Nov 11, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝(OMG, who made this??) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Nov 11, 2024 ~ |

 I could see this really being said 🤣 (@TikTokNews45)


 SoTW (I listen to Tompkins at MUFON 2017) WILLIAM TOMPKINS SSP
SoTW - Dr. Evil "Riiiiight"
The US Debt Clock - Mandela Effect - Moonraker - been changed

💛🎄🪬(Have Yourself a Merry BIG Christmas) GAOG: The Golden Age of Conspiracy Theorists ~ Nov 11, 2024 ~ |

The Golden Age of Conspiracy Theorists

The Golden Age of Conspiracy Theorists

November 11, 2024 by Catherine Viel

It’s not a “conspiracy theory” if there’s a patent for it. ~ Anon.

Oh, I bet my brother would love to be alive in this golden age of conspiracy theorists.

Decades ago, he expressed vehement distrust of the Bushes and the US government. Mistrusted and was suspicious of authority in general. Had some crazy ideas that politicians were actually out to get us, not work for us.

Okay, he had serious problems, too, but in hindsight, I’m realizing he had his finger on the pulse of the real reality in a way that the rest of the family certainly didn’t.

Sometimes I wish he was still here and we could converse, because we could be on the same page on that topic. Rest in peace, Larry.


I doubt if those wearing conspiracy theory hats (tinfoil of course) will be culturally canonized anytime soon. I suspect the pejorative term will become an anachronism within a few years. It will be widely known how the term originated and how it was used to discredit truth-speakers and -seekers during one of the very dark times of our planetary history.

There’s a massive range of out-of-the-norm-ideas that could fall under the umbrella of conspiracy theories. I’m sure some are verging on hoaxes and are verifiably untrue, but many are simply facts that have yet to be acknowledged as such by the mainstream.

I admit, though, that some rather outlandish theories are difficult even for me to swallow. I’ve been waffling for years about the notion of public figures who have supposedly died (or been taken out of circulation some other way) now being represented by actors wearing masks. The most infamous is “President Biden.”

I could grant that one, because, for example, it is hard to credit that Biden was so “senile” his own party yanked him out of the running for reelection, yet after Trump’s win last week, “Biden” gave what was apparently a coherent speech to congratulate his erstwhile opponent.

This could logically be explained if Biden is being played by an actor and is following a White Hat script. I actually can’t think of another believable explanation. I wonder how dyed-in-the-wool Democrats explain Biden’s extremely erratic behavior?

Then there’s Elon Musk. Whenever Tarot by Janine reads on Elon, she receives information that Elon was replaced and is now being played by an actor. I believe she is not the only one to posit that possibility. It appears that Elon 1.0 was not such a good guy; Elon 2.0 is playing for the White Hat team.

Although I suppose, by a great stretch, that could be the case—that the physical Elon and even his voice could somehow be faked—it seems it would be pretty hard to fake his brain. Who coaches him during his extemporaneous public speaking and all those in-depth interviews? And how, through an invisible receiver or implant? More to the point, what team of geniuses is supplying “Elon’s” revolutionary new ideas and products?


The not-yet-installed Trump administration is already prompting positive changes in the United States and in the world. In light of the push toward truth and transparency, I imagine that some facts that have long been labeled conspiracy theories will soon become solidified in the public mind as truth.

The stretchy theories might take a bit more time to become plausible to John and Joan Q. Public. Some people may never believe portions of the truth, or any of it. It might be that they will live their lives out in 4D or even 3D, on Earth or elsewhere, while those who choose to awaken in this lifetime are swooped in fifth-dimensional fashion into the true Golden Age upon the Solar Flare / Event.

I trust that our souls are directing the thoughts of our minds so we can follow the dimensional path our souls have laid out, and we are all headed exactly where we want / need to be.

However it happens that “conspiracy theories” morph into “facts the elites didn’t want you to know,” it’s going to be a fascinating unfurling of the tapestry of truth. And I don’t think we’re going to have to wait till January to be treated to the unveiling. I believe this year it really is going to be a Thanksgiving for the ages, and a sparkling Christmas to truly and deeply celebrate.

💱🤑🖕 (Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps) Selvom Trump-stormen er passeret og inden GCR/GESARA/QFS implementeringen træder i kraft, er vi stadig ikke ude af skoven hvad angår reparation af stasi-statens beskatninger ~ 11. Nov 2024 ~ |

SoTW - 'vil løse problemerne med beskatningen af kryptovaluta, men gør i virkeligheden ondt værre.'

Gule nyheder er ikke altid breaking undtagen SVM- og verdens første lagerbeskatning af kryptovaluta ...

