Dec 12, 2016

Benjamin Fulford Partial Update: Khazarian mafia still planning big false flag events but their defeat is certain - Dec 12, 2016 CET (※Weekly geo-political news and analysis - ) (Blogger: OMG! Are you kidding me... #PizzaGate - Hollywood Celebrities Take Part In Mock Satanic Ritual with Marina Abramovic "Spirit Cooking" - Celebs like Governor of California Jerry Brown, Pamela Anderson, Will Ferrell, Rosanna Arquette, Kirsten Dunst.. Lots of pictures etc.. Excerpts outside the report:..... “The truth is the ‘Elite’ wouldn’t be doing public ‘mocking’ cannibalistic Satanic rituals or ‘Galas’ if they were actually not being actively engaged in such sick and twisted disgusting practices,” a CIA source points out. A lot of information about these elite horrors will be coming out in the war crimes trials that are expected to start in January, 2017, several sources agree. A CIA source says that “Obama as the CEO of the Corporate United States, quietly joined the International Criminal Court In 2010. Ten years ago George W. Bush gave presidential immunity to the Bush/Clinton crime family. It is over on 31 December. On Jan. 1, 2017 they can be arrested and brought before the ICC. This is the reason they are detained now, in house. This is being kept very close to source”. “They will wait for Trump to be sworn in for sure then the shit will hit the fan,” the source summarized... [READ MORE])

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

Khazarian mafia still planning big false flag events but their defeat is certain

Udgivet af Benjamin den 12. December 2016

The Khazarian mafia is planning spectacular false flag terror operations between now and December 19th in a last minute attempt to prevent Donald Trump from being formally appointed as President of the United States, CIA sources say. However, the military forces of Russia, China and the United States are all working together now to remove the final vestiges of Khazarian control so these efforts will no more than the final thrashes of a dying beast.

There is also a very intense cyber-warfare campaign under way aimed to removing truth websites so that the Khazarian corporate media’s false world narrative can be reasserted, the sources say. This is what is behind the ongoing attempt to try to label the current truth revolution and the election of Donald Trump as being done by “Russia.”

The recent widely publicized Washington Post article that featured a list of so-called “fake news” sites cited information compiled by US State Department and Obama administration fronts like Voice of America, the Atlantic Council and the National Endowment for Democracy.

The fact is the real fake news outlets are propaganda organs like the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, BBC etc. These are the outlets that still routinely report lies about 911, Iran, Saddam Hussein, ISIS, Russia etc. All of these lying corporate propaganda outlets will soon experience a change in management and will be forced to either report the truth or be shut down.

Both Asian secret society and Western agency sources report that a major purge is ongoing and that large numbers of people are “disappearing” in Asia and in the West. The outward sign of this has been the domino fall of Khazarian mafia controlled governments.
However, the Asian secret society sources say that information provided by the NSA claiming that Chinese President Xi Jinping reported to Evelyn de Rothschild was false. They say the Asians have been having a series of meeting where, among other things, it was decided that since Xi supports world peace, he will remain in power. Other world leaders, however, will continue to resign, the sources agree.

The most recent domino to fall was South Korean President Park Geun Hye who was impeached last week. South Koreans were infuriated to hear revelations from Wikileaks and other sources that Park took part in “Satanic rituals” and allowed Demonic spirits “complete control over her body and soul.”

There has been a strenuous campaign by the Khazarian mafia to deny any connection to Satanism but more and more insiders are saying it is very real. The images of ritualistic cannibalism at an elite party run by Marina Ambramovic are a reflection of very real cannibalistic orgies that do take place, bloodline family sources say.

A list of celebrities who attended this event can be seen here:

“The truth is the ‘Elite’ wouldn’t be doing public ‘mocking’ cannibalistic Satanic rituals or ‘Galas’ if they were actually not being actively engaged in such sick and twisted disgusting practices,” a CIA source points out.

A lot of information about these elite horrors will be coming out in the war crimes trials that are expected to start in January, 2017, several sources agree.

A CIA source says that “Obama as the CEO of the Corporate United States, quietly joined............

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)

Denzel Steps Outside the Circle

Secret (卐) UFO Bases in Antarctica ~ William Tompkins

William Tompkins served with Navy Intelligence from 1942-1945 directly participating in intelligence debriefings of Navy agents embedded within Nazi (卐) Germany most secret aerospace facilities.

