og ladestandere til el-biler. Tab eller gevinst, der er ingen som kan gøres ansvarlige for deres handlinger, undtaget er hovedbestyrelsen for elselskaberne, som kan stille forslag om mistillidsvotum samt de private aktionærer. Spørgsmålet er, hvordan private forbrugere og virksomhedskunder og lignede skulle kunne sætte sig ind i hvilken omfang ledelsen formøbler pengene korrekt når vi snakker om lukket gamle monopolselskaber? Dvs. hvordan sikrer vi, at den nuværende regulering sikrer vandtætte skotter mellem monopolforretningen og de kommercielle aktiviteter. Heldigvis er der sket lidt fremskridt, eftersom den tidligere bestyrelsesmedlem, den nu fyret el-konge og Ewii-formand, kørte tæt parløb om »vanvittige projekter«. Topchefen stoppede efter uheldige sager om dobbeltroller, fejlslagne investeringer og sponsorluksus. For ikke at snakke om kvotekongernes venstre-ven, Esben Lunde Larsen, der åbenbart holdt hånden helt urimeligt og forkert over de såkaldte kvotekonger, der monopoliserer dansk fiskeri. Der er ikke grænser for hvordan man kan snyde det danske system... |

Topcheferne i landets elselskaber har fået betegnelsen el-kongerne på grund af deres store pengetanke og store magt. Tre af dem, som har tabt store beløb på kommercielle fejlskud er Kim Frimer fra Verdo (tv), Jesper Hjulmand fra Seas-NVE (midten) og Niels Duedahl fra SE. Illustration: Anders Vester Thykier.

Blacklisted News | Aug 3, 2017 | After Defcon, the FBI arrested the UK national who stopped Wannacry | .. The friend told Motherboard they "tried to visit him as soon as the detention centre opened but he had already been transferred out." Motherboard granted the source anonymity due to privacy concerns. "I've spoken to the US Marshals again and they say they have no record of Marcus being in the system. At this point we've been trying to get in contact with Marcus for 18 hours and nobody knows where he's been taken," the person added. "We still don't know why Marcus has been arrested and now we have no idea where in the US he's been taken to and we're extremely concerned for his welfare." A US Marshals spokesperson told Motherboard in an email, "my colleague in Las Vegas says this was an FBI arrest. Mr. Hutchins is not in U.S. Marshals custody." .. |

Source: Boing Boing

Update: Here is the indictment. Hutchins is accused of making and selling a keylogger called the "Kronos banking trojan."

Marcus Hutchins is the 23 year old security researcher behind the @MalwareTechBlog Twitter account; he's the guy who figured out that the Wannacry worm had an accidental killswitch built in and then triggered it, stopping the ransomware epidemic in its tracks.

According to a US Marshals spokesman, Hutchins was arrested by the FBI shortly after the Defcon/Blackhat conference in Las Vegas, though no one has disclosed the charge. His friends cannot locate him.

I've just run a series of searches on the Defcon and Blackhat schedules and couldn't find any presentations that Hutchins was on the program for, but that doesn't mean he didn't present there -- many of the presenters are on side-tracks whose schedules aren't easy to search.
The friend told Motherboard they "tried to visit him as soon as the detention centre opened but he had already been transferred out." Motherboard granted the source anonymity due to privacy concerns.

"I've spoken to the US Marshals again and they say they have no record of Marcus being in the system. At this point we've been trying to get in contact with Marcus for 18 hours and nobody knows where he's been taken," the person added. "We still don't know why Marcus has been arrested and now we have no idea where in the US he's been taken to and we're extremely concerned for his welfare."

A US Marshals spokesperson told Motherboard in an email, "my colleague in Las Vegas says this was an FBI arrest. Mr. Hutchins is not in U.S. Marshals custody."
Researcher Who Stopped WannaCry Ransomware Detained in US After Def Con [Joseph Cox/Motherboard]


RT - Russia Today | August 3, 2017 | Monsanto leaks suggest it tried to ‘kill’ cancer research about notorious weed killer | .. Controversial agricultural giant Monsanto attempted to ‘kill’ research on Roundup weed killer, which is suspected of causing cancer, leaked documents show. The company also reportedly influenced EPA officials to conceal information about the cancer risks. A trove of documents was released by LA-based plaintiff firm Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman earlier in August. The company is representing people who claimed that they or their relatives got cancer due to Monsanto products.. | Blogger: VIDEO: 100% Cotton. Made in India: Farmers commit suicide after planting GMO cotton. Nationally in the last 20 years, 2,9 lahk (290.000) farmers has committed suicide... |

© Yves Herman / Reuters

Marlene Swetlishoff | The Hilarion Connection©Update August 2017 |

Hilarion er Chohan af den femte stråle af healing, videnskab, vision og sandhed. Han er det hierarkiske niveau af Sandhedens templet på det æteriske plan i nærheden af Kreta, Grækenland. Hilarion var ypperstepræst i "Templet af Sandhed" i Atlantis, og han transporterede flammens sandhed sammen med artefakter af templet til Grækenland kort tid før forliset af kontinentet. Han arbejder med sjæle til at beherske det tredje øje - chakra og grøn-ray kvaliteter, herunder healing og videnskaben om at holde den ubesmittede koncept. Hilarion har ikke kun indflydelse med healing, men også omfatter musik og videnskab og målrettet "vision" gennem opfattelser af tredje øje. En kilde tilføjer, at Hilarion arbejder ofte med Ærkeenglen Raphael, der ligeledes tjener på det femte-stråle.

