Mar 29, 2020
π ~ What You Didn't Know About Neil Armstrong... Engineer and Close Friend Reveals (Zohar StarGate TV) ~ | Blogger: Among many things and great (secret) achievements, David Adair, Former Area 51 scientist has disclosed projects that have never been seen or heard of by the public... SoTW attended a mind-blowing (onsite) live videocast (now censored) at Conscious Life Expo 2018 in Los Angeles and enrolled David Adair's worldshop (sitting 2 meters from him) and listen to his story, that the U.S. military secretly gave him support to build his rocket in 1969... I bet you, that Peter "Rocket" Madsen & 'Mad' Mike Hughes (SoTW went by Mr. Hughes rocket launch site in 2019), with all due respect, didn't come even CLOSE to David Adair's achievements... An expert in space technology applications, David Adair, is also known for his account of extraordinary experiences at Area 51 as a mere teenager .. David Adair had close contact to Arthur L.H. Rudolph, that he wished for ("Truth" Drugs in Interrogation, for what he knew). Before he was a teenager, David Adair was fascinated with jet propulsion. By the time he was 11 he had built his first rocket, and at the age of 17 he supposedly pioneered a new type of engine that used neither liquid nor solid jet fuel – it used electromagnetic fusion. From that point on, he says he caught the eye of government agents, but not just any agents, the top brass, Area 51-clearance-level agents. He says his work was later acknowledged by Stephen Hawking and Werner von Braun, but the story of his interaction with the military at a young age involves clandestine military bases and Nazi scientists... PS: This below video by Zohar Entertainment Group has not the amazing informations we're been told at Conscious Life Expo 2018, unfortunately... |
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Take a look at the size ...REAL PIC??? - Secret Space Program - SSP - Solar Warden - Massive Air Ships For Evacuation Or Survival Purposes | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban |
UAMN TV | Aug 21, 2018 | ~ Former Area 51 Scientist Discloses Projects That have Never Been Seen by the Public ~ |
Presented by David Adair
Filmed by Zohar Entertainment Group.
πΌ ~ π Peace... even now (Messages from Ann & the Angels) π ~ | Blogger: Excerpt: "Right now we honor each and every one of your upon your earth, for you are making history – spiritual history – ushering in a new era of light, cooperation, connection, harmony, and truth. Amidst the darkness, a great love and great light continue to arise. The human spirit is strong beyond measure. Your love is coming to the surface as never before."... |
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Photo by Ann Albers in Phoenix, AZ |
Love in the midst of the darkness...
(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Message from the Angels
Right now we honor each and every one of your upon your earth, for you are making history – spiritual history – ushering in a new era of light, cooperation, connection, harmony, and truth. Amidst the darkness, a great love and great light continue to arise. The human spirit is strong beyond measure. Your love is coming to the surface as never before.
That said, there is still a great deal of fear upon your planet. Those of you who are empathic, even though you might not be afraid of the virus, may feel the vibration of fear. Any little fear you might carry in your own spirit can easily be amplified right now. If you are feeling your emotions a bit more intensely than usual, that is absolutely normal. If you are feeling a need for comfort lately, that is normal too.
π³ ~ Digital Dollar A-Coming: Draft Bills Mention New US Central Bank Digital Currency (HAF) ~ | Blogger: [π‘️DON'T PANIC: But, we need to be Vigilant about this⚔️] ... As SoTW already mentioned... We need to manifest that The Digital Dollar (USG) is GONE and in comes the (new) Golden Age of Atlantis & the (new) Quantum Financial System - QFS off-world Monetary System - will replace the old corrupt financial system... One of the (many) reasons why the Atlanteans failed, was because, with the many luxuries, conveniences and advanced technologies came cognitive AI mentality, that produces asymmetric social distance, with high-power individuals feeling more distant than low-power individuals. Hence, social distancing and "loss of waveform" from a basis human concepts or point of helping, supporting and creating, not only by their superior culture. Atlantis felt that they could be the ones to bring the 'good' to Lemuria, but the idyllic setting began to disintegrate e.g. The Atlanteans did not have the "purity" of the "heart", as the more "spiritual" Lemurians... Does it make any sense at all?.. All i'm trying to say is, that in this lifetime, timeline of Earth, the Humanity don't need to step into a Super advanced HIGH-tech digital and technocratic world, unless it's benefiting ALL Humanity, not only the FEW who want to CONTROL us ALL... Anyways... |
Could they possibly rub it in any more than this?!?!— Truthstream Media (@truthstreamnews) March 29, 2020
Digital Dollar A-Coming: Draft Bills Mention New US Central Bank Digital Currency (HAF)
The Digital Dollar is no longer just a concept that alternative reporters and conspiracy researchers have been warning about. It has taken a big step to becoming a reality.
This is just more proof that the coronavirus crisis is being exploited to push forward all sorts of NWO (New World Order) agendas that have been waiting in the wings for the right moment to be rolled out.
The US Congress floated a stimulus bill on Sunday March 22nd 2020 that specifically mentions the term digital dollar in reference to a new currency the USG wants launched.
