Nov 29, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Commie Corp Corona Cimbria i billeder) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 |

🙏 ~ 💝 (We're born & wrapped up in a spider web that creates our reality by 3D Matrix of Illusion) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟BREAKING OUT OF THE MATRIX ~ Lorie Ladd🌟] ... I talked to a Danish friend that suggested looking into the latest of LL's video, it's really good. He told me about his wife was to leave him this month, because, they have lost to many friends and neighbors due to his spiritual views on Facebook about being vaxxed and many other topics. After 4 hours of "debating" he decided to leave FB (forever) and his wife of 35 years of marriage was amazed that he would do that for her, and he said to me, he had never felt so much "alive" now, than before. So much more time. Not a single soul has returned of his many FB-friends or family members asking him, why he left social media... We are living in crazy times, let me tell you... |

👯‍♀️🏩🧸 ~ (Nothing to see here - the naked gun - Va. professor resigns over ‘MAP’ research) The Left is Normalizing Pedophiles? A Special News Report (AwakenWithJP) ~ | Blogger: [👉"The worldwide #Metoo wave is the visible hard chocolate that borders the Mars chocolate bar, while the hidden soft part of the nougat core - the heavily-fused pedophile world, that includes horrible and much more offensive criminal evil against children and adolescents" ~ SoTW👈] ... Take Denmark as an example, where hard Corona restrictions has been reinserted, today is November 29, 2021 (29.11.2021 = 2 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9). The Number 9 is associated with the Major Arcana Tarot card called The Hermit. As the name suggests, The Hermit is always going off alone in search of spiritual wisdom... Everything is coming to a head... Unfortunnaly we will never know the whole truth, since, Mainstream media (MSM), is still, in some part, controlled by Black Hats. The “Elders of Zion,” i.e. the Rothschilds and their lackeys, cannot live without the Occult Numerology and in Freemasonry, is embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult mysteries, wrapped up on number, metaphor and symbol. And we know for a fact, they are required to tell us, PRECISELY, what they are up to, to make a public statement, to sacrifice themselves and ask for forgiveness of sins, before they conduct a bad act. We also know, that the pedogate-order runs deep, and is the overall platform to maintain control of other minions, from singing like a canary. Unfortunately, Prince Andrew, will NEVER EVER cooperate with the FBI or be tried, convicted, and (executed) based on his crimes, in a public court, because, that, would implicate Queen Mother of England, even though, Trump, has stuck a deal with the Queen, some say. It will be at Gitmo, away from the public and in secret. That is the way I see it, and could be "dead" wrong... You have nooooo idea how disgusting the #PedoGateWorld really is - no idea. They call it Hillary's #Pay-to-Play, #Pizzagate, Podesta's #Spirit-cooking of secretive shady occult sex freemasonry rituals and we're only seen the top of the iceberg.. Btw, my best research tells me, that both Queen-Lizzie and 'Air Miles Andy', the controversial royal and playboy prince are both DEAD and gone, years back. Now, played by clones, stunt doubles, CGI and green screens. I'm sure, Ghislaine Maxwell, is alive, in order for the "pedo-snakes" to dance to the sound of the flute... |

🤴👁⃤ 🛐 ~ (Herskerinde Mæætte, Frimureriet og Den STORE WEF Nulstilling) Det magtfuldt epidemiudvalg, interessenter på højt niveau; Teknokraterne, Kemi- Medico og Transhumanisterne og Bank-globalisterne, samt det Kommunistiske Corona Corp Control store afsæt for Covid-19-krisens Digitale Nulstilling ~ (SoTW) | Blogger: 🧧"QTrump" og udenomjordiske væseners bagtropper march mod Bankernes samt de "HEMMELIGE SELSKABER" bag ved THE GREAT RESET. Med planen The Great Reset vil en lille international elite indføre et verdensomspændende kommunistisk diktatur. Coronapandemien er blot første skridt... ♻️Fronterne er trukket skarpt op i kampen om stigende gas- el, fødevarer og salgspriser (stigende energipriser og grøn omstilling = varm luft i Canal Grande)... 🤦‍♂️EL's samtykkebaseret voldtægtslov, de grædende kvinder der beskylder Dorph for overgreb og hele Me-too-bølgens bag'kvinder', drevet frem af forkærlighed for teknologi og angst for døden, forsøger transhumanisterne og feministerne, at ændre ved de grundlæggende menneskelige vilkår og 'mænds' rettigheder... 👮Frimurerpolitiet, advarer borgere (igen) mod snyd med coronapas, der kan koste betinget fængselsstraf. Hollandsk politi anholder par på flugt fra coronakarantæne... 🦠Bare en simpel "mistanke" om Omikron, lukker en hel skole i Odense, med 459 elever på Rasmus Rask-Skolen. Det selvom, efter fund af "ukendt variant" af coronavirus, hos blot én elev... 💉Forlydende går nu på, at Nazist krigsforbryderen, Friedrich Wilhelm Krüger bedstefar's firma, Biontech (Pfizer) med Deres Frankenstein virus-vaksine er tvillinger med Strüngmann!?! Ihvertfald, er tyske Biontech / Pfizer, (der truer lande med sanktioner hvis ikke de køber deres produkt), er gået i gang med at tilpasse vaccinen til den nye Omikron-variant, ifølge Bloomberg News... 📅Alt går efter WEF/DK-aftalen, diktaturet, krystalnatten og zionisterne med den verdensomspændende drejebog om Agenda 21 (2030) at få folk til at "lystre" eller "affolkning"... 🛐Alle Mæætterne og Co., med LLR-troldehæren, behøves ikke foretage sig en pind. Danskerne, gør hvad de får besked på, per instinkt fra det De lærte i 2020 går foran inden restriktionerne kom, mens George Orwells vender sig i graven og mesterværket 1984 om den dystopiske fremtidfortælling fra 1949 om det undertrykte liv i et totalitært terrorregime i 2021, er en realitet... 🦌Du skal bare tage dine hurtige løbesko på og tage over sundet, til Sverige, hvor den første S-kvindelige statsminister, gik af efter 7 timer, ja hende, som lige er blevet genindsat igen (igen), som "aldrig" nogensinde har hørt om tilstande som i Dannevang. Undtagen Stockholm, højborg for frimureriet. Jeg har været der i 2021 og flere gange i 2020, da vores Landsmoder, lukkede landet ned, også boet der i 7 år, og alle smilte, glade, uden mundbind og restriktioner, og ingen, havde hørt om, eller set, at en usyndelig, uintelligent, ufarlig, virus, som ingen kan bevise er isoleret, er årsag, til hele, misfæren... 🤪Er Omikron-variant virkelig 500 procent mere smitsom? Give me a break... |


