Mar 10, 2022
👩🚀🚀🌌 ~ (“Semper Supra” - “Always Above”) Were US Special Forces trapped in Ukraine Space Ark Now Controlled by Russia? (Dr. Salla) ~ | Blogger: Insane, unfathomable, impossible theory? Well, perhaps! Haim Eshed, former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it! A "galactic federation" has been waiting for humans to "reach a stage where we will understand, what space and spaceships are, Hamin has said! Sooo, you have to ask yourself, why have highly trained, credible people have found themselves involved in multiple witness reports and having an interaction with some kind of intelligence that is, literally, out of this world. We have had 70-80 years of censorship and coverup, social engineering at its best with experts that are either completely ignorant or deceptive when it comes to UFOs, the Moon, Mars and the rest of the Universe. David Wilcock, in one of the conferences SoTW went to, he mentions; 'there is a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars.'.. After watching this video, I'm wondering, if all the monoliths that pops up now and then, one in California and elsewhere, after finds in Utah, Romania, are interconnected to the space arks, somehow.. As always, use your spiritual discernment... |
'All the space arks are being activated and form an integrated network that will eventually float into the sky in what will amount to a global disclosure event. Before that happens, the fleet of Intergalactic Federation from Jupiter will come closer to Earth...' ~ JP & Salla
In this interview my long time source JP, who currently serves with the US Army, explains that an ovoid shaped space ark under the Ukraine desert (Oleshky Sands) near the city of Kherson has been taken over by the Russian army. JP says that a team of US special forces were sent on a covert mission to the Ark, prior to the invasion, and went missing.
The Ark possesses exotic plant life and the Russian military also seeks to control another smaller space ark located near the city of Kiev according to what JP heard in a classified briefing. He says that Russia already possesses a space ark in its own territory which possesses exotic technology. JP says that Russia is denying the US access to the space arks under its control in order to gain concessions on US geopolitical policies.
JP describes another space ark in central Brazil (Caldas Novas) and says that all the space arks are being activated and form an integrated network that will eventually float into the sky in what will amount to a global disclosure event. He says that the arks and the extraterrestrial fleet connected to them represent a benign force and will help humanity enter a new golden age.
Note: Just prior to the release of this interview, JP informed me that the US special team had been found and had safely left Ukraine.
🙏 ~ 💝 (Frimurernes delight & Transhumanisternes trans-gender-agenda i fuld forårsflor) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Du skal bare blande dig udenom, hvem og hvad, vi, støtter SoTW! Selvfølgelig, skal jeg det, men derfor kan jeg godt trække linjerne op, så andre, kan vurdere, om det, de støtter, er sundt for sjæl, krop og sindet!. Det er især, synd, for alle de børn, hvis forældre, hjernevasker dem til at tro, at eks. vis. Trump med tissehår og Putin sammenlignes med Hitler, er verdens farligste mennesker, uden at sætte sig ind, hvad de gør for menneskeheden. Putin vil 'afnazificere' Ukraine, men ingen tør tro på manden, med leen. Jeg har været JFK21'er, indtil jeg fandt ud af, hvad der gemmer sig bag Mads Palsvig's Ego (vrede aura). Derfor, kan jeg godt støtte, enkelte ting, som JFK21, står for! Det ligesom, (manden) som gemmer sig bag den spirituelle globale Cobra 250K plejadernes modstandsbevægelse. Har set med egne øjne hvad han gør med sine følgere! Ligesom jeg heller ej, altid, er enig med Simon Parkes og de 100K CC medlemmer og spirituelle bevægelse eller min gamle Reiki-mester, for den sagsskyld! Mit motto er og har altid været; Tag kun det indenbords, der resonerer med dit eget indre trossystem og lad alt andet udeblive, indtil du er klar til, at konsumere, mere! Når jeg ikke forstår ting og sager, så sidder jeg ikke derhjemme og glor og drager konklusioner ud fra min sølvpapirshat, men tager vandrestøvlerne på (nærmere rejsekasket, cykel eller løbesko) og gør, en forskel. Fordi jeg, måske har mere tid på hænderne, så oplever jeg nok, lidt mere, end andre medmennesker! Når man (tør) at befrie sig, fra sit ego, underbevidsthedens forsvarsmekanismer og healer sine gamle traumer, kan man begynde processen, mod ægte Ascension, ikke før! For, at blive en Løvehan eller Alphahun, skal Du se Frygten i øjnene! Kilden til al skabelse er ren bevidsthed ... ubegrænsede muligheder, som søger at udtrykke sig det umanifesterede til det manifesterede. Og når vi erkender, at vores sande Selv er ubegrænsede muligheder, bringer vi os i overensstemmelse med den kraft, som manifesterer alt i universet... |