Published on Sep 18, 2016

Vi har overrakt opfordring til Esben Lunde Larsen om at beskytte Kattegat (Greenpeace: ".. Ministeren, Esben Lunde Larsen, har blankt afvist at modtage underskrifterne. Det til trods for at jeg flere gange siden i sommers har forsøgt at få ham til at mødes med os, så vi kunne overrække ham underskrifterne. Vi synes, det er et problem for vores demokrati, at ministeren ikke vil i dialog med 33.000 bekymrede borgere.. ")


“33.000 siger: Beskyt Kattegat mod bundtrawl” – har vi skrevet med 33.000 underskrifter på et 20 kvadratmeter stort flydende banner, som vi netop har bredt ud i Københavns Havn uden for Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet.

Ministeren, Esben Lunde Larsen, har blankt afvist at modtage underskrifterne. Det til trods for at jeg flere gange siden i sommers har forsøgt at få ham til at mødes med os, så vi kunne overrække ham underskrifterne. Vi synes, det er et problem for vores demokrati, at ministeren ikke vil i dialog med 33.000 bekymrede borgere.

Derfor er jeg nu hoppet i våddragten sammen med en flok seje Greenpeace-frivillige for at lave denne lidt utraditionelle overrækkelse. Du kan se mere på vores Facebook-side, hvor vi i løbet af dagen lægger billeder og video op.

Ministeren har desværre valgt at stille sig skulder ved skulder med den danske fiskeindustri og arbejde for, at området igen skal åbnes op for ødelæggende bundtrawlsfiskeri. I stedet for at lytte til den svenske Havs- och Vattenmyndigheten (svarende til NaturErhvervstyrelsen i Danmark), der baseret på biologiske argumenter anbefaler, at beskyttelsen gøres permanent. Du kan læse mere om sagen på vores hjemmeside.

Med din hjælp vil vi fortsætte med at lægge pres på Esben Lunde Larsen for at stille sig på naturens side i Kattegat. Tak fordi du er med!

De bedste hilsner

Magnus Eckeskog
Havansvarlig hos Greenpeace

Vil guld altid være penge værd? (Blogger: Jeg er ikke helt enig med "GodePenge" om hvad udfaldet bliver omkring om en ny guldstandard. Vi kan kun gisne på overraskelsemomentet når 'the establishment' smider blockchain & digitalisering ud på gaden (pengeløst samfund) og hvad 'modstandsbevægelsen' og det nye finansielle system kommer med (RV, GCR, NESARA). Tankegangen om at papirpenge er stadigvæk eneste almindeligt accepteret som betalingsmiddel for varer, tjenester og betaling af gældsforpligtelser i et givet samfund, kommer til at bløde snart. En given møntfod (eller valuta) burde hvile på guldstandarden (eller guldfoden), hvis den er bakket op af et lager af ædelmetallet guld. Ja, men, andre ædelmetaller, fællesbetegnelse for guld, sølv og de seks platinmetaller kan også benyttes her. Personligt tror jeg ikke på Danmark besider de nævnte 32.000 tons guld, opmagasineret i den britiske centralbank, Bank of England, i London - bygget på et luftkastel som ikke kan dokumenters. Hvem har sidst udført en audit? Efter Anden Verdenskrig, ejede den amerikanske regering dens borgere så meget som 80% af guldet i verden. Mere end halvdelen af guldet blev lagret ved Fort Knox. Rygter går på, at både Fort Knox og Bank of England og verdens total 171,300 tons guld(tal fra 2011), er en hoax... Tiden må vise hvad der sker..)

Where's Denmark's gold? Not Blue or Black, but Pure gold, slightly reddish yellow. The answer will leave you stunned (The Secret Gold Treaty. Owners of Empire - The Vatican, the Crown and the District)

