Sep 29, 2014


Russian Air Force Sukhoi Su-34
Russian Air Force Sukhoi Su-34

- Warns airspace over Syria under protection of Moscow

TEL AVIV – Russia has delivered a behind-the-scenes threat to retaliate if airstrikes carried out by the U.S. or its allies target the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Middle Eastern security officials told WND.

Judge Dale (Retired): A Major Change is Coming October 1st!!!!!

Dommer Dale giver nogle fremragende oplysninger om hvad der foregår bag kulisserne i bankverdenen. For at være ærlig, er hans kommentarer omkring guld, der anvendes til at understøtte den amerikanske dollarsynes, en smule mærkeligt, da guldstandarden blev opgivet i begyndelsen af ​​1970'erne, men fokus her er den første Oktober, som kun er et par dage væk .

Der er forgået så meget de sidste seks uger og dommer Dale skitserer, hvad der kommer til ske i de næste par dage. Jeg har fulgt BRICS og guldet situationen tæt, og kan sagens se for mig det scenario som Dale beskriver, ske i virkeligheden. -Lw (lightworker29501

Dansk oversættelse :

Fredag den 26. September, 2014 (BeforeItsNews)
Fra hvad jeg kan udlede og konkludere angående RV / GCR er nedenstående udelukkende et skønnet opfattelse :

New 9/11 Data Dump - Sept 27

9/11 TRUTH GOES NUCLEAR: Massive Download In Progress

Russia Disseminates,
Snowden Validates,
NSA Evidence Corroborates
New 9/11 Data Dump

“This 9/11 data dump is so radioactive the US Government will likely collapse.  The world will never be the same when nations everywhere see this report!”
– Veteran 9/11 Investigator

State os the Nation

Huge caverns of “melted granite” were found below the foundations of the Twin Towers. Were they caused by thermo-nuclear explosions detonated to obliterate the steel reinforced, cast concrete, tubular core structure of WTC Buildings 1 & 2?
The evidence is now clear and indisputable that the false flag operation carried out on September 11, 2001 was a multi-nation conspiracy.  The USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and UK have each been proven to be directly involved with the execution and coverup of this crime against humanity.
There were other state actors and intelligence agencies involved such as Pakistan’s ISI; however, the US Federal Government and Israeli Secret Services are by far the most complicit.  The voluminous amount of circumstantial evidence alone both indicts and convicts the US Government of crimes against its own citizenry.  Likewise, Israel’s fingerprints are all over the 9/11 crime scene and directly related criminal activities.

Nyheder fra ZAP og andre angående forestående Revaluering af Valuta og TRN - Update 29. Sept 2014 CET

Date: Sun, September 28, 2014 8:31 pm

POOFness for SEPT 28: "Dancing in the Dark"

ZAP kan læses her

Vi venter stadigvæk, dog mens vi venter så tålmodigt og vores forventninger er skyhøje, fortæller Poofness os, vi skal leve vores lvi som vi plejer, når så PP, RV, TRN bliver officielt, skal vi på ny tage stilling til en masse ting. De Historiske Obligationer er meget aktive nu, nogen er allerede udbetalt (sikkert til de organisationer som er godkendte for uddeling til humanitære formål). ZAP afslører i dag hvem "Farfar" er. Han kommer fra Sydvestlige Bjergområde i Kina og er den første "Jade" generation af kejsere (Jade Emperor anset som en myte for at være herskeren af Himmeriget eller Den Første Gud i den Kinetiske mytologi)
The Elder - sender os et budskab (kan læses på ZAP nyhedsbrev)

F&P, PP, vil sandsynligt kommer samme tid som RV, ifølge ZAP.


September 28, 2014
Copyright ZAP 2014

Thank you for your help, without your help we couldn't keep you updated on the progress of our blessings.

Please continue to contribute thru ..of there is a problem contact us at

Love and Kisses,


Susan and Staff

As everyone knows, "Poof" passed away in May of 2013. I have continued to keep the newsletter on-going with the help of old newsletters and those who are part of my cyber network as the "Office of Poofness". What is used for updates each week comes from very select input, as carefully chosen as I know how to make it, and from people whose hearts are in the right place. Last week's "Poof" update was from someone I normally don't follow, and in fact I did not know her source. The cut and paste message sent to me, and that I ultimately used, came from a website that I had no knowledge of. The gentleman who created it is adamant that I include his entire article herein, or he plans to sue for plagiary. I thought about that and though I see his website as worthwhile, it provides him with recognition or exposure to thousands of people. What do I do? I bow to your wishes I had never seen it until his email blitz started. I think you can find him at Blessings, S