Nov 12, 2016

Space News: (We’re About To See A Record-Breaking Supermoon. Biggest In Nearly 70 Year | Luxembourg 1st in Europe to promise space miners resource ownership guarantee | NIBIRU PLANET X / THE BLUE PLANET VIDEOTAPED FROM THE ISS )

By Alexa Erickson

This year, 2016, has seen an endless array of mesmerizing astronomical events. And with only a couple months left in the year, there’s still more to talk about.

On November 14, a spectacular supermoon will occur, where the Moon will be the closest to Earth it’s been since January 1948. This event is even more significant because the Moon will appear up to 14% larger, and 30% brighter, than the typical full moon we are used to viewing. The Moon won’t be this close to the Earth again until November 25th, 2034.

Supermoons aren’t all that rare, but they sure are interesting, as the Moon has an elliptical orbit, with one side referred to as the perigree that is around 48,280 km (30,000 miles) closer to Earth than the other side, which is called the apogee.

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**********************************************************************************  Published time: 12 Nov, 2016 09:17

Luxembourg is moving to provide space mining companies with legal guarantees of ownership for the resources they will extract. The new law is expected to enter into effect in early 2017.

Establishing and codifying the legal and regulatory framework is a key component within the initiative that focuses on private exploration and commercial use of resources from Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), namely asteroids and comets.

“Article 1 of the draft law provides that space resources are capable of being appropriated in accordance with international law,” the government said in a press release. “Luxembourg is thus the first European country to provide legal certainty as to the ownership of minerals, water, and other space resources identified in particular on asteroids.” 

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Published on Nov 10, 2016
This video footage was sent in by one of our subscribers clearly showing the International Space Station video taping the sun simulator and the blue planet that we've been seeing in our skies for weeks now. At one point in the video whoever is operating the video camera sees the blue planet and zooms all the way in.

Shadow World - bag om den internationale våbenhandel - 13. November 2016 19.00, Grand Teatret

Based on the bestselling book by author, journalist and renowned global arms expert Andrew Feinstein, the documentary "Shadow World" reveals the shocking reality and corruption behind the global weapons trade. The new documentary goes deep inside the so-called "shadow world" of government ties and big-money arms buys, and is crafted to blow the roof off some pretty hefty topics.

Tidspunkt:13. november 2016,
19:00 (slut ca. 20:30)
Sted:Grand Teatret, Sal 3
Mikkel Bryggers Gade 8, 1460 København K

13. november 2016

Dansker hjalp Goldman Sachs med Dong-salg: Nu er han topchef i banken (Blogger:"..Du kan sagtens narre alle folk i nogen tid, og nogle folk hele tiden, men du kan ikke narre alle folk hele tiden. Abraham Lincoln .."... 'Rothschild Banking Empire' har en værdi på $100 billioner kroner. Vi har allerede fået etablerede kontakten mellem Finansministeriets 'eneste' finansielle rådgiver N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd. og Deres enorme inflydelse på dansk politik samt beskyttelse af programmer i favør for corporatocracy samt krigsherrerne. En af de største underafdelinger til Rothschild familien er 'McKinsey and Company' som er et amerikansk managementkonsulentfirma og The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) som er en amerikansk investeringsbank. Et besynderligt sammenfald mellem McKinsey & Goldman og det danske evhvervsliv, hvor samme brodne kar cirkulere rundt blandt magteliten. Vennetjenester og tætte personlige relationer, har du foden indenfor "GoLDMaN SLaCKS" og gør det godt, får du med garanti en toppost i det danske banking cartel eller erhvervslivet..: "... Direktørskifte i Nordea bekymrer bankansatte. Den nye Nordea-direktør Casper von Koskull før 2010 har en fortid i den amerikanske investeringsbank Goldman Sachs, der har ry for at have skarp fokus på profit... Bjarne Corydon forlader dansk politik og bliver ny global direktør for The McKinsey Center for Government... Marie Louise Kirk er i en alder af 36 år nyudnævnt Partner i Goldman Sachs i New York og dermed blandt virksomhedens øverste 2%, fik Kronprins Frederiks Legat på Harvard... Danske Bank har ansat Michael Zeier i en nyoprettet stilling som global chef for Corporate Finance, direkte rekruterede fra Goldmans Sachs... Bjarke Staun-Olsen er ny investment manager i Creandum med ansvar for Danmark. Han har tidligere gjort karriere i bl.a. McKinsey og Goldman Sachs... De tre skandinaviske regeringer engagerede i fællesskab tidligt i 2012 den internationale investeringsbank Goldman Sachs til at yde rådgivning i forhold til staternes ejerskab af SAS... Russiske kunder i Tinkoff Bank samt Goldman Sachs står til en milliardfortjeneste som den danske medsponsor på Bjarne Riis' cykelhold tilbage i 2012... Goldman Sachs har hyret Anders Fogh Rasmussen som rådgiver i den betændte DONG-sag... Henrik Poulsen er administrerende direktør for DONG Energy. Han har tidligere været leder hos Bjarne Corydons nye arbejdsgiver, McKinsey & Co.... Medarbejdere i Finansministeriet har ladet konsulentfirmaet McKinsey betale for en middag, der »ligger uden for normal god adfærd«... Den øverste ledelse i Goldman Sachs giver finansminister Claus Hjort Frederiksen (V) lov til at give Folketingets Finansudvalg fortrolig indsigt i investeringsbankens køb af Dong-aktier sidste år... Det bliver finanshuset Rothschild, som skal rådgive Finansministeriet om børsnoteringen af Dong... Goldman Sachs investering i Dong steg fra otte milliarder kroner til 17,4 milliarder kroner i værdi i løbet af de to år, hvor amerikanerne var aktionærer... Vi kunne blive ved og ved..")

