Jan 26, 2020
😇 ~ 💗 'I can see the light': WATCH rescuers save 2yo girl & her mother after they spent 24 HOURS trapped under rubble in Turkey 💕 ~ | Blogger: Wauv! How beautiful is that🤗... PS: Lucky for us they didn't' call the fraudulent White Helmets or else we would have some crisis actors involved... |
Rescue workers in Elazig, Turkey. January 26, 2020. © Umit Bektas / Reuters |
An injured mother and her baby girl spent nearly a whole day buried under debris after a deadly earthquake struck several cities in eastern Turkey. (READ MORE)
🤴 ~ Langer ud efter kronprinsen: Giv ham en skideballe ~ | Blogger: [🧑🤝🧑Hr. og Fru Danmarks ægteskab med det danske monarki, der har eksisteret i over 1000 år og er blandt de ældste kongehuse i verden og så tror folk vitterlig stadigvæk på, at der ikke findes tophemmeligheder begravet dybt nede hos Gorm den Gamle's skattekiste💰] ... {mormor dronning Ingrids hemmelige donation til Pingo eller ej, det gør ikke sagen bedre} ... Og sådan nogle som mig på verdensalt redaktionen kaldes for bølleagtig og uforskammet, at man tager fat i Kongehusets skjulte doktriner og hemmelighedskræmmerier, fordi, man som borger i et demokrati ikke længere, skal have lov til at vælge det (kongelige) statsoverhoved, der skal repræsentere landet. Det er uretfærdigt, at de skal være hævet over loven og potentielt kan gøre præcis, som de har lyst til, uden man har mulighed for at straffe dem. Verdensalt er IKKE hardcore anti-royalist, men efter den arrogance, som vores kommende Konge udviser, er det svært ikke at lade sig overbevise om, at Kongehuset skal KRAFTIGT moderniseres, Kongehusets kommunikationsafdeling skal screenes og nedlægges, eller Kongehuset må afskaffes.. Det er forkert, at personer kan fødes til en position, der hæver dem over loven. Det skaber ulighed i et ellers ret lige samfund. Det er et problem, at seriøse ministre skal bruge tid på at tale med Dronningen om love, der skal indføres. Det er flovt og total forlidterklæring, at Kronprinsparret, skal anvises eller irettesættes på morallen og rette etikette. Hvordan, de misbruger Deres apanage til eget egoistiske behov, prinsesse Mary's million overforbrug af spenderbukser og balletkjoler, million investering og fortjeneste på boliger rundt om i verden og manglende efterlevelse af visse pligter i kodekset mht. til militære hemmeligheder, bejlen til erhvervslivet og disrespekt overfor Folketinget og befolkningen. Bare for at tage et par enkelte eksempler. Tilliden er VÆK hos mig og en mistro som har eksisteret længe, har fået ny næring... I stedet for et monarki, som Danmark har i dag, så skal landet omdannes til en republik, som man har det i Frankrig eller i Tyskland. Én af årsagerne til, at mange danskere går ind for Kongehuset, er, at vi bliver forført af det eksotiske liv, som den royale familie lever. Det ikke er troværdigt, at pille ved glansbilledet omkring kongefamilien. Kongehuset er den sidste bataljon af folkekære, elskelige og troværdige ildsjæle som udbreder danske interesser rundt om i verden og hvis vi anfægter troværdigheden og om Dannevang har brug for Kongehuset, anklages vi for at være fordømmende, illoyale, uden fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd... |
Kommunikationsrådgiveren Anna Thygesen håber, at dronning Margrethe har givet kronprins Frederik en skideballe. Foto: Ida Guldbæk Arentsen/Ritzau Scanpix |
Anna Thygesen mener kronprins Frederik bør skæve til den nu tidligere prins Harrys håndtering af pressen.
🦁 ~ 💗 The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI.ORG 💕 ~ | Blogger: Longer than usualy report but amazing... Had myself a similar experience in mountains of Sedona with a huge giganteus spider that went into my room at Sedona Sacred Rocks Metaphysical B&B, that wouldn't leave. Very friendly, not like James' spider who bit him or another one sitting on the van of Edge of Wonder... |
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience
I’m finally home. The trip to Australia was both awesome and grueling. It encompassed 12 hour drives, dense smoke, and lectures right in the heart of the beast. Some of the events were held in buildings which could be referred to as illuminati central. I was out of cell phone and email contact most of the time for this I apologize we were either in lectures on the road or surrounded by people. I could only use my phone where we had internet and the time difference played a huge role. People don’t like being called at 2 in the morning.