This new currency has been planned for a long time; recently, it has been referred to as a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). Although the provision for a digital dollar has been removed from the bill, the rulers have shown there hand.
Is this another step to the elimination of cash and to a One World Currency where every single financial transaction will recorded and monitored?
House Stimulus Bills Contain Proposal of Digital Dollar – But Then Taken Out of One Bill
In an article last week Creating and Exploiting the Coronavirus Crisis, I talked about how the US authorities were preparing to possibly crash the economy (and blame it on the coronovirus) while feverishly preparing to launch an official digital currency.
π©️ ~ π³️ New White Spike Power 47 in Schumann Resonance, Solar Geostorm & Plasma From Space ❕ ~ | Blogger: [〰️ The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like verdensalt! (SoTW)〰️] ... ( 3/28 11:00 – Another day of significant activity, given the situation on the planet, it seems obvious that this could be the case. The first movement, as previously reported, reached Power 30 between 18 and 19 UTC yesterday; the second occurred at midnight UTC, from 11 pm to 1 am, and was the maximum value reached so far, Power 47. The latter was followed by a period of relative calm until 10 UTC when a new leap brought the amplitude at Power 33. A purely personal interpretation of these movements could be the updating of the Etheric DNA, 9 strands are involved which have had one of the many “firmware updates”, this first group was completed at 12; the second group of 8 was completed at 18 and the filament 5, at 7.83 Hz, was done powerfully at midnight UTC. It appears that there are now 4 left... |
π ~ Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast π | Aired March 28, 2020 | ~ Simon Parkes: Connecting Consciousness Update ~ | Blogger: Simon invited all CC members to participate in a worldwide meditation today Sunday at 12 noon. Rather than a meditation ‘to stop the Coronavirus’, Simon has advised all to focus on moving the Earth to a 5th dimensional frequency... SoTW attended the local CC DK-group and we had a amazing mediation. Thanks to Tine and Co... BTW, one of the CC-DK members told us all about that she was informed by a american military source there's been a recent MAJOR shakedown within the ranks of Satanic Pedophile Cabal (SPC) by freeing many hundreds of children from one of the "hotspot for child prostitution and sex-trafficking or worse”. She didn't mention any specific state or place as per say, but the military source, was located in New Mexico (and I could only think of Dulce Base). Sorry, SoTW couldn't find any informations about this taken place... |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...
π ~ π Power Transfer, A Letter, Mass Awakenings, World Economy (Era of Light Report) π ~ |
Source (eraoflight)
The former “elite” of this planet are experiencing their own demise which they thought was not possible to ever occur.
Imagine a room, or an area of space that has a limited amount of oxygen, and before you know it, you can no longer breath. This is precisely the situation the cabal finds itself in right now.
The cabal is taking its last breath, before they transition into another reality.
The satanic games have come to an end.
The power transfer has occurred. And now, a new group of benevolent in nature is running the show.
The time for world wide prosperity is at hand. NESARA/GESARA is to become the law of the land in every nation.
Saint Germain: The Impact of Covid-19
Changing your perception of how you wish to experience life on the Earth from the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of your being as well as your soul in action. » Source
MSM, Using Corovirus As Another Opportunity To Roast Trump
The results are played out across the board. Polls from Fox News, the Economist, Reuters, Gallup, Emerson and Axios all show positive results for Trump. » Source
The Council of Light: A Letter to You
Who could have ever imagined that this moment on Earth was possible? It is a truly remarkable time and it is vitally important that you realize how much it took to quieten the entire planet. » Source
πΌ ~ π You are never alone (Jesus through John ) π ~ |

channeled by John Smallman
© 2020 johnsmallman
PS: Jesus Christ were 125 years old - according to Denmark's most significant Bible researcher and the book "Christ in Kashmir" written by a Muhammadan named Aziz Kashmiri in 1973 ...
In these times of increasing chaos and confusion know that your support teams in the non-physical realms are awake and alert to your every call. Do call on your own personal supporters who are in spirit for guidance and comfort in these troubling times, because they very much want to communicate with you so that you can feel the embrace of their loving energy fields bringing you peace and reducing your anxiety.
These times are perfect for you to strengthen your connection with us here in the spiritual realms because you have plenty of time to sit quietly and relax into your holy inner sanctuary where Love and Peace are always in residence. Give yourself plenty of time to do this – you have plenty – and allow the peace of this holy inner space to envelop you. Distractions will arise – impatience, hunger, thirst, sleepiness. Therefore be ready for them by setting the intent, as you relax into this space, to maintain your focused attention – on a candle, your breath, the floor just in front of you, a plant, or anything that you feel comfortable and at ease focusing on for more than a few moments – and then be quiet, alert, and ‘listen’ for your intuition, inner guidance, or the spiritual entity to whom you direct your prayers, to commune with you.
Remember, You are never alone.