Michael Specht Bruun (yderst til højre) var sammen med Martin Hintze (med briller Goldman Saachs to ankermænd bag købet af aktier i Dong Energy. Arkivfoto: Søren Bidstrup/Scanpix

Danske Michael Bruun var en af ankermændene bag salget af Dong-aktier til Goldman Sachs. Nu er han blevet partner.

Torsdag 10 nov. 2016 kl. 12:00 

Danske Michael Bruun, der spillede en nøglerolle i forbindelse med salget Dong-aktier til Goldman Sachs, er netop blevet forfremmet til partner i den amerikanske investeringsbank.
Det skriver Berlingske Business.

Michael Bruun var en af Goldman Sachs' to ankermænd på investeringen i det statsejede energiselskab DONG Energy, der affødte massive folkelige protester i 2014.

Skandaleramt bank

Banken opkøbte aktierne gennem et selskab i skattelylandet Luxembourg.
Fire danske pensionskasser havde også tilbudt at købe aktierne i Dong Energy, men det blev afvist af daværende finansminister Bjarne Corydon (S).

Salget medførte en større politisk krise, hvor SF's formand blandt andet gik af og trak sig fra regeringssamarbejdet med S og R.

Goldman Sachs har været involveret i en række skandaler i forbindelse med finanskrisen, hvor man med den ene hånd tilbød højrisikolån til boligkøbere, samtidig med at man med den anden hånd spekulerede i, at boligmarkedet ville kollapse.

Det er dog stadig en af verdens største investeringsbanker.

Prestigefyldt titel

Cathy O'Brien: "Our Media is Controlled by Criminals in our Government" - Conference took place in April of 2009 (Blogger: Bill and Hillary Clinton have always been participants in the CIA MKULTRA program (now known as MARATHON). Cathy is an experiencer and expert on the pediphile rings coming up in the Clinton Emails and phone records held by the NYPD and FBI... Proof, you want real proof about Clintons? I'm talking to the many, many incarnated propaganda reporters in Denmark and especially addressing one the most popular radioshow (Radio24syv | Det, vi taler om - similar to english The SUN or Us Weekly) Danish gossip magazine that dig into the scandals, gossip, celebrities, politics, business and lifestyle etc. When it comes to most censored and political forbidden topic, former US first lady Hillary Clinton, lips are sealed... Huge social media battle took place focus on the world's most wanted fugitive "Hitlery 'Rotten' Clinton!. It was between one of Denmark's largest bloggers: "Fie Laursen" (very young woman, bully victim to celebrity blogger) and Radioshow hosts 'Nikolaj Vraa', Ditte Okman, Henrik Qvortrup (entertainment-journalist | columnist-journalist | journalist, former political commentator, ex. editor in chief on Se&Hor). This is a wakeupcall to all the danish porn-media-establishment. This is not Flemming Rose who unfairly occupied by Muhammad crisis, got silent by the political establishment. It's beyond a shadow of a doubt, especially with the new CIA/FBI/WikiLeaks emails,(FBI confirms evidence of huge underground Clinton sex network and proof of hundreds other unbelievable crimes). The Clintons are one of the most protected secrets on this planet (Besides Bushes and 9/11)... How would you define the concept of truth? What is a conspiracy theory?... The cognitive dissonance created by everyone knowing she’s a criminal, but at the same time being endorsed and promoted unfairly by the media, creates a deep demoralization and shutdown response of the world's population, thus making the public easier to manipulate and control. It’s called, “Learned Helplessness” There is a old danish saying ".. One should always believe what children and drunk people tells you, since they're not afraid of the consequences of telling the truth....)

