Det er vigtigt, at danskerne ikke lægger armene over kors og nægter at lytte til fagpersonale, siger ministeren. (Foto: Ida Marie Odgaard © Scanpix) |
Mange danskere er dybt skeptiske over for lægens diagnoser og vacciner, og de klikker sig hellere sig ind på Google for at blive klogere. Eller måske dummere.
I et opråb advarer sundhedsminister Ellen Trane Nørby (V) mod tillidssvigtet til sundhedsvæsnet og opfordrer til, at vi genfinder respekten for god, gammeldags lægelige praksis.
- Jeg synes, det er vigtigt, vi tør tage en diskussion omkring, at der er viden, som er faktuelt baseret, og så er der en lang række falske nyheder, som florerer på nettet. Og hvis man kun stoler på det, man finder i Facebook-fora, hvor man bekræfter hinanden, så risikerer man at sætte sin egen sundhedstilstand over styr, siger Ellen Trane Nørby til DR Nyheder......[
LIGE NU: Søren Pind dropper Facebook - 'det der kan jeg ikke acceptere'
Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret
By Kim Robinson, Red Hill, Pennsylvania
SaneVax, Inc
By all accounts, our daughter was normal before receiving the HPV vaccine. Katie performed very well in school. She was conscientious, hard-working and took pride in getting good grades. She loved dancing having taken dance classes since she was 3 years old. Katie always danced and twirled throughout our home and anywhere else she happened to be. When Katie was 10, she joined cheerleading and became involved in competition cheerleading. She was very active, taking four hours of dance class every week plus spending many more hours practicing with her competition cheer team. Katie was healthy and vibrant.
We were very diligent with our children’s health. We never missed an annual check-up and we also followed the pediatrician’s recommended vaccine schedule including annual flu shots. Our pediatrician recommended the Gardasil vaccine. The Gardasil vaccine was heavily advertised on TV. We read the vaccine Disclosure. It said that the vaccine should not be given to those with HIV. Katie did not have HIV so we signed the Consent.
On September 2, 2010 at the age of 11, Katie received the first Gardasil vaccine. Katie’s first day of middle school was September 7, 2010. Initially, we believed that her fatigue and headaches were being caused by having to get up much earlier in the morning for middle school. However, she never adjusted to the new schedule and soon her symptoms began exploding.
Katie would often tell us “I don’t know what’s wrong, I just don’t feel good.” She began sleeping a lot – over 12 hours a day and even more on the weekends, which would allow her gather enough energy to go to school a few days before she crashed again. She missed days at school, dance lessons and cheer practices. Soon her illness was visible on the outside too. Katie didn’t look good – constant dark circles under her eyes, her skin color was ashen and she appeared listless.
To us, it seemed that her symptoms must be related to the Gardasil vaccine. Katie’s earliest symptoms began after receiving this vaccine. We searched the internet but only found vague information – nothing that matched our daughter’s symptoms. We asked Katie’s pediatrician and other specialists if the Gardasil vaccine could be related to her symptoms but our inquiries were quickly dismissed as not having any correlation to her illness.