Apr 12, 2020
❌ ~ 💗 Quick Reference Websites (which has not been censored) 💕~ | Blogger: [👉Everyone is earning to find the truth - if you can handle it👈] ... |
COBRA (support groups):
There's many more....
🔬 ~ Implants Clearing Protocol ~ | Blogger: [👉Talk about COVID 19; Atlantean Negative Etheric Implants and present Physical implants (biochips). Global Vaccination, DNA-hack, Digital Certificate and Microchip Implant👈] ... For those who has been in COBRA SCHOOL, The Goddess Energy and balance between Male and Female aspects, you already know what i'm talking about... I've been (close) to the Core group of the Cobra-organization, 1st level of Temple Priestess Training Workshop, already initiated in the Ray (the Stellar and the Master's Ray Inititations), Part of the Tachyon Chambers steering board Denmark and Admin at FB-The Sisterhood of the Rose. Were lucky to meet Cobra's former spouse, Isis Astara, been to conferences in Brazil, Italy, Budapest and been on secret missions to Spiritual Mountains Vortexes outside Bucharest, Romania and placed Cintamani stones outside Danish Parliament and other Dark Spider web places to bring the LIGHT out. I briefly also had a fling, with a younger woman, within the organisation... Most of it is actually all behind me now, for some personal reason, i'm not that close anymore, and because I have the knowledge, I need... This article goes back to 2013-15, and one of the things that Cobra has said is that the Dark Alliance, for a better word, attempted to reintroduce physical implants after the World War II with physical biochips that were put into the vast majority of human beings through vaccination programs. This is the main reason why WHO has made vaccination mandatory... There's of course a difference between Atlantean Negative Etheric Implants and present Physical implants (biochips). But maybe, this will produce some wonderful clever answers to some of these questions about why Bill Gates, powerful Elites and Pharmaceutical Industry, are holding on to physical biochips, DNA-vaccines, Biohacking, ID2020, Transhumanism and 5G IoT Manufacturing = CONTROL OF HUMANITY... |
Implants Clearing Protocol
By Freddy Ground Crew
I will present here a very effective protocol that i have created to support all of the Light Forces in the process of the implants removal, i have created it using my intuition, rational mind, knowledge and connection with my soul combined.
It is important to specify that by doing this protocol/visualization once, the implants will not be removed but by doing it regurarly, we will greatly support the current Light Forces operations aimed at removing those implants permanently. It is also important to specify that we are talking here about etheric/plasmatic implants and not physical ones; as Cobra explained in one of his first posts back in June 2012, physical implants are not an issue anymore:
"There were also physical implants. The physical implants were very popular in Atlantis but were discontinued after the fall of Atlantis happened. There was an attempt to reintroduce physical implants after the World War II with physical biochips that were put into the vast majority of human beings through vaccination programs. This is the main reason why WHO has made vaccination mandatory. Physical biochips reinforced other programming but were successfully completely erased from the human population about two years ago with a special technology that could be operated from a distance, developed by the Resistance Movement. Therefore fears about NWO planning to microchip human population are not based on reality since the population has already been microchipped and those same biochips have also been removed without anybody really noticing."
Before presenting this protocol, i also suggest you to read this other old Cobra post where he explains about the implants and how they work:
I'm also adding some more information about implants that Cobra released recently in the Breakthrough Conference in Naples that are not present in the article above. For example, he mentioned about a fourth implant located behind the neck connected to the spine.
🚷 ~ Kunderne blæste på coronareglerne – nu står frivillige vagt (TV2 Øst) ~ | Blogger: [⚔️Besøg Hos Den Danske Riviera's Butiksgeneral🛡️] ... {En nabo på vejen har fortalt Verdensalt, hvordan han som DSB's lokomotivfører, træner elever op lige nu, der sidder 5 cm fra hinanden og alle fagforeninger, skriger til himlen om, er forkert} ... Jeg syntes det er sørgeligt Danmark, vi møder efterhånden... Vi får læst og påskrevet at vi "helst" ikke må tage i sommerhuset og politiet kører rundt i området, som om vi var kriminelle - gud fader bevares... OG jeg er ikke ENIG med Købmand Kurt Foged Nielsen fra Rørvig, som jeg personligt har handlet hos mange gange, fordi mine bedsteforældre har både haft sommerhus og helårshus i nærheden... Til Dem som ikke ved det, så hører Odsherreds strande til blandt landets mest populære med deres blide badevand, kridhvide klitter og smukke omgivelser... NEJ, Hr. brugsuddeler, det handler IKKE om at folk, er pisseligeglade med skiltene og Jer i butikken, jeg har set folk springe fra livet, for ikke at komme for tæt på hinanden og skændes højlydt og set mennesker med fuld visir, afspritte deres hænder, selv med overtrækshandsker i panikkens rædsel og deres kundevogne, mens de skælder ungerne ud, fordi, de ikke må røre NOGETSOMHELST... Det er ikke at udvise god samfundssind, at skal agere og lege butikkens og politikernes vagthund og vogter, vi skal passe på hinanden, ja, men 1 handlende pr. husstand - ta' dig lidt sammen, menneske. Vi lever ikke under 2. verdenskrigs rædsler