The prayers and ceremonies we all participated in worked concerning the fires. Indigenous people around the world participated, the Aboriginal Elders held a large ceremony at Uluru. We did an override on the HAARP technologies stopping the coastal rains from putting out the fires. Everywhere we went was met with torrential down pours. Great job folks. I also want to add a big thanks to the California fire fighters on the plane with me. They asked why I was going to Australia. I told them to put out the fires. They said, oh are you a fire fighter. I smiled and said in a way, we work on a higher level watch the next couple of days. That is when the rains began. Go figure. They rolled their eyes, I could hear their thoughts, this guy is a nut case. Wonder what they are thinking now. Together we are a powerful force. It is said one on the side of Creator is the majority. Imagine the collective consciousness all connecting to the God/Creator/Great Spirit and focusing with the intention of putting out the fires. What is happening in Australia has many levels to it. The fires are not natural, up to two hundred people have been arrested starting the fires. There is also strong evidence of DEW weapons, directed energy weapons. Cars and houses burned to the ground steel and other metals turning liquid some of the houses still have green trees surrounding them. The map of a new railway corresponds exactly with the fires. It is the same playbook with the California fires. The people are becoming aware of this, uniting. Another fire has been set and it is in the hearts and minds of the people
The Latest From ECETI& James Gilliland
Latest news
Disclosure Down Under Australia Tour
The prayers and ceremonies we all participated in worked concerning the fires. Indigenous people around the world participated, the Aboriginal Elders held a large ceremony at Uluru. We did an override on the HAARP technologies stopping the coastal rains from putting out the fires. Everywhere we went was met with torrential down pours. Great job folks. I also want to add a big thanks to the California fire fighters on the plane with me. They asked why I was going to Australia. I told them to put out the fires. They said, oh are you a fire fighter. I smiled and said in a way, we work on a higher level watch the next couple of days. That is when the rains began. Go figure. They rolled their eyes, I could hear their thoughts, this guy is a nut case. Wonder what they are thinking now. Together we are a powerful force. It is said one on the side of Creator is the majority. Imagine the collective consciousness all connecting to the God/Creator/Great Spirit and focusing with the intention of putting out the fires. What is happening in Australia has many levels to it. The fires are not natural, up to two hundred people have been arrested starting the fires. There is also strong evidence of DEW weapons, directed energy weapons. Cars and houses burned to the ground steel and other metals turning liquid some of the houses still have green trees surrounding them. The map of a new railway corresponds exactly with the fires. It is the same playbook with the California fires. The people are becoming aware of this, uniting. Another fire has been set and it is in the hearts and minds of the people
😇 ~ 💗 Chakra Music : Positive Aura Cleanse | Powerful Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healing 💕 ~ | Blogger: With Agenda 21 (UN Agenda 2030) from man-made viruses (suggesting that Cornonavirus is poised to be a major pandemic), man-made (DEW & HAARP) ignited fires in Australia, talk of Wars, Secrecy, Collusion in Government and Corruption, Earthquakes and Volcano activities, we need some positive Clearing and Cleansing. It doesn't matter if evil forces still operates on Mother GAIA, it matters that we find a positive Force stronger than this to keep thousands from dying, who are creating a condition of massive Fear and Suffering.... |
☢️ ~ Wuhan snatch and grab teams hunt down the infected and take them: Video ~ | Blogger: [✋A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Reading these reports on SoTW or LSM should probably be done with a large grain of salt⏳] ... 🚩Acc. to Intellihub & Wuhan medical worker : Doctors have estimated about 100,000 infected... 🚩 Acc. to Hal Turner Radio Show: 3 million infected, 156,000 death and 46 million under quarantine... 🚩 Acc. to Newspunch: Scientists held “Global Pandemic Exercise” 3 months before deadly Coronavirus outbreak in China, that could kill 65 million people... 🚩 Acc. to Guardians of Hong Kong : (24 Jan) Big data from Baidu Map from 18/1 to 21/1 shows that a lot of Wuhan people had fled to nearby towns and cities before Wuhan was placed under quarantine... 🚩 Acc. to ZeroHedge: "Thermonuclear, Pandemic-Level Bad" - Harvard epidemiologist earns viral outbreak might get a lot worse... 🚩 Acc. to Shepherds Heart: Why Coronavirus is One World Governance for all of us... |
Source (intellihub)
Video footage out of China shows medical staff and security taking an infected person from a residence and loading them into an unmarked white van
January 25, 2020
CHINA (INTELLIHUB) — Government snatch and grab teams assisted by security personnel have been hunting down those infected with the Coronavirus and taking them to an unknown facility.
One of the snatch and grabs was captured on video.
Essentially, the same thing is happening here in America. Admittedly, in 22 states citizens are being held against their will in quarantine.
One of the snatch and grabs was captured on video.
