Feb 14, 2015

De saudiarabiske forbindelser Stod Saudi-Arabien bag 9/11? Svaret findes muligvis på 28 sider i en amerikansk kommissionsrapport om terroraktionen. Men siderne er blanke.

FREDAG D. 13. FEBRUAR 2015, KL. 22.30

(Politiko) WASHINGTON: Nogle gange overgår virkeligheden selv de mest hårdføre konspirations­teorier. En af dem – at Saudi-Arabien stod bag 11. september-terror­aktionen i New York – er bragt til live igen. Fire mænd – tre af dem tidligere medlemmer af den kommission, som USA nedsatte i 2002 for at opklare sandheden om terroraktionen året før – har på det seneste fremlagt »sandheden om aktionen«. Den sidste – den såkaldte 20. flykaprer, som blev fængslet, før han kunne deltage i aktionen – har fra sit fængsel fortalt lignende historier om »de saudi­arabiske forbindelser«. Alt det har betydet, at kravet om en tilbundsgående undersøgelse nu lyder i bredere og bredere kredse i USA.

Sandheden er mere speget end røget. For en god konspiration kan ikke leve længe, uden at der er en regering, der skjuler sandheden. Og det er der et synligt »bevis« for i denne sag. Den kommissionsrapport, som den daværende amerikanske regering barslede med i 2004, indeholder 28 blanke sider. Det er ikke bare et kapitel, der er udeladt, men synlige 28 blanke sider, som er udeladt af sikkerhedsårsager. Ifølge næst­formanden for kommissionen, den tidligere senator Bob Graham, er de 28 sider intet mindre end rystende læsning.

For de manglende sider beviser ifølge ham, at dele af den saudiarabiske kongefamilie støttede terrorlederen Osama bin Laden med enorme pengesummer, og at den amerikanske regering nægter at offentliggøre kapitlet for ikke at skade landets forhold til Saudi-Arabien. Altså intet mindre end næstformanden for kommissionen. I øvrigt sammen med to andre kommissions­medlemmer Bob Kerrey og John Lehman, der var med i undersøgelserne af terroraktionen. For hvordan kunne en samling kjortelklædte terrorister bosat i bjergene mellem Afghanistan og Pakistan være i stand til finansielt at løfte en så enorm opgave, det er at udmanøvrere en supermagt og gennemføre det mest spektakulære terrorangreb nogensinde? Og så midt i hjertet af USA. Hvis ikke de havde fået hjælp fra rige personer i Mellemøsten.

Saudi-Arabien benægter alt. De opfordrer ovenikøbet amerikanerne til at offentliggøre de 28 sider, så »man en gang for alle kan få slået fast, at Saudi-Arabien ikke står bag terror­aktionen«. Og saudiaraberne støttes af et foreløbigt faktum. Der findes ingen rygende pistol, der binder det hele sammen. Kun gisninger og formodninger og halve rygter. De er til gengæld yderst vedholdende og næret af, at selv præsident Barack Obama, som under sin valgkamp i 2008 lovede at kigge det her nærmere igennem, stadig ikke har truffet en beslutning om at få åbnet det hemmelige kapitel for offentligheden. Den må så se passivt til, at flere kongres­medlemmer har fået lov til at læse teksten og efterfølgende er »rystede« over oplysningerne­

Deadly shooting at blasphemy debate in Copenhagen featuring cartoonist Lars Vilks

Published time: February 14, 2015 15:56

At least one civilian was killed and three police officers wounded at a shooting in a Copenhagen café hosting a debate on blasphemy. The French ambassador and Swedish artist Lars Vilks, known for his cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, had been attending.

The assailants are still at large, according to Danish media. There may be one or two of them. TV 2 reports that they spoke Danish, were dressed in dark clothes and fled the crime scene in a dark Volkswagen Polo. Later, police located the getaway vehicle in the east of Copenhagen.

The French ambassador François Zimeray had just finished speaking at the event as the shots were fired at around 14:30 GMT. Later he confirmed in a tweet he was unharmed.

