Jan 10, 2020

👑 ~ Det koster et kongerige : »Det Hemmelighedsfulde Urørlige Selskab« (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [♚🔴UPDATE🔴 Jan 11, 2020: The Uncrowned King & Queen. Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark Has (Secret) Houses In New York, London, Berlin & Fashionable Wealthy Town of Verbier in Switzerland. And (Secretly) Has Several Yearly Briefings With Defence Command Denmark. Danish Parliament In Shock♛] ... Nu skal vi til et emne, som er så følsomt, jeg igen, bliver mega upopulær🙇‍♂️... For verdensalt, er faktisk (måske ikke så overraskende) meget enig med Anna Thygesen og det var så sandelig også på tide, der er (nogle) som TØR - hvor andre TIER og så, stå VED DET🙅‍♀️... Det danske monarki har eksisteret i over 1000 år og er blandt de ældste kongehuse i verden. Men det er godt vi nu har fået slået hul, på bylden🔨... SELVFØLGELIG, handler det (også) om cash-cow clickbait sensationsjournalistik, et godt personangrebs-opildnede, "slå hårdt ned frede"-kampagne, med Superrepublik- anernes (misbiligelse) i det ene ringhjørne og Royalisternes bevarelse af Kongehuset, i det andet, som indkassere monetos, til sladderbladene🎭... Vi skal til at have punkteret myterne omkring den smukke, perfekte, overklasse Kongefamilie som værende et gennemsnit på den sunde kernefamilie Danmark. Det er de IKKE. De kongelige (over) privilegerede er født med en guldske i røven (undskyld mit franske)... ⚖️Grundloven afløste Kongeloven af 1665 og markerede overgangen fra enevælde til konstitutionelt monarki og en mere demokratisk styreform, (hedder det sig). Dog, hvis man nærstudere Grundloven, så har Magtens tredeling, Retsstaten og Statsmagtens Enhedsfylde, en guddom uden navn, (Kongen) stadigvæk (enorm) meget magt og det ligger så dybt begravet i alles bevidsthed, så at Kongeriget Danmark, dronningens magt (monarken), aldrig, har overleveret det kongelige magtcentrum, fra absolut monarki, til et konstitutionelt monarki... Og det smager (naturligvis) af magtfuldkommenhed, fordi, selvfølgelig blander de kongelige sig i politik, samfundet og Kongehuset, er det sidste tabu i Folketinget. Der er en grund til at Dronningen (altid) tager imod ministerskifte o.s.v. - hvad hvis hun sagde nej?... 🎥Tag blot denne visuelle fremstilling; Alle som har set filmen (The Joneses) med David Duchovny a.k.a. Fox Mulder, ved hvad jeg snakker om... Kongehusets dronning, prinser og prinsesser repræsentere The Joneses. Den perfekte familie Jones, som bor i rigt nabolag, rejser på første klasse og sælger bjørneskind, inden bjørnen er skudt og (fremtoning af påtaget og uægte) image. Her, lever misundelige danskere, royalister og godtfolk, der idolisere Kongefamilien - som de smukke, fantastiske og storslåede 'mennesker' (som de ikke kan nå). Ligesom dukkende politikere, skrabende journalister, og fedtende kendis-venner, ser op til Kongehuset. Hæng på, Kongehusets kommunikationsafdeling, eneste sikre prioritet er at opretholde Kongehusets hemmelighedskræmmerier, fortielser og brandslukning, som er et fantastisk smart BRANDING. Ligesom Jones-familien virksomhedssponsorater af stealth-marketingfolk, professionelle sælgere, som skjuler produktplacering, (product placement) som en daglig rutine. Kongehusets ydelser, foregår som protektorer for et hav af ting, blandt andet via NGO'er, velhavende erhvervsfolk og virksomheder. Kongehuset, tager desuden (ulovligt) imod rejser, jagter, dyrt tøj, tasker, kunst, biler og meget mere, i offentlig tjeneste, selvom, skatteyderne betaler apanage og årpenge... Kan du ikke selv se det?🙀... 👀Set med holistiske øjne; én af grundene til, vi danskere ser Kongehuset som guds benådet og længtes efter det søde liv, er, når vi ser andre 'mennesker', frit og uhæmmet, vise og dyrke de sider, vi selv er afskåret fra at udleve, kan vi reagere på to måder. Enten ved at pege fingre ad, fordømme eller dæmonisere "de andre" eller ved at beundre, se op til eller måske endda 'idolisere' dem, der er det, vi ikke (længere) selv er, eller kan (blive) til... THE END ... |

