Feb 5, 2021

🗽⏰⚔️ ~ ('The news coming out of America is constant - unfortunately 90% is inaccurate' ~ SP) Simon Parkes & Doug Billings. Warnings In UK Of “Power Outages” & Super Bowl B1 Flyover ~ |

Simon Parkes Official

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams... 

Billings is an American author, podcaster, business leader and self-proclaimed patriot. He is best known for his podcast, The Right Side, in which he covers politics and social commentary. ... In it, Billings defines and discusses the virtues of integrity, truth, sincerity, fidelity, mercy, grace, faith and hope.


This weekend MSM warning in UK that there will be “power outages” because the temperature will drop to 0c and Scotland will have snow.

In February that temperature and snow forecast is entirely normal - So why the warnings of power outages, because the temperature drops to 0c I wonder?

🙏 ~ 💝 (Hvordan forklarer vi vores børn, det hele var et Hoax!?!) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕



🙏 ~ 💝 (To Attract More Love) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Divinity from the Album Star-Song Activation in the Language of Light by missmagikal ~ Lesley McGirr🌟] ... Okay! Okay!... So what happened yesterday when SoTW were dancing like crazy in my house to 80's music sending love emotions and great energy to the universe... Well, synchronicity signs today... The universe responds and is sending you messages all the time... A danish female friend who's afraid of her own shadow and her husband's repercussions, having a "guy" like me in her life, contacted me after years, of silence... My former american fling contacted me with these 2 videos below and thx to Denise... My former young spiritual priestess girlfriend Emy, contacted me, after 1 year of silence... I really wish that I can be (among) as Lorie Ladd says; higher dimensional beings in Human form and remind HU-manity why we are here!... Well, living under LOCKDOWNS and DRACONIAN LAWS outside the 3-D Matrix but inside the low frequency density of states and vibrational fearful collective consciousness, is hard for me (only sometimes) at SoTW, when there's no "normal"... At least i'm working VERY hard every day to keep up the spirit and stay in my Heart Chakra sending lots of unconditional love energy out to the universe - and you should do the same... |

😇 ~ 💗 (we're all going through a MASSIVE MASSIVE emotional purging) Message from Your Guides (Lorie Ladd) 💕~ |

👼 ~ 💗 (The veil is about to fall and dissolve completely, and you will see many realities layered on top of each other) Xiaera: Soon The Veil Will Fall (EOL + Channeled by Jennifer Crokaert) 💕 ~ |

Source *

Welcome dear hearts.

Many of you are struggling. You are using up what feels like your last ounce of patience, compassion and forgiveness. I am here to remind you that you are greater than your current depleted energy would suggest. This is a battle, if you will, between the Light and the shadow within.

Normally you are exposed to many things, events and people that lift you up, that give you some enthusiasm and energy for life, so that the amount of light coming from within is externally supplemented. You have ‘hooks’ that encourage you, that create enjoyment and anticipation.

Over the past year, almost everything that lifted you up and ‘enlightened’ you within the external world has been stripped from you. You have had to fall back on your own reserves, bolstered by those around you. For many of you, those around you were not able to lift you up, for they were drowning in the shadows they held within.

There has never been a monastery more challenging or difficult than the lockdown of the past year has been. Never. You have been thrown back to almost complete reliance on yourself, but you have lacked the training to know how to nourish and nurture your Light within, how to create emotional resilience in the face of many, many challenges.