... Bitcoin på himmelflugt efter Trump sejr og Finansministeriets dyre "drenge" med millionlønninger og en baggrund som matematik-økonomi, cand.scient.oecon., er kommet på overarbejde. Imens statsskyldnere og atimoi, beskattes med op til 60 pct. og de nye ejendomsvurderingerne, er til at lukke op og skide i (worthless) ...

... Måske har du hørt, at inflationen stiger, licens- og ejendomsværdiskat, grundskyld, er direkte ulovlige beskatninger, vi giver til hinanden. Arveafgift er dobbelt- eller trippelbeskatning. Top-topskat er rendyrket misundelse og fedt og sukkerafgifterne, er skruet forkert sammen ...

Udgivet den 11. November 2024 af Verdensalt

For at forstå, hvad jeg snakker om, læs indlægget fra Liberal Alliance's Steffen Frølund, der ikke har meget pænt at sige om skatteministerens forslag til en ændring i beskatningen af kryptovaluta.

'Ubegribeligt': Skatteekspert og kryptoadvokat revser nye anbefalinger for kryptoskat. LA har et rigtigt godt eksempel. 'Gevinster for handel med kryptovaluta bliver nemlig beskattet med op til 53 pct., mens man kun kan få fradrag for 26 pct. af sine tabte penge.. Denne tossede asymmetri førte i 2022 til, at folkeskolelæreren Rune Christiansen fik en skattegæld på 2,8 mio. kr. for handel med kryptoaktiver, som han aldrig har tjent penge på.'

Som jeg har sagt på bloggen i laaang tid, disse genmodificeret politiske NPC-entiteter, giver ikke op. De vil kæmpe til 'last man standing' og hvis de får en mulighed, så tager de os alle med ned, i faldet. Jeg siger nej til dette. Lad dem vandre, sammen med Dante og Vergil når de drager ned i underverdenen og træder ind gennem Helvedes porte.

Q drop; "We are saving Israel for last.". Retsopgøret og revolutionen er undervejs. Problemet er bare, at danskerne, ikke vil vågne op og ikke ønsker, forandringer. Har brugt 20 år på, at langsomt, men sikkert, at vågne op til dåd. Det har været hårdt, har mistet mange venner og tætte familierelationer, vi må se, om det har været, det hele, værd. 

Jeg mødte 2 kvinder på min daglige gåtur i Nordsjælland (sportskade), hvor jeg havde en kendt rig bager- og møllerfamile, engang. Nu er der blot ét familiemedlem tilbage, som er/var en kendt butiksindehaver og sportsidol. Ønsker ikke, at sige mere, grundet specielle omstændighder, som ikke, tåler dagens lys. Vi børn, nød at være sammen med ham, men, historierne, skal nok komme frem. 

Disse 2 søde kvinder stoppede mig på gaden og spurgte indtil min specielle MAGA Trump-hat. Vi blev hurtige enige om, at vi synes det er mærkeligt, at folk, ryster på hoved af mig og andre, som støtter Trump (heldigvis er jeg ikke alene). Har også den ÆGTE røde US præsident broderet hat fra det konservative parti, men, du kan ikke købe den, udenfor USA (har en amerikansk ven). Og var, i princippet, ulovligt at gå med (engang).. |

SoTW - De mange skandaler i Skat trækker tråde tilbage til indførelsen af kildeskatten 1970.
SoTW - 100 Svenske er lige nu 64 Danske (+/-)

🕯️🕯️❤️🕯️🕯️(11/11 Passage) Natalia Alba - Everything follows a perfect Divine Order (despite our human understanding). Avatar - I See You (Love Scene). SoTW - I Feel You (The Global Frustration). ~ Nov 11, 2024 ~ |

by Unknown Nov 9, 2024

Beloved Ones,

we are now witnessing the shift in consciousness that is taking place in the collective, structures, governments, and in many things we have yet to see, and that are coming, as marked also by the many planetary events that we are gradually welcoming, such as Pluto moving into Aquarius, Neptune, and Saturn gradually moving into Aries next year, the 11/11 frequency that represents where we are at this time, and many other Forces outside of our Earth's confines that too support our planetary transition.

Everything follows a perfect Divine Order despite our human understanding. Our mission as ascending souls is not to judge what God does not allow, but to flow with change and perpetually embrace all that comes to help us remember who we are and our personal power, for we do have the freedom to choose.

We are now until the end of the year navigating a passage in which bringing divine order to our entire being is essential, to contribute to seed more harmony and neutrality. My Guides share the importance of this 11/11 passage to work on our crystalline Merkabah ratios, female and masculine star tetrahedrons, correcting their movements and recalibrating all that is distorted in our template, especially through self-creation and energetic manipulation.