📯😮💨 ~ (Up next: Global food crisis, Internet and Bank black out?) Stage Two Of Mass Psychosis TAKING HOLD (TheCovidWorld) ~ | Blogger: [👉Russian govt Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova, told the United States on Wednesday, “We have found your biological weapons!” - meaning: The Russians obtained the Deep State’s biological weapons.👈] .. (SoTW outside this report) - All due condolences to the innocent Ukrainians and Russians suffering this conflict, but I just can't view this event as being isolated from the primary Globalist project of this century - the Dark Alliance Agenda for the 21st Century or part of the 'GREAT RESET' or Earth Alliance 'GREATER RESET'?... 💫THINGS WE KNOW IN PUBLIC💫... 🤜Russia eyes sanctions workarounds in energy, gold, crypto... 🤜Right now, global food giants to stop advertising and investing in Russia. Every single major global enterprise are forced closing business with Russia or face the RAGE from public eye or Cabal countries. EXCEPTION is Maersk Shipping company (the company rumored conducted human trafficking) ... 🤜We can ascertain, since Russo-Ukraine (special operations) started, and they found all biolabs, big mafia's hideouts and some of the Chernobyl's 190 metric tons of uranium, that we are in a major Cabal WAR!... 🤜Secretly, Denmark, is already at war with Russia, like many other (Cabal) countries. PM on the way to Poland to visit Danish NATO soldiers and NATO Headquarters Multinational Corps North East... 🤜Inflation rate, hits highest level since 1982 as CPI spiked 7%... 🤜Petrol at fresh record as oil and gas prices soar... 🤜Venezuela defend their oil from Biden... 🤜Biden just put out an executive order on cryptocurrencies. Russia then joins Chinas global payment system, possible gold-backed Ruble and preparing to close western Internet... ✨THINGS WE DONT KNOW IN PUBLIC✨... 🤜US and world citizens continue to raise money for Ukraine people and make sure it goes to the people, not the Government... 🤜DC Truckers close in on DC - Washington, deserted, could DC's secret tunnels be in use for safety reasons?... 🤜Pfizer files form 25 delisting from NYC STOCK EXCHANGE... 🤜We know many foreign drugs companies located in Kiev, Ukraine. Just like many Ireland’s status as tax haven for tech firms like Google, Facebook, and Apple is ending... 🤜Pfizer and Moderna have admitted in federal submissions that their mRNA injections are genetic therapy... 🤜Its confirmed, that Ukrainian soldier filmed by resident laying a bottle of incendiary explosive on a kid’s playground to organize a false flag on peaceful targets... 🤜Russia says claim it bombed children's hospital is 'fake news'... 🤜Bibi has Covid! Q says saving Israel for last... 🤜A worldwide Blackout was part of the US Space Force Trump Card. It should be a quick change over to Tesla Free Energy to provide power for the Emergency Broadcast System. The Blackout would be followed by Ten Days of Disclosure: 3 x 8hr Movies running 24/7 for 10 days in many languages... |
Sanity is the antidote to psychosis. Flex yours!!
The COVID World post date: March 8th, 2022
By Dylan Charles
It wasn’t but a week ago that our future looked brighter than it had in the last two years. The mandates were lifting and science was finally switching teams to join the side of rationality.
But now, within just a few short days, all of those armchair virology experts, who told you that your healthy, un-vaccinated body is a deadly threat to those who double mask and have already taken 3-4 doses of the experimental jab, have just become overnight experts in foreign policy and the mind of Vladimir Putin. Too bad they won’t be becoming experts in history as well.
I won’t comment much on the fact that the fervor being whipped up around Ukraine is ominously duplicitous and phony, because when you look at how people have reacted, or NOT-reacted, to the ongoing genocide in Yemen, the devastation of Libya and Syria, and the catastrophic occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, you see that public zeal only flows where mainstream media goes. (Disclaimer: My firm position is that the Ukraine invasion is terrible, cruel, evil, insane, heartbreaking, depressing, and worse, but that’s because I’m experienced at being anti-war and at recoiling at the actions of the state… whichever state.)
For anyone who refuses to let said mainstream media live rent-free in their mind, it’s easier than ever to see just how little original, critical thought takes place between the ears of the average Joe CNN watcher. It’s called mind control, and the chief symptom is parroting ideas that aren’t yours about issues that don’t concern you. It’s cultish. And often psychotic.
Now, psychosis in an individual is an interesting thing to witness.