Jun 27, 2019

🙏Verdensalt | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🕊️The LIGHT is coming!. The TRUTH is coming! Pure LOVE is coming! NOTHING can stop what is coming ~ TruthEarthOrg🥰] ... |

💥 TheSun | ~ ‘YOU WILL BURN’ Sick ISIS supporters threaten to bomb London and New York and attack a plane in chilling terror posters ~ | Blogger: [🤜JUST IN : 2 wounded in shooting outside mosque in Brest, northwestern France🤛] ... {Fear & War Profiteering is Cabal's BIGGEST scheme} ... (verdensalt) -- PREPARE yourselves for a MAJOR False Flag attack on July 4th, 2019 (or close to this date) ??? - Declaration of Independence of the United States on July 4, 1776... SINCE google & social media has nuked an entire generation, as David Wilcock claimed and 4 ISIS members ‘en route to US’ via Mexico arrested, with recent FBI, arrested an ISIS supporter who was allegedly planning to bomb a church... Cabal with their "rent-a-politicians" and intelligence apparatus are cooking something up, my gut feeling are telling me, POTUS, will deliver a speech, a groundbreaking start to entering the Golden Age of RV, or something similar (the start of gold-backed cabal-free global financial system - new [quantum] financial system QFS). However, he could be reflected back by the old classic, execution-style ritual sacrifice known as the JFK "killing of the King" and say NOTHING of importance ... YOU must understand, Cabal needs WARS, in order to survive... 📉PS: (G20 - History made: US national debt tops $22 trillion) -- Trump now attacks India over tariffs, blasts Europe & warns China is 'ripe' for new tariffs and suggests Vietnam in line, and with Canada stocks-tsx falls as trump's tariff threats roil global markets... Sooooo the "TRADE-WARS" has escalated to the point of no return... |


🍿Operationdisclosure | ~ ShadowSuper Exopolitical Intel Report ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... |

ShadowSuper Exopolitical Intel Report - June 26, 2019

Operation Disclosure | By ShadowSuper

The Earth Alliance had a confrontation with the Cabal near Killarney, Ireland on Tuesday, 25th of June, 2019.

The Earth Alliance responded to unusual activity near Tomies Mountain in the Gap of Dunloe, County Kerry, when they were ambushed by over 200 Cabalist mercenaries who attempted to fire a HAARP inteferometer at them from a distance.

A firefight ensued and during the melee, the Cabal accidentally fired the HAARP weapon at the clouds in the sky just over Killarney. This resulted in an instant massive violent thunderstorm which caused pandemonium in the immediate area. Tourists running for cover, mass flooding, and shops closing thinking it was the end of the world.


The Cabalists were apprehended by the Earth Alliance at McSorleys Irish pub in Killarney, disguised as tourists and were transported to a nearby detention center.

The interrogated Cabalists revealed more operations were still being run in Ireland to distract the Earth Alliance from the Zimbabwe revaluation which is stubbornly pushing the dates for the RV out more.

Now that the Earth Alliance know the Cabal's desperate plan, they will work to minimize any attempt by the Cabal to delay the Zim revaluation.

More info as it arrives.


💊 Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | ~ Nu, hvor vi snakker Influenza, placeboeffekt eller livsstilssygdomme - det er næsten som at tage hverdags makeup på og af igen - måske finder du opskriften på hvordan du helbreder dig selv - udenom Sundheds- styrelsens propaganda ~ | Blogger: [💲💲💲 Jeg kunne tjene millioner af kroner, men på min blog, er de dyre råd - helt gratis!!!.💖 ] ... ⇛ Postevand ⇛ NATRON (Bikarb- onat) ⇛ Naturlige svovlkilde (MSM) ⇛ Kolloid Sølv ("sølvvand") ⇛ Øko ingefær og citron ⇛ Uraffineret koldpresset økologisk jomfru kokosolie ⇛ den 'korrekte' Vitaminpille med bl.a. antioxidanter (Omnimin Pure) ⇛ Boron/Borax (kemisk formel 'mest kendt som' - Na2B4O7 · 10H2O) og jeg kunne blive ved og ved .. og du skal ALDRIG indtage konventionel medicin igen. 💞 Efter laaaang sej argumen- tation og overbevisning tog min egen far endelig ansvar og handling, droppede det fup-kolesterolsænkende medicin, hjertepiller og alt andet crap han indtog💞. Da jeg sagde til ham, med min holistiske tilgang og naturlæges indflydelse, at han lugtede meget slemt ud af munden fra metallisk gasart (lugt af rådne æg). Vi vidste, at det var binyrertræhed-svækkede binyrer og svækkelse af meridianbanerne og det var meget slemt. Sagde til min gamle far, enten dør du før tid, ellers gør du noget ved sagen. Han har det perfekt den dag i dag, uden konventionel medicin (bortset fra lidt traumatiske ting fra barndommen, som han stadig nægter at gøre noget ved)... LÆS VIDERE ... |

