Apr 18, 2024

🐉0️⃣🕳️ (The Old Stock Exchange becomes Ground Zero) The former owner or as commissioned by Christian the 4th king of Denmark's building "Børsen", was gutted by the blaze. The ruling King of Denmark and Norway and Duke of Holstein and Schleswig from 1588 until his death in 1648. Together with the iconic dragon-tail spire that had protected the building from fire in 400 years ~ Apr 18, 2024 ~ |

Walls collapse at Copenhagen's blaze-hit Old Stock Exchange

SoTW is still wondering about the (special) presence of the army boots on ground.

The true hero's are the firemen and helpers but it was for nothing (unless they are part of the plot - if any). 

Today, it became Ground Zero (“nulpunktet”)  after main parts of the burnt-out outer wall of the Stock Exchange collapsed at 5:00 PM or 17:00 CET.

15 minutes before PM of Denmark who's a member of Christian The Fourth´s Guild was to inspect the building. What are the odds of that? 

CHR4LAUG is one of the largest (Freemason Guilds) in Scandinavia with 25 - 30.000 members (maybe Europes biggest) from all over the world. 

Some says it's gonna be the end of the cabals stock markets manipulation (silver and you name it) that has been rigged to protect the fiat dollar since 1611 when the Amsterdam stock exchange was created (the United States has had a fiat currency for less than 50 years)... |

SoTW - Notre Dame Cathedral Burning False Flag
He was married to Kathy Lynette Steele. He died on 30 August 2021 in Florida, USA

🙃🔄🥴 (I didn't see that coming normie-news) OMG. Could've sworn it wasn't judgment day. Ain't nothing gonna break my stride ~ Apr 18, 2024 ~ |

Insurers claim ‘government’ could have sabotaged Nord Stream

SoTW - Why banks are closing so many branches
US Bank closes ten branches in a single week while Bank of America shuts three
Royal Bank of Scotland to close a fifth of branches - BBC News

SoTW (the title Von is a German elite title)

👁️⃤𓂀🧙🏻‍♀️🔥🧙 (Trolddomsforordning og brutale hekseafbrændinger) Børsen's ejer Christian IV og 400 årige virke som varebørs, fondsbørs og satans håndlanger, er FÆRDIG. Det har DeHvideHatte, sørget for (min teori) ~ 18. April 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Tak til Sara for at dele dette info med verdensalt.dk
1.000 danskere blev brændt på bålet

Alle brugte sort magi, indtil Djævlen kom forbi. Alle medier og historikere har en 'fortælling om', at Kongen, ikke brændte hekse af, fordi han var ond. Han gjorde det sådan set, fordi han (troede, at han) var god... Joe-the-Moe Beijing-Biden hævder, at 'kannibaler' spiste hans onkel? Øøøøh, lader den lige står og hænge i luften, et øjeblik... 

Editor's Note
: Der er vel en grund til, at Herlufsholms trolde-hemmeligheder (andre eliteskoler) og deres rutinemæssige ritualer, bevares, siden det Herrens år 1516 og ind i næste, århundrede. Det samme gælder vel for Den Danske Frimurerorden eksistens siden 1743 m.fl. 

Det danske diktatur er verdens stærkeste og modbydeligste, sagde, Knud engang. Frimurerjægeren, Knud fra Retten Paa Vrangen, kaldte for; 'Verdens farligste organisation frimurerne, Rocker og mafia er rene søndagsskoler i sammen ligning, men frimurerne er hemmelige.' 

Sidder og kigger direkte over på Frederiksborg Slot hver dag hvor, Bilderberg-Uffe, Mason-Mandela samt Grevinde Alexandra, har deres våbenskjold. Min jyske ven og eks-frimurer, der var fast inventar i 11. år, under 6. loger heriblandt én Storloge samt 3. grader, inden MESTER-titelen, sagde til mig på SoTW; 'man er meget højt oppe i frimureriets hierarki og grader, når man får et våbenskjold.'  Alle, der modtager Danmarks fineste orden, Elefantordenen, eller Storkorset af Dannebrogsordenen, får malet et våbenskjold, der hører til ordenen.

Løber tit i Fredensborg Slotshave, i en by, hvor jeg også har boet, som DDFO-Daisy er flyttet til og snart, KongefamilienHar desuden boet tæt på Christian Den Fjerdes Laug i AAL som har direkte forbindelse til DDFO HQ iflg. Peer Brændgaard. Og der, hvor Chabad Miriam-Mette og alle royale medlemmer (Ashkenazi loge-affald) samt 25K + borgere er blevet indviet. Oldermanden først og som en slangeritual der bugter sig i de ålborgske gader. 

🆕🧘✨ (COBRA Situation Update) SoTW; well, speak of the sun or mention the wolf, and fetch the rod/stick? ~ Apr 18, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note:  In the age of unchecked 'truther' millionaires/billionaires running conferences earning bling-bling fiat-money. Use your own spiritual discernment as always reading and trusting this kindy unvalidated special esoteric teachings (some of it that nobody else talks about)... | 

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Situation Update

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. After the African Illuminati and IBC networks were cleared, there is palpable relief in Africa:


A little more intel can now be safely released. In December 2023, the dark Atlantean network managed to open dark portals between this Solar system and other Universes, similar to what happened in 1996, but to a much lesser degree. They did that by detonating physical and etheric nuclear bombs in the Kuiper belt.

These dark portals allowed the influx of many Reptilian entities from other Universes into the Solar system, which were then immediately cleared as soon as they entered the Solar system itself:


The dark portals which allowed entry of Reptilian entities were completely closed by the Light forces on April 3rd, and from then on, entry of any dark entities into the Solar system from anywhere is simply not possible anymore. The only dark portals still active between our Solar system and other Universes allow a certain degree of inflow of subquantum anomaly into the Solar system. These portals will be closed down soon also.


🕯️😔🙏 (Another mysterious death - it can happen to all truthers) SoTW; What is so special in being anonymous? ~ Apr 18, 2024 ~ |


Editor's Note: Well, for one thing, my blog, verdensalt, do not get targeted by an AI algorithm on Cabal's (Lord Archons) SoME platforms and have 100K + followers. I'm fully aware what I post and what I do (as a spiritual intelligent being). I'm no threat to the inhumane and destructive intelligence communities and not famous for posting videos, commenting on anything or exposing my picture everywhere on the WWW.

Lastly I do protect myself on daily basis via Declare and Decrees and ask for the presence of the unconditional love with my Spiritual Guides, benevolent Light Beings and Divine Angels who live in the Celestial Kingdom. 

Yes I have been targeted by Direct Energy Weapons (or demon like malicious entities) when I went to specific UFO and Spiritual conferences in US and in particular was part of C.O.B.R.A. R.M. worldwide. After 2015 I was lucky to attend Rob Potters summer conference in Mt. Shasta, and I/we just knew back then, we were protected by Venusians after blessings from Omnec Onec - The Woman from Venus... |