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Apr 17, 2017
Sirius Disclosure | Apr 17, 2017 | Unacknowledged Sneak Peek: Eyewitness Testimony | ... Dr. Steven Greer’s new documentary “UNACKNOWLEDGED” presents brand new, top-secret evidence supporting Extraterrestrial contact including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy. Do not miss this historic opportunity to attend the world premiere in Los Angeles at the Regal Premiere Theater at LA Live!... |
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Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | Apr 17, 2017 | Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3 stopped in Syria and in North Korea | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Excerpts outside the report: US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was for the purpose of......trying to get money from Japan to kick the can down the road yet again for the US Corporation. There is also a group calling itself the “Goldman family” that is trying to convince the emperor to either cash fake bonds with astronomical numbers on them or else place their man Ichiro Ozawa as Prime Minister of Japan, the sources say. Neither of these things is going to happen, the sources add. While it is certain the Republic of the United States of America will get continued support from the rest of the world, the Zionist owned US Corporation will not. The entire planet is sick and tired of their anti-social and criminal behavior. The signs of this are everywhere to be seen now. Getting back to Donald Trump, last week after trying to start World War 3 he was forced to say .... [READ MORE] |
Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.
Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.
Udgivet af Benjamin den 17. April 2017
Now that Donald Trump showed his true colours as a Zionist (Khazarian mafia) sleeper agent, he is becoming increasingly isolated and is guilty of provable war crimes, Pentagon, CIA and other sources agree. “Trump is toast,” was how a CIA source described the situation.
The situation with North Korea was designed by the Zionists to provoke to ultra-macho antagonists, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump, into a situation where neither man could back down without losing face. The North Koreans said they had a right to test missiles etc. any time they want, especially on the 105th anniversary of the birth of their country’s founding father Kim Il Sung. Trump said, “if you do that we will attack.”
So, a face saving solution was engineered with a missile that blew up immediately after launching. The North Koreans were able to claim they went ahead and did their test despite Trump’s threats. The Zionists were able to hint they sabotaged the test with unspecified secret weapons. The important point being that Zionist attempts to start World War 3 failed yet again and will continue to fail.
These provocations are just one sign there is something undeniably dysfunctional going on with the Trump presidency. A few weeks ago Trump was invoking President Andrew Jackson and hinting about nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board. Now he is saying FRB chief Janet Yellen can have another term in office. He also turned from provoking the Chinese and accusing them of being “currency manipulators” to brazenly sucking up to them and denying they manipulate their currency.
These flip flops may be connected to the arrival of yet another bankruptcy deadline for the United States Corporate Government, in this case the expected Bankruptcy of the US Corporation’s Puerto Rico subsidiary on May 1st. Despite efforts to paint this as a municipal bond type problem, this could trigger a domino effect that finally takes down Zionist central in Washington D.C.–sector.html
Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.
Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3 stopped in Syria and in North Korea
Trump has been pushed by his Zionist handlers into trying to start World War 3 because these religious fanatics still think they are somehow going to start a war between “Gog” and “Magog,” kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. To this end Trump ordered an attack on a Syrian airbase where Russian personnel were stationed. That is also why Trump tried to start a war with nuclear armed North Korea last week.
So, a face saving solution was engineered with a missile that blew up immediately after launching. The North Koreans were able to claim they went ahead and did their test despite Trump’s threats. The Zionists were able to hint they sabotaged the test with unspecified secret weapons. The important point being that Zionist attempts to start World War 3 failed yet again and will continue to fail.
These provocations are just one sign there is something undeniably dysfunctional going on with the Trump presidency. A few weeks ago Trump was invoking President Andrew Jackson and hinting about nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board. Now he is saying FRB chief Janet Yellen can have another term in office. He also turned from provoking the Chinese and accusing them of being “currency manipulators” to brazenly sucking up to them and denying they manipulate their currency.
Trump is meeting with an ex-bank CEO who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard |
Puerto Rico seen sliding toward bankruptcy as deadline nears |
Sources close to the Japanese emperor say the arrival in Tokyo this week of P2 Freemason lodge and Vatican representive US Vice-President Mike Pence, as well as long term Rothschild agent and US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was for the purpose of.............
