Apr 15, 2017

Nyhetsspeilet | 10. April 2017 | Stockholm-terrorangrebet, var det en black operation? | Blogger: For our english readers, Nyhetsspeilet is asking if the Stockholm terror attack was a Black Ops? According to the Swedish Police Authority (Swedish: Polismyndigheten): «A counter-terrorism exercise in Stockholm took place on April 5th & 6th, involving Swedish Police, Armed Forces and Security Service, practicing terrorism. The purpose was to practice cooperation between authorities in a terrorist attack in Sweden». We all know what went down the next day... |

Nyhetsspeilet.no er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre populariseret. Desuden sætter Nyhetsspeilet.no aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med tre væsentlige hovedemner: Samfundet, Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Sundhed og Økonomi -https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyhetsspeilet

******Following article is in Norwegian - use google translate on the top of my blog entry*****

Var Stockholm-terroren en black operation?

Dagen før terroren i Stockholm ble det på Veterans Today nevnt at noe slikt var på gang i Skandinavia. Så igjen må vi undersøke om vi står overfor ekte terror eller en «Black Operation»? Hvis det siste er tilfelle er det mest sannsynligsituasjonen i Syria det handler om.

Korte fakta om terroraksjonen slik den er gjengitt i svenske og norske medier:

Fredag 7. april ca. kl. 14.50 kaprer en person, muligens i finlandshette, en lastebil i Stockholm sentrum. Noen minutter etterpå farer den i stor hastighet ned Drottninggaten før den kjører inn i kjøpesenteret Åhlens City i samme gate. Folk ble meid ned for fote. Fire ble drept og 15 skadet. En 39 år gammel usbeker er siktet og skal ha tilstått. Han skal tidligere ha uttrykt sympati for terrorgruppen IS og i avhør ha sagt at han «bomber Sverige fordi de bomber hans land» og at bombingen mot Syria må slutte.

Dermed skulle udåden for en stor del være forklart og oppklart – eller?

Kartet viser terror-lastebilens kjørerute i Stockholm sentrum

Det er flere spørsmål vi trenger svar på først, og vi håper svenske journalister og politietterforskere kan hjelpe til med det.

En antiterror-øvelse i Stockholm

Først: Når det gjelder «Black Operations» eller falske flagg-operasjoner er det visse kjennetegn som går igjen. Et av dem er at det foregår en øvelse i forkant eller samtidig eller rett etter hendelsen som har blitt definert som terror.

Spørsmål: Foregikk det en sikkerhetsøvelse i Stockholm omkring 7. april?

Svaret er ja.

Som sikkerhetspolitiet selv sier det på nettsiden, datert 6. april 2017: «Polismyndigheten, Försvarsmakten och Säkerhetspolisen övade terroristbekämpning… har under två dagar genomfört en gemensam öving. Syftet var att öva samverkan mellan myndigheterna vid ett terroristattentat i Sverige… Övningen, som pågick den 5 och 6 april, hade såväl teoretiska som prövande inslag».

Kilde: http://www.sakerhetspolisen.se/ovrigt/pressrum/aktuellt/aktuellt/2017-04-06-polismyndigheten-forsvarsmakten-och-sakerhetspolisen-ovade-terroristbekampning.html

Et liknende mønster som ved andre aksjoner

Vi kjenner dessverre dette igjen fra en rekke andre terroristaksjoner de siste årene, også den som fant sted i London 22. mars i år.

Jostemikk har laget denne oversikten:

Liste over kjente terrorhendelser der det ble avholdt terrorøvelse samme dag

  • Estonia-forliset september 1994
  • september 2001hvorpå USA og hele den vestlige verden startet krigen mot terror.
  • Togbombingen i Madrid mars 2004.
  • Londonbombene juli 2005
  • juli 2011og bombingen av regjeringsbygget i Oslo og nedslaktingen av barn, ungdom og voksne på Utøya.
  • Kinoskytingen i Aurora USA 20. juli 2012.
  • Sandy Hookog skoleskytingen den 14. desember 2012.
  • Boston Marathon-bomba april 2013.
  • Terrorskuddene ved parlamentet i Ottawai Canada 22. oktober 2014.
  • Terrorskuddene i København og 15. februar 2015.
  • Kirkedrapene i Charleston i USAden 17. juni 2015.