og Gestapos likvidering af ulydige civile. Hos Harald Nyborg står der også vagter og skal sørge for, at spritte folk af... Prøv at hør engang, der er ikke andre butikker åbne end supermarkeder, hvor Du, Hr. brugsuddeler, tjener KASSEN FRU MADSEN, på os kunder, som også skal overleve, dagen i dag og i morgen?... Ikke nok med vi skal lytte og efterleve regeringens regler og retningslinger under coronakrisen, med nødplaner, beredskaber og skærpede sundhedsanbefalinger, som heller ikke længere er tilstrækkelige aktiviteter, men SELVTÆGTSMÆND, Supermænd, overmenneske og overjeg, hører ingen steder hjemme i Dannevang... Udefrakommende begivenheder som krig, terror, naturkatastrofer, finanskriser, Muhammed-tegninger, migrationskriser, pandemier og lignende. Alle de ting, der ligger uden for en regeringens kontrol, men som stadig er en regerings ansvar. Vores elskede Landsmoder, Mette-mus, bestemmer ej heller over vores skæbne... Der er andre magter som STYRER vores tilværelse lige nu... MÅSKE skulle du læse om Sema Simone, som siger, der foregår noget råddent bag kulisserne... Min egen mor ringede mig op til morgen, som har arbejdet 45 år i sundhedsvæsenet og mange af årene som leder på skadestue / modtagelse og ALDRIG, stolet på SST og SSI, og skændtes højlydt med Konge-overlæger med narcissistiske træk og egocentrikere... SoTW, prøv at se siger hun til morgen, alt det som du har gået og fortalt de sidste 10 år, siger, Sema Simone... Hvis folk vidste, den muterende og menneskeskabte vira, er en hurtig-spredende-smitte, men IKKE livsfarlig virus, den er SKABT til at ødelægge økonomien og indlogere folk i Deres hjem, så ingen kan arbejde, så kunne det være, at danskerne ville reagere, anderledes... Min mor spørger også; 'hvordan det kan være, de allerede har en vaccine som virker i September'? Og mit svar er; 'det har de heller ikke'! Men, Global vaccination er nødvendigt for DNA-hack, Digital Certifikat i form af mikrochipimplantat, så udrulningen af 5G, kommer til at virke, som den skal... Lyder SINDSYGT ikke sandt... Slå dine lyttebøffer ud og undersøg, selv sagen. Der er INGEN der siger hverken Sema Simone eller verdensalt, har ret i noget som helst... Men noget er rivende ruskende galt... |
🦠👮⚖️ ~ Canada: Police to Make Home Visits to Check Quarantine Compliance ~ | Blogger: [🙁WHAAAT!!???😨] ... Who is Behind it all? Who is Funding? The 0,01% who owns 40% of the world's Wealth, Money & Control? Who else, will benefit and has ties to the Economic Collapse, and unite us all into ONE world currency, under ONE nation, and create a Global community, below the 0,01%? Why are Politicians playing along with the "hidden hand" and the Pharmaceutical Industry? Why are The LameStream Media gone totally CRAZY? Because 6 corporations control 90% of the Media in the world and are restricted by the CIA who paid and threatened journalists to do Its work under Operation Mockingbird? What are the names of these Fear Warmongers & Disease Profiteers?. Why is it necessary to implement Orwellian Draconian Laws to bring down people begging on their knees for mercy? Why is necessary to restrict our Freedom by making laws about Compulsory Vaccination, by monitoring us through our Mobiles and force us into our Homes?. What is the next Phase? N.Y.C. closes schools for Academic Year 2020 - what are the Agenda behind Cuomo's decision to do that? Has there been connections to symptoms of Electromagnetic Radiation and COVID 19, which is this 5G network? Why are Anti-5G fever spreading from UK, to Netherlands as towers suffer ‘arson and sabotage’? Was the Survivalists and Preppers community, right all along? What's Canada' next move?. Why are People so lazy and will not hear the truth? How long will 'We the People', put up with it all?. We are the 99,99%. The hidden power of Elites - Cabal - or Illuminati is real and so are 'We the People' who seek dignity in life, even as we remain subdued and humiliated. 'We the People' seek Life, Peace, Justice and Dignity for ALL mankind and ALL living Souls on Mother GAIA. Many American states empower ordinary citizens to act as vigilantes using lethal force. Do we really want to be a nation of Dirty Harrys? No. Stand Your Ground laws has no meaning for Humanity, but WHO is our peaceful saviour then? Trump? With his Mercy Ships bringing Hope & Healing and Justice? Our Galactic friends in the skies? No. There's a reason why UK pledges £200 million to WHO and charities in aftermath of Trump’s threat to freeze US financial support for watchd.. It's all on us, 'We the People', who has the POWER if we stick together... |
👼 ~ 💗 Whitney Houston - I Look to You (Official Music Video) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [In memoriam 👌🙆🤘🛀🎭👩🎤💔] ... For me at SoTW, Whitney Houston is undeniable an Angel singing, to my ears - the lights were low, the music was playing softly, eyes wide open, my body and voice were numb. A beautiful being of white light that formed a angelic body, took my breath away. Back in 1988, Whitney Houston did a concert at the Valbyhallen, indoor arena located in Copenhagen. Verdensalt was present with Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark, the heir apparent to the throne of Denmark... It was a mind blowing experience🤩... 💗 R.I.P. Whitney Houston, Bobbi Kristina Brown & Nick Gordon - speak up from beyond the sky of heaven - and tell us the TRUTH-- What happened to you guys?... |
Bobby Brown doesn't think Whitney Houston died from drugs
Mystery surrounds the death of Bobbi Kristina Brown
Former fiancé of Whitney Houston’s daughter died of suspected drug overdose l ABC News
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