The meeting, “Art, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression” was being held in the Krudttonden cultural center in northern Copenhagen. Some 30 bullet holes were found at the site.

According to the Berlingske newspaper, one spectator was seriously wounded while three police officers sustained light injuries. Police have confirmed the 40-year-old civilian later died.

“I heard someone firing with an automatic weapons and someone shouting. Police returned the fire and I hid behind the bar. I felt surreal, like in a movie,” Niels Ivar Larsen, one of the speakers at the event, told the TV2 channel.


5 Passengers Die in New York Train Wreck — 3 Were Top Investment Bankers - February 14, 2015

Posted on February 14, 2015 by Mac Slavo

(dcclothesline) The story of the dead bankers rolls forward.

In December 2014, Zero Hedge rounded up a list of 36 dead bankers who died recently under mysterious or odd circumstances, leaving only “riddles” and probing questions about their possible connections.

Researcher John Vibes has already rounded up 9 more dead bankers who’ve died as of January 2015.

Now, a bizarre Hollywood-style train collision with an SUV Mercedes sitting on the tracks leaves three more dead bankers, along with a pharmaceutical researcher and a well-known art curator.

Though it was a terrible accident, the vast majority of the estimated 400-700 passengers were fortunately not injured. Only five passengers died, and all, it seems, were noteworthy figures.

According to the initial investigations of the NTSB, which include witnesses at the scene, the driver exited the vehicle on the tracks to inspect it being hit by a crossing gate:
Reports so far show that 49-year-old Ellen Brody crossed onto the tracks, when the crossing gate slammed down on the back of her vehicle. Instead of pulling through the intersection though, she got out to inspect the back of her car. It was when she got back in her car and started to pull forward that she was struck by the passing train – going 58mph.
The crash led to the train being engulfed in flames after the electrified third rail basically incinerated the passenger cars. Loaded with hundreds of passengers, a reported 70 were injured and only five died, with the conductor and train operator among the survivors of the freak accident:

Hundreds of feet of electrified rail skewered the first two carriages of aNew York commuter train in a collision with a car at a railroad crossing, a federal investigator said In Wednesday, describing the area’s worst rail crash in decades. 
Investigators were focused on why the car was stopped at the crossing near the suburb of White Plains north of New York City before the Metro-North train crashed into it during Tuesday evening’s rush hour, pushing the vehicle about 1,000 feet down the line. 
The rail broke into long pieces, penetrating the first train carriage as a fire broke out, apparently fueled by gasoline in the vehicle’s fuel tank, gutted the rail car’s interior, he said. At least one section of the electrified, or “third,” rail also entered the second carriage near its ceiling. 
Five train passengers and the woman who was driving the Mercedes sport utility vehicle that was stuck on the tracks were killed. Investigators said they do not yet have an explanation for how the vehicle, which officials had earlier mistakenly identified as a Jeep, became stuck on the tracks.
So, who were the unfortunate victims of this horrific crash?

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: February 13, 2015

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey 13 Februar
© 2015 TreeOfTheGoldenLight

The Illusion that you live whilst on Earth is of your making, because you were allowed the freedom of choice when experiencing separation from the whole. Naturally those in Spirit accompanying you through your many lives have tried to guide you towards the Light. At this stage the cycle that you are in is ending, and you are being given your last opportunity to reach the stage in your evolution when you no longer have a need to live in the lower vibrations. For as long as you have been in this cycle and for most of you that will be from the beginning some 26,500 years ago, the opportunities have existed for growth through experience. However, some souls have become so lacking in Light and attached to the lower vibrations, that they have little or no concept of how to lift themselves up, or of their true nature. Along with your Spiritual Guides, we also try to enlighten them but many are in denial. So at the end of the cycle you may be sure that every chance is taken and help given to awaken souls to their true selves.

