Aug 23, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟"Archangel Michael Meditation for Protection, Inner Strength, & Raising Your Vibration." ~ Saratoga Ocean🌟] ... SoTW use Archangel Michael's Traveling Protection every single day: "Lord* Michael before, Lord Michael behind, Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left, Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below, Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go! I AM his love protecting here! I AM his love protecting here! I AM his love protecting here!" -- I AM a being of violet fire,. I AM the purity God desires-- |
🤩 ~ 🤍 Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 43, Solar Geostorm & Plasma From Space 🏳️ ~ | Blogger: [〰️ The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like verdensalt! (SoTW)〰️] ... "August 23 2020 08:00 UTC – The variations of the Resonance. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibrating higher and higher, just like us!" -- What!...the "vibrating" guys at the Italien site "disclosurenews" just stole my line at SoTW (The Earth is vibrating higher and higher)... Amazing seen it before, and it's great, because we are all ONE... The Truth of Oneness … There is NO You and Me... People who vibrate at the same frequency, vibrate toward each other (the law of attraction)... |
🧪💉☠️ ~ 💗 (Dr. Carrie Madej) "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Moderna Inc. Biotechnology company: Video is about the Matrix, Transhumanism, Nanotechnologies inside Next Gen Tech & DNA Altering or Genome Editing Vaccines. Then we have a Fast-Tracking Band-Aid Self Administer Vaccine Micro SnakeBits Called 'Microneedle Platform'. That is not all. Dr. Carrie Madej also talk about something called "Luciferase" the ID Branding. Next is DARPA's "Hydrogel" a Nano Robotic Material that can connect with A.I. & your Phone and Send and Receive Text Messages etc. etc.👈] ... and much, much more... Taking the next-gen military A.I. present nanotech Coronavaccine -- “THINK before you ACT"... This video and what Dr. Carrie Madej is discussing, is VERY SERIOUS stuff guys... PS: Moderna says more than 40% enrolled of the 13,194 participants in the ongoing late-stage 30,000-volunteer U.S. trial testing its Covid-19 vaccine candidate has been done. In a tweet, the company also said that 18% of the participants currently enrolled are Black, Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, groups among the hardest hit by the coronavirus virus pandemic... |
Source (Dr. Carrie Madej)
👨💻5️⃣🤖 ~ (SMART TECH) 5G/Blockchain/Fintech/Bots: Danmark har fået en ny techambassadør, et andet SMART-ord for en ikke politisk generet "it-minister". Tidligere hed det 'minister for offentlig innovation' (SoTW) ~| Blogger: [🦾Den 4. industrielle revolution: "Online Outsourcing", "Virtuelle Robotter", "SMART Machines", "Process- og softbots"🦿] ... Danmarks næste techambassadør hedder altså, Anne Marie Engtoft... Ud gik Casper Klynge fra Microsoft og Bill Gates imperalisterne, og ind kommer så en person fra en stilling i World Economic Forum, som vi er bekendte med, er et Rothschild foretagne og WEF, var desuden én af dem, der lagde strategien for EVENT 201, der simulerede et udbrud af en ny zoonotisk coronavirus, men lad det nu ligge... "Banksektoren" og "Robotindustrien" og andet godtfolk, fik en KÆMPE hjælpende håndsrækning siden Sophie Løhde blev ny minister for offentlig innovation. Det betød dengang, at Danmark, fik tildelt en "it-minister", for første gang i historien. Det betød også, den kommende digitaliseringen samt robotisering (A.I. - kunstig intelligens) af Danmark og især banksystemet, næsten er i hus. Med andre ord, Sophie Løhde stod i spidsen for ny teknologi, digitalisering, innovation og disruption. En minister som var tvungen ind i teknologibevægelsen »The Singularity« eller Singularity University (sponsorer som Google, NASA, Cisco og biotekgiganten Genentech) der henter inspiration fra NASA Ames Research Center i USAs tech-mekka Silicon Valley. Her finder de svarene på, hvordan vi overlever og skaber forretning i en fremtid befolket af selvflyvende droner, selvkørende biler, selvlærende robotter, biologiske 3D-print og kunstig intelligens. Noget der passer perfekt til finanssektorens strategi om simplificering, standardiserede it-systemer og global arbejdsdeling. Som skabt ud af lobbyisternes støbeform til danske Erhvervsvirksomheder, der satser 100% på Robotisering, Automatisering en Digitalisering... DEN NYE VIRKELIG består nu af digitale klasserum på Zoom, free seating på jobbet blev til hjemmetjans, Smart City, 5G, Mobil Tracking, ID2020 og digitaliseringsstyrelsen's teknologi-bevægelsen »The Singularity«... |
✖️🙅♂️🕴️ ~ Bill Gates says the coronavirus could kill millions of people who aren’t even infected (BGR) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Blame it on Russia, Trump and FREEDOM🤛] ... AAAAND... The head of the World Health Organization says he hopes the coronavirus pandemic will end in less than two years – less time than it took to stop the 1918 Spanish flu... |
Source (BGR)
- As work on a COVID-19 vaccine continues, Bill Gates believes the coronavirus could indirectly be responsible for millions of more deaths in the near future.