💚🍖🧔 ~ (2033 Power-To-X energiø af 'flydende el' - fem gange dyre end Storebælt og 18 fodboldbaner store fupnummer) Blev kaldt 'Helles frikadelle', slavehandler, hulemand og klima-Dan får Dumpekarakter af fem, ud af syv grønne organisationer og bevægelser, for sin præstation i 2020 iflg. politiken.dk (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [💌Nu starter eventyret for børn om de 260 meter høje møller. Et fyrtårnsprojekt af kritisk infrastruktur som er 50/50 privat- og statsejet. Hvem skal betale for skidtets opførelse og hvem kommer til at tjene kassen fru madsen når alt er i drift? Kapitalfonde, private investorer og andre landes beskatninger! Hvad skete der med Besellers 320 meter Ego-tårn i Brande?🤪] ... Hver gang vi tanker 40 liter benzin, svarer det til, at vi hælder 5.000 liter 'virtuelt' vand i vores bil... Derfor, har den den grønne "hockeystav" aKa Klima-Dan, tænkt, at der skal ske noget... Regningen på 210 milliarder kroner - det skal danske skatteydere og andre lande, bekoste, men det vil McArine sgu da skide på... Det mest VANVITTIGE er, at den såkaldte 'energiø', skal "elektrificeres" og betjenes af vindmøller, i stedet for at se på alternative energikilder, som kører, på BRINT!... Læste også på et tidspunkt sidste år, at det bliver først og fremmest biler, busser, lastbiler og andet af statens flåde og ikke hr og fru jensen, som får glæde af det, som kommer ud af energiøen. Måske skulle man bruge Amagers (lorteø) af affald i er bioanlæg i stedet for?.. Der er i den grad brug for brint- og PtX-strategi... Dog har staten og DSB(Den Sanseløse Bankerot), betemt sig for købe el-toge og ikke brinttoge, som kan købes, DIREKTE, af tyskerne... Man kan nemlig ikke tjene penge på FRI ENERGI og BRINT!... Energiøen forventes helt klar til brug i 2033... TROR du på projektet?.. I 2033, findes der ikke længere et Folketing eller Kongedømme, overgået til Republikanisme og Meritokrati... På det tidspunkt er slavehandler, hulemand og klima-Dan, pensionist og omdannet til en kunstigt frithængende grøn pendel lampe som kan snakke og spytte hvis man er for fræk... På det tidspunkt har teknologibevægelsen »The Singularity« eller Singularity University overtaget (sponsorer som Google, NASA, Cisco og biotekgiganten Genentech) der henter inspiration fra NASA Ames Research Center i USAs tech-mekka Silicon Valley. Her finder de svarene på, hvordan vi overlever og skaber forretning i en fremtid befolket af selvflyvende droner, selvkørende biler, selvlærende robotter, biologiske 3D-print og kunstig intelligens.... |



📰🏳️🙌 ~ (The COVID lie & vaccine alarm! More proof about China Joe & Trump still in power) Latest Updates (James Gilliland ECETI Ranch) 💗 ~ |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience 


Molecular Genetics Expert Explains Messenger RNA and RNA Vaccines

Dr. Simone Gold Blows The Lid Off The COVID Lie and Sounds The Alarm About the Vaccines! [Must See]

Merck Stops COVID Vaccine: “Studies Showed People Better Off Catching Virus And Recovering!”

Trump Assassination Foiled, Deep State in Panic Mode!

ChinaBye-den still travels around on a private jet, while T R U M P still travels on AF1! Do you think possibly there’s some thing MSM is not disclosing?

BUSTED!!! Uncle Sleepy is recording his alleged White House videos at the Castle Rock (Amazon) Studios in Culver City, California!!!