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( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)
C. Ervana -- YouTube Channel | Apr 15, 2017 | They Won't Tell the Truth About Syria: Who is Behind the Push for WW3 2017? | Blogger: Syria -- Unraveling the propaganda. The best way to start your everyday... |
PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO. Many conservative commentators refuse to tell the truth about Syria.
Please visit and subscribe to: and These are great investigative journalism sites that reject mainstream media propaganda.
Links to articles and info contained in this video:
History shows us that the Deep State has repeatedly falsified intelligence to convince the public that we should go to war. From 2001-2003, a significant amount of propaganda was put out to justify the invasion of Iraq, which we know was all a lie. Why should we now trust the accusations being made against Syria?
The mainstream media has been a tool to propagate a war with Assad. Just as the mainstream media was a tool to propagate a war with Saddam Hussein. Colin Powell, George Tenet, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney told us to have "no doubt" that Iraq had WMDs. Now we are being told the same thing about Syria. Nikki Haley, Rex Tillerson, and other high-ranking officials have used the exact same words ("No doubt" Assad used chemical weapons)..... [READ MORE]
Thanks to
YouTube -- Jason A | Apr 16, 2017 | The World in 2018: Something We Could've Never Imagined! | Blogger: I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic-religious in nature, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events.. !! Please notice the Homeless guy, who really speaks serious truths!!.. I was gobsmacked.. Gets it spot-on in regards of how many people reacts aggressive on others and rude behaviors of egocentric bias and numbness... |
SHOCKING WORLD EVENTS...signs of the times worldwide end times prophecy donald trump world news jason a
Russia Today | Apr 16, 2017 | Out of thin air: Scientists create solar powered device turning air into drinking water |
© Nikolay Gyngazov / Global Look Press |
Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of California Berkeley published their findings in the journal Science on Thursday.
The invention can harvest water from the atmosphere in conditions where relative humidity is as low as 20 percent, which makes it potentially usable in many of the planet's driest regions.
With an estimated 1 in 10 people lacking access to clean drinking water and 4 billion people worldwide facing severe water shortages the potential for this technology is huge.....[READ MORE]
Disclosure News Italia | Aggiornato il 15 April, 2017 | Energy Grid and Artificial Intelligence |
Energy Grid and Artificial Intelligence
Energy Grid and Artificial Intelligence. By Lisa Renee. During the Equinox to Easter week (2016), Guardian gridwork projects successfully opened channels for interdimensional communication links to be anchored between the 1st dimensional earth core and the 4th dimensional intersections in the planetary networks.
As the planet evolves towards the incredibly fast and high energy electrons interacting between the plasmasphere of the Van Allen Radiation Belt, these damaged areas on the grid infiltrated with AI, must be cleared out to allow for the earth to move through these barriers created by the radiation belt.
About 600 miles from Earth’s surface is the first of two donut-shaped electron clouds, known as the Van Allen Belts, or the radiation belts.
The Van Allen belts are a collection of charged particles, gathered in place by Earth’s magnetic field, that act as an energetic barrier that prevent too much high frequency and ultra-fast electrons from being exposed to the earth field.
There are two main radiation belts around the Earth; the inner belt is dominated by protons and the outer belt is dominated by electrons.
Too much plasma or high frequency light transmitted to the planet, especially into its damaged areas, such as areas with artificial intelligence infiltration, could create massive polarity amplification of chaotic forces and destruction on the surface.
Van Allen Belt
Energy Grid and Artificial Intelligence
Eventually however, the planet will move into the high frequency levels of the radiation belts and will begin the cycle to evolve beyond these barriers, around the end of 2017.
Earth Energy Grid Atlantis
Energy Grid and Artificial Intelligence
Thus, evictions and transits of those entities or dark forces trapped in the damaged grid areas in astral, phantom or dead energy spaces is required.
The main areas of clearing out alien machinery, black magic gridwork, transiting entities and clearing out sections of the collective astral pain body were recently located in the crystal caverns of Central Mexico, as well as Giza, Oceania, Temple Mount, and the Syrian and Israeli border (33rd Parallel into Mount Hermon).