Grunnen til at dette åpner for en sammenheng er ganske enkelt at hvis et etterretnings- eller sikkerhetsapparat står bak, så bruker de øvelsen som en kamuflasje for å få på plass de virkelige forbryterne, som da er profesjonelle aktører. Den som blir tatt er som regel en syndebukk, og ikke den som faktisk utfører udåden.

Kan noe slikt ha skjedd i Stockholm 7. april? Vi vet ikke enda. Informasjon mangler. Men det er ting som ikke utelukker det:

Opplysninger dagen etter var at mannen som kjørte lastebilen hadde finlandshette. Han som ble arrestert hadde finlandshette. Men er vi sikre på at det er samme mann? Ingen så ansiktet til den som kjørte. Derimot ble det offentliggjort et bilde av den mistenkte med et overvåkningskamera som var uklart og nesten kunne ha vært hvem som helst. Og hvor er det blitt av cctv-bildene som viser angrepet i sin helhet? De har vi ikke sett noe til så langt.......[READ MORE]

OOM2 | Free Energy Update - New Earth Nation Releases Free Energy Generator Called QT-PI (in case you missed this) |

Source Link - New Earth Nation Facebook Page
New Earth Nation has made a historical announcement regarding a FREE ENERGY Generator called QT-PI.

It consists of 2 copper coils and a high frequency generator, which creates a magnetic vortex. It Plugs into your standard electricity output, which gets amplified over 300-400%. That’s enough power to run your average house appliances such as, lights, air conditioners, water heaters and cooking appliances. All the materials are completely off the shelf, using copper and a 3D Printer. The wheels are being set into motion to 3D Print larger quantities and create bigger power objectives. Market entry with governments are already in process of negotiations, and are helping to get it out to the people.

This technology has the potential to end war, disease and poverty.

Watch the Ancient Futures New Earth Festival Closing Ceremony where they present it to the people.

https://youtu.be/WiyX3OdDk3c or watch marketing video of the QT-PI at this link here

The free energy device demonstration begins at 54 minutes into the video

https://newearthnation.org Posted by enerch 

A Message from my Higher Self | Apr 14, 2017 | Channelled through Mike Quinsey | ... In the realms of “no time” Ascension is seen as already having been accomplished, and it is the year 2024 on your time line. Furthermore, the anticipated changes will certainly begin in earnest from 2018 onwards, and this date has been given by three different sources including the Pleiadians. In fact you are in the Photon Belt now moving into the Pleiades through the Central Sun, Alcyone. So you may draw your own conclusions from it as to what is likely to happen. Many changes are lined up that are very beneficial to you all, and the Replicator will be the most life changing one of all. It will sound too unreal to be true but it will enable you to virtually replicate anything that you require. Along with other changes you will be propelled into the future so fast you will hardly have time to get used to it. However the dark Ones must obviously be “imprisoned” where they can no longer interfere or delay the manifestation of your future. So there is much to look forward to that has already been planned and is being monitored by the Higher Beings.. These are the times when the truth of your time on Earth is coming out, as for too long you have been held back and misinformed by those who have a different agenda for Humanity. However, they will not be successful and on the contrary will fail in their plans to take over you and the Earth. God has ordained the path to the future and none shall be allowed to interfere with it. Take heart from the encouraging news that is being given out from a number of sources, in spite of attempts to prevent it... |

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2017 treeofthegoldenlight

The expected changes are taking place that are raising the vibrations, and it has been noted that your Sun appears much brighter with more of a white light. Certainly the vibrations are rapidly increasing and when they reach a certain point, Ascension will take place instantaneously. As mentioned previously, souls that are not ready to ascend will at that time move to another Earth like planet to continue their evolution. In the past you have been told of the type of changes that the higher vibrations will bring you that are of course gratefully received as they lift you more into the Light and Love. Therefore the lower vibrations are beginning to be transmuted and evidence of it has frequently appeared in the animal kingdom, when the most unusual and unlikely peaceful pairings have occurred. It fulfils the prediction that “the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb”.

The higher vibrations will also lift up souls of the Human Race providing they have increased their vibrations. Evidence in the Human Race is beginning to show that your civilisation objects to a continuation of wars and aggression. They are tired of everything undesirable connected with it, and not least of all the waste of human life. Of course it is understood that in a warlike world you need to protect yourselves, but where are the leaders that are ready to promote peaceful co-existence? However, do not despair because if as many of you as possible send out positive vibrations for love and peace, it would bring about considerable changes. The difference in vibrations between those of the Light and those of the darkness is growing, yet your earthly conditions would seem to indicate a breakdown of Law and Order and a slow fall into chaos and anarchy.