There are however many opportunities for “lost” souls to awaken, and they are never abandoned or left to progress by themselves. Furthermore, they have all the time they need to commence their journey back to the Light. For those who have not sufficiently evolved to take their place in the higher vibrations, a new beginning in a new cycle awaits them. There is no disgrace attached to those souls who are still in the earlier stages of evolution and no lack of help to assist them back on to the path of Light. For souls who are at the end of their need for further incarnations in the lower vibrations, an awakening will be experienced and a greater understanding of the truth. The simple truth is that you are not your body, and when you return to the Mental Realms you will have no need for one but can “think” yourself into whatever form you wish.

Saul: What you all really want is to be loved, unconditionally.

Saul is an ascended Master just like Jesus, Buddah, Mary and many many more. BTW you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so stand up and celebrate your greatness.

Kanaliseret af John Smallman  13 Februar
© 2015 johnsmallman

Saul Audio Blog for Friday February 13th
As the energy of the divine field of Love continues to intensify all across the planet, bringing enormous changes to how you perceive one another, expect world peace now!

Because more than 95% of humanity most earnestly intend for it to materialize it will come into being. It is your natural state. War and conflict are not, but have enveloped you because your sense of separation has filled you with fear.

That fear is lifting because so many of you have, over the last several decades, met freely with people from other races, creeds, cultures, and religious faiths, and discovered that you have far more in common with one another than you had imagined, and have realized that what divides you is simply fear and distrust of the unknown.

And you now see that that is not something you need to fear. The unknown is yourself; the shadow side that has been buried and denied by every single human being; the normal desires and feelings that being human entails.

What you all really want is to be loved, unconditionally, and in your separated state you have closed down your awareness that you are eternally and unconditionally loved by God Who is Love. That is what separation means – a strongly felt absence of Love! Separation itself is unreal!

WhoNeedsLight: Reprogramming and Rehab for Damaged Souls - February 14, 2015

I do recognize many truthseekers and Lightworkers consider Kathryn E. May as hoax and scam artist with self centered attitude, however besides her high price tag workshop retreats etc. I do personally find her transcribed messages uplifting and liberating, truth or not. You decide. The day when heads of the 13 families surrender ( incl. Banksters Rothchilds), will be the end of Cabal, fear will disappear and freedom for Terra.


Dear friends, we are working non-stop, all the Masters and Angels here in the 4th dimension close to Planet Earth. You see, we must introduce the souls of the dark ones to the Light gradually. They have just finished the first initiation, and they are reeling from the shock of learning that the Light is real, and that they are not being tortured by us. They are feeling anguish, but it is because they are seeing how wrong their ideas and their way of life was.

I want to explain this process to you so that you can work along with us, without fear or confusion about what is going on. The souls of the darkest cabal members were rounded up and brought to the Light in the ceremony many of you heard on Wednesday evening. You will find it in the archives of www.BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel and also on YouTube. We are delighted to share with you that this enormous, historic event has begun with more than 5 million dark souls making the transition with us to a kind of holding place, a great temple of Light, where they are beginning their restoration to the Light.

I will be giving you brief daily messages to let you know what this process is and how it is progressing. Today, let me review the important elements that many of you have not yet fully grasped. We have rounded up the Higher Selves - the soul entities, not the bodies - of the cabal and others who were so dark and so damaged in their souls that it was not likely they could learn to turn to the Light any other way.

To remind you of the history of the cabal: These are mostly souls who had taken part in a plan to avoid any contact with God, even between lives. Instead of going for renewal and re-education in the higher realms - 5th dimension or higher - they instead "recycled" themselves through the 4th dimension, reincarnating over and over into the same powerful families. Thus, their dedication to darkness was reinforced lifetime after lifetime. A life on Earth under these circumstances could not shake loose their convictions. They were completely deluded about reality, especially since they gained more and more power and wealth in recent years.

McDonald’s Gives Free Vaccines With Happy Meals In Texas - Would you like a hepatitis A shot with your Happy Meal?


(Naturalsociety) Would you like a side of hepatitis A shot with your Happy Meal? As it turns out, your child may just be able to receive a number of significant vaccinations at your local McDonald’s on behalf of the Department of Public Health.