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff 
© 2017 therainbowscribe

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! The winds of change continue to blow through every part of the planet. It is a symbiotic process. Humanity is beginning to notice that their entire planet and all her inhabitants are a part of a greater whole, and that whatever one person does, says, or thinks has an impact upon the entire population and the systems that have been in place. No longer can a person deny their responsibility to live a more ethical existence. Humankind must now awaken to this awareness.

These times call for more alertness and awareness in the citizens of every country, for every country is being cleansed and purified by the forces of nature that surround them. This can impact their lives in very challenging ways and these challenges bring the need for these ones to dig deep in order to endure them. In this process, the people redefine that which has true importance in their life and let go of that which no longer matters. Life is seen from a different perspective, a perspective of humble gratitude for the precious gift of life that each has been given so that they can have the experiences that help their soul to evolve and grow to a fully awakened Divine human.

Sheldan Nidle | 1. August 2017 | PAO - Planetary Activation Organization | Opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki... |

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer 

Institute, as Heaven desires, a quick and certain green light. The latter part of Summer awaits and with it, a most auspicious Solar eclipse. Use this Heavenly event to set in motion how the success of this present course is to conclude! Hallelujah!!

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

7 Lamat, 6 Pop, 1 Ik

Dratzo! The recent blackout created by the elders is only now being lifted. This was caused by those who seek anonymity and hence desire for these monies to be delivered in as ceremonial a way as possible.

What is now required is your continued patience combined with the knowledge that all of our plans are truly being readied to unfold. In this regard, we simply ask all to remain in a positive mode, ready to receive the great gifts to be given them by Heaven. Therefore wonderful surprises are nearly ready for dispersal.

There is presently a deep desire for everyone concerned to complete all deliveries. Be prepared for some movement to happen suddenly. The time is arriving for some swift action. We expect this to occur quickly but initially to be almost unnoticeable.

Therefore, it is vital that you remain ready to act as efficiently as possible when certain undeniable actions are fully noted. A mode for delivery is to suddenly appear and then, to quickly disappear. Given the precedents that have already been set, these irrational actions are something you should now be fully prepared for.

Intellihub | Aug 3, 2017 | Trump White House sweeping for Obama-era bugs during his extended vacation? | .. While the renovations may have been planned for months, the timing is extremely interesting, especially when you consider that General Kelly was recently named the new chief of staff. One has to wonder whether or not the renovations are a cover for what would be a massive undertaking to essentially debug the entire White House which may have surveillance equipment held over from the previous administration. What do you think? .. |

Tom Lohdan/Flickr
(INTELLIHUB) — President Trump is set to leave the White House Friday on what has been called an extended “working vacation” and, interestingly, his entire staff in Washington is also planning to move out of the West Wing for a series of “renovations”.

“Work has already begun to replace the West Wing’s 27-year-old heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, a White House official told reporters Thursday. Because of the frequency of use, the HVAC system’s usage age is pegged around 84 years old,” reported The Hill.

“White House deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters told reporters that the South Portico steps on the South Lawn will also be repaired. Those steps haven’t been restored since President Dwight Eisenhower was in the White House,” The Hill report continued.

“Among the other facets of the White House that will be refurbished are the Navy mess kitchen, a restaurant in the West Wing run by the U.S. Navy, the building’s lower lobby, the information technology (IT) system and other “generic cosmetic upgrades.”

While the renovations may have been planned for months, the timing is extremely interesting, especially when you consider that General Kelly was recently named the new chief of staff.

One has to wonder whether or not the renovations are a cover for what would be a massive undertaking to essentially debug the entire White House which may have surveillance equipment held over from the previous administration.

What do you think?


Hothardware | July 30, 2017 | Facebook Shuts Down AI System After It Continued To Communicate In A Language Humans Can’t Understand |

This is why we can’t have nice things. Did you ever have the feeling that people are talking behind your back, but you can’t quite make out what they’re saying? Imagine for a minute if instead of people, there were artificial intelligence (AI) bots plotting and scheming in the background — and to make matters worse, they’ve been communicating in their own language.

That’s exactly the dilemma that Facebook ran into when it found that its AI bots were communicating in a shorthand mutation of English. For example, Facebook provided the passage from two of its bots — Bob and Alice — while communicating with each other:
Bob: “I can can I I everything else.”

Alice: “Balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to.”
Taken at face value, there’s really no way for humans to make sense of such verbiage. However, research scientist Dhruv Batra, from the Facebook AI Research (FAIR), says that just like humans often use “shortcuts” with the English language that is easily understood by other humans, AI can use similar methods to get their point across more efficiently. Why should computers be forced to work within the confines of the English language if they can communicate with each other faster using a seemingly [to them] better language?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

“Agents will drift off understandable language and invent codewords for themselves,” says Batra. “Like if I say ‘the’ five times, you interpret that to mean I want five copies of this item. This isn’t so different from the way communities of humans create shorthands.”

“It’s definitely possible, it’s possible that [language] can be compressed, not just to save characters, but compressed to a form that it could express a sophisticated thought,” Batra added.

After being stymied by the bots’ penchant for using their own specially-crafted language, Facebook decided to crack the “digital whip” so to speak, forcing the AI to speak only in English so that humans could understand what they were up to at any given moment. After all, the last thing that we need is a Skynet uprising to threaten mankind.

It’s this sort of uncertainty that prompted Tony Stark Elon Musk to note that we should be very careful around AI, and be aware of its potential risks. "With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. You know all those stories where there's the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he's like... yeah, he's sure he can control the demon—it doesn't work out," said Musk at MIT's Aeronautics and Astronautics Department's Centennial Symposium in 2014.