May 25, 2019
Sirius Disclosure | ~ OFFICIAL TRAILER -- Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact. Consciousness. And the Human Future ~ | Blogger: [🛸UFOs, Aliens and Spiritual Warfare : Corey Goode Deceived? Laura Eisenhower Claims She Was Recruited? Has David Wilcock REALLY Left U.S. Gaia TV (LUCIFER)? Did Randy Cramer belong to Earth Defense Force (a multinational alliance)? Tony Rodrigues 20 Years a Slave? Are They All part of CIA's MKUltra Trauma Program From Childhood? William Tompkins, Richard Dolan, Tom Delonge (UFO Hunting Company Is $37 Million in Debt), and Dr. Steven Greer (Fundraising-Maschine) - Who to Trust?👽] ... {So are all these people who are blowing the whistle on the secret space program just making it all up❓ What would be the point❓ Just to make a buck❓} ... I MEAN - you've gotta trust somebody sometime!! THIS (supposedly) multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) HIDDEN from the public and the ENORMOUS implications this would have for humanity. It is evident that our own space agency, NASA, or some agency from another earthly country, seems to be wandering around up on the Lunar as well as the Martian surfaces. And furthermore, they seem to be most vigorous in their ongoing efforts, which our government and military are keeping as hush-hush as they possibly can, though to many the proverbial cat has escaped from the bag. There is no question in my mind that the UFO phenomenon seems to be real. However, I can also state that UFO phenomenon does not constitute conclusive evidence of actual physical ET visitations by physical extraterrestrial biological entities piloting or maneuvering physical extraterrestrial spacecraft of any kind. WHY? The CIA & Pentagon says UFO's exist's, now what? You can speculate all you want but if you have no evidence, you are supplying nothing but a speculative guess. And this is what the government want! Keeps us locked up in our mind, like Alzheimer's disease (Confusion, Memory Loss, and Altered Alertness) ... Sooo ... we are basically all, SCREAMING, for Full Disclosure...🙀 |
Folkets Klimamarch København: Valget 2019 | ~ 𝗚Ø𝗥 𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗚𝗘𝗧 𝗧𝗜𝗟 𝗘𝗧 𝗞𝗟𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗚 - 𝗩𝗜 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗥 𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗚𝗞𝗔𝗠𝗣𝗘𝗡 ~ | Blogger: [🚩Lørdagens Rygtebørs : 40.000 deltagere, sagde indpiskerne fra talerstolen, mens en nærmest, euforisk stemning, prægede forsamlingen af klapsalver, bravo råb og pift, da de RØDE og GRØNNE faner satte Christiansborgs slotsplads i brand, da (Soros betalte teenager downs syndrom-ramte) Greta Thunberg og andre, som tidligere EU-kommissær (Bilderberger) Connie Hedegaard gik på scenen. Selv Jesper Theilgaard (som har vidst om Chemtrails i årtier) kunne bringe folks energi op, kunstigt🐍] ... SELVFØLGELIG var verdensalt på pletten, lidt til højre for billedet stod jeg (kan ikke ses). Pludselig efter halvanden times tågesnak, hykleri og dobbeltmoralskhed var slut og vi skulle til at gå MARCHEN, stod jeg ved siden af vor kommende Statsminister, »Skrigeskinken« samt »Frank Klam« og der vidste jeg, det var slut, for mit vedkommende... ALLE politikerne ankom 'præcist' efter udstødelsen, generaliseringerne og tilsviningerne var overståede og politikerne, blev sat til skamme og til vægs... Gud fader bevares... 💚PS: Syntes det er vidunderligt, ENERGIEN var skøn, og DANSKERNE, bevægede sig ENDELIGT udenfor en dør og gik til moddemonstration, men FOLK tror, de kan bryde trolddommen ved at kysse den GRØNNE frø, mens den selv, fniser hånligt og udstøder et 'bwadr' og desperat leder efter, Agnete og Havmanden... |
Saturday 25th of May, the second to last Saturday before the national election, the people will march in Copenhagen to put climate on top of the election agenda. We march to show our continued support to the Paris agreement and in solidarity with people around the world who are struggling for rapid and responsible climate action and social justice.