However, the Light is growing stronger and stronger and more people are working for a peaceful co-existence. Be assured that much help is given to those who work for the Light, and as an overall view is taken it is apparent that it is now becoming successful in setting you on the path to Ascension. The Blue Avians are also in your Solar System in great numbers and their extremely large orbs are cloaked and invisible to the naked eye. They quietly oversee progress whilst preventing any form of outside interference to ensure that you have every opportunity to ascend. It is an odd situation as you would view it, as a war takes place in outer space between those of the Light and the dark Ones who are preventing outside visitors to your planet. Visitors who come in peace and offer their loving help to you. As you are responsible for organising yourselves to achieve success, help can be given where it would speed up progress.

Apr 15, 2017 | David Icke Blog -- MIT professor exposes ‘egregious error’ & evidence tampering in US report on Syria sarin incident | The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast -- Lies With No Evidence Are The New Truth | Benjamin Fulford Blog -- "Donald Trump was a Khazarian sleeper agent and has now been awakened. He must be removed ASAP" | Blogger: 'Trust' is a fundamental element of social capital.. Trust (and faith) is also on the spiritual awakening process.. From spiritualawakeningprocess: ".. For those of you waking up, you'll find that you don't feel safe at all at times, and other times, you'll feel incredibly safe. What happens in those beautiful moments is that you've let go of the idea of what safety looks like, and you're trusting the process. The more trust and faith you bring into the process, the easier it'll go. You will still be challenged, but it becomes easier to be with the challenges and to just let them go. Don't make a story out of it. Don't make the spiritual awakening an ordeal that you have to get through. Don't do anything but fully accept it. If you do that, then you'll find so much more ease in this transitional time, and you'll see so much more of the new life that you've always wanted--but perhaps didn't think you could have--suddenly being birthed..".. As I have mentioned earlier, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is meant to fire up our spiritual anger in all of his servants, until his time is up and leave the Oval Office, for good. Nothing to do with 'Good' and 'Evil'. Trump is the plucky comic relief sidekick to stir up waters. Trump isn't George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, or Obama - he's Trump. Trump is no new messiah, like Obama wasn't. He's no different from the rest of TheDeepState, just a necessary evil to push people to the limit, recounts our pain from the mental stress, denial, unconscious defence mechanism and discomfort (cognitive dissonance). Don't fall into the deep pit to trap other with fear and hate. Clean up your inner core issues before blaming fingers on others. Trump is only a very small part of the servant leadership, he got his own master, the 'hidden hand', who really rules the world. Our galactic liaison and divine plan will lead us to peace, abundance and love corporation.. "Trust in God and keep your powder dry"... |

‘A closer look at photos from the town of Khan Shaykhun shows that the chemical attack site was tampered with and that the US report blaming the Syrian government can’t be true, says the MIT professor skeptical of the White House narrative.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Theodore Postol, who wrote a preliminary review of the US government claims earlier this week and shared his findings with RT, examined photographs of the attack site and concluded that the report endorsed by the White House “could not be true.”

Senior US administration officials who briefed the media on Tuesday admitted the White House intelligence was partly “based on the pro-opposition social media reporting,” which “tells a very clear and consistent story about what we think happened.”’

Postol’s six-page addendum, made public on Thursday evening, “unambiguously shows that the assumption in the [White House report] that there was no tampering with the alleged site of the sarin release is not correct.”’

Read more: MIT professor exposes ‘egregious error’ & evidence tampering in US report on Syria sarin incident

Thanks to: https://www.davidicke.com/article/409267/mit-professor-exposes-egregious-error-evidence-tampering-us-report-syria-sarin-incident


David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder, og tidligere medie personlighedbedst kendt for sit syn på, hvad han kalder  "who and what is really controlling the world".Beskriver sig selv som den mest kontroversielle taler og forfatter i verden, han har skrevetmange bøger der forklarer sin position og er døbt "New Age conspiracism". Har tiltrukket en betydelig skare af følgere fra hele det politiske spektrum. Hans 533-siders "The Biggest Secret(1999)" er blevet kaldt konspirationsteoretikers "Rosetta Stone".

