Aug 9, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Time lag is shorter now, manifestation times are speeding up & you are getting a much bigger boost from this particular Lionsgate portal opening') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟What Happens After the Lionsgate Portal ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton🌟] ... |

SoTW loves unconditionally his "daughters" no-matter if they are allowed to love him back or not... 

🤪🤦‍♂️🙌 ~ (Indland som udland: Agendaen SKAL ud - koste hvad det vil) Det var en instinktiv reaktion: Det føles godt at kalde en antivaxer idiot, men det er ikke sådan, vi får folk vaccineret ( + copycats fra udlandet) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Findes der sikkerhedspakker for ca. 1,400 danske nyhedsjournalister (1,700 totalt) som vil være whistleblowere? Nej vel, ellers ville den danske presse gå planken ud mod faglig selvudslettelse🤛] ... Verdensalt har været inde over, at politiske generet manipulatører, smider sindssyg smarte og velplaceret nøjeregnende headlines, der skaber vrede eller krokodilletårer-effekten i vor sindelag af emotionelle virkemidler og sagen er mig meget magtpåliggende - fordi, vi bider til bollen - hver gang. Det ser ud som om, at når Danske Medier ikke kan tænke selv, benytter de sig af copycat-metoder fra medsøsterkanaler, når politikerne, såkaldte 'viruseksperter' og medico-core private aktører, såsom Novo Nordisk fra regeringens magtfulde coronaudvalg, er gået på sommerferie. Dem, som aldrig sover er, partisoldater, kommunist-vendekåber, loyalister, troldehæren samt sundhedssektoren, som flytter magten med sociale medier, de sætter dagsorden ved at poste på (politikernes) egne platforme. De skaber emotionelle koblinger eller relativerer deres eget brand med (kvindelige) tårevædende billeder, selfies, usfies, kram og kys, men stikker en kniv i ryggen, når ingen ser det (hvis de laver fejl eller er for folke-kritiske, censureres det via natten). Tag nu alene 3 ud af hundredvis af hjemmesider, som er fjernet af embedsværket; holddinkæ, samt Man sidder med en fornemmelse af, alt hvad der jongleres ud via de clickbait sensationshungrende CIA censurerede korrumperende platforme og dagspressen, fra falske (positive) politiske profeter, kommer fra embedsværket og ikke de folkevalgte selv, men fra overkvalificeret spin-doktorer, og medieredaktører, der manipulere befolkningen, så Borgens fyrster, står snore lige i vinden, uden at skulle gå planken ud, for hvad de selv, står for... Men, det er jo bare min mening.. Nu hvor regioner åbner for drop-in-vakkZination, selvom, flere unge besvimmer og kaster op, kommer Bavarian Nordic stensikkert med en topsællert, smitten stiger og stiger i USA - det samme gør kravet om vakkZination og antivaxxers er nogle "idioter" og smittetilfælde i Wuhan udløser massetest... 👩‍⚕️PS: Som min egen mor også siger med 50 års erfaring som ledende sygeplejerske og leder; 'Mink-Medico-Mæætte' vil springe op og falde ned på sygeplejerskers ønsker, de får ALDRIG den lønstigning eller løfte om bedre vilkår, som de har sukket efter i generationer... |

"Medico-Dannevang har hamstret 47.400.000 CO_VID VakkZiner trods WHO-appel. Skolestart vil få smitten til at stige, siger elite-gynækologen, nu da klokken var et par minutter i 12, da Nasser-Spadser pludselig delte et (nøgenbillede) og ingen, tør sige noget dårligt om den "Pink Elephant on Parade" ~ SoTW

🕵️🦠🔥 ~ (Third blogpost today: The CO_VID_19 could be fake! Check out the many countries, including Denmark & evidence) COVID Not Isolated, Cannot Be Locate, Does Not EXIST! FOIA Response Reveals Worldwide HOAX! (Stew Peters Show - 145,356 Views) ~ | Blogger: ALSO, United Airlines will require 66,000 employees WW to be VakkZinated and Amazon revives mask mandates. ALL the other airlines world-wide are going to follow suit according to Dr. Ruby and much, much more... |

Rumble — BREAKING! International FOIA Requests are producing responses that confirm what we have ALL suspected for many months!

COVID-19 may be the biggest HOAX ever perpetuated on global citizens, cannot be located, has not been isolated, and may not EXIST!