350 Klimabevægelsen DK / NOAH / Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (ActionAid Denmark) / Greenpeace Denmark / Omstilling Nu / Rådet for Bæredygtig Trafik / Verdens Skove / Bedsteforældrenes Klimaaktion / TIDTILFRED-aktivmodkrig / Black Lives Matter Denmark / CARE Danmark / Sex & Samfund / Det Økologiske Råd / Klimakollektivet / Skifergas NEJ TAK / Fredsvagten ved Christiansborg / Vedvarende Energi / UngEnergi / Oxfam IBIS / Danmarks Naturfredningsforening / WWF / Cyklistforbundet / Materiale Centralen / Global Aktion (tidl. Afrika Kontakt) / CONCITO / Red Orangutangen / Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse / Folkekirkens Nødhjælps Ungdom / Amnesty International Danmark / Klimastrejke - Fridays For Future Denmark / Nyt Europa / Øko-net / BirdLife/Dansk Ornitologisk Forening / Plastic Change /
Greta Thunberg påstår at have overnaturlige evner – men nægter at tale om det
Den berømte svenske pige skulle kunne se CO2-molekyler med det blotte øje |
I dag lægger den 16-årige svensker Greta Thunberg vejen forbi København, for at være hovednavnet i en miljømarch. Derved får Danmark besøg af en miljøforkæmper, som påstår at kunne se CO2 med det blotte øje.
Historien om den 16 årige svenske skoleelever Greta Thunberg er gået verden rundt, siden hun indledte sin såkaldte skolestrejke for miljøet. En strejke hun i en længere periode hver fredag har udført siddende bag et skilt, hvor hun opfordrer politikerne til at gøre noget ved miljøet, før det er for sent. En form for aktivisme der blandt andet har gjort, at hun har talt foran politiske forsamlinger ved miljøtopmøder, ligesom den svenske venstrefløj også har kæmpet for, at hun skulle få taletid i Rigsdagen.
Bag fortællingen om Greta Thunberg gemmer der sig dog også historien om en pige, som har været i behandling for flere psykiske problemer. Således fremgår det af bogen ”Scener ur hjärtat”, skrevet af hendes mor Malena Ernman, at Greta Thunberg allerede som helt lille blev diagnosticeret med både OCD og Asperger syndromet. I forhold til Asperger skulle det ifølge bogen være en sygdom, som også Gretas yngre søster Beata lider af.
Historien om den 16 årige svenske skoleelever Greta Thunberg er gået verden rundt, siden hun indledte sin såkaldte skolestrejke for miljøet. En strejke hun i en længere periode hver fredag har udført siddende bag et skilt, hvor hun opfordrer politikerne til at gøre noget ved miljøet, før det er for sent. En form for aktivisme der blandt andet har gjort, at hun har talt foran politiske forsamlinger ved miljøtopmøder, ligesom den svenske venstrefløj også har kæmpet for, at hun skulle få taletid i Rigsdagen.
Bag fortællingen om Greta Thunberg gemmer der sig dog også historien om en pige, som har været i behandling for flere psykiske problemer. Således fremgår det af bogen ”Scener ur hjärtat”, skrevet af hendes mor Malena Ernman, at Greta Thunberg allerede som helt lille blev diagnosticeret med både OCD og Asperger syndromet. I forhold til Asperger skulle det ifølge bogen være en sygdom, som også Gretas yngre søster Beata lider af.
ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel | ~ Roundtable #2 - Remote Viewing Workshop and UPDATE - As You Wish Talk Radio ~ | Blogger: Excellent and useful hour talk hosted by James Gilliland. Simple "ah-ha!" spiritual moments which resonance with verdensalt what’s going on right now... 💗🙏|
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience
This week: James invites John Vivanco back to talk about the Remote Viewing workshop happening at ECETI. He is also joined by Peter Maxwell Slattery and Alison Coe to hear their perspectives on the current phenomena around the ranch.
This week: James invites John Vivanco back to talk about the Remote Viewing workshop happening at ECETI. He is also joined by Peter Maxwell Slattery and Alison Coe to hear their perspectives on the current phenomena around the ranch.
Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings | ~ 💗 Cellular Body Regeneration 💕 ~ | .. From the Empowered Light Expo (April 28th, 2019) .. |
Brad Johnson does a live presentation on an easy to use technique, Cellular Body Regeneration and spirit light healing codes, to heal your body! Use this technique to release things from your body that no longer serve you and observe demonstrations from members of the audience that receive INSTANT healing from the light spirit codes that Brad facilitates!
