Mar 24, 2024

👑🚪🏃‍♀️💨 (Charlie Ward Insiders Club 23rd March Snippet) Prince Harry to be King and Prince William to leave the UK ~ Mar 24, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: Then we have the bad bloodlines of Charles who's not father to William and the good bloodlines of Carlos, Churchill and Lady Di. Charlie says we're seeing a 9/11 "controlled demolitions" of the Royal family like WTC. All pics of Kate is made with A.I. or not real. Charlie has open up to the spirituel community who can see things and they all say, Kate is dead - left the earth plane. But have no hard evidence.. | 


🙏 ~ 💝 (Say whaaat? NASA owns rights to Great Pyramid, Grand Canyon & Chaco Canyon) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Mar 24, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Extraterrestrial Base Inside the Bucegi Mountains
SoTW - OMG I can't freaking belive it... 

👁️⃤𓂀⚕️🔀🤦 (Brought to You by Pfizer) Familien Dannevang har glemt alt om 3 år med corona-bedraget, de drakoniske love der blev indført og bedstemors ensomhed (de unges social isolation). Eller de DNA-genterapi ændrende vaksiner med nanopartikler og elektrisk ledende metal-graphene-geler (oxid) i kroppen ~ 24. Marts 2024 ~ |

SoTW mistet 5 gode spirituelle venner til 'kræft', siden 2006. C'est la vie eller som min farmor altid sagde; 'vi kan ikke gøre noget ved det.' Påskeharen vildleder dig og mig på et syret danse-trip ned gennem kaninhullet uden tænkestop og med frygt, skam og skyld...

Editor's Note
: (fortsat) Samt, de private erhvervsdrivende store tab af omsætning og indtjeningsgrundlag og statens moms- og hjælpepakker, som skulle tilbagebetales, som var det et lån. Og hver evig eneste dag, klikker der nye løgnagtige sensationsnyheder ind på lystavlen i form af sygdom, død og ødelæggelse som Novo, Kræft- og Big Pharma-industrien kan kurere, med et magisk trylleslag. 

SoTW har hverken et religiøst sjæleliv, er ateist eller medlem af nogen foreninger, politiske organisationer eller aktivistiske bevægelser, som kan være styret af en "kontrolleret opposition." Men har været meget aktivt i 2 meget store udenlandske spirituelle organisationer (har endda været medlem af JFK21). Husk på, man bliver "farvet" af andres meningsdannelser, og vil helst være 'klar i spyttet' og kunne tænke selvstændigt og bruge min intuition og lytte til mit højere selv. 

SoTW er din go-to influencer coach, alternativ borgerjournalist, blogger-konspiratør og spiritual rainmaker. Siden 2014 da jeg opstartede har jeg ikke modtaget én eneste konge-krone. Ingen honorar i form af naturalier, reklameindtægter, sponsorer, donationer eller buy-me-a-coffee. Ikke engang Google AdSense virker. 

🆕🧘✨ (Cobra RM Short Situation Update) 'In the few days around the coming penumbral Lunar eclipse on March 25th people need to put up as much protection as possible and refrain from reacting to negativity.' ~ Mar 24, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: I used to enjoy "We Love Mass Meditation" website and still do recommend them. I've travel to many countries in Cobra's name. Buuutt, let he just point out, that I AM no longer a part of the spirituel Cobra movement. I don't trust the leader with creedy money mindset and seen his anger up front and center. Had myself a girlfriend (fling) from romania I was very fond of. Didn't last long, after I left, she stayed (brainwashed), and now, she has also left Cobra, as well of the founding Core Group of 10 people. 

Before my dk-friend Gitte died and left me with a Cobra DK-meditation team, i kindly declined, that maked her upset. I have no contact to my x-girlfriend or any member, anymore (unfortunately). It feels like being expelled by Scientology and Jehovah's Witnesses. 

My H-S has stated you cannot entirely trust everything, due to a runagate Pleiadian E.T., that feeds the leader of Cobra with the wrong info (plus his own ego). That said, please always use your own spiritual discernment. This kind of esoteric material is hard to come by and to prove... |

Short Situation Update

African and Indian Illuminati underground networks, as well as the remnants of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) both in the Solar system and below the surface of this planet have been completely removed.

Some of the battles before the final removal have spilled to the surface:

Because now most of the dark presence from the Solar system is gone, the Space Force is freaking out:

What is remaining now to be cleared beyond the surface Illuminati is an ancient Atlantean dark network that was partially established on this planet with the arrival of the dark Lords of Orion around 900,000 years ago and was completed 26,000 years ago when planet Earth became a quarantine.

😨🖤🦢 (White Hats are winning. HUmanity is being liberated) BENJAMIN FULFORD SHOCKING NEWS 03.21.24 💥 BAD NEWS FOD BIDEN 💥 RED ALERT WARNING ~ Mar 24, 2024 ~ |


😇 ~ 💕 (Messages from Ann & the Angels) Eternity is a long time ~ Mar 24, 2024 ~ |
Message from the Angels
Messages from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Try for a moment to imagine an existence without end. All your goals now would be replaced with new ones... for eternity. All plans you make now will be fulfilled or replaced by others. All experiences you have would satisfy or not, and new desires would arise. All you have lost will be found. And this would continue forever.

For some of you, that sounds incredibly exciting! You can see so many possibilities. You have so many chances to experience joy. For others of you it sounds like an endless journey through hell. Wherever you are now will define how you feel about eternity, for one simple reason — your future is based on what you are attracting now. The good news is that you can change your vibration at any time.

You all exist for eternity. You never end. Your lives come and go. Your bodies come and go. The roles you play with and for one another begin and end. But you don't end. You exist forever. You have forever to do everything you desire. You have forever to learn what you want to learn. You have forever to experience all that you wish. What you don't do in one life, you can do in another. What you don't accomplish in this dimension, you may choose to try in another.

Can you imagine your endlessness?