Feb 20, 2020

☁️ ~ 💗 Amazing Pictures From Around The World Today & Last Few Days 💕 ~ | Blogger: (Examples): Spirituality, the color pink represents Compassion, Nurturing and Love... Red represents physical energy, Lust, Passion, and Desire... Orange represents Abundance, Rejuvenation and Gypsy Soul... |

Roberto Nunez - Mexico
Patrick Shih‎ - Operation Wuhan Sky
Cory Corbett‎ - Arkansas sky

👋 ~ (Private Benjamin Recruit): Danish Defence Force Fraud & The Trusted 10,000 Employees. Every Fifth Danish Defence Personnel, Succumbed To Temptation & Misused The Armed Forces Corporate Card For Stripclubs, Amusement Parks, Hotels And Luxury Cars 💳 ~ | Blogger: [🤑Denmark Has the BEST corruption system money can buy. Come And Get It🤩] ... {Who's paying the bill, cleanup and swindle? The taxpayers of course} ... 🤦The Danish Ministry of Defence Estate Agency(Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse) has so many causes on fraud and embezzlement, it's FAR from over ... YEARLY 1,500 BILLIONS OF GOVERNMENT FINANCES & CONTROL MECHANISMS ARE NOT IN PLACE EVERYWHERE ...✊ We have an employee at Danish social welfare authority embezzled 111 million kroner. Both her daughters, son and son in law, were fraudulent. Demand was 8-12 years in prison, she got 6 years, out in 2-3 years time max (State and taxpayers millions still missing, In China and South Africa) ... ✊We have former CEO, Save the Children and PM of Denmark, Queen & CEO of corporate 'tax havens', Helle Thorning-Schmidt... ✊We have a City government office in Copenhagen, The Technical and Environmental Administration, who have broken EVERY single law in Denmark and buys hundred expensive consultants and legal services, it breaks both the law and the internal rules of the municipality ... ✊We have a (semi public) private contractual Financial institution in Ballerup called NETS A/S, who swindle the stocks, before listing on the stock exchange and Nets boss scores 2 billion in bonus program... ✊We have FLSmidth, involved in corruption case for DKK 225 million kr & Maersk employee fraud on rise... ✊We have one of the biggest and most popular danish influencers in social media, Miss Mia Fitt, with 1.4 million followers, who is charged with breach of the Marketing Act. And then she has the nerve, to cry conspiracy and innocent look, when she KNOWS, she's making MONEY and with a violations of the prohibition on covert advertising, she's (maybe) going to be guilty of fraud. SHE KNOWS THIS!... 😑WHAT the Heck is wrong with us, Human beings? Why the Fraud, when we live in the most wealthiest western part of the world? WHY?... PS: Oh! you want proof? According to freedom of information act, RADIO4, talk radio and news caster, has got access to files from govt internal audit report, that indicates that every fifth employees of the defence force, had (potentially) cheated with employee expenses. No one in their right mind, goes down to a sexshop and buy stuff with one's corporate card? OMG!... |

"ANALYSIS: It breaks down trust in the State when the highest paid officials in the community make a series of mistakes, but stay on the stools and wipe the responsibilities and consequences of the subordinates. Over the course of a week, Head of Department Thomas Ahrenkiel has evolved into the Department of Defense's biggest problem, and he personifies an undermining trend throughout the state administration." ~ OLFI.dk


💔 ~ 1 hjerte: Pinagtig og ulidelig 'biografi' om Bjarne Corydon burde aldrig have været udgivet ~ | Blogger: [📚Nu med ny bog - en success eller downfall? Vores eeelskede forblændet bling-bling Ex Finansminister Bjarne 'Cory-DON'(G) på nye eventyr🕳️] ... {Hvis nogle skulle have glemt om DONG}... Konspirationsfest: Bilderberg, DONG, Mckinsey, Goldman og Corydon. Tilbage i 2016, slog FBI til mod hovedkvarteret for Wall Street-investeringsfirmaet Goldman Sachs og arresterede hele direktionen, inklusive administrerende direktør Lloyd Blankfein.... Bjarne Corydon, nylig topchef på Dagbladet Børsen - sætter dagsordenen for erhvervslivet og beskytter Guld1000 drengene samt den gode ledelse på de bonede gulve... Den mest korrupte socialdemokrat i Danmarkshistorien. Vores forblændet bling-bling Ex Finansminister Bjarne 'Cory-"DON", der må ligge i fosterstilling gemt væk i et mørkt hjørnekontor hos den dybe Stats håndlanger, McKinsey gruppen (En af de største underafdelinger til Rothschild familien er 'McKinsey and Company' samt GoLDMaN SLaCKS), og må dælme sidde med en rigtig dårlig smag i munden, medmindre han lider af en antisocial personligheds- forstyrrelse af benægtelse og grådighed for magt. Spørgsmålet er om, 'Cory-DON, er anderledes end resten af slænget i Tinget?... FOR POKKER, hvor vi savner Kirsten Birgit, så vi ikke alle mister overblikket. Hun var genial... |