Essentially, the same thing is happening here in America. Admittedly, in 22 states citizens are being held against their will in quarantine.
©2010. INTELLIHUB.COM. All Rights Reserved.
Other sources:
☢️ ~ Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak? An Inside Look May Shock You! ~ |
Source (Activistpost)
By Spiro Skouras
In this report we take an inside look at Event 201, which took place in NYC on October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
This is extremely fascinating because this pandemic simulation exercise of coronavirus took place about 6 weeks before the first illness from the coronavirus was actually reported in Wuhan, China. That is one hell of a coincidence if you believe in that sort of thing. Another fascinating connection is the fact that not only did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation participate in and help set up the pandemic simulation of a coronavirus outbreak, but they just so happen to fund the group who owns the patent to the deadly coronavirus and are already working on a vaccine to solve the current crisis. Again, an incredible coincidence…
In this report you will see footage from inside the event from the members of the emergency epidemic board in this simulation consisting of representatives from major banks, the UN, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johnson and Johnson, logistical powerhouses, the media as well as officials from China and America’s CDC just to name a few. This simulation also includes news reports that were fabricated just for this exercise — please keep that in mind because they are eerily similar to reports we are currently seeing regarding this real-world coronavirus outbreak
☢️ ~ C.I.A. PATENT US7220852B1 - CORONAVIRUS AKA SARS ~ | Blogger: [💤I had (have) a Dream: I were together with Trump, sometimes with Putin, we're always laughing, last night, i went into a store, and Trump came in talking in codes. At once, it was easy for me deciphering the clues and decode all the messages, as QAnon references, then i woke up👀] ... Even The Goldfish report and Louisa's followers (exploring the mindset of a typical hardcore Trump supporter), has doubts why the heck POTUS is not talking about the Wuhan coronavirus - NOTHING. Trump just sit and tweet nonstop about the impeachment trial like there's no tomorrow. Why is that? He has all his lawyers, White House administration and hundreds of special agents in the Presidential Protective Division, protecting him, why not talk and act on something that could affect the entire world? The Wuhan coronavirus continues to spread throughout Asia and the rest of the world and "mark my words"; WHO, CDC and CIA are NOT the good guys. Trust me on this... The scientists link new coronavirus to bats as soup made from the flying mammal is a popular dish in Wuhan, China. WHAT IF... "The virus didn’t originate in China but it is a C.I.A. gift to China to bring it in line to cough up the much needed funds the USA, Inc. needs to avoid bankruptcy on January 31st 2020", as PFC is discussing in this article, does Trump knows this? If so, now we are talking about a sitting president of the United States that may or should, be accused of wrongdoing... |
Source (Prepare For Change)
Do you wonder how this virus jumped over from China to the USA in no time?
While researching the online archives we found a hard truth: The father of this Virus is the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
The virus didn’t originate in China but it is a C.I.A. gift to China to bring it in line to cough up the much needed funds the USA, Inc. needs to avoid bankruptcy on January 31st 2020.
For all those with IQ’s lower than a gold fish the added bonus is that they will have the opportunity to take advantage of the soon coming Free mass vaccinations for all! Yeah!
Alas the Deep State / US government, Inc. will soon have the FREE inoculation we all need to stay alive!
In the below patent you’ll find 72 pages of truth so you can be the judge of this terrible “sudden unknown outbreak”
Pease read the patent on the link below first, then download it and share this article far and wide before the DEEP STATE AGENTS delete it. Stay wise and healthy!
🍿 ~ RV/Intelligence Alert: "Flood" ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... BTW - Greg Hunter over at USAWatchdog & Legendary geopolitical and financial analyst, Martin Armstrong, says, “The Fed is trapped. If it stops (injecting money into the repo market by billions of dollars daily), interest rates will rise.”... SoTW: Let me remind you that the much needed funds the USA, Inc. requires to avoid bankruptcy on January 31st, is near... US debt clock is ticking - $23 trillions of funny money and Doomsday Clock is 100 seconds until the end of the world... |
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - January 24, 2020
Source (dinarchronicles)
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful)
DECLAS is occurring in a "slow drip" manner which will eventually become a flood (mass unsealing of indictments).
The "storm" President Trump mentioned years ago is about to occur.
President Trump is expected to nominate Judy Shelton and Chris Waller to fill positions in the Federal Reserve.
Judy Shelton is known to be a supporter of the Gold Standard.
The Federal Reserve is expected to undergo reforms toward implementing an asset-backed monetary system rather than be abolished.
🤔 ~ Scientists In Britain May Have Just "Accidentally" Found A Cure For Cancer ~ | .. Now if they could only "stumble" onto a cure for the coronavirus next .. |
Now if they could only "stumble" onto a cure for the coronavirus next... |
Every once in a while, medical researchers simply have a stroke of good luck. In this case, that "stroke of good luck" could have a profound effect on the medial community.