Purging the planet of the remaining black magic grids running AI signal, is an ongoing project to protect damaged areas on the earth surface from getting worse when exposed to plasma light sources.
Moving into the radiation belts will open a tremendous influx of intergalactic plasma waves and ultra-high energy electrons to penetrate the earth field, thus saturating the earth plane with energies that have never been here before.
Syria Israel Border Mount Hermon
Energy Grid and Artificial Intelligence
Stargate Sfinx
Energy Grid and Artificial Intelligence
Essentially, the Guardian Light Warriors have undergone an exhausting spiritual battle for defending the 4th Stargate, Sphinx, to retrieve access into underground networks that lead into the middle earth and inner earth domains.
Starseeds have been working hard in every domain to clear out black magic grids so that these interdimensional links could finally be anchored in the astral plane fields.
Crystal caverns of Central Mexico
Energy Grid and Artificial Intelligence
LuxuryLifeNews | Apr 10, 2017 | First aired on Jun 1, 2010 -- Shangri-La Hotels | I Normally Don’t Care for TV Commercials, But This Is Easily the Best One I’ve Ever Seen... |
Shangri-La is a fictional place described in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by British author James Hilton |
The story behind this commercial by Shangri-La Hotels is just incredible. The clip starts with a man facing difficult winter conditions in the wilderness somewhere. He looks in serious danger because he is not able to get any warmth.
It seems like all hope is lost, but then something truly surprising happens that changes the narrative of the story altogether. It’s something that carries a deep and powerful message that is meant to create an emotional response and get people thinking.
I’ll let you discover what it is. Go ahead and watch the video:
Daily Mail | Apr 14, 2017 | Stunning satellite images reveal California's wildflower 'superbloom' seen from SPACE |
- This past winter, California experienced a much-needed 'phenomenal wet season,' reviving the vegetation
- The rain has now seen the land blanketed in 'superbloom's of wildflowers, creating swaths of vibrant color
- Satellite images from the Planet Labs reveal the dramatic transformation over the past few months
Read more: Politiken | 16. April 2017 | Professor: En dag vil vi se tilbage og sige: Hvorfor indførte vi ikke borgerløn tidligere? | ... Historien har vist, at vi ikke kan løse problemerne med arbejdsløshed og social deroute med denuværende velfærdsydelser. Der er behov for at tænke i nye baner – og indførelse af en betingelsesløs basisindkomst til alle borgere må være næste naturlige skridt, mener en af verdens fremmeste fortalere for borgerløn, den belgiske professor i filosofi, Philippe van Parijs... | Blogger: Mads Palsvig, formand for nyoprettet parti - JFK21 - JordenFrihedKundskab. Mads Palsvig er tidligere investmentbanker i London og Hong Kong for firmaer som Credit Suisse, First Boston, Barclays og Morgan Stanley med speciale i international handel med statsobligationer og derivater. Mads Palsvig har også har været uformel advisor for Federal Reserve (den PRIVATejede Amerikanske Central Bank) og formand Ben Bernanke og nuværende Chairwoman Janet Yellen... JFK21 -- Mærkesag nr 3. -- 'Borger-dvidende' + effektivisering af overførsels- indkomstområdet. 3. Borgerdividenden fra Pengeskabelsen slås sammen med de nuværende omkostninger på overførselsområdet til et fast minimumsbeløb ens for alle, og dermed afløses kontanthjælp, arbejdsløshedsunderstøttelse og andre overførselsindkomster med fuld kompensation. (Overførselsområdet udgør DKK 300 mia). Det vil betyde et Garanteret Minimumsbeløb til alle over 18 år på ca. DKK 10.000 pr måned efter skat. (Dette er ikke borgerløn, men udelukkende en forenkling af reglerne, og hele provenuet herfra benyttes til at løfte minimumsbeløbet til modtagerne af velfærdsydelser. Personer der modtager større beløb i dag, som for eksempel handicappede, vil bevare samme ydelse. SU-reglerne ændres ikke, idet studerende har lov til at arbejde ved siden af, reglerne om loft på indtjening for studerende fjernes).. |
Der er opbrud i den vestlige vanetænkning. Vi står over for en eskalerende klimakrise, der kræver radikale løsninger og sætter grænser for vækst, over for udviklingen af en robotteknologi, der vil revolutionere hverdagslivet, og over for en pukkel af arbejdsløse, der kun vil vokse sig større og større i takt med den teknologiske udvikling.