To have David's Videocast sent to you in full every week, Click here http://www.davidicke.com/register
World Tour Tickets - http://www.TheWorldWideWakeUp.com 2017 


Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.
By Benjamin Fulford

April 14, 2017

"Donald Trump was a Khazarian sleeper agent and has now been awakened. He must be removed ASAP " ~ Benjamin Fulford



Stillness in the storm | Apr 13, 2017 | Physics Behind the 7 Chakra System and Where Chakra Energy Comes From | VIDEO -- Levels of Consciousness and Spiritual Science of Higher Consciousness |

(Dmitriy) First, let’s define what physics is – it is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. If we take the description of what chakra is, we will discover that it is one of the seven major energy centers in the body.

Related Chakras, Endocrine Glands & Organs: Explained by Ra in the Law of One

Source - Energy Fanatics

by Dmitriy, April 2017

If we combine our knowledge of physics and our knowledge about the properties of chakras, we might be able to find a simple way to describe a 7 chakra system through physics. Even though many people still consider chakras to be just a part of a spiritual belief system, their work has a strong influence on the quality of life we are experiencing.

If you stop for just a moment and look around, what will you see? Most likely you will see all kinds of living and non-living objects (hopefully, there are some living objects around you, at least some flowers ? ). Nevertheless, there is something that your eye is not accustomed to see, at least yet. The fact is that you are surrounded with all kinds of electromagnetic waves that are generated by cell phones, Wi-Fi routers and radio/TV stations. All of those waves work on different frequencies and they are real even though you can’t really see or touch them. You are sure of their existence simply because when you turn on your iPad you can connect to the internet, you can tune into an FM station in order to listen to your favorite music or you can even use your cell phone to call all your friends and ask them: “can you see all seven chakras?”

Related Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams

Definition of seven chakras, where chakra energy is coming from and what seven chakras are responsible for.

WIRED | Apr 14, 2017 | Major Leak Suggests NSA Was Deep in Middle East Banking System | ... The Shadow Brokers, meanwhile, hinted in their release that they’re not done creating trouble for the NSA yet. “Maybe if all suviving [sic] WWIII theshadowbrokers be seeing you next week,” the group’s message concludes. “Who knows what we having next time?”... |

A woman walks past a branch of Noor Islamic Bank along Khalid Bin Al-Waleed Road in Dubai.REUTERS

FOR EIGHT MONTHS, the hacker group known as Shadow Brokers has trickled out an intermittent drip of highly classified NSA data. Now, just when it seemed like that trove of secrets might be exhausted, the group has spilled a new batch. The latest dump appears to show that the NSA has penetrated deep into the finance infrastructure of the Middle East—a revelation that could create new scandals for the world’s most well-resourced spy agency.

Friday morning, the Shadow Brokers published documents that—if legitimate—show just how thoroughly US intelligence has compromised elements of the global banking system. The new leak includes evidence that the NSA hacked into EastNets, a Dubai-based firm that oversees payments in the global SWIFT transaction system for dozens of client banks and other firms, particularly in the Middle East. The leak includes detailed lists of hacked or potentially targeted computers, including those belonging to firms in Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Syria, Yemen, and the Palestinian territories. Also included in the data dump, as in previous Shadow Brokers releases, are a load of fresh hacking tools, this time targeting a slew of Windows versions.

“Oh you thought that was it?” the hacker group wrote in a typically grammar-challenged statement accompanying their leak. There was speculation prior to this morning’s release that the group had finally published its full set of stolen documents, after a seemingly failed attempt to auction them for bitcoins. “Too bad nobody deciding to be paying theshadowbrokers for just to shutup and going away.”...... [READ MORE]

Russia Today | Apr 15, 2017 | Pharmaceutical giant planned to destroy stocks of cancer drugs to force price hike – report |

One of the world’s leading drug companies considered destroying its stockpiles of life-saving cancer medicines and allegedly created artificial shortages in its attempts to profit from price hikes, the Times reports.