Posted first time on March 27, 2016 by Verdensalt

Disclaimer: Please use your own discernment before believing anything stated in the blog post... Text and language is largely my own, references to articles do not necessarily reflect my own opinion, but are angles that can refine the topic from experts. Let the blog post inspire you to seek the truth...I will break this down in small sections to better comprehend all the information...
"The Nixon Shock was a series of economic measures undertaken by United States President Richard Nixon in 1971, the most significant of which was the unilateral cancellation of the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold. While Nixon's actions did not formally abolish the existing Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange, the suspension of one of its key components effectively rendered the Bretton Woods system inoperative. While Nixon publicly stated his intention to resume direct convertibility of the dollar after reforms to the Bretton Woods system had been implemented, all attempts at reform proved unsuccessful. By 1973, the Bretton Woods system was replaced de facto by a regime based on freely floating fiat currencies that remains in place to the present day. source
".... Danish Krone (DKK) is a freely floating fiat currency. Fiat money (paper) is a currency established as money by government regulation or law - hence, fiat money has no real value. On the other hand commodity money is created from a good, often a precious metal such as gold or silver. Bullion is a term that refers to gold bars, silver bars, and other bars or ingots of precious metal. Gold bullion (Au99,999%) - A gold bar, also called gold bullion or a gold ingo = à 12.500gram.  
"The Coming Revaluation Of Gold. The current melt-down of the world's debt bubble is likely to continue in the course of the next months. The secular trend to expansion of credit has morphed into contraction and liquidation. It is my opinion that the new trend is now established and no action by any of the Central Banks (CB) that issue reserve currencies will do anything at all to reverse that trend. The loss of Reserves on the part of the countries which depend on export-surpluses for economic health makes the accumulated debt burden in the world increasingly unsustainable; investors around the world are worried that some of their assets (which are actually debt instruments, that is to say various sorts of promises to pay) may turn out to be duds, and they are trying to find ways to protect themselves - and Devil take the hindmost! Whatever expedients are implemented, the final outcome of the unprecedented economic contraction in the world will have to be the revaluation of gold reserves, as desperate governments of the world resort to gold to preserve indispensable international trade. The revaluation of gold reserves held by Central Banks will be the only alternative for countries seeking to retain a minimum of international trade to supply their economies, whether they are based on agriculture, on manufacturing or on mining. source
"The Secret Gold Treaty. One of the biggest surprises during my research was my incredible discovery that the official gold figures are pure nonsense. Representatives of the gold industry from the Bank of England through to the London Bullion Market Association and the World Gold Council kept making the point that only a tad over 100,000 tonnes of gold had been mined in over six thousand years. In fact, the actual official figure today is closer to 140,000 tonnes - but still a long way short of reality. This disparity soon became a sort of background "hiss" to my investigation. I would phone a source in the "unofficial" gold market and during the conversation I would be told how little gold had been mined historically (Source to be revealed in the very last  story line at my blog post..) 

Who Owns Who?

Read more:

Nyhedsbrevet - Gode Penge

Glædelig tredje søndag i advent! I dag skriver vi om guldets historie og giver vores bedste bud på guldets rolle i fremtiden.

Det er tredje del af vores eksklusive adventskalender til dig på nyhedsbrevet. Vi har fået en masse positive tilbagemeldinger, spørgsmål og gode idéer undervejs, og vi er så glade for jeres engagement! Vi gemmer det hele og prøver at opfylde jeres ønsker, så snart vi kan. Men tilbage til dagens historie:

Det geniale ved penge er, at de kan bruges til at købe og sælge varer.

Uden penge eller andre betalingsmidler, ville sælgere og købere være nødt til at bytte varer og ydelser direkte med hinanden. Det ville være grusomt besværligt og en alvorlig bremse for økonomisk udvikling. Derfor har penge eksisteret så længe historikere og antropologer kan se tilbage.


ZPE (Zero Point Energy) in traditional press in 2004

Click here to read the full mainstream article from Aviation Week and Space Technology - March 2004
Just think of what is in USAPs (Unacknoweldged Special Access Projects) if this is what is being talked about in the mainstream.
Zero Point Energy by tim on Scribd

Danish International researcher Ole Dammegard & Belgian psychotherapist Carine Hutsebaut: Expose Pizzagate & global pedocriminal pedosexual networks now! (Blogger: Talking about very disturbing stuff, so you're warned...)

Ole Dammegard & Carine Hutsebaut: Expose Pizzagate & global pedocriminal pedosexual networks now!