Det er scenarier som disse, der nu har fået professorer, politikere og en enkelt fransk præsidentkandidat til at sætte basisindkomst – eller borgerløn – på dagsordenen.
Mens det hidtil kun har været et tema for en lille gruppe af europæiske intellektuelle og utopister, er der nu for alvor taget hul på diskussionen om at udbetale en betingelsesløs basisindkomst til alle borgere – hvad enten man har arbejde eller ej.
»Det er i hvert fald langt mindre utopisk at tale om i dag, end det var for 30 år siden, da jeg begyndte at beskæftige mig med det«, siger den belgiske professor i filosofi Philippe van Parijs, der er en af stifterne bag det globale netværk Basic Income European Network (BIEN), og aktuel med bogen ’Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy’, der netop er udkommet på Harvard University Press..... [LÆS VIDERE]
Simon Parkes Update | Apr 16, 2017 | Connecting Consciousness | Q&A with Wolf Spirit Radio Short Show Easter | Simon says: Michael Shrimpton is accused of telling police that German spies were plotting to target the Queen with a nuclear warhead at the 2012 Olympics. Simon, it's a warning to everyone, not to claim anything on the air, or face charges | Simon puts out Attack Alert! Thursday, April 6, 2017. Multiple attacks planned - European targets (meaning Sweden) | Pres. Assad had in the past chemical weapons, but not anymore, at least not used it against his own people | Trump has not been blackmailed to hit Syria, but if he's going to survive the next 18 months, assassination attempt is not likely to happen. Main reasons is the US-MIC will raise and hit all Satanist in one big bang | Even if we're in the eye of the storm, during easter, no economic collapse, no ATM falls, due to all big corporations needs to make money | Soft Disclosure: Sunday Express E-Edition under 'Weird Section' has a lot of articles with Aliens than the 'hardcopy' version would never put out to the public eye ** | Fake messiah: Will a Rothschild be the Anti Christ?. The next fake threat will be EMP attack or Alien messiah. Significant astrological signs/zodiac Oct 5th or 8th of 2017 and the connection from revelations of the bible text. The pope will come out and talk about the next coming of Christ | Chemtrailing is setting off and getting worse than normal. Advanced Solar Protection ASP: The 'hidden hand' is trying to slow down the human awakening process(development and ascension) and frequency raise coming from the Sunlight by spraying certain metal into the environment in order to reflect or reduce certain frequency of light. They call it ASP (or ‘solar radiation management’?) | Simon has some very important info regarding MILAB recruiting process (Similar to Corey Goode experience) and children with extraordinary gifts who get installed into the world military to avoid to have them live among the normal population ... Lots of info from Q&A [ LISTEN TO MORE] |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams......