Forskellige søgninger på Verdensalt: 

Søg selv og du vil finde.... 

Udgivet, første gang, den 20. December 2018 af Verdensalt.dk

🌈 Mange danskere indtager æteriske olier samt homøopatiske medikamenter, hvorfor ikke gør det endnu mere simpelt. 

☝️ Mange kender ikke til hvilken æteriske olier som er højfrekvente eller hvad PPM står for, eller toksikologiske grundprincipper og begreber!.. 

👉 Start med at benytte dig af (nogle) disse prisbillige, tilgængelige, simple husmandsråd og jeg garantere dig, en 90 % aflivning af uønskede parasitter, bakterier, vira og svamp (fra candidasvampen til kræft) i din krop. 

💲💲💲 Jeg kunne tjene millioner af kroner, men på min blog, er de dyre råd - helt gratis!!!.💖 

(PS: har masser af uddybende artikler om MSM, Boron, Kolloid Sølv osv. check søgemaskinen) ... 

Du behøver ikke en Hotline, detaljeret forklaringer findes på min blog (vedlægger søgning) ... Som jeg altid plejer at sige; Detox dit hjerte .. Detox din hjerne .. Detox din krop .. Detox er ikke kun til udrensning - det er meget vigtigt her!! Det kan betragtes som en spirituel terapi-form - en daglig aflivning af parasitter, vira og svamp og et totalt stop for kræftens udbredelse... 

[👨‍🔬Nikola Tesla — 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.'👨‍🔬].. 

Disse nævnte produkter holder dig ikke kun i live, men stabilisere / regenerere dine indre organer, opretholder strukturen i kroppens proteiner og dræber uønskede vira og bakterier. Første RÅD som også er det vigtigste - Drik rigelige mængder af vand, men KUN postevand fra din egen vandhane (rens evt. vandet med dine positive tanker - affirmations og bekræftelser der virker) .. Drop alt flaskevand, sodavand eller andet med brus (din lever kan kun flushe og rense med rent postevand), evt. supplere med vandfilter, ioniseringsapparater for slippe for forurenet fluorstoffer og mikroplastik, dog skal Kolloid Sølv nok klare skærene uden vandfilter. 

Der er KUN en ting som kan holde dig tilbage, din 😱 FRYGT! 😱 

🤑 Finanswatch | Arkviskabet | ~ Prominent bankformand lukker i om krisen: "Det er stadig et meget følelsesladet spørgsmål" ~ | Blogger: [💸Mens udlandet sælger ud af Danske Bank-aktien, og daværende bestyrelsesformand og storaktionær, juraprofessor Erik Werlauff, har fået mundkurv på, går Roskilde Bank's Niels Valentin Hansen, frit rundt, som INTET var hændt, med en KÆMPE pose penge, i kones navn💰] ... (Dokumentkaos mulig årsag til frifindelse i Roskilde Bank-sag) ... "too big to fail" 😱😱😱 Føj for en indre svinehund. De djævelske hunde, siger jeg bare - og undskyld min bramfri ekspertise. Jeg tror på ”karma”- loven. Jeg tror på, at det vi gør mod andre - det vender tilbage med dobbelt styrke. At alle vores ord og vores handlinger vendes mod os selv.. Statens forlængede arm, Finansiel Stabilitet (Satans skraldespand), er jo pilråddent.. ”Rothchild-imperalisterne og dens europæiske allierede” - retsstaten og de trofaste embedsværkets-politihunde i tjenesten, kvæler alt demokratisk styring og retfærdighed. Ligesom med de danske mediehuse, og deres journalist-bordeller, har retsstaten, lagt sin klamme hånd i form af tyk røg af beskyttede på bankerne, som baber på fars vandpibe. Hvorfor går Roskilde Bank fri? Hvad med Amagerbanken, Capinordic Bank, Ebh Bank mange sager, Løkken Sparekasse, Andelskassen JAK i Slagelse???... |