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: Always Above as Below) How a human habitat could be designed and delivered on Mars (Startup Selfie Archive) ~ | Blogger: [😮Really amazing video by Greenland secrets, and Mr. Goode + Dolan. SoTW attended all of SSP VoD's in 2015/2016. And I'm sure it's durable and a most likely scenario, but think about it:⛏️] ... WHAT IF... The US military-industrial complex has advanced themselves in 80 years now, already during Hitler's suppressed and still-secret weapons, science and technology?... ✨DID YOU KNOW, that Greenland, the world's largest island and the danish State with pressure from US authorities, was so easy to convince, to give up their danish military territories to US, under the cold war and before that, and again after, in 2019 with Trump, and the secret Project Iceworm/Camp Century (and the Thule Air Base), that according to Corey Goode SBA, by the way, was in fact, the code name of the US Army's top secret program during the Cold War.?The purpose was to build and test a network of mobile nuclear missile bases under Greenland Ice Cap and the Arctic. US Army managed to build two bases in Northwest Greenland and the old base of USAF Bluie East 2, respectively in 1947 and 1967. Although it sounds like pure imagination, Gorey Goode tells us now that these types of installations are a true copy of what was built on Mars and dark side of the Moon, in the 1930s... 😵Here and now, many of you is jumping of the train, i know and for good reasons. Stay with me, now, WHAT IF... the American-led bases in Greenland assisted as a "test cloth for how to produce future base structures in impassable places"?. This project was not only used as ICBM bases, but also in close collaboration to build research and development bases in Antarctica for both defense and military-industrial complex ('kinetic weapons' corresponding to Rods from God and DEWs?)... You be the judge.. |



“Mars was first visited by the Germans as far back as the 1930s, but during the 70s, US space programs were actively exploring Mars and other planets to establish bases. In 1980 the US SSP became – Solar Warden. Under Project Solar Warden vast development and colonization occurred on Mars and other planets. Goode continues, “Bases on Mars were built under the surface.”

👀⏰⚔️ ~ (CC broadcast that focus on the battles in USA again - NDA or not!) Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast: 2021 08 08 Connecting Consciousness - Simon Parkes (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Thanks for the update S+B, much appreciated!... Summary: Simon says.. () = SoTW Comments -- 🚩 Simon is really, really enthusiastic excited cause the last 2-3 weeks, not exclusively America were the battle is, but mainly the world, there has been a seismic shift, an absolutely tremendous mountain of a change. And I'm sure that everyone of You picked it up, says Simon. Sought a HUGE movement to REALIZATION or AWAKENING, but a LARGE number of people who were awake, has become MORE awake etc. etc. mainstream media is beginning to crack. But the GROUNDSWELL of change in America, has been some organizations pastors, church people making SECRET meetings out of the eyes of the Cabal, how they can support their flock and expertise got readied for what's coming. What is coming says Simon, is the TRUTH (2020 election was fraudulent). etc. If they don't give up, or cave in, that is when The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will be activated, a number of days of interruptions, videolinks of (court cases) reading out of guilt or witness statements, three days of continued updates from news and TRUSTED sources, given you the TRUTH, etc. Simon KNOWS what's coming and changes is building etc. Simon says, I'm ABSOLUTY convinced that President Trump will return and Biden/Harris is on their way out etc. Simon has seen Governor Cuomo's court papers, accused of raping 11 woman, so he is FINISHED and GONE... 🚩 Some UK banks are running out of money, Simon personally experience, in particular they are trying to keep the paper £50 note and not printing the new one, is a clear indicator that QFS-system and people behind has a serious impact on the Cabal or DS and ability to operate... 🚩 Some of the "extreme weather" is done by the Good guys (White Hats) Fight Fire with Fire etc. etc. and then Simon, finally goes on about (BoJo the Clown) Boris Johnson is very, very, very afraid the demonstrators are gonna turn on him etc. (Ends 18 minute marker Q&A are up next)... [LISTEN TO MORE) ... |


Simon Parkes Official

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams... Telegram: Parler: Bitchute Channel : Youtube:

✨ ~ 💓 ('New Nyla Nguyen Update: Patrick King & Virus Has Never Been Isolated In Alberta, CA') DOMINION WHISTLEBLOWER EXPOSES FRAUD, APPLE TO SCAN IPHONES DATA, BLACK LIGHTS INSTALLED IN US &... ~ | Blogger: I think, Nyla Nguyen was a online personal trainer, fitness model / competitor, and an entrepreneur and you could call her a 'spiritual teacher'. Nyla hosts her own Youtube channel '3D to 5D Consciousness' as a way spread the light and raise the collective awareness of the planet... More irrefutable evidence of election fraud and SoTW has added even more info to support Nyla Nguyen discoveries. There's also some new disturbing claims of Black lights to be installed across US to identify the unvaxxinated by UV Lights and Lamps etc... |



We have irrefutable evidence of election fraud being committed thanks to Dominion whistleblower and CodeMonkey. Apple to roll out technology scanning user’s phone violating people’s privacy. Black lights to be installed across US to identify the non-inoculated. Dr. Shiva is exposing Twitter’s collusion with Government and now Election officials. Game Changers and Vegan agenda exposed. Plus more important coverage on mass arrest and Trump.