Kilde (B.T.)

"Forleden udtalte jeg mig en smule kritisk her i avisen om Kronprinsparrets udmeldinger på pressemødet i Verbier i forbindelse med familiens 12 ugers 'familieorlov' i rigmandsparadiset" ~ Anna Thygesen 

"Tik tak tik tak...Tiden er imod prins Joachim, der ifølge kongehusekspert Søren Jakobsen bør gøre som prins Harry og hurtigst muligt finde sig et rigtigt arbejde og frasige sig sin apanage"

Enhedslisten raser over Kronprinsens hemmelige huskøb: »Altså, har de også hus i New York, London og Berlin?«

Kronprins Frederik har haft hemmelige møder med ledende medlemmer af Forsvaret.


👑👑👑 ... Er kongehuset korrupt? Spurgte Information.dk om, engang ♕♕♕ ... 

Blogger: Det ikke er troværdigt, at pille ved glansbilledet omkring kongefamilien. Kongehuset er den sidste bataljon af folkekære, elskelige og troværdige ildsjæle som udbreder danske interesser rundt om i verden. 

Kongehuset ønsker dog ikke at være ulydige overfor folket. Formelt er kongehuset hævet over loven, og myndigheden til at drage for eksempel kronprins Frederik til ansvar ligger hos dronning Margrethe, men reelt overvåges kongefamilien af en kritisk offentlighed og rådgives af centraladministrationen. Konstruktionen forudsætter, at kongehuset følger den rådgivning.

Når jeg udgiver blog indlæg omkring Kongehuset, ønsker jeg ikke, at vække utilsigtet følelser op i folk omkring illoyalitet og upatriotiske sammensværgelser, formidler bare en realitet, set ud fra mange års interesse i tabloidpressens dokumentation(BT, information m.fl.) og de få som 'tør' kritisk journalistik.

Er helt klar over, der er mange som opfatter vores konstitutionelt monarki som en hellig institution og statshoveder som urørlige og trofaste mod vores nation. Dog, kan vi konstatere, 'magteliten' har særdeles gode forbindelser igennem Kongehuset og Kongehuset har særdeles gode forbindelser til politik og som tilnærmelsesvis truer hele den selviscenesættelse af magtvælden.

Fordi der findes så meget hemmelighedskræmmeri og beskyttelse-doktrin over Kongehuset, er det svært ikke, at konspirerer. Jo mere jeg graver i mudderet, jo mere skidt kommer der frem, vil vove den påstand, snavset sidder godt fast under neglene, uden de bliver rene igen.

Uanset hvor flasken peger hen, en ubestridelig kendsgerning, ud af de 300 navne, dukker Dronning Margrethe II op på listen samt Anders Fogh Rasmussen. 'The Committee of 300' - The Olympians - modelleret efter den Britiske East India Company Council of 300, grundlagt af den britiske aristokrati i 1727. Dronning Elizabeth II er øverste leder af denne magtfulde gruppe og de anses for at være ansvarlige for falske narkotika krige i USA. Gruppen styrer verden via en tre-bystats-imperium(London, Vatikanet, og District of Columbia), hvor byerne ikke betaler skat og adlyder kun deres egne love. Så har vi endda, ikke været omkring Den Danske Frimurerorden og  Kongehuset.... 



"Tro den, som søger sandheden; tvivl på den, som finder den"...