(ARKIV) Tidligere direktør i Roskilde Bank Niels Valentin Hansen forlader retten på Fremtidsvej i Sønderborg den 11. april 2016. Østre Landsret finder ikke, at den tidligere ledelse og revision i Roskilde Bank er ansvarlige for de tab, banken led, da den kollapsede under finanskrisen..
LÆS VIDERE: https://www.business.dk/finans/dokumentkaos-mulig-aarsag-til-frifindelse-i-roskilde-bank-sag


Roskilde Bank-boss: Jeg har ikke gjort noget forkert.  

Tidligere bankdirektør Niels Valentin Hansen som flere andre fra Roskilde Banks tidligere ledelse overført formuen til sin ægtefælle. Dermed bliver pengene ikke del af en eventuel erstatning på en milliard kroner.

Berlingske -- Roskilde Bank-boss: Jeg har ikke gjort noget forkert .... 

Udgivet, første gang, den 30. December 2018 af Verdensalt.dk

Valentin laver ny konefinte..tidligere direktør i Roskilde Bank, Niels Valentin Hansen har købt et nyt rækkehus i Vimmelev uden for Roskilde, mens skødet, står i hans kones navn, som eneejer af det 121 kvm store rækkehus....

Tidligere næstformand har også overdraget sin formue til sin kone..

Interne papirer giver indtryk af et morads og mangelfuld kontrol - "byggelån benyttes til betaling af terminer, ejendomsskatter, revisorregninger, restskatter, biler, hundens, konens og elskerindens underhold og en lang række andre forhold, som er byggeriet aldeles uvedkommende"... 

PS: Rygterne går også på den tidligere direktør i Roskilde Bank, Niels Valentin Hansens kone (Hanne) har været indlagt på psykiatrisk afdeling grundet stress, mens Niels Valentin Hansen ikke kan går uden tilråbt og det der er værre i Roskilde bymidte.. (rygter verdensalt har modtaget)

Der er en del mennesker som også har mistet hele deres formue .... yderligere får fire bestyrelsesmedlemmer i Roskilde Bank, fri proces. Så uanset hvad det ender med i denne civilretssag, er der ingen som kan sættes i fængsel, straffes eller kommer af med nogen penge....

Er det fair?

🤑 TV2 FNYS NEWS | ~ Staten har brugt halv milliard på sager mod bankbosser ~ | Blogger: [🤣I virkeligheden, hylende morsom, men også super deprimerende. Pilrådden Rothschild retsstat samt Finansministerium, føles som politisk manipu- lation - grænsende til det korruperede i metode👎] ... {ALTSÅ, Staten får 225 + 89 mio. kr. IND. UD går 500 mio. kr. = et minus på 186 mio. kr. af skatteborgers penge} ... Blev ellers så begejstret over nyheden om, at ledelsen i Amagerbanken, skal betale 225 millioner kroner, for deres rolle i forbindelse med udlån, der gik forud for bankens konkurs, men til STATEN!? Altså, det var Finansiel Stabilitet, der lagde sag an mod de 11 tidligere medlemmer af bankens ledelse og nu har de VUNDET i Østre Landsret, der omstøder en dom fra 2017, hvor den tidligere ledelse blev frikendt 🤔HVORFOR, skal de 454 aktionærer, der kastede 30,5 mio. kr. efter Amagerbanken, ikke have Deres penge tilbage, eftersom de table i retten i 2018? De tidligere aktionærer havde lagt sag an mod Finanstilsynet og Finansiel Stabilitet, men TABTE sagen ved Østre Landsret... I starten af året stadfæstede Højesteret en dom vedrørende tre tidligere chefer i Capinordic Bank, der gik konkurs i starten af 2010. De blev dømt til at betale 89 millioner kroner i erstatning... I november 2017 frikendte Østre Landsret den tidligere ledelse i Roskilde Bank i en anden sag om erstatningskrav efter konkurs. Finansiel Stabilitet har dog anket Landsrettens afgørelse til Højesteret... HVAD MED ALLE de stakkels mennesker, som tabte HELE formuer på disse bank-krak??? Amagerbankens krak i 2011 betød at bankens kreditorer tabte 3,8 mia. kr. Heraf har staten tabt 2,1 mia. kr... Omkring 17.000 privatkunder i den tidligere Roskilde Bank er tilbudt erstatning fra Finansiel Stabilitet i 2014, men under SÆRLIGE omstændigheder... DEN, der griner allermest er, Niels Valentin Hansen... 🛑PS: "Hvornår er der et mandfolk, der stopper Finansiel Stabilitets enorme forbrug af statslige midler, har advokat Mogens Gaarden spurgt"... TROR du SELV på, at Nicolai Wammen, der ligner den kommende finansminister, laver tingene om i Finansministeriet og alt bliver fryd og gammen??...😂 NEJ, kære folkens, det bliver blot værre. Socialakrobaterne er SUPER gode til at bruge flere penge, og den nye rød bloks aftale er ufinansieret og ukonkret... DER ER INGEN ny aftale om særskat på banker... ALTSÅ ingen særskat på banksektoren... |