Kilde (Politiken.dk)

Pinagtigt floskelkatalog om den tidligere finansminister er som et karakterattentat med en dejskraber. Udgivelsen sætter samtidig et stort spørgsmålstegn ved forlaget People’s Press’ troværdighed.


Udgivet første gang den 28. April 2015 af Verdensalt

Dong salget lugter af politiske rævekager, pamperi og fordækt dagsorden

Update 22. Dec 2015: Så er den gal igen. Corydon x McKinsey III
Fra arkivet: Faglige organisationer kritiserer, at statens ledere skal måle og veje de ansatte ved hjælp af en McKinsey-model. Men finansministeren mener, at der ikke længere er en modsætning mellem tillid og kontrol i den offentlige sektor. Information.dk

Update 23. Dec 2015: Så er den gal igen. Ritt revser Corydon for at skade det politiske system. Corydons nye job i McKinsey er problematisk og åbner for diskussion om vennetjenester, mener Ritt Bjerregaard. - dr.dk

Update 23. Dec 2015: Så er den gal igen Køl ministre som Corydon af, før de får topjob i lobbyvirksomheder. Corydon er jo desværre ikke den første, der foretager denne slags job-skifte. Karen Hækkerup skiftede fra fødevareminister til cheflobbyist for landbruget. Gitte Lillelund Bech fra forsvarsminister til våbenlobbyistPolitiken.dk

Update 23. Dec 2015: Så er den gal igen Qvortrup om Corydons afgang: Dansk politik er en troløs forestilling. Med Bjarne Corydons farvel til dansk politik, mister Socialdemokraterne et af deres stærkeste - men også mest foragtede - politiske esser. mx.dk

Update 23. Dec 2015: Så er den gal igen Vagthund: Corydon-skift var ikke gået i andre EU-lande. Flere andre EU-lande har karensperioder, der ville have spændt ben for et jobskift som Bjarne Corydons. berlingske.dk

Update 20. Maj 2015: Så er den gal igen i Dong-sagen.Enhedslisten retter skytset mod finansminister Bjarne Corydon (S) i Dong-sagen og truer med et mistillidsvotum, der kan vælte hele regeringen.Forstå sagen her: http://www.politiko.dk/politisk-morgenpost/forstaa-balladen-om-dong-corydon-og-enhedslisten

"Trods faldende olie- og gaspriser øger Dong Energy overskuddet på 1,7 mia. kr. for 1. kvt. 2015. Dong har omkring 6.500 medarbejdere og omsatte for 67 mia. kr. i 2014"

Det undre mig simpelhen ikke, at vi kan blive ved med at spinde historier på vores Finansminister om DONG salget...

Grunden til sagen ikke lægger sig fladt ned på ryggen, er den er pilrådden fra starten... Der er snart folketingsvalg, så DF forsøger at stille spørgsmål omkring sagen - fair nok - enhedslisten har tidligere forsøgt, uden held..... Det seneste som er kommet frem bla. fra Anders Eldrup og Fritz Schur er, at "ifølge tidligere Dong-topchef Anders Eldrup var finansminister Bjarne Corydon (S) informeret om, at Dong kunne høste milliarder ved at udskille selskabets havvindaktiviteter i et separat selskab. Alligevel tav ministeren om muligheden, da Dong kom i akut pengenød. DF er forundret"...