Links as a reference point to what Simon are mentioned in below interview:
The Truth About Vaccines | Apr 17, 2017 CET | Featured: Ty and Charlene's Story | Ep #5: Considering the HPV and Hepatitis B Vaccines, SIDS & Shaken Baby Syndrome | Full Length Video | PS: Episode 4 will only play until Sunday night at 9pm Eastern, and then we’ll be moving on to Episode 5 | Blogger: Denne dokumentarserie burde være obligatorisk stof i folkeskolen, hos forældre til teenagere og hos de praktiserende læger i Danmark. HPV berører stort set hele verdens befolkning, uanset om det findes et behov eller ej for vaccinationer, er det også, en kæmpe pengemaskine for medicinalindustrien.. Nu skal vi finde vores snusfornuft frem, åbne vores sind og slå lyttebøfferne ud.. Hele grundideen med HPV (humant papillomvirus) var, at fremstille en (DNA) vaccine som efter sigende skulle stoppe eller forebygge bl.a. livmoderhalskræft og kønsvorter. Dvs. celleforandringer og vortevirus. En anti-cancer vaccine. Det er ment som et tilbud til alle mennesker, både kvinder og mænd. Ifølge danske sundhedsmyndigheder, findes der omkring 40 typer af hpv, som smitter ved sex. Der findes over 150 forskellige typer af hpv, som kan give vorter forskellige steder på kroppen. Nogle typer giver eksempelvis fodvorter eller håndvorter og smitter ikke ved sex. Når hpv-virus smitter seksuelt, kan virus sidde på penis, pung, kønslæber, skedeslimhinde, livmoderhals, mellemkød, endetarmsåbning og endetarm samt i munden og halsen (især ved tungeroden og i mandlerne). Seksuel smitte med hpv kan medføre kønsvorter og i værste tilfælde kræft. Ifølge ses hvert tredje kræfttilfælde, der skyldes smitte med hpv, hos mænd. De tørre fakta vi får at vide er: -- Næsten en tredjedel af danskere under 30 år er smittet med hpv. Det er omkring 300.000 personer. 80 % af alle danskere vil være smittet med et seksuelt hpv-virus på et tidspunkt i løbet af deres liv. Sundhedsstyrelsen anbefaler derfor, at HPV-vaccination bør administreres som intramuskulær injektion til de 11-14 årige, hele to gange, efter hinanden. Der findes to typer vacciner: Cervarix og Gardasil. Den sidste er mest anvendte i Danmark. Men flere typer vaccine kan anvendes hvad enten det er HPV6, 11, 16 og HPV18 m.fl... Denne video fortæller en anden historie. Den fortæller, at selvom det er beviseligt, at en vis procentdel af befolkningen (Ty snakke om 26 pct. af kvinder mellem 14-59 i USA) kan have en form for genitale HPV-infektioner (HPV strains), viser det sig, at ca. 90 pct. af disse kvinder, forsvinder HPV af sig selv efter 2 år og medfører ingen sundhedsskadelige konsekvenser. Desværre tvinger Sundhedsstyrelsen basal set alle kvinder eller teenagere, fordi mange tør ikke andet. Ty fortæller os, at efter HPV-vaccinen blev introduceret, kan vaccinen have reduceret forekomsten af de særlige HPV-stammer, men nye virulente stammer bliver skabt af vaccinen ifølge forsker Neil Miller. For slet ikke tale om, at hpv-vaccinerne indeholder aluminum og andre sundhedsskadelige neurotoksiner og et hav af andre vaccine-adjuvans. Disse videoer fremsætter også påstande om, at de fleste vacciner i verden, er ikke testet gennem en placebokontrolgruppe. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) er øverste myndighed i USA, svarende til Sundhedsstyrelsen. De danske sundhedsmyndigheder samarbejder og læner sig op ad hvad WHO, (EMA), (CDC), (FDA) rekommendere m.fl.. Fakta er, at Gardasil (HPV) blev godkendt af CDC i 2006 efter blot 1100 piger blev testet. Næsten 90 millioner doser af HPV-vacciner blev uddelt i USA fra juni 2006 til marts 2016 (Hvad jeg kan læse mig frem til). Ifølge Barbara Loe Fisher, som er præsident for National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), kan det ikke give et fyldestgørende resultat om det er sikkert eller ej. Siden 2006, da Gardasil blev godkendt, er der registreret 18.727 uønskede bivirkninger i Danmark, hvoraf ca. 8 % er alvorlige med 68 dødsfald (desværre tror jeg det er undervurderet) .. Skal ikke gøre mig mere klog på emnet, lyt til videoen så du danner din egen mening... |
- See more at:
The fifth episode airs tonight at 9pm Eastern and then it will replay for the next 23 hours (until 8:00pm tomorrow night).
Go here to watch episode 5
Feel free to go to the page now, so that’s it's open and ready in your web browser, and then at 9pm (when the countdown on the page reaches all zeros, the page will automatically load the episode and you’ll be ready to go).
(or you can just visit the page above at 9pm - totally up to you)
BTW - if you’re not sure what your local time is when it’s 9PM Eastern - simply visit to find out.
Enjoy the rest of your day and I’ll see you tonight :-)
Ty Bollinger
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