From psychic ability, channeling, healing, spiritual teaching, dream interpretation, the Akashic Records and more; Brad Johnson has developed these abilities to better understand how reality interacts with us on a personal and collective level. Brad has shared his full circle knowledge with people from all over the world reflecting his empowering spiritual journey for over a decade. Brad shows us how we can form an intuitive relationship with the reflections of reality so that we can attract outcomes that serve our true aligned nature. Brad holds a natural conscious ability to connect with what could be called the higher mind, higher self or universal consciousness. He refers to this as the "Higher Mind State" as Brad possesses a natural ability to perceive and convey universal knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.
COAST TO COAST AM OFFICIAL | ~ William Henry Humans will Merge with Advanced Technology Very Soon ~ | Blogger: Skingularity,' when human flesh will mesh with advanced technology... (A.I. Playing God - H+ - Smarter Humans - Brain 'Smart Chip' - Smart Dust - Smart Spirits - Transhuman - 5G - 2020😨)... PS: Free pdf; 'THE SKINGULARITY IS NEAR' : The Next Human, the Perfect Rainbow Light Body and the Technology of Human Transcendence documents... |
COAST TO COAST AM. Author, investigative mythologist, and futurist William Henry, who specializes in human transformation, joined Jimmy Church to discuss an evolutionary turning point he calls the 'Skingularity,' when human flesh will mesh with advanced technology. The Internet of today will give rise to an advanced artificial intelligence that can read our minds and think for us, Henry explained. The forerunner of this technology is literally in our hands now, he added, pointing to the smart phone. Henry described a time in the not-so-distant future when humans will be implanted with technology to increase intelligence.
The Skingularity is Near (1) by Anonymous stVFyvazls on Scribd
ActivistPost | ~ If Truth Be Told About Aluminum (Aluminium), A Neurotoxin In Vaccines ~ | Blogger: [🔬Nanobots, Nanosensors, Nanoparticualtes, Nanochips - In Our Bodies, Brains, In & On Everything - Control Ready🧬] ... {I think it was Neuroscientist Moran Cerf, Ph.D., who said recently, that brain implants, he's working on with Silicon Valley may be ready within five years. DENMARK is leading in making brain-chips} ... AFTER some intense studies (and "tell-all" investigative docu-series 'The Truth About Vaccines'), at that moment, it became clear to me, what i'll have been saying for years, that is; When the ""The blood–brain barrier (BBB)"" (Aluminum + Polysorbate-80 'Monsanto') helps other substances from the vaccine to penetrate deep into the brain and cause neurological disorders, and these tiny ""nanobots"" (with Aluminum (AI) as main enforcer) enters our body & finally destination, our brain, NOTHING, can stop the CIA and the medical-industrial complex and alike, to create co-called UberSoldiers, terrorist zombies, (and our normal sick and dying populations), stimulated by antidepressants, serotonergic psychedelics, MKUltra, Psychological operations (PSYOP)... When you add / mix the massive chemtrail operation (geoengineering) inspired by USAF and German supporters of The Fourth Reich and made possible by post-war, Operation Paperclip, submitting viras, and neurotoxic material, there you have it... In other words, all of the CIA controlled countries who allows chemtrails and citizens depended on western medicine has 99.999 pct chance of having nanobots-nanosensors-nanoparticualtes floating around in our bodies, blood, brains and can alter your DNA, for ""someone"" to control - Transhumanism (just saying - always do your own research) ... |
By Catherine J. Frompovich
Aluminium is neurotoxic. Its free ion, Al3+ (aq), is highly biologically reactive and uniquely equipped to do damage to essential cellular (neuronal) biochemistry. This unequivocal fact must be the starting point in examining the risk posed by aluminium as a neurotoxin in humans. Apr 30, 2014
Source: What is the risk of aluminium as a neurotoxin?