🧠 ~ 💗 VR US FREQUENCY UPDATE FEBRUARY 19, 2020 💕 ~ | Blogger: Wauv! Incredible important video to watch...Thanks to EARTHLY PATRIOT... 2nd video or speaker, that tells me, I was spot on SoTW, in the conclusion of the virus outbreak was meant for a specific part of the world, where the FEAR is worst, vibration and density lowest, before the rest of the world is uplifted and awaked into a better positive thought patterns, spirit and vibration. In other words, the Reptilian Overlords A.I. agenda and NWO suppression, did once gain, install or regain fearbased lower vibrations and frequencies, on Mother GAIA in order to survive, stave us out by feeding on our negative fearful energies... Make sense to me, at least... Remember: Love (even better Joy, Peace, Enlightenment) is equal to Light, Good, High vibration, Wanted energy and the Imperfect Human Being.... You be the judge... |


🌱 ~ 💗 Earth Intelligence Report - February 2020 💕 ~ |

Source (Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings)

🇩🇰 ~ "Let's talk about Democratic Socialism." Says Sen. Sanders and (misuse) Denmark (again) as he pet-talks Scandinavia at the Democratic debate in Las Vegas ~ | Blogger: Perhaps, Dan Jørgensen, has not revealed to Mr. Sanders, both socialist-communists, we have as much inequality problems, false flags operations, freemasonry, Rothschild corruption in Scandinavia as in America?... |

🛸 ~ UAP Crash Retrievals: Public Statements from TTSA Members. Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure ~ |

Source (Richard Dolan)

The subject of UFOs, or UAPs nowadays, is definitely easier to talk about in public forums, and even appears now on national broadcast television. Much of this is due to the efforts of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA), headed by Tom DeLonge and staffed by scientists and intelligence community personnel such as Hal Puthoff, Luis Elizondo, Christopher Mellon, and others. What many people don’t realize is the extent to which members of this organization – and several individuals who have been very close to them over the years – have made a series of provocative public statements attesting to the reality not just of UFO/UAP, but to the recovery of crashed or landed objects by the U.S. military, and apparently by militaries from other nations. When taken together, these statements paint a very consistent picture. The reality of crash retrievals of UFO/UAP has been an open secret for these individuals, and today it’s clearly not even a secret. Richard and Tracey highlight some of the key statements by these individuals and discuss them.

👽 ~ HAF: Astrophysicist Cut Off By BBC After Revealing Space Radio Bursts Could Come From An ‘Advanced Alien Civilisation’ ~ |

Source (Humans Are Free)

A BBC guest’s live interview was cut off as she suggested the fast radio bursts detected from deep space could be signs of an “advanced alien civilisation”.

A BBC interview with astrophysicist Elizabeth Pearson was cut short after the suggestion that radio signals picked up from beyond the Milky Way could be connected to aliens.

Despite being a “slight out there” theory, it “cannot be ruled out”, believes the space expert.(READ MORE)

🎭 ~ CONFUSING TURNAROUND : Danish govt takes one step forward, two steps back. According to DR-news, a few days ago, the court and State of Denmark will send Misane to her death in South Africa (so she claims) 💔 ~ | Blogger: [🔴UPDATE 20/2-2020: After a looot of pressure from the authorities of Latvia, a woman that escapes violence from her husband, who threatening her life by gunpoint in South Africa, was forced to kidnap her children to Denmark. She has been sitting and rotting in a danish isolation cell for 14 months straight with no contact to her children, was expected to be extradited to South Africa ASAP; - It will be my DEATH, according to Latvian national Kristine Misane. NOW she gonna be transferred to Latvia, acc. to Attorney General🤗] ... {prayers go out for her and the children and somebody are able to help her, before she rots up in a danish prison or be send to South African, for her dead🙏} ... |

Source (baltic-course)

🔴 ~ (BREAKING) Train Carrying Nearly 200 Passengers Derails and Overturns in Australia - Reports ~ | Blogger: [A lot of weird things happening right now] .. 4 killed after two planes COLLIDE MID-AIR near Melbourne... Terror, in Germany?... Turkey plans "op" in Syria, will lead to war with Russia?... Brazilian senator SHOT after driving BULLDOZER into military police protest... Coronavirus cruise ship, lead out into the streets of Tokyo... Another pizza party? Guests arrive for Prince Andrew's slimmed-back 60th birthday bash in Windsor with ex-wife Fergie and daughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie... as councils refuse to fly Union Flag in his honour... |

💉 ~ 💗 STOPPING THE VACCINE CRAZE! 💕 ~ | Blogger: PS: Ron Van Dyke aka Paradoxman316 broadcasts (mostly) daily Youtube videos about our Evolution, Revolution, based on Spirituality and Awakening... |