👯‍♀️🐰🔞 ~ ('My DEATH won't stop anything - we are everywhere' ~ Tom Hanx July of 2019) Dark Outpost | David Zublick – Tom Hanks’ Execution Agony (BIN + Dark outpost + Mouthy Buddha + SNL) ~ | Blogger: Thanks to my holistic ND for sharing is caring.. SoTW is very sorry, I really am, to present you with a different reality. But this is (perhaps) the new (reality) you'll soon get used to it. No matter how much you reject the idea that your celebs and leaders has stunt doubles or the existence of clones, crisis actors with a mask on or simply, a fake digital mirage, and is completely staged using green screens and video compositing... Is Tom Hanx (america's dad) a pedophile, become a Greek citizen to skirt the law, but was arrested in Australia and fitted with an ankle bracelet, put in GITMO, trial and later executed?... Why does Tom Hanks in the SNL-video, talk about his buttons on his dinner jacket, that slides into these little slots? (pedo-language?). He's also using " Qcards", has a semi-nude-tits-picture behind his Tim-Tam monologue.. Sorry, but I think that Tom Hanks is a AMAZING actor, but when he post pictures of shoes (normally used under False Flags ops) and abbreviations drawn with chalk on roads that link to the #PizzaGate conspiracy or #TheGlobalPedoGate, it gets me confused... 🛑PS: ONE OF THE BEST videos and all of Mouthy Buddha YouTube channel documentary solid proof, about Tom Hanx Pedo affairs has been erased by GoogleG - of course - but check video called "Shocking Truth About Tom Hanks FLEEING Hollywood to Greece" by Popcorned Planet... |


Tom Hanks’ Execution Agony

First published at 22:48 UTC on July 29th, 2021

David Zublick Channel

Dark Outpost has learned the details of the execution of actor Tom Hanks at Guantanamo Bay. We present the details in this breaking news alert!


💣💥😦 ~ ('CDC has N-E-V-E-R isolated any covid-19 virus, and the FDA faked the PCR test authorization') BOMBSHELL: HHS documents admit the CDC has never isolated any “covid-19 virus” … PCR tests nothing but instrument NOISE … the global HOAX is rapidly unraveling (NN + Videos) ~ | Blogger: ONLY in America? Nope! Precisely the same date last year in 2020, it was revealed after a (great) Dane asked for access to government documents from Danish Statens Serum Institut (SSI), and the reply was similar to CDC FOIA documents, the Danish Institute admitted to a citizen that they CANNOT FIND the new coronavirus (link and PDF document below)... ➤ SSI is not in possession of literature lists in which articles occur where you have separated and purified SARS-COV-2 (the new coronavirus) ➤ SSI is also not in possession of the documentation that has convinced them of the real existence of SARS-COV-2, which is the alleged cause of Covid-19 ➤ SSI is not in possession of indisputable evidence of the existence of the virus that is the basis of the measures that have been inflicted with Danish society... |

Covid hoax unraveling... no isolated virus, PCR tests just instrument noise

"Last year when covid skeptics were saying “there’s no such thing as a covid virus,” I strongly disagreed. As a published food scientist, laboratory owner and inventor of two published patents based on mass spectrometry analysis, I was aware that SARS-CoV-2 had been genomically sequenced. Surely, I mistakenly thought, it had been isolated, purified and determined to be the cause of covid-19 sickness.

A year later, it turns out the skeptics were right. And the warnings of people like Dr. Thomas Cowan, Sally Fallon, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Jon Rappoport, David Icke and others were right on the mark. (I have since apologized to them all in a public podcast.)"
~  Mike Adams

Mike Adams

The covid hoax is rapidly unraveling. Newly uncovered documents reveal the CDC has never isolated any covid-19 virus, and the FDA faked the PCR test authorization.

PCR tests turn out to be nothing but amplified background noise, and the CDC director now admits that covid vaccines don't even stop viral transmission or infections.

The entire plandemic hoax is collapsing by the day. Today's feature story is a detailed, lengthy, highly-cited overview of this collapsing hoax.

See the full article here.