Det var en gruppe ordknappe advokater, der forlod retten i Lyngby efter frifindelse af Amagerbankens ledelse


✨ RT | ~ The golden asteroid that could make everyone on Earth a billionaire ~ | .. The massive quantities of gold, iron and nickel contained in this asteroid are mind-blowing. The discovery has been made. Now, it’s a question of proving it up .. | Blogger: [☄️The 21st-Century Gold Rush - Asteroid Worth $700 Quintillion In Precious Heavy Metals⛏️] ... {2012 : Asteroid mining venture backed by Google Execs, James Cameron, SpaceX or Virgin Galactic, Luxembourg, Russia - Deep Space Industries. The new Planetary Resources group backed by Silicon Valley billionaires and Hollywood moguls is now betting on the fact that there is big money in mining space rocks} ... ✋PS: Excuuuuuuse me... We're getting serious about mining asteroids and making the leap from science fiction novels and into corporate boardrooms as new technologies bring the idea within reach. Absolutely! But, don't you think we haven't already been there, done that! (SSP earthly military contractors - whatever)... Just for argument's sake let's say there was something out there, 70 years of Secret Space Programs exist and a Solar Warden Armada (Breakaway Civilization) exploring multiverses mining asteroids and secret Mars colonies trade with up to 900 extraterrestrial civilizations, we wouldn't have this conversation about STARTING UP THINKING about that asteroid mining, is human possible in 2019!???... |


🥵 StrangeSounds | ~ Hell is coming: Potentially historic and deadly heat wave to roast Europe from Wednesday through Friday ~ | .. After India, the European heatwave is expected to peak between Wednesday and Friday, when a swath from Spain to Poland is expected to see temperatures at least 20 to 30 °F (11 to 17 °C) above normal .. |


♋ Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | ~ 🌟 July Predictions and Spiritual Insights 💜 ~ | .. This is a month of intense feelings with a lack of direction. Feelings are out of sorts and there is much confusion. People are unusually emotional about getting their points across. There is a sense of confusion about what we are feeling and communications seem to become misunderstood or misread. Mars is debilitated in Cancer therefore our drive and energy seem to be low .. | Blogger: [👉"Predictions : Technology problems, computer glitches and hacking are the focus of this month. The economy is on shaky ground with many ups and downs in real estate prices, gas and fuel prices will increase. August will bring earth changes meaning earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, severe weather, storms and hurricanes. February 8-March 21, 2020 time period is astrologically most like the day of September 11, 2001, when Mars and Ketu were together 18 ½ years ago. Trade wars, oil and gas prices, and the situation with Iran may seem small now but this is only the beginning" ~ Joni Patry👈] .. |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

Spiritual Insights July 2019 

This is a month of intense feelings with a lack of direction. Feelings are out of sorts and there is much confusion, particularly because Mercury is retrograde for most of the month with Mars in Cancer. People are unusually emotional about getting their points across. There is a sense of confusion about what we are feeling and communications seem to become misunderstood or misread. Mars is debilitated in Cancer therefore our drive and energy seem to be low.

I get a sense that there is a lack of meaning and purpose in our lives and to remedy this is to fine-tune our intentions. To clarify our true intentions will activate our purpose. If you feel unclear about what you want, or if people are not understanding you, it is because you are not clear on your intentions. Your actions and words must be aligned with your intentions to have others understand you and to manifest your goals.