Nothing explains the aluminum free ion Al3+ more intelligently than the following:
The likely principal antagonist in all such events is Al3+ (aq) and its mechanism of action will involve numbers of different agents or intermediates. For example, we know that aluminium is a potent pro-oxidant, its interaction with the superoxide radical anion establishing, fuelling and sustaining redox cycles. The potency of these effects are all the more significant in that the enhanced formation of reactive oxygen species may be accelerated at sites which are distinct and divorced from locations housing the cell’s anti-oxidant machinery. For example, aluminium sinks such as the extracellular senile plaques of Aβ42 and the intracellular chromatin of neuronal nuclei are both likely targets of aluminium-driven oxidative damage. Aluminium is an excitotoxin and a number of mechanisms have been described, whereby aluminium induces elevated and sustained levels of intracellular Ca2+ with significant implications not only for cellular energy metabolism, but also uncontrolled phosphorylation of biomolecules. The presence of biologically reactive aluminium imposes an immediate energy requirement upon a neuron, whether simply because of the need to produce more Ca2+-buffering proteins or because of the requirement to clean-up the consequences of hyperphosphorylation, for example, through autophagosomal activities. Aluminium is a mutagen and the phosphate-rich environment of the nucleus predisposes it to the accumulation of aluminium and subsequent alterations in the expression of genetic materials. The latter may be subtle but sufficient to bring about significant alterations in neuronal physiology over extended time periods. Aluminium is, of course, a powerful immunogen, being the preferred adjuvant in vaccination and immunotherapy. This activity as an adjuvant, and concomitantly as an antigen, at injection sites in skin or muscle must also be considered for focal accumulations of aluminium within the CNS and such reactivity may underlie aluminium’s suggested roles in autoimmunity. [3–5]
[CJF emphasis]
Source: Taylor & Francis Online
And yet, consensus-vaccinology-science doesn’t get it! Why?
There has to be another designated reason, plus rationale, for poisoning the CNS (central nervous system) of a human starting in infancy with mandated hyper-containing-aluminum-salts (as adjuvants) in any of 3 formulations, i.e., Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and potassium aluminum sulfate (alum):
Aluminum adjuvants are used in vaccines such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, diphtheria-tetanus-containing vaccines, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and pneumococcal vaccines, but they are not used in the live, viral vaccines, such as measles, mumps, rubella, varicella and rotavirus.
Source: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
TruthEarthOrg | ~ 💗 Worlds Beyond the Veil 432Hz 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🔭Myth vs Truth : Existence of A 'Veil', Web, Matrix, Net, (whatever). A Scalar Magnetic Fence Controlled by Advanced Technology On Far side of the Moon Bases (Hollow Artificial Satellite) & Energy Saturn Rings Preventing Positive Extra-Terrestrial Contact, Isolating Humanity🧲] ... {The Saturn Matrix and the Reincarnation Death Trap. Are we imprisoned in a grid around Earth❓How to escape❓} ... FIRST of all, it's V-E-R-Y hard for all of us to imagine, there's a group (on a higher level) who are defined as The Orion/Draconian/Reptilian Empire (The Chimera group / Yaldabaoth, Lord of the Archons), who came to earth in humanoid physical bodies 26,000 years ago and quarantined the planet (i mean, C'MON) ... Acc. to Cobra: "THE Veil = “a electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane” ... I think it's Simon Parkes & Alfred Lambremont Webre who has explained their own interpretation how The Saturn & Moon Matrix is a Mind Control Platform for Earth... David Icke, has also made a video about the 'spider' (force which is not human) called "Who Built The Matrix?" (lower level of our controllers)... 🤔Oh just to be clear - verdensalt truly believe the existence of a 3-D Matrix of illusion (i've call it) that limits our true capacity as humans; reorganizing the 97% "junk" DNA from a 2-strand double helix to a 12-strand helix, blocking the nurturing of the Etheric Body (release these negative emotions from your memory cells) and hindering the Tachyonic particles reaching Earth, assisting humans in ascension, health, healing, restoration, and overall well being etc. etc... |
- (cobra) The Veil
- (PFC) A Quick Reference of Some Cobra Definitions
- (Therese Zumi Sumner) The Removal of the Veil ~ How The Event Will Change Everything Immediately
- (Alfred Lambremont Webre) Saturn/Moon Matrix as Mind Control Platform for Earth
- Age Of Truth TV | ~ SIMON PARKES ~ "E.T. Alien Masters - A.I. Matrix Prison & Universal Consciousness"
- David Icke - Who Built The Matrix?
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