- Due to lockdowns and healthcare systems operating at close to full capacity, individuals in many countries have been unable to access non-coronavirus related medical care.
During the interview, Gates lamented the United States’ response to the coronavirus insofar that decisive action wasn’t taken sooner. [READ MORE]
💉💉💉 ~ YouGov & B.T.: 70 procent siger JA! 10 procent siger NEJ! 20 procent af danskerne er i TVIVL! ~ | Blogger: [🤜"Ifølge B.T. og YouGov vil et stort antal danskere vil sige ja til en ny coronavaccine – men nogle frygter bivirkninger🤛] ... {"Hvad er Sandhed andet end en Leven for en Idee" ~ Søren Kierkegaard citat} -- min fortolkning på verdensalt, er; Det, der er vigtigt for én, er ikke nødvendigvis vigtigt for andre. Citatet relaterer sig til det enkelte menneske, som i sit liv igennem forsøger at finde frem til noget, som er vigtigt og driver ham eller hende. Hvor nær ligger Mennesket ellers trods al sin Viden ved Galskab? Hvad er Sandhed andet end en Leven for en Idee? Og hvis det er, at besidde en trang eller ekshibitionistisk forestilling til, at kunne blive helbredt gennem troen og Leven for en Idee på at vores "autoriteter" kan redde os eller guide os, så vi kan få det bedre i livet, så er det vel det, man skal gøre!? Men hvis man stopper op og lytter til (ens indre) Sandhed, så kan det være, man skal ændre taktik, så det passer, med det 'enkelte menneske', der lever på en idé i den forstand, at der er noget, man synes, er vigtigt og værd at efterstræbe, og som man forsøger at bringe til virkelighed - og det kunne være, at sige nej tak til vacciner, for at forblive, raske... |
👼 ~ 💕 Programming for Peace (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"Take a deep breath. As we discussed last week, think of some person or situation in which you feel deep peace. Take a moment, shut your eyes, and deeply connect with the feeling of peace. Mentally say to yourself, "peace," and feel the feeling. Do this as often as you can. You are programming yourselves to feel peace, the minute you say or think the word. Now take another breath. Think of someone or something you love. Shut your eyes, feel the feelings of love until you are filled and then say to yourself, "love." You are programming yourself to feel love, the minute you say or think about the word. Once again breathe. Think of a time in your life when you felt joy, or imagine a fantasy in which you do feel joy. Exaggerate the feelings if you can, and then say to yourself, "joy." Each time you do this, you are programming yourself to feel joy." ~ Message from the Angels👈] ... |
by Ann Albers in Phoenix, AZ |
Peace, Love, Joy
(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Message from the Angels
Your words, in their best and most powerful usage, are symbols for the vibrations they represent. For example, when you say, "I love this," and you allow yourself to feel love, your words contain the vibration of love. When you say, "Peace be with you," and you feel the vibration of peace in your heart, your words share the very same. When you do not feel what you are saying, your words are vibrationally weak. When you take the time to speak with heart and feeling, your words can calm the storms.
Take a deep breath. As we discussed last week, think of some person or situation in which you feel deep peace. Take a moment, shut your eyes, and deeply connect with the feeling of peace. Mentally say to yourself, "peace," and feel the feeling. Do this as often as you can. You are programming yourselves to feel peace, the minute you say or think the word.