🚢 ~ Abandoning Ship ⚓ ~ | Blogger: [Harry and Meghan are 'stepping back' from the royal family] ... |

Source (Simon Parkes official)
The establishment newspapers turn on the young Royals.

How typical - love you on Monday, hate you on Tuesday - The truth is that Harry and Meghan are putting as much distance between themselves and the Epstein horror that is engulfing the Royals.
Anyone in their right mind with a little baby would do the same!
But the establishment see them as traitors to the Royal brand, they should sink in the sea of anger together - like the orchestra on the Titanic (actually it was the sistership that sunk but never mind) they played on as the ship sunk.

And so the die hards expect all the Royals to stay in the orchestra pit while ER sinks below the waves of indignation and sorrow.


Blogger: it's been said the people of the Palace are connected to Epstein - surprised? 

🎁 ~ Sofie Rose: Din 2020 GAVE ~ | Blogger: [🌕Fuldmånemeditationen💝] ... |


Ved hver fuldmåne indspiller jeg en kanaliseret og healende fuldmånemeditation.

Fuldmånemeditationen ligger her på siden 0 - 2 dage før fuldmåne og 2 - 7 dage efter fuldmåne.

Fuldmånen i januar topper fredag den 10. januar.
Energien i meditationen er aktiv i hele 2020.

Du finder den nye fuldmånemeditation lige her:


🚦 ~ 💗 Star Seed DNA Activation 💕~ | Blogger: thx to Colleen & PAO/Galactic Heart... SoTW learned (once again) something new today... |

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Last night was our Galactic Sisters Gathering. We discussed Sheldan's video, The Shifts are Coming .. Are You Ready?

We enjoyed a lively conversation. I told them about how we are currently in a duality reality which is why we have a bi-polar system. Recently news reported that the North magnet field is migrating southward and the South magnet field seems to be stationary. We are NOT headed for a polar flip which admittedly has happened before in Earth's recorded history. We are here to experience and assist Gaia (and all her people) in a dimensional shift (from 3D to Earth's original 5D Being). Gaia will be going back to being a mono-polar planet. This is when the northern magnetic field is on the outside of the planet and the southern magnetic field migrates inward creating a mono-polar planet supporting Oneness. We will be going from duality (bi-polar) to Unity consciousness (mono-polar). Makes sense and easy to explain to people.

We also talked about our new 13 chakra system coming on line and specifically the head chakra system. Here's the explanation taken from Sheldan's book, Your First Contact (chapter: The New You).

The eighth chakra (Well of Dreams’ center) is currently vestigial and is found in the area of the occipital lobe (at the base and back of the head) directly above the neck. Individuals, particularly those with psychic abilities, commonly get headaches from information ‘bottlenecking’ that create discomfort in this region. This chakra’s inactivity mirrors your present state as a dormant, limited conscious Being.

In the present reality, humans with expanded psychic abilities can use connections critical to the brain’s limbic system provided by the “Well of Dreams’ to mentally control others. It is important to realize this and to surround this center with great spiritual protection. In the new fully conscious system, this particular center, regulating psychic energies and preventing you from ever being controlled, becomes very important.

🔴 ~ Alex Collier *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, January 10, 2020! ~ | Blogger: [Hosted by James Harkin from AlexCollier.org and JayPee from WolfSpirit.tv] ... TOPICS Current Events and What's Next, and much more!... ⚠️ PS: Acc. to James Harkin, Sean David Morton, who brought Alex out into the world, is languishing in a texas jail and is been treated very, very badly... Friends and family are very concerned for the health and safety... Please send him love... link to Emergency Relief Fund... |

bibliotecapleyades: Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts. I have analyzed Alex Collier's information, had phone interviews with him, and also interverviewed him over a four day period in September 2005. I have witnessed some physical evidence he has provided to support his testimony. I have also spoken with a direct witness verifying various aspects of Alex's contact experiences. Alex has also revealed that he was the recipient of threats from shadow government agencies and abruptly chose to stop disseminating his information in 2000. Furthermore, Alex has give face to face interviews with veteran UFO researcher Paola Harris who has had the opportunity to examine the evidence supporting his testimony and concludes he is credible. My conclusion from my investigation so far of Alex is that he is very credible and very likely a genuine contactee with a 'friendly' extraterrestrial race. I therefore recommend taking the information he has to reveal very seriously. All those interested in galactic diplomacy and understanding a variety of extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity, will find Alex's work to be very helpful.