The South African Aspen Pharmacare drug company nurtured a plan of destroying its own cancer medicine supplies during its row with the Spanish health service in 2014. It sought to push a price increase for its products amounting to 4,000 percent, the Times reports, citing the company’s internal emails it obtained..... [READ MORE]

Prepare For Change | Health Freedoms.org | Apr 15, 2017 | Canada Has Gone Where the US Fears to Tread – Monsanto’s Roundup Found In 30% Of Food | ... Canada has gone where the FDA fears to tread, testing commonly consumed foods for glyphosate residues from Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller – and the results are literally sickening ... | Blogger: Lade os hente et lille eksempel frem ud af mange tusind, fra de hjemlige egne. TV2 news rapporterer tilbage i 2016, at det ukrudtsdræbende pesticider findes i de mest populære tyske øl, noget som den tyske Landbrugsminister Christian Schmidt, ikke var videre bekymret over. Synes alle skulle mane til besindighed. Glyphosat er blandt de mest udbredte pesticider i verden og bliver fortrinsvis brugt som ukrudtsdræber i blandt andet det verdenskendte mærke Roundup, der markedsføres af den kontroversielle, amerikanske virksomhed Monsanto. Pesticidet glyphosat har de seneste år været omstridt og heftigt debatteret, blandt andet efter WHO’s kræftpanel, IARC, udtalte, at det med stor sandsynlighed er kræftfremkaldende. EFSA, har dog senere modsagt den påstand, og der verserer stadig ophedet debat om risikoen ved brug af glyphosat. MonSatan's lange arm findes overalt. Lige fra afgrøder (konventionelt landbrug) almindeligt- og baby-mad (honning, korn, kød, drikkevand, modermælk, modermælkserstatning, chips, småkager osv), alle læskedrikke (sukkererstatning) juicer, frugter, vaccinationer og medicin og sandeligt også fundet i økologiske varer og det stopper slet ikke her.. Derfor er det også helt afgørende, at skylle og detox dit system, hver dag... |

The Canadian Food Inspection agency reports that glyphosate, the carcinogenic key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, was found in 29.7 percent of 3,188 foods tested in the last two years.
Glyphosate was found in 47.4 percent of beans, peas and lentil products; 36.6 percent of grain products; and 31 percent of baby cereals, the agency report states.

HuffPost report: Only 1.3 percent of the total samples were found with glyphosate residue levels above what Canadian regulators allow, though 3.9 percent of grain products contained more of the weed killer than is permissible.
These legally allowable levels are referred to as Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs), and they vary from food to food and pesticide to pesticide, as well as from country to country. Regulators and agrichemical industry interests say as long as residue levels are lower than the established MRLs, consuming the pesticide residues is not harmful to humans.
But a growing number of scientists and medical professionals say such claims are false, particularly with pesticides like glyphosate, which is the most widely used agrichemical on the planet, commonly used in the production of dozens of food crops.
Glyphosate is sprayed directly onto crops like corn, soybeans, sugar beets and canola, all of which are genetically engineered to tolerate the pesticide. Monsanto has also encouraged farmers to spray the chemical directly on oats, wheat, peas, and lentils shortly before harvest to help dry them out.
A court case in California has forced the release of emails between Monsanto and the EPA, and the contents are sickening. We now have certifiable proof that Monsanto has always known Roundup causes cancer.
But even worse, we now have proof the EPA is a corrupt organization that is more interested in money than protecting the environment or the health of Americans.
This weedkiller isn’t just used on GMOs but on 70 different food crops in the U.S. – it’s in practically everything Americans eat. So, if glyphosate in Roundup is causing cancer and other diseases, I want to know about it and get it out of our food – don’t you?
Food Babe reports: Monsanto makes billions off of Roundup sales, so they don’t want anyone to question its safety. Some never-before-seen confidential documents just released in a court case against Monsanto give us a glimpse into how they are working to influence the EPA (who is in charge of determining whether they are allowed to sell Roundup anymore) and undermine any efforts to ban its use.
These documents show what many of us have known and suspected for quite some time… Monsanto is manipulating scientific research and has gotten some EPA officials on their side who seem to be helping them cover-up the health dangers of Roundup so they can keep it on the market.
Keep in mind… Monsanto and the EPA are both fighting to stop the public seeing these internal emails! Why do you think that is?

The Truth About Vaccines | Apr 15, 2017 CET | Featured: Ty and Charlene's Story | Ep #3: In Depth Analysis of the MMR and DTaP Vaccines & Vaccinating for the Greater Good | Full Length Video |


This episode discussed origins of the MMR vaccine along with the investigation into whether it would be safer for children to spread out the mumps and measles vaccines.

Check it out now because episode 3 will only play until Saturday night at 9pm Eastern, and then we’ll be moving on to Episode 4.

Go here and let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Enjoy :-)

Ty Bollinger