🤪😷🤦 ~ (Tryk den af L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+: Nu med mundbind og galgenhumor) Se billederne: Flere end 1000 samlet til Pride-parade i København (tv2lorry) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Velfærdsdemonstrationer: Statens / regeringens omstridte omprioriteringsbidrag... BUPL - normeringer i daginstitutionerne... Kvinders ligestilling.. Black Lives Matter Denmark... Klimaforandringer og så Gay pride - SÅ GÅR VI SGU PÅ GADEN🤛] ... STORTSET uden at bemærke, at de 15,000 spyttende og skrigende demonstranter med 1-2 cm afstand der først var på banen (UDEN mundbind) med bannere, hvor der stod; 'Black Lives Matter', 'Silence is violence' og 'Enough is enough', ikke anede at, GEORGE FLOYD, var et PSYOP. Et nøje omhyggelig planlagt komplot og iscenesat offentlig henrettelse for at udløse en race-krig. De selv samme mennesker (+/-), UDEN maske på, er nu udstyret MED maske på til Pride-parade på Nørrebro, uden at sige EN LYD og dermed falder alt til jorden, fordi, man har overgivet sig til myndighederne og mediernes FALSKE STEMME!... Tror måske "nogle" har fundet ud af, at den sidste shitstorm, der har skabt forvirring om, hvad Black Lives Matter Denmark er for en fisk og den korrumperede leder, Bwalya Sørensen, har skudt sig selv i foden, men de 1,000 REGNBUEMENNESKER, som TROR de kan ændre noget med at tage MASKER på, som man ikke kan RÅBE igennem, under Pride-cirkuset, dem vil jeg tillade mig at kalde for lidt 'NAIVE'... Men, hør nu her, SoTW, Kronprinsesse Mary var også med til Pride-showet. Ja, det var hun søreme.. OG VED DU HVAD HUN SAGDE? (Hun sagde, Tag bukserne af!)... Neeej, hun sagde ordret: "Alle har ret til at høre til".+"- Hvis rettigheder skal have betydning, skal de leve og ÅNDE.". Det sagde hun ikke - jooo...HVORDAN kan man "ÅNDE"?, dvs. som betyder; "luft som et menneske eller et dyr puster ud under sin vejrtrækning", når man har MUNDBIND på og INDÅNDER samme luft som man UDÅNDER (CO2-forgiftning)??. Desuden, mener vores elskede rigsforstander, at hun GLÆDER sig til at Coronavaccinen kommer til landet og lever livet i sus og dus, uden de MINDSTE bekymringer - det hele er et show for galleriet - der er PENGE og SPONSORATER bag ved kongehuset. Ja bevares, undskyld, Mary er da bedårende smuk, elskelig og mener det godt, som alle os andre, det kan vel ikke komme bag på nogen, at Kongehuset er topstyret!?... LAD OS SÅ SIGE; at det ikke var GEORGE FLOYD eller GAY PRIDE, men HJEMLØSE, FLYGTNINGE af børnefamilier fra Sjælsmark, eller ROMAER, vi kæmpede for, ville 15,000 eller 1,000 står på gaden og demonstrere? Neeeeeej, vel!... ALTSÅ, hvis nu det var internationale modstand mod 5G, Chemtrails, Vacciner, Den Mørke Stat, om bevarelsen af Kongehuset, Eliten, og Den Medicinske Mafia og modstand af Diktaturlande, Flygtninge, Fattigdom og Fallit, så er der en tendens til, vi alle er BEDØVENDE ligeglade - det er jo alt sammen under kategorien - "konspirationer"... GUD BEVARE DANMARK - hvor er vi "alle", en lille smule, dumme og naive... 🤔PS: MÆRKELIG man tillader PRIDE-SHOWET og 1,000 demonstranter, mens hele KoncertDanmark, der bl.a. består af Festivaler, Open air-koncerter, de fleste indendørs- og udendørs arrangementer, er aflyst. Meeen, regeringen har jo også været ude og STØTTE med nye tiltag og regler og hejst regnbueflaget under Pride Week...Selv, kirkekoncerter for børn i sorg, samt SOMMEREN PÅ BIRGITØ, kan ikke gennemføres i 2020 (fik dog selv set, Kirsten Birgit og Rasmus, på slap linje)... |
👥🗳️🗣️ ~ Tucker Carlson Exposes The Insane Parts Of The Democrat Convention The Media Didn’t Show You (VIDEO) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Big Tech Facebook & Big Pharma's ‘Kill Switch’: if Trump wins or if the election is disputed, the company may shut down all political advertising🤛] ... {‘Election meddling’? The Duchess of Sussex, has said she support Democrat candidate Joe Biden, which is strictly prohibited by the British royal family. AND Donald Trump's sister Maryanne Trump Barry describes the president as "vicious and a liar" you can not trust--What the heck??}... Btw, I have been in the Spiritual Community Awakening Process for the better part of 20+ years time and let me tell you 2020 and United States Presidential election - THIS IS IT!... 2020 will be the beginning of the End!... We will see unprecedented attempts by the Deep State Shadow Govt to STOP & CENSOR Trump admin, world's Q movement, Veterans and Lightwarriros, and what have you, like their LIFE depended on it! The Dark Alliance, for a better word, KNOWS!.. They understand that this is the final terrible thing that makes a situation unbearable.. I have foreseen this here on SoTW, that after the DOZEN of assassination attempts on POTUS and disappearances of courageous people throughout history that went against the DS, the PANIC button, has been pushed... The straw that broke the camel's back is when we will experience a (new) 9/11 False Flag to change the course of November election and create their (needed) financial meltdown, keep the FEAR AND DISTRESS in humanity, in order to let these INORGANIC ENTITIES, stay alive... UNLESS our friends in the skies with the leading million large force of Galactic Federation Of Lightwarriors may grant humanity a dire need request, DS, will try to do EVERYTHING to keep themselves in Power... I AM not trying to be paranoid or say that we are looking at Doomsday scenarios, but the black nobility or black aristocracy or Dark Alliance, will NOT LET GO without a FIGHT, even if that will lead to their own self-destruction... Just an opinion, guys!... |
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