Alex is hosting his NINETY-SEVENTH 90-minute LIVE webinar including Questions and Answers

Friday, January 10, 2020
2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.

💃 ~ New Photos Show Bill Clinton With Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein Rape Accuser Aboard ‘Lolita Express' ~ | Blogger: Once again, blurred and out-of-focus image, but this time, there's no mistake... Anywho, flight logs released from Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express', don't lie... |

Source (Sputnik News)

Jeffrey Epstein is known to have rubbed shoulders with the rich and powerful, so pictures of impeached Democratic President Bill Clinton from aboard the investor’s private jet hardly come as a surprise. It remains unclear though if the ex-president was aware at the time of the horrendous allegations against Epstein.

🛸 ~ Is this cigar-shaped object found in Antarctica a U-Boat? ~ | Blogger: Looks like a plane or anything else, than a u-boat, if you ask me... One of these days we will get crystal clear digital HD images and then decide... until then... Thx to OOM2... |

Source (UFOmania - The truth is out there)

🤖 ~ In The Know Innovation: Samsung’s “artificial humans” can hold conversations and display emotions ~ | Blogger: [😮O-M-G!💫] ... {"Over time, NEON's will work as TV anchors, spokespeople, or movie actors; or they can simple be companions and friends" - Samsung Tech & Advan. Labs} ... Waaay back in the late 80s first trip to U.S.A. as foreign exchange student, was awesome. Best trip ever and been there many times since then, talking to military contractors, spiritual leaders, conferences and what have you... Well, my first host dad freaked me out though, back in 1988, he claimed to been working as security detail or security contractors to NASA or 3-letter agency, advanced robotics division, hard to remember. When he told me about the stuff he saw with his own eyes on advanced robotics, i couldn't believe it. Very similar to 'SOPHIA' but 30 years back.. If this story is true, think about how far ahead in science, technology the military-industrial complex has become today!!. You only have to think about Valkyrie: NASA's Superhero Robot, Atlas from Boston Dynamics or Russia and the robot soldier FEDOR... Not to mention what US Space Force has install for us, when it's available after full disclosure... |

👼 ~ 💗 Meg Benedicte: 2020 Age of Ascension 💕 ~ |


We are about to experience one of the most catalytic weekends of our lives! Into the vortex we go! Astrologers have been discussing, parsing and warning about this week’s astro-events for some years now. The energy has been building throughout 2019 as we finally reach the crisis point with a Lunar Eclipse in Cancer opposite the Sun, Mercury, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter’s alignment with the South Node in Capricorn provides extra amplification of global karmic reckoning.

Setting the stage for this cosmic lineup was the Solstice on 12/21/2012. On that extraordinary day in history, the matrix control simulation unlocked – setting us free from the holographic control program. Many Starseeds expected this month’s cosmic events to happen in 2012. Much needed to be cleared and transmuted before humanity was ready for such spectacular, life-changing transits.

With the matrix simulation dissolving in the earth plane, the human mind was set free to roam the quantum field of infinite possibilities. By unlocking from the ‘hive mind’ we developed independent thinking, awakening to Soul truth, free-flowing consciousness, inspiring visions and perspectives. The world of imagination was accessible again!