🎭🔮🌟 ~ (2018-2021 en større "Saturn/Pluto-storm") Man skal holde magthaverne i kort snor (Folkets.dk Akriv) ~ | Blogger: [🔨"Nedbrydningstiden er OVER OS!. Oplysningstiden er på vej!. Et nyt fundamentalt menneskelig spiritual paradigmeskift, er kommet for at blive!!! Vær Beredt!! ~ SoTW🤯] ... {krise, indre vrede og belastningsreaktion!?!} - Artiklens hovedmand, fortæller os, "vi ikke ønsker 'Gule veste' og den slags: vi vil ikke have en masse revolutionær ballade. Det kan ikke betale sig. Det er grimt." siger han... HVORFOR? Kendetegner de Gule veste ikke bare den indebrændte stilsigende revolution som projicere sig ud fysisk, at vi ikke ORKER Corona-krisen mere. Hvorfor må den danske befolkning ikke bekende kulør og begår direkte mytteri, laver revolution og hvad der deraf følger? Behøves det at være voldeligt?, naturligvis ikke.. Vi stormer gerne med 30.000 mand høj ind på Rådhuspladsen i 2019, for at hylde de mandlige håndboldhelte, eskorteret med kampfly, luksus Herning Busser, champagne og stor shubang. 2021, nøjagtigt, det samme, med 12.000 liter vandbro og 20 timers direkte TV m.m... Vi er et Guld VM helteland, fint skal de være, selvom vi glemmer de kvindelige version af håndbold og fodboldverdenen m.fl.... Danske politikere og centraladministration overlever, fordi de ved, at de har støtter i befolkningen og der er ikke tradition for blokader og demonstrationer, i større målestok, i Danmark. Vi kan heller ikke tælle til 1.500 milliarder kroner, som står på de offentlige finanser hvert år, samme som Danske Bank, snød verden for.. Vi orker ikke Kliken fra St. Elmo eller The Breakfast Club ungdomsoprøret, vi har nok i os selv, og er hjernevasket, til døde i skidt og møg stress og pengeproblemer, i forvejen... At snakke om, at tør gå op imod 'systemet'. Puhaaa.. Det system som giver os, alt hvad vi ønsker os, gennemsnittet af den danske befolkning har masser af penge og gemt væk i skattekisten, inden gebyrer, inflationen, og bankers negative renter på indlån, æder det op... Der er ingen som ønsker, at blive som Dovne Robert, vi frygter faktisk, dette. Derfor vil vi hellere lide i stilheden fra stress, jag og livsstilssygdomme og lyve lidt om vores pragtfulde liv i skyggen af problemer, som hober sig op, konstant. Derfor vælger vi konservativt og af vane, fordi så føler vi os sikre og trygge og skal ikke tage stilling, til vores eget liv, lad endelig andre, gøre det for os!... Derfor "klarer" vores elskede / hadede alles landsmoder og skuespillerinde, Mink Mette-mus, skærene, på anabole steroider og i en hæsblæsende fuldautomatisk gear, med en »revolver-politik« og magtanvendelsesregler, ALDRIG, set før i Danmarkshistorien, godt hjulpet af et "system" som beskytter "Globalisterens Rothschilders".... |


Læs også: Finanskrisen - astrologiske forudsigelser, der holdt vand... 

... 🎭"De Astrologiske forudsigelser for 2018-2021, rummer begge en større "Saturn/Pluto-storm". I det mindste vil den første periode vise os nogle ubestridelige advarsler om kommende sammenbrud" (den engelske astrolog Lyn Birkbeck bogen: "Understanding the future"(forstå fremtiden)🔮.... | 




Man skal stoppe magthaverne inden det løber løbsk. Magthavere kan ikke stoppe sig selv, så de skal holdes i ret kort snor. De ved ikke selv, når de misbruger deres magt. Og de bilder sig ind, at de jo er gode mennesker - så når nogen er imod dem, så er det fordi de er onde og skal straffes.

Vi ser tendensen i disse år. Vi ser den blandt andet fordi der ikke rigtig er et nærliggende skrækeksempel, som kan holde vore magthavere på måtten. Efter muren faldt har vore magthavere ikke i samme grad behov for at kunne sige, at de er 'bedre end i østblokken', fx. Derfor smuldrer demokratiet og forståelsen af hvordan sådan noget fungerer.

Da muren faldt skete det nogenlunde fredeligt – i de fleste lande.

Men - så vidt jeg husker - så skete der det i Rumænien, at Ceaucescu blev nervøs og fik arrangeret en støttedemonstration, som gik galt for ham. Han holdt tale for de udkommanderede 'tilhængere' som skulle hylde ham. Men på et tidspunkt buh'er en tilskuer. Det hele bliver transmitteret på tv. Og i modsætning til andre gange - går der kun sekunder før hele pladsen med 50.000 tvangsdemonstranter buh'er af ham.