Researchers at Cardiff University that were in the midst of analyzing blood from a bank accidentally stumbled into an "entirely new type of T-cell", according to The Daily Wire. The new cell carries a "never before seen" type of receptor that acts like a grappling hook, latching on to most human cancers.
Prior therapies, called CAR-T and TCR-T, which use immune cells to attach to HLA molecules on cancer cells' surface, are incapable of fighting solid tumors, the article notes. HLA molecules vary in people, but the new therapy instead attaches to a molecule called MR1, which does not vary in humans. This gives the therapy a chance of fighting most cancers.
It also means people could share the treatment, which could allow banks of cells to be stored and offered quickly, as needed.(READ MORE)
Researchers at Cardiff University that were in the midst of analyzing blood from a bank accidentally stumbled into an "entirely new type of T-cell", according to The Daily Wire. The new cell carries a "never before seen" type of receptor that acts like a grappling hook, latching on to most human cancers.
Prior therapies, called CAR-T and TCR-T, which use immune cells to attach to HLA molecules on cancer cells' surface, are incapable of fighting solid tumors, the article notes. HLA molecules vary in people, but the new therapy instead attaches to a molecule called MR1, which does not vary in humans. This gives the therapy a chance of fighting most cancers.
It also means people could share the treatment, which could allow banks of cells to be stored and offered quickly, as needed.(READ MORE)
😇 ~ 💗 Meg Benedicte: 222 and the Year of the Yang Metal Rat 💕 ~ |
In numerology the year 2020 symbolizes ‘22’ energy in a ‘4’ year. Number 22 integrates the powers of ‘11’ and represents the Spiritual Master Builder on the physical earth plane. 22 is the sign of Alchemy, altering energetic form and materializing visions into reality. 22 brings ‘Source’ life force into our creations.
The ‘22’ master keycode is Light…the consciousness of life itself. Wherever we utilize crystalline Light we introduce a higher intelligence into our creations. When we live in integrity with the god force and universal truth, we are builders of a new paradigm. The 22 Master Builders and Teachers have traveled to earth to transform human consciousness in the Aquarian Age.
It is the year I am being guided to launch my Mystery School…the time has arrived to build a New Earth Academy.
In spiritual teachings, the Angel number sequence 222 encourages you to establish more balance and peace in your life. It is a call to commit to your divine life purpose and mission. The angels are guiding you to stand strong in your authentic Soul truth.
⚖️ ~ 💗 Tweet: "Julian [Assange] is finally released from solitary in Belmarsh because the other prisoners ..." 💕 ~ |
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 24-Jan-2020 20:31:20
A truly inspiring story.— Craig Murray (@CraigMurrayOrg) January 24, 2020
Julian is finally released from solitary in Belmarsh because the other prisoners in the prison were appalled by his treatment and took up action on his behalf.
A small victory for basic humanity - and it took criminals to teach it to the British state. https://t.co/bEMHlW4v0C
👀 ~ The Great Delusion (2020 EVENTS) ~ | Blogger: PS: The first part when Aaron Rodgers talks about his UFO story, and questions his Christian upbringing, that led him to a 'different type of spirituality' is amazing to watch, the rest, is as usually with Jason A news, about Christianity Beliefs. I think, Christianity, like so many other religions, has fostered a kind of slave morality that suppressed the desires contained in the human will. SoTW do not have any faith in any color and the world's major religions, Agnosticism or Gnosticism, whatever. Most humans think, the're belong to a superior race, what we should learn is that as highly educated individualists we might be, believing in A God assisting us to reach the truth, is one thing, another is to truly understand, we humans have the pure divine sparkle deep inside, the bearing of a true God/Source, of the divine TRUTH... Amen, to that Star-Brother... |
✅ ~ WARNING: The Truth May Scare You! IT'S REALLY HAPPENING (2020) ~ | Blogger: [👍Great documentary - highly recommended to watch👌] ... {Presented by Anonymous Official, content licensed in part by Zohar Entertainment Group (Zohar StarGate TV) and made by Phenomena Magazine A FREE monthly E-Mag and YouTube Channel} ... The Universe is so unimaginably big, and it's positively teeming with an almost infinite supply of potentially life-giving worlds. Mother GAIA is (not) the center of the universe, (not) the most advanced civilization, but with 80 years of trading, The Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization, Alien Exchange Programs, Reverse-Engineered Alien Tech and of course, from CIA's Secrecy orders allowing U.S. defense agencies to control Patents, including those that are privately... Well, you can guess the rest... |
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