🌟 ~ And So It Begins! Be There or Be Square (SoTW) 💙 ~ | Blogger: [⏳You're Invited To Make History - EPIC Astrological Alignments & Mass Meditation Weekend Schedule⌛] ... {It actual starts today - January 10th to the 13th - depended on your location} ... 🗺️SoTW have compiled a (short) list of the must-visit-weekend-party of (opposing tyranny) mass-meditators, if you're looking for, or wish to help bring out more Light as a leading divine angelic ⭐ towards Freedom, Disclosure, and Spiritual Ascension, also known as Spiritual Awakening, a Natural Evolution and Planetary Liberation... There's so many to choose from, and many conjunctions, riding the 💕 tsunami waves, spiritual transformational circles, lunar eclipse, unity meditations, cosmic stargate opening... THE GLOBAL UNITY MEDITATIONS - are supported by many, many people and translated into many languages, included Sandra Walter, Cobra and the Resistance Movement, Laura Eisenhower and Corey Goode, PFC, Global SoTR, SITSSHOW, Ground Crew Command, We Love Mass Meditation, Lightworkers Malaysia, International Golden Age Group, Marlene Swetlishoff and her team of Rainbow Scribe Family, Foreverunlimited, and of course, The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Civilizations of Light... You name it, they are here to help Earth and its inhabitants... Can you hear the Age of Aquarius knocking at your door?!... 🧷PS: And, I know what you're thinking - give me 1 link to 1 event and i'll go - but it's not that simple. There's 4 Mass Meditations - Cobra, Sandra Walter, Laura Eisenhower & Marlene Swetlishoff (and Meg Benedicte)... However the most significant (one) is Cobra and the Resistance Movement (with no sign ups) - Age of Aquarius Activation on January 12th, 2020 at 6:11 AM UTC... |

FB - Ana Maria Carvalho - ‎PREPARE FOR CHANGE - ONTARIO/Canada - Sisterhood of the Rose

First one coming up for this coming weekend is the Golden Age Meditation on Friday 10th January, 19:10 UTC/20:10 CEST, to ease the incoming, rigid energies at the penumbral lunar eclipse. Here's the playlist:

Golden Age Meditation


❄️~ 💗 The world's largest snow and ice festival is happening in China right now (PHOTOS) 💕~ | Blogger: And now, for something completely different -- The 36th annual Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival in China opened on Sunday with this year’s theme being “Ice Snow Integration, Happy to Go Together.”... |

Source (dailyhive)

🛑 ~ One woman reports a rape every 15 minutes in India ~ | Blogger: Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India - sad, sad sad😔... |

Source (Aaljazeera)

Women reported almost 34,000 rapes in 2018, according to the annual crime report released by the Home Ministry.

🤥 ~ Did Soleimani Kill 600 Americans? - Questions For Corbett ~ | Blogger:[🙋‍♂️Other questions we might ask the invisible elephant in the room❓] .. Yeah! Who or What shot down Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737 - killing 176 - including 63 Canadians - traveling from Tehran to Kiev crashed near the Iranian capital shortly after takeoff from the Imam Khomeini International Airport?... Did twitter with Trump and Iran help stop war with Iran?... Trump tweets ‘All Is Well,’ but late night has its doubts... Was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Jewish Head of a Mossad run ISIS?... Trump backs away from war with Iran but it is all over?... Who blinked first?... Trump wants NATO more involved in the Middle East. What does Europe want? Denmark has chicken out, as the ONLY country in the world... What are the reasons to support war???... 😕"Confused? You won't be, after this week's episode of...Soap."😕... 📍PS: "Don’t fall for the propaganda, though: America’s military forces aren’t being deployed abroad to protect our freedoms here at home. Rather, they’re being used to guard oil fields, build foreign infrastructure and protect the financial interests of the corporate elite. In fact, the United States military spends about $81 billion a year just to protect oil supplies around the world.. The U.S. military reportedly has more than 1.3 million men and women on active duty, with more than 200,000 of them stationed overseas in nearly every country in the world. The reach of America’s military empire includes close to 800 bases in as many as 160 countries, operated at a cost of more than $156 billion annually" ~ John Whitehead, through David Icke ... |