Your loving brother, Jesus
π¦ 5️⃣πΆ ~ SerialBrain2: The bomb that went off that you probably didn't hear ~ | Blogger: This is of course to contradict what takebackyourpower (Josh del Sol) are saying, to look at the (positive) side of the coin of 5G... |
The bomb that went off yesterday that you probably didn't hear. I told you to watch the date 02/21/2019. A major bomb went off yesterday. Nuclear level. Did you catch it? This is a silent war. Silent but deadly. With real threats and real casualties. And sometimes, you can see the traces of the deflagrations: Q158 Silent war (some gets out). The Great Awakening. Iron Eagle. Godfather III. The Hunt for Red October. Q
π¦ 5️⃣πΆ ~ How surveillance and 5G is being fast-tracked UNDER THE PRETEXT of fighting Coronavirus ~ | Blogger: [π‘️We Need To Be Vigilant About This⚔️] ... {Are you sure you can handle the TRUTH about COVID-19. Watch and learn. All in yellow below} ... This piece is actually NOT about 5G, as per se... It's about how govt's are fast-tracking & carefully-orchestrated agenda to establish a global society of technocracy and a digital currency linked to the biometrics and 5G... Since SoTW has been in the banking industry (as IT professional) in over 20 years, and even if The Department of the Treasury (USDT) is now under ruling by POTUS, that has taken over The Federal Reserve System (central bank of the United States)... It doesn't mean that Trump, the most powerful man on Earth right now, is still not supporting the most Evil and corrupted Israeli govt in the world, and just stopping, the rolling out of 5G and (global) digital currency in form of (global) proprietary blockchain platforms (Fintech and blockchain technology)... We still need to watch this like a hawk... |
Surveillance and 5G Fast-Tracked Under Pretext of Fighting Coronavirusby Derrick Broze & Josh del Sol
Things are so polarized right now. Even the realities, it seems: of tragedy and hope. And in this, you are not alone in experiencing bewilderment.
Let us boldly inquire: Is humanity is being intentionally traumatized?
Information is continuing to come out that we are being lied to about the virulence of the Coronavirus. While YES, people are dying (as with any bad flu strain, for example), the response is Orwellian and surreal; and the ramifications are unprecedented.
To support the return to a common-sense perspective, see & share:
• Ben Swann video – the breakdown of WHO’s disinformation
• Wall Street Journal article – fatality rate too high by orders of magnitude
• New England Journal of Medicine article – Dr. Fauci’s admission
• CNN article – "majority of people with Covid-19 only suffer mild symptoms, then recover"
π§Ώ ~ Global Mass Ascension with Love Tsunami Wave-X Bombards the Earth and Frequency Shift (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [π SoTW has its own understanding about ascension and how things are working in our spiritual worldview, but trust your own inner belief-systemπ§] ... For many decades, but intensified since 2012 when the new Maya Calendar kickstarted, Cosmic Electrical Currents has bombarded Earth. Our local Sun (Portal) in the Milky Wave, which is connected (directly) to the many Galactic Central Suns - our solar system - to the Central Sun is Alcyone, from the Pleiadian (Andromeda) System... The Manasic Photon Belt, and our Central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiadian System are raising Earth's Vibration and Global Mass Ascension - Pure Light of Wave-X, bombards the Earth and Frequency Shift... It's about the activating process, our hidden treasures in Junk DNA and bringing our dormant Cell Memory to life. The New Template of Self, DNA, timelines, completion dynamics, resolution of old self, resolution of Higher Realm activity, and the dimensional bridge of Christ consciousness embodiment. Unfortunately, the most important healing Tachyon Energy Particles, that cures us completely from all our illness, cannot reach Earth, stopped by Serpent Archons Control Grid or The Veil,(3-D Matrix Simulation) the CIA/NSA/USAF's Chemtrailing (Solar Radiation Management), the Lilly Wave and Psychotronic Warfare states and use of Direct Energy Weapons... After Yaldabaoth (The Evil Lord Archon - a Projection of Artificial Intelligence) has been dissolved, The Veil is taken down and NESARA will eliminate TPTB ("the powers that be"), the BIG EVENT happens, the Pleiadian's (are a Highly Evolved Humanoid race, our closest Allies and Galactic Family), will provide earthly humans with Tachyon Technologies beyond our wildest dreams(...)... [READ MORE] ... |
PS: read more on Spirit Week (frontpage)
{why do you think 5G network is here and now? Because it stops or pauses humanity, to evolve to next level in our Consciousness evolution and ascension process}
(..)... Until then, earthly humans will still be affected by these photonic influence from our Galactic Central Sun. These Wave-X bombards of Pure Light Consciousness pass thru the membranes of time into the Biological Container, recoding DNA with advanced intelligence.
Keep in mind, when Pure Light entering The Human Biosphere, it forces out all our memories of traumatic experiences hidden deep in the brain and etheric body of memory from the reincarnations.
This is a period of rupture, a time where false ties due to Negative Karma are broken. These human conditional 'core issues' has to be dealt with, transmuted and eliminated.
Clearly the old vibrations have to be released or raised to a higher level if they are to remain. Consciously or unknowingly everyone receives these massive tidal waves of energy. Those who are aware can more easily handle this new situation, the unconscious are in a very agitated situation that sometimes leads to blows and and extreme reactions.
Perhaps you now realize that's one of the reasons why people are acting violent, crazy and upset about common states of mind. There's no secret place to hide anymore...
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