I was just as shocked as you are when I heard news from an email tip that one reader’s local McDonald’s was launching a ‘free vaccination’ program alongside their fast food marketing campaign, and I was reasonably skeptical that even McDonald’s would launch such a strange combination. Especially when consider the extreme financial downfall that the company is experiencing as millions abandon their fake food amid public knowledge over the true extent of their synthetic ingredient list.

As it turns out, however, numerous Texas newspapers and outlets have documented the ‘free McDonald’s vaccine’ events that have popped up in Amarillo. It was, and is, very real. Amarillo.com details the event that first occurred years ago, writing:
“The city of Amarillo’s Department of Public Health and the Caring for Children Foundation of Texas will offer free vaccinations for children from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at McDonald’s restaurant, 1815 S. Grand St.
The vaccinations will include meningococcal vaccine, which is required for seventh- and eighth-graders and for college students residing in campus housing; the varicella vaccine, which is required for kindergarten and first grade and for seventh- and eighth-graders; the Tdap vaccine booster required for seventh- and eighth-graders; MMR vaccine for kindergarten and first grade; and hepatitis A, required for kindergarten and first grade.
Parents and guardians are asked to bring immunization records, and children under 17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.”
And that is one of the older reports detailing the events. There is not much press coverage on the programs that are reportedly being rolled out in 2015. Various sites have already been reporting on the new McDonald’s vaccine campaigns that readers say are popping up around the Amarillo area.

Would you get your child a round of booster shots with your next Happy Meal?

Læs også: (Repost & Reblog) De 10 mest dødelige plager og vacciner med neuro-toksiner - Anno 2014

MEDIA SCANDALS: NBC AND CNN - February 14, 2015

CLICK TO READ ARTICLE - 05FEB Brian Stelter and Tom Kludt, CNN : Brian Williams suspended for 6 months.

CLICK TO READ ARTICLE - 05FEB Tom Kludt and Brian Stelter, CNN : How Brian Williams' Iraq story changed

CLICK TO READ ARTICLE - 05FEB Alessandra Stanley, NYTimes.com : After a Decade Building Trust, an Anchor Starts a Firestorm With One Wrong Move.

CLICK TO READ ARTICLE - 09FEB RT.com : Freudian slip? CNN says Obama considers arming pro-US troops...in Ukraine.

CLICK TO READ ARTICLE - 10FEB Gordon Duff, Pravda via VeteransToday : Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11.

CLICK TO READ ARTICLE - 09FEB Cenk Uygur, via CommonDreams.org : My ironic defines of Brian Williams.

Source: Cosmic Vision news


Some technologies are about to emerge that will radically change our societies and lifestyles. Here is a glimpse of the insane and exciting future!

Technology is constantly changing and new sciences are starting to reveal some really interesting possibilities in our near future. Check out this video to learn more about these 10 Mind-Blowing technologies!

10. Artificial Intelligence- With technology assistance we can speed up our work and research.

The 5 Stages of WAKING UP !!! ~ Please share this video

Published on Feb 13, 2015

Are you really "AWAKE", or are you merely stuck in one of the 5 stages of WAKING UP, following phoney CULT leaders?

Psychology is calling -  The 5 Stages of Loss And Grief
  1. Denial and Isolation
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

Cosmic Vision News 13. Februar 2015 CET

Cosmic Vision News: CVN vært, Geoffrey West tilbyder nyheder, kommentarer og lejlighedsvis diskussion om de senestebegivenheder, der udspiller med hensyn til, hvad der formodentligt er den vigtigste begivenhed for at forbedre den menneskelige og planetariske tilstand: AFSLØRING. CVN fremmer og tilskynder til modig dialog på verdensplan, mens de forbereder alle til re-introduktion af vores galaktiske familier. CVN omhandler også aktuelle begivenheder, der understøtter et skift til en fredelig planet. Geoffrey West er en del af det team som står bag: GoldenAgeOfGaia.com, kan lyttes til direkte/downloades/MP3, smides på en USB nøgle/iPhone og lyttes til på din vej. Husk tidsforskellen på udgivelsen. Direkte Link her (blogtalkradio


Direct Link --> http://inlightuniversal.com/2015/02/12/cosmic-vision-news-13feb15/

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