“At the end, what the 4th industrial Revolution will lead to, is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” ~ WEF

"Mere konkret forpligter aftalen mellem WEF og den danske stat til, at der samarbejdes om ”biotechnology” og præcisions-medicin og om det såkaldte ”internet of things”. Desuden samarbejdes om ”digital trade/cross border data, Artificial Intelligence/machine learning, Big Data, data ethics, autonomous vehicles, and blockchain”. Denne konstellation af begreber peger direkte i transhumanistisk og singularistisk retning. ~ TAR


"Lige om lidt indfører Mærsk vaccine-krav. Altså krav om, at ansatte skal tvinges til at tage de nødgodkendte, eksperimentelle injektioner, der for manges vedkommende har katastrofale bivirkninger. Hvorfor hører vi stort set intet om følgevirkningerne i pressen?." ~ newspeek

"Ikkevaccinerede fylder stuerne på lungeafdelinger og TV2 FNYS NEWS sender skrækindjagende billeder fra Hvidovre Hospitals lungeafdeling er presset til det yderste, siger de. Lidt a la når Danmarks Indsamling sender billeder af børn alvorligt akut underernærede verden over. Det virker så sindssyg godt, og er så angstprovokerende, at forældre er STORMET ind med Deres babybørn og unge, og der nu først er tid til vaccination af 5 - 11 år den 7. December 2021, ifølge DR P4." ~ SoTW

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: Superadvanced SSP-Med-Beds is NOT coming! That's a bummer!) Are the Secret Space Program Med Beds Coming? | New Earth Insights ~ | Blogger: It's (kinda) depression story, but listen to what he has to say... SoTW thinks, that Med Beds WILL come out, but in what "format" I have no idea.. Is, Brad, basically telling us all, that the "active" nurse (Vibrational Healing Mentor in the SSP) called "Skye Prince" and the new telegram (Skye's Med Bed Room) is a liar and victims from MK-ULTRA & Montauk Project?. A form of brainwashing, trauma, milabs (which stands for military abductions), and covert harassment; all of which she and others had to endure their entire life as a product of Project Surrogate and Ultra MK Milab Super Soldier experimentation???... Noooo.... What about the testimony of Corey Goode, Randy Cramer pseudonym "Captain Kaye," or Dr. Salla's source, "JP"?. What about intel on Med Beds from Elena Danaan, Megan Rose, Alex Collier, Tarot by Janine, Michael Jaco, Jared Rand, James Rink, Kimberly L, Jenny Lee, Billy Falcon, Simon Parkes, Juan O' Savin & David Nino Rodriguez and Dr. Charlie Ward??... no, no, no... take a chill pill, SoTW... What Brad is saying is, that Earthlings living on Mother GAIA, will NOT in the "nearest future" have access to the "same" superadvanced technology that SSP has created for Med Beds in SPACE, Brad, has a good point. IF, let's say the Elites, The Ruling Families or Ruling Houses (our Controllers), on Earth, would have used this kind of superadvanced tech, what then? Making them 20 years younger and illness free, forever (Brad - have you heard of Clone programs?)... A bit more disturbing, lack of a better wordings, is when Brad in the last section of this short video, talks about Humanity, with their own authority, has NEVER been able to leave our star system. Buuutt, Brad is saying, it is true, refereeing to the "intergalactic slave system" and "some" humans from Earth, have been abducted and installed on different planets etc.. Wow!... |

"What I understand; Secret Space Programs Med Beds = Holographic Medical Pods, Tachyon Energy / Plasma Energy, Quantum Healing Therapy, Bio Healing Technology, has many, many names and functions, capabilities and blue print" ~ SoTW 

According to Jared Rand; (3) types of Med Beds: (1) Holographic Med Beds; (2) Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, that’s powered by a different source; (3) Re-atomization Med Beds that in about two-and-half to three minutes will regenerate the whole human body, head to toe." 

PS: (SoTW) Cobra RM Tachyon Healing Chambers (THC) is NOT a Med Bed, either. I know in details and have been inside many time in Denmark. PSS: A cool place to start is James Rink's supersoldiertalk. I had a good American friend of SoTW, Patrice, who told me once about it, now dead of cancer. I have lost 5 friends, last few years to cancer, so, so, so sad. At least, my Danish holistic ND and SoTW, saved ONE, from Bank of Nordea leader staff, from the cancer dead... |

In this excerpt, Brad Johnson speaks on the rumors of the Secret Space Program med-beds and if they will be unveiling in our near future + Brad speaks more on revealing further insight on the Secret Space Program in general.