🤔💡✍️ ~ ('Du er et produkt af din egen fantasi! Du eksisterer kun ifølge din egen indbildning!') Strøtanker: Eksisterer vi? ( - Energi For Sjælen) ~ | Blogger: [😇Blog kan varmt anbefales! og der er rigtigt mange Strøtanker💜] ... 🤜 Stig Boye Petersen, sjæl og motivation mediator, kan man vel kalde ham - der er mere mellem himmel og jord (RIP 2004). Dansk blog handler om en form for sandhed om Kærlighed, Jesus, WingMakers, Nibiru, Rumfolk, Esoterisk Filosofi og så mange andre vigtige emner. Han havde oversat en del ting til dansk, hentede inspiration og var klarsynet på en letforståelig og spiseligt måde (også til børn og behagelig musik) ... 💯Det er en skam, at han er borte, mener, han var lige så vigtig og en moderne udgave af mejeristen, Martinus Thomsen. holder ham i live!... 📚Stig Boye Petersen's strøtanker samt Louise L. Hay's bog "Helbred Dit Liv" er obligatoriske semestre, at skulle gennemgå, på DIN nye spirituelle udviklingsvej... Sad på et tunesisk hotel for en million år tilbage med min elskede datter, Isabella, som desværre har vendt mig ryggen i dag, og gennemførte alle lektioner fra Louises bog om hvordan, vi skaber vores oplevelser gennem de tanker, vi tænker om os selv... |

(Stig Boye Petersen bio udpluk) 

Har i årenes løb foretaget dyberegående studier af alskens videnskaber samt filosofi.
Oversætter fra primært engelsk og tysk. Redaktør af ”Krystallernes Venner” (gået ind), nu mangeårig redaktør af bladet UFO KONTAKT.
Foredragsholder. Emner: Krystaller, UFOer, healing, filosofi.
Skrevet et utal af artikler, humoristiske og filosofiske samt bogen ”Kontroversielle Tanker”.
Hovedværk: Oversættelse af ”Kundskabens bog – Enochs Nøgler. Healer, sangskriver m.m.
Valgsprog: Udret i dag, hvad du alligevel ikke orker i morgen.

Eksisterer vi?

Du er et produkt af din egen fantasi! Du eksisterer kun ifølge din egen indbildning!

Harske påstande, og dog.

Mon ikke vi kan blive enige om, at det er tanken, der styrer dine handlinger? Og at det er din bevidsthed, der udkaster tanken? Er det ikke sådan, at du kan forestille dig ting i din fantasi, og opvækker disse bevidst frembragte billeder måske ikke følelser af den ene eller den anden art?

Når du fantaserer, ønsker du normalt som resultat at frembringe euforiske, behagelige følelser. Og visualiserer du en saftig bøf, vil tænderne begynde at løbe i vand. Måske kan du endog smage den.

Du har med andre ord ved tankens kraft vakt dine san­ser. Og forestiller du dig et smukt væsen af modsat køn, vil andre dele af din krop kunne reagere.

Altså har du ved tankens kraft styret din krop. Du har indvirket på den materielle verden.

Jamen, hvad med alt det, vi kan se og røre ved, lugte og smage i den ”virkelige verden”? Eksisterer disse ting da ikke?

🦁♌💕 ~ (If you feel so guided) 8/8 Lionsgate Portal Activation (Matt Kahn) ~ |

Dear Beautiful,

In celebration of today’s Lionsgate Portal, please read or repeat the following activation:

"I call forth the energetic anchoring, wisdom and support of my spirit guides, Ascended Masters, Archangels, the enlightened elders of my ancestral lineage, my beloved relatives on the Other Side, and my spirit animals to hold immaculate space in each of the four sacred corners as I initiate the Lionsgate Portal Activation.
In accordance with the Akashic Records, I allow the Lionsgate to be activated, awakened, and opened as I enter through this portal into a parallel timeline of my next highest self. In stepping through this portal, may all healings I am ready to complete be completed, may all activations and crystalline DNA I am ready to embody be activated, and may all wisdom, life direction, and inspirations in serving the glory of a life purpose I don’t have to figure out ahead of time be realized, received, and revealed. In accordance with the Akashic Records, I allow all gifts of healing, activation, awakening, and transformation to be actualized into present moment time and anchored as my new zero point field, allowing this brand new reality that I welcome to be accepted by the subconscious mind and encoded into cellular memory as my new abiding state of reality.

I accept this activation and each gift my words declare my readiness to receive that now integrates into the fabric of time at exactly the pace that serves my highest greatest good. I accept that each aspect of this Lionsgate Portal equally serves in the tipping point of humanity’s ascension, as I offer every person the exact amount of connection or space to work out the complexities and vulnerabilities of their journey. If and when, during this Lionsgate portal, or any time hereafter, I witness humanity purging emotional density while identifying with its individual or collective shadow, I can support the transmutation of the old dissolving paradigm by anchoring the light of my new reality as a space holder of Earth’s Ascension. As I utilize the sacred invitation and power of this Lionsgate Portal to step through interdimensional hyperspace and into a new parallel timeline of my next highest self in form, may I offer compassion, mercy, and kindness, whether up-close or at a distance, to anyone identifying with the very shadow being purged. May I witness the pain they have buried, as a chance to help bring their consciousness back into full awareness. I offer this awareness as a gift of loving service with no attachment to outcome for anyone or any situation in view.