❌⛑️🤑 ~ (Two sides of the same coin) Red Cross, NFL partnering during National Blood Donor Month (redcross.org) ~ | Blogger: [👉"Rothschild - Red Shield - Red Army - Red Cross" = Modern slavery, trafficking and exploitation - begging bowl barons - SCHR - SCHR Principals👈] ... 💝I'm sure that Red Cross is doing amazingly good hard work as a "local" organisation, having a code of conduct in place which all staff and volunteers are bound by💝... But in the leadership and higher echelons, it's nasty business ... 🤔☝️DID YOU KNOW, at EVERY Super Bowl, satanic illuminati rituals goes on and has been exposed many times over??... 🤔☝️That, according to news agency AFP and to Ritzau, The international organization Red Cross will spend almost 690 million Danish kroner on helping 500 million people in more than 100 countries to be vaccinated against covid-19??... 🤔☝️That Aid agencies fear damage to reputation as 'Red Cross' appears in Panama Papers??... 🤔☝️That, UN peacekeepers in Haiti implicated in child sex ring??... 🤔☝️That, former CEO of Save the Children International, present Facebook censor-general and taxheaven holder, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, has been investigated by a danish lawyer, Klaus Ewald, and Italian Admiral, Enrico Credendino, Commander of the EU Anti-Migration Operation Sophia, and reported Helle Thorning's organization to the police, believes that the former PM uses collected funds for the particularly serious type of human smuggling??... 🤔☝️That Clinton foundations has heavily invested activity on Haiti, some say, into child trafficking, and an investigation has found that the American Red Cross wasted $500 million in its bid to help Haiti, underperformed in its programs, and then tried to cover it up. Despite the NGO’s celebrated success, insider accounts point to failures??... Noooo - of course not... because we simply refuse to look at facts... |

The Red Cross has teamed up with the NFL to offer those who come to give blood, platelets or plasma, Jan. 1-31, 2021, a chance to win a getaway to the 2022 Super Bowl LVI in Los Angeles. As an extra thank-you from the Red Cross, those who come to give Jan.Jan 5, 2021


🏰🎬🏛️ ~ (Two sides of the same coin) Fake White House at Castle Rock, Amazon Studios Culver City, CA. Inside and out tour (Dr. Jeffrey Horelick + Reddit + ChicGreekGeek ~ | Blogger: [👉For starters, the best alternative is to not say, “I told you so,” at all - i'm not gonna be mercy either👈] ... SoTW is not a cult doorstopper - part of a cult of trump worshipers or THE reference guy on "conspiracy theories" such as the Illuminati and the New World Order, is going to take you away ha-haa ho ho hee hee... I'm not falling too deep into crazy internet theories... SoTW is meant to be a spiritual "information portal", if you like... There's 21,263 blog posts (and counting) of all such of different topics on SoTW, after 10-20 years of research, depended on what spiritual stage I was in... Buuutt, I told you - I don't know Jack Shit (sorry my french)... Every single second, every year, and within each planetary cycle, new waves of people are initiated into this sacred path of spiritual transformation... When you’re initiated into the 6 or 7 stages of personal transformation, your life shakes in its foundations. Nothing will remain the same, but first, you have to face your shadows... I'm waaaay passed that... I don't have any old traumatic experiences, ego, phobia, shock or fear of breakdowns... Yes, sometimes old "issues" comes up from this life or past incarnations, and then I "fix" it or my holistic naturopathic doctor will... I just don't like being LIED to and I can spot bullshit from a blimp in a fog storm... The next few month is NOT gonna be MIRACLE WORKING God... However, I think, like Dr. Charlie Ward, that this process of "trapping and draining the swamp" has been going on for many months, years, even 10 or 20 years of preparations... And we haven't seen anything yet... |

Castle Rock Studios AKA Amazon studios

I just saw a cool video on Youtube that I haven't seen posted here.
Castle Rock Studios - YouTube

I did a quick Google search of "Amazon Studios" and found this website

The Culver Studios - Hackman Capital Partners

"Amazon, which announced its move to The Culver Studios in late 2017, has also leased the entire office portion of the adjacent Culver Steps development, which is also being built by Hackman Capital Partners*. The combined 600,000 square feet of space will house Amazon subsidiaries Amazon Studios, IMDb, Amazon Video, and World Wide Advertising. "*

Another youtube channel "ChicGreekGeek" posted a few videos of her walking around the studios. She mentioned that there's lots of construction and that there seems to be activity in the White House replica-see below Youtube link. Thoughts?

LIVE at CASTLE ROCK STUDIOS WHITE HOUSE Lights On in Culver Studios (PART 1 ) January 28, 2021 - YouTube