Source (paradoxman316)


From Jon Rappoport's Blog: Well, what do you know? One state in the US is pushing back against mandatory vaccination of children. And not just pushing back – but standing on Constitutional principle. As inforum.com reports: “South Dakota bill introduced to prohibit schools from requiring immunizations,” (Feb 5, 2020). “No educational institution may use coercive means to require immunization.” The bill now in the South Dakota legislature states: “No educational institution may use coercive means to require immunization.” Will it pass? Of course the American Medical Association supports big pharma and it’s poison-infested vaccines. For most 3-letter agencies, the agenda is about control, not health, not freedom, and certainly not truth. These agencies are run by deep state liars who never tell the truth in a straight-forward manner. I continue to wrestle with the very concept of truth as I witness the Planet of the Lie being torn apart by dissention. As many have said: if you want to learn the truth, follow the money. Big Pharma is a multi-billion dollar industry. Sinking that ship is a huge task as it is controlled by those with a malevolent agenda to reduce world population!

🚥 ~ Crack in Earth’s Magnetic Field Sparks Rare Blue Auroras, the Strangest Northern Lights in Years ~ |

Source (strangesounds)

A crack in Earth’s magnetic field opened on Februry 18, 2020, sparking some of the strangest auroras in years.

First, blue northern lights lit up the sky over the Lofoten Islands of Norway, before strangely shaped green northern lights electrified the night sky.

⚖️ ~ The White House: Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency ~ | Blogger: [🤔The President of the United States has pardoned 11 convicted criminals🚨] ... SoTW finds it strange, that Trump pardons two billionaires, a corrupt police chief and a participant from his TV show. He is also accused of asked Julian Assange to say that Russia was not involved in the case of hacked emails, offering a pardon, in 2017, in return (which I believe is staged by the democrats or deep state)... A year in jail & quarter million fine since, lawyers seek freedom for Chelsea Manning refusing to testify against WikiLeaks... |


🔔 ~ 💗 Today a monumental day and a potent portal for healing 💕 ~ | Blogger: I am filled with the deepest love and gratitude for Mei-lan Maurits sound healings...|

Beautiful Soul Family,

Today is 02/02/2020 -- a monumental day and a potent portal for healing. I want to gift you a 20-minute sound healing transmission on receptivity.
You can watch the full version here: http://bit.ly/02022020Healing

Along with this transmission, I’ve also shared a message and a few reflection questions. Take your time to integrate, create space, and reflect after listening.

When we choose to open & receive love, Source light can heal the parts of us that feel unworthy of being seen, held, and accepted.
This is the deepest healing that is possible -- it is a soul alchemy that can heal any wound.

All my love,

🕵️‍♂️ ~ Aljazeera: German far-right group was 'plotting Christchurch-style attack' ~ | Blogger: [👳11, 13 and 33: The illuminati / Freemason Signature🤘] ... According to LSM media outlets, 11 dead after shootings in Hanau, Germany. The German authorities suspect that the perpetrator had a highly radical motive... And now the shooters have conveniently killed himself (dead men don't talk). .. Sorry, I really must STOP these ‘crackpot’ theories... Normal template of a 'staged' TERROR INCIDENT(bogeyman:) --- 👳Immediate comprehensive narrative & national news coverage, including a convenient culprit (easily identified by saturation media coverage) - once again a “lone wolf” male attacker - recently CONVERTED TO ISLAM (or WHITE SUPREMACY - on psychedelic drugs). Sounding Muslim name - big dark eyes, prominent noses, distinctive large black beard - affiliated with either ISIS or Al-Nusra - terrorist shouted Allahu Akbar - likely radicalized inside US (wherever) and STRONG supporting Islamic State (IS) 👳 --- ... A "false flag" is an act, often a terrorist act, which is committed by one group (govt entity or intelligence services) with the intention of discrediting another group, which is blamed for it... |

Source (Aljazeera.com)

Concerns rise as more details emerge about men who wanted to carry out large-scale, deadly attacks against Muslims.