Published on Oct 17, 2016
Conference took place in April of 2009.

On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O'Brien was subjected to an occult ritual named "The Rite to Remain Silent" that involves the Catholic Church as well. This is her own very shocking and eye-opening life story about her experience as a CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon level trauma-based Mind Control slave. She speaks out to expose those who abused, who go right up to presidents and congressmen and women and to give voice to the many mind control victims out there who can't think to speak out.

O'Brien claims to have been abused since she was a toddler by her own family. Forced to partake in satanic sadomasochistic child pornography movies produced for Gerald Ford, she was eventually sold to the CIA, which was looking for traumatized children for their mind-control program ... U.S. Presidents Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bill Clinton; Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney; Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid; Haitian dictator Baby Doc Duvalier; Panamanian President Manuel Noriega; and King Fahd of Saudi Arabia all sexually brutalized her. She recounts in graphic detail how the elder George Bush raped her thirteen year old daughter and how she was forced to have oral sex with Illuminati witch Hillary Clinton ... While being sodomized, whipped, bound and raped, O'Brien overheard the globalist elite planning a military coup in the United States and conspiring to usher in the satanic New World Order

Cathy O'Brien talks about the rigged elections and the mind manipulation through the media and a few of the senators that are involved in setting up America to the NWO, Globalist agenda.

More testimonies from other female children on the CIA MK-ULTRA Brain Washing techniques

Mike Quinsey: A Message from my Higher Self - Nov 12, 2016 CET

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2016 treeofthegoldenlight

For the people of America the result of their Presidential election was a complete surprise as it was much closer in the end than had been anticipated, and Trump gained a late rush of strong support largely from those who were undecided until the last few days. Neither of the two candidates was particularly well received for such an important position as the President of the United States. However, within a probable period of 3 months or less there are likely to be events that will overshadow everything else that has taken place so far.

The new united States of America is waiting in the wings to be announced, and it means that the election result will have no standing where it is concerned. In the circumstances it is expected that Trump would resign and thereby make way for new candidates in a new election. In that event Paul Ryan is considered to be the most likely one to be appointed as the interim President until new elections can be held.

These events were inevitable and major changes cannot be stopped from taking place, as they are already written into the future and will manifest quite soon. It will be the turning point for all of Humanity, as they move onto the path that will free them from the control of the dark Ones. It will enable Humanity to take great steps forward that will see the introduction of beneficial and welcome changes that have been held back for a long time. So many events have been waiting an opportunity to reveal the true future for Earth and its inhabitants.

Matthew’s Message - November 12, 2016 CET

Kanaliseret af Suzy Ward 
© 2016 www.matthewbooks

Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.

November 11, 2016

US presidential election

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We are going to share with you what we have been observing in Earth’s energy field of potential and what Earth’s monitors in Nirvana report about the United States presidential election. In our last message we said that more scenarios around the election could develop, and indeed that did happen, but not in ways that could have been anticipated.

As we speak about the players involved, we ask you to please remember what we have said many times—never is our interest in our Earth family politically motivated and never do we judge any of you.

It is not only people in the United States who have the most to gain or lose by who becomes their president. The same is so for the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati. Their heavy influence on Wall Street and in the nation’s government is due in large part to Bill and Hillary Clinton, who cooperate with that secret society; formerly among the few at its peak, when they saw its global control waning a decade or so ago, they established their own power base and funding sources. However questionable the Illuminati may deem Donald Trump’s campaign promises, they know he is “his own man,” a person they could not control.