So many people are haphazard about their lives, never really focusing on what they truly want. They live their lives in confusion changing their mind daily. Now that Mars and Mercury are in Cancer it is time to use the power of feeling and emotion to determine what you want to cultivate and manifest in your life. This will avoid the pitfalls this energy can bring about this month.

What is your intention behind your words and actions? What do you truly want to bring joy and happiness now? You can and will create your desires through focusing on your intentions. Using fire is the most powerful way you can fine-tune your intentions for manifestation. Remember fire is the symbol for power, as in Greek myth the gods were enraged when Prometheus gave fire to mankind. Fire is used in many rituals, lighting candles is a part of healing in churches, and don’t forget we always light a candle and make a wish on our birthdays. There is a reason why we use fire to empower our intentions.

Here is a very special exercise using the flame for manifesting your goals and aligning your spirit to find purpose. This is an excerpt from my book, Awaken to the Power within You.

Lighting Candles 

♋ Meg Benedicte | ~ 💗 Cancer Solar Eclipse - Mercury Retrograde 💕 ~ |

Since the Solstice on Friday, we are traveling the Gateway corridor into two eclipses and 8-8 Lionsgate. This year’s gateway activations are preparing us for the 2020 Ascension astrology. The world is accelerating towards a massive dimensional shift.

On Tuesday, July 2nd we enter the eclipse gateway with a Total Solar Eclipse at 10° Cancer. Cancer is a water sign that represents the emotional body and intense feelings. Eclipses complete what no longer serves our highest good and open doors to new beginnings. The positive astrology of the Cancer Solar Eclipse enhances family, socializing and connecting with others.

The Cancer eclipse reminds us to embrace Divine Mother’s unconditional Love and peaceful existence – there is no tolerance for cruelty or abuse. We all are Divine Mother’s children. Occurring on the North/South Nodes emphasize the dramatic impact these eclipses have on personal and planetary consciousness. The Cancer North Node Eclipse illuminates what we aspire to be!

The two eclipses in July on the Cancer-Capricorn axis highlight parental/ancestral issues and developing personal accountability. It also reveals how feminine (Cancer) and masculine (Capricorn) roles, structures, beliefs and behaviors are being challenged. Traditional gender patterning and programming are being pulled apart, opening space for more fluid expression. The cosmos continue to dissolve rigid polarized belief systems, making room for embodied Oneness of feminine/masculine energies.

👊 Destroying the Illusion | ~ Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief (Given April 10th, 2019) ~ | Blogger: A-must-see... 🙈🙉🙊... |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

♾️ Edge of Wonder | ~ Alien Lord Ashtar & the Ashtar Command: Real or Created for Control? ~ | Blogger: [🦸"The Ashtar Command is the airborne division of the Great Brother/Sisterhood of Light, under the administrative direction of Commander Ashtar and the spiritual guidance of Lord Sananda, know to Earth as Jesus, or the Christ, our Commander-in-Chief" ~ bibliotecapleyades🌌] ... (verdensalt) DID President Eisenhower met with representatives of the Pleiadians and of the Ashtar Command at Edwards air force base, February 20th, 1954, to pierce the quarantine, created at that time?... |

Many people talk about this being called Lord #Ashtar and the Ashtar Command who is said to have many spaceships watching and protecting over earth. Also in part 1 we learned that the Ashtar Command was behind the hacking of the 1977 Southern Television broadcast with the purpose to send a warning to the people of earth.

But is he a real extraterrestrial sent here to protect the human race or something created by a man hoping to spread his own #UFO religion? Or was this actually something created by the Deep State? 
But if it was then why would the Deep State focus on a message of peace and disarming of nuclear weapons? 

In this episode we will cover more on who Lord Ashtar is, if he is real, or if it was created for another layer of control.

👁️ Black Pigeon Speaks | ~ Google's Censorious Urges are Playing a VERY DANGEROUS Game ~ | Blogger: [🤫(CENSORED) Project Veritas : "Insidr Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam"🤐] ... |

Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent "Trump situation" in 2020 on Hidden Cam from Project Veritas on Vimeo.

⚖️ TheFreeThoughtProject | ~ Disgraced Vice President of Walt Disney Convicted of Child Rape, Gets 6 Years ~ | .. Laney will also have to serve an additional 120 months of probation after prison, pay a $4,000 fine, and register as a sex offender .. |

The disgraced top executive at Disney has been convicted and sentenced to nearly seven years in prison on multiple counts of sexually abusing children.