🤪 ~ The Guardian: World-leading specialists offer support to Chinese scientists amid ‘crackpot’ theories that virus was manufactured in a lab ~ | Blogger: Well, me at SoTW and "courtroom drama in 9/11 ´crackpot´ libel case" with Niels Harrit, former associate professor of chemistry at UCPH, must be crazy looney tunes characters and ‘crackpot’ theorists and must be silenced... So help me God!... |

 Western scientists have been working closely with their Chinese counterparts to research coronavirus and find a cure. Photograph: Sylvain Lefevre/Getty Images
Source (The Guardian)

Experts fear false rumours could harm Chinese cooperation on coronavirus

World-leading specialists offer support to Chinese scientists amid ‘crackpot’ theories that virus was manufactured in a lab

🖖 ~ 💗 Adama via Dianne Robbins: Consciousness is Booming! 💕 ~ | .. Energy is pouring onto the Earth plane in astronomical amounts now, and people are waking up by the millions .. | Blogger: Thanks to Adama with Dianne Robbins, & PAO / Galactic Heart... 💙Oh man! I love Mt. Shasta mountains! Mount Shasta located in Northern California is a destination for mystics, gurus, sages, and curious people from all over the world. Last time I was there, was in 2015, on a spiritual adventure, befriended many there!. Patrice, now departed to heaven, REIKI healer Monika and another woman, who I flirted with, Denise. Was running up and down the mountain for exercise, heard bears in the night time, dizzy by Mt Shasta energy vortex, drinking pure water, hiking the most fantastic place at Panther Meadow Trails, saw strange orbs, spaceships in the skies with James Gillilan, swimming in the Crystal Lake with Alex Collier and hugged Omnec Onec, an extraterrestrial from Venus on her birthday.... |

This formation of a Heart appeared on top of Mt. Shasta in California, February 8, 2020. This photo was taken just after sunset, when the Mountain glowed in pink and the Heart turned bright red. Photo credit: Andrew Oser

Every thought, feeling, and action, and the words you use determine your level of consciousness.~ Adama

Consciousness is booming!

It’s the biggest commodity expansion on the stock market. Invest in it today—it will bring you great cosmic dividends in the future.

The more you invest, the more you will always have, for you always take it with you no matter what lifetime you are in—for its value exponentially increases. It is better than the gold you leave behind at the end of each lifetime. So take the time to invest now by meditating, by exploring, and by loving yourself.

Investing in your consciousness is FREE—it is the only free commodity available on the stock market today. No dollars out of your pocket—just your time and willingness to expand your perceptions—and voila, you have it! You will be able to perceive the deceptions going on around you through your media and by your governments. You’ll see how you’ve been duped to believe in the righteousness of wars and insane American government leaders leading your country and the world to the brink of disaster.

🦠 ~ Japan activates global suicide mission, begins releasing thousands of potentially cross-infected cruise ship passengers onto the streets of Tokyo starting TODAY ~ | Blogger: Actually, i've just talked to my mom, very clever woman, who mentioned this to me yesterday, that she finds it veeeery strange and disturbing, as a professional nurse with 45 years experience as leader in a ER, emergency department (ED), no staff members on board this ship, was screened for anything, or at least, only very poor testing... Now, Mike Adams, are talking about how cruise ship passengers has also been lead out onto the streets of Tokyo... NOOOT GOOD!... But, more disturbing it is, as SoTW have concluded, if, the virus is man-made bio-weapon, genetically engineered virus aimed at Chinese and Asian mongoloid men, and could cause male infertility as well, is it a perfect (weapon) for depopulation and helps China govt's one-child policy? It's veeeery far out theory, but I know have these people think😥... |

(Natural News) Japan’s global suicide mission has now begun. Hours ago, Japan’s Ministry of Health (which should be called the “Ministry of Suicide”) authorized the release of thousands of cruise ship passengers onto the streets of Tokyo, even though previous testing has found that up to 26% of tested people on the ship are infected with the coronavirus.

The justification for the release was that passengers spent “14 days in quarantine” on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship. However, as we have repeatedly pointed out, the Diamond Princess “quarantine” was a non-quarantine quarantine because passengers were sharing the same air and suffering from cross infections of the airborne coronavirus pathogen. It’s not a quarantine if you’re sharing air with other people in the middle of an airborne pathogen epidemic, but apparently the health officials in Japan have no clue how infectious disease really works.

Just yesterday, for example, 79 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed among the passengers, even as those very same passengers were being prepped for de-boarding, reports Channel News Asia.(READ MORE)