During the weeks leading to the election, the energy of voters’ anger and distrust surrounding Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump increased to such an extent that it started drawing unto itself the streamers of all the scenarios, each of which had the potential to lead Bernie Sanders into the presidency. [The scenarios are described in the August 19, 2016 message.]

An update from Adamu on the US Elections! - Nov 12, 2016 CET

My dear friends,

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation and I have a brief but important message to bring to you, as always, through my dear young friend, Zingdad.

Now that the American elections are behind us, I can offer you some thoughts that may be useful to you without risking interference beyond that with which I am comfortable.

What I wish you to understand is that this vote, this decision for a Trump presidency rather than a Clinton presidency, can be best summarized as “a disaster averted.”

Now please, do not misunderstand me. I am NOT saying that Mr Trump is a light-worker, a saint or an ideal and heroic leader. He is as flawed a human being as any are. He has his strengths and weakness as any do. My perspective today is not so much about what Mr Trump is… as what he is not. And Mr Trump is not a lackey to the Red Shield Illuminati. They did absolutely everything in their power to keep him from winning this race. And while they were working tirelessly to place Mrs Clinton in the White House, their attentions were diverted from some of their other efforts. And so, if you were attentive to world affairs rather than fixated solely on the US elections, you might have noticed during this time that the world inched back from the brink of Armageddon.

Yes, my friends, it is true. The world was careening towards self-destruction at a pace not seen for decades. And the blame for this can be laid squarely at the feet of the Red Shields. Their strategies have become quite unhinged as they strive to bring their hidden prophecies to fruition. They truly were getting ready to provoke thermonuclear war with their nemesis, the Gold and Jade teams of Russia and China. Left unchecked, this is what they would have placed in your near-future time-line!

So I shall reiterate: this election result is NOT cause for unbridled joy. It is not as if some angel of Light has been elected to the presidency. But it certainly is cause for a large sigh of relief. The Red Shields have been handed a stinging defeat. The second such defeat in a row after their previous, massive loss with the Brexit vote.

And it is an incredible strategic loss for them. In part, the loss of a puppet president, yes, but the awareness that their control of the press does not give them the control of the minds of the people – or not the majority of the people, anyway – has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt now. The Red Shields can now palpably feel the reins of control slipping from their hands!

This Year in Disclosure 2016 | Gaian Eye (Video) (Blogger: "The Donald Trump effect" to become the 'norm' for recent explosive development in the states. One of the most destructive human pastimes is playing the blame game. Negativity, anger, frustration, demonstrations, hate and violence etc. Actually i've believe it has nothing to do with the eternal surroundings, rather internal revolution. The fear, anger, stress and paralysed behaviour is absolutely required to conceive or to prepare us for what happens next. I'm talking about 99 procent of the earth population rely solo on their external senses include the traditional five: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, like it was drinking water. Denmark and rest of the world do not see the bigger picture. We mock Donald Trump and USA as a whole, because we don't understand we are on the brink of the biggest spiritually evolution in human history. We will be shocked and stunned for the next six month time. If we're listen to our inner voice, higher self and our guardian angels, not only are we going to experience NESARA/GESARA and RV/GCR in full motion, perhaps Mr. Trump will only be a intermediary teacher for all of us until he resign due to NESARA. According to the MSM news, everything is back to normal now. Bond & stock markets, even Deutsche Bank is up, MSM has not mentioned criminal Clintons and Bushes, 9/11, no more WWIII threats, all world leaders greases for the trump-power-tooth, but forget the power elites, world will not going under, it's all about us, inside ourselves, the changes must be. We are so addicted to the newest technology, musical groups, television series, sci-fi movies & games, brands of chocolate, tabloid magazines, Zumba classes, and yes, even philosophy! We want to learn and evolve but what we can not or will not look into, is our souls and just be humble, thankful, grateful for just being alive and being us and stop being so hateful and victimized. We are the smallest dot in the vast multiverse, but still think we're the 'master race' to rule them all... We want to believe... in extraterrestrial life, aliens, UFOs, little green men but, have no proof, so therefore it must be nonsense... What if we are so much, much more than we think we are and part of god's devine plan to be more, soon to happen? EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!)