By Alfred Lambremont Webre


»De store virksomheder har tætte netværk med det politiske system.«. Danmarks rigeste gav støtte til regeringspartier. Nu slipper de for skat ved generationsskifte (Information: "..Et kig i regeringspartiernes regnskaber afslører, at båndet mellem Venstre, Liberal Alliance og Konservative og Danmarks rigeste familievirksomheder styrkedes med flere direkte donationer i det vigtige valgår 2015. Nu vil de helt afskaffe skatten på generationsskifte.. Ud over bidrag fra de store organisationer som Dansk Industri og Dansk Erhverv kom nye bidrag fra de familieejede virksomheder Foss A/S til Venstre, Liberal Alliance og Konservative, AVK Holding til Venstre og Konservative samt Kirk Kapital til Liberal Alliance. Man kan ikke se størrelsen på de enkelte donationer, men det fremgår af regnskaberne, at det i valgåret lykkedes V og K at fordoble deres indtægter fra bidrag til knap 20 mio. kroner..")

Rune Aarestrup Pedersen
Partierne i VLAK-regeringen modtog direkte støtte fra nogle af de rigeste familievirksomheder i Danmark i valgåret 2015. Nu vil de helt afskaffe skatten på generationsskifte

TRANSCRIPT | Fade to Black: Jimmy Church with Corey Goode -- The SSP and Interstellar War November 29th 2016

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Corey Goode will appear on Fade to Black with Jimmy Church today at 7pm PST (10pm EST). No doubt Dr. Steven Greer's Cosmic False Flag presentation will be brought up during their chat. Feel free to review the below article and video excerpts of Dr. Greer's controversial presentation, linked below.

Related Uniting The People For Full Disclosure | Steven Greer's Cosmic False Flag Presentation: Review, Commentary, Analysis and Assessment of Claims Against Goode and Tompkins

The below spreaker player should automatically load the live show once it begins. Be sure to refresh this page after 7pm PST for tonight's show to play.

- Justin
Source - Jimmy Church Radio

The Fall of the Cabal; Proof in One Viral Photo

Camerion, Obama, Merkel, Hollande, Renzi at G5 Summit)

A picture’s worth a thousand words, and this photo is going viral—for good reason.
I hope our friends in France and Germany have their new leaders lined up. Won’t be long. ~ BP


With the passing of the Brexit referendum in the UK which caused David Cameron, the Prime Minister, to resign, the election of Donald Trump in the U.S. as a repudiation of globalist leader Barack Obama, the Italian referendum which caused the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to resign, and the recent announcement by French President Francois Hollande that he will not be seeking re-election, there is one “global elite” leader left standing… Angela Merkel, who has suffered some major losses herself in Germany.

COBRA Situation Update - Dec 12, 2016 ("..Clearing of the Chimera group continues. We have entered the phase of the final clearing of the Yaldabaoth entity and all remaining plasma toplet bombs... The Cabal has managed to infiltrate the political structure in some of the BRICS countries such as Brazil and India. Narendra Modi is clearly not working for the Light as he declared war on cash, And now he wants to confiscate people's gold.. Despite of what you might have read in some other alternative sites, Putin is NOT a Rothschild agent or a clone and Erik Prince is NOT working for the Light.. Many groups are working behind the scenes to ensure complete success of Full Disclosure. Dragon sources have communicated that „they and other groups are working on bringing about disclosure officially in the first quarter of 2017.“)

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller ( for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. We have entered the phase of the final clearing of the Yaldabaoth entity and all remaining plasma toplet bombs.

This process has reached the point where the Resistance Movement can more actively intervene in the situations on the surface of the planet. Resistance operatives are now doing this by giving tactical support for the pre-Event liberation operations to positive factions in the militaries of the United States, Russia, China, India, Egypt and some other countries.This will soon reflect in improvement of the situation in Syria, Iraq and Ukraine:

Unfortunately, as Aleppo is being liberated, the Daesh has apparently recaptured another important vortex point in Syria, Palmyra:

Yet it appears Palmyra might be liberated soon again:

Årests Julegave... Måske! Dukker kan aflyttes og sende reklamer ud til børn: »Det lyder helt vanvittigt« (Blogger: Hvis du kan overbevise Innovationsminister Sophie Løhde's Moderniseringsstyrelsen, Digitaliseringsstyrelsen og Statens IT(støttet af NASA, Silicon Valley og Googles Singularity University) til at stoppe den fabre nye verden, så held og lykke. Snart er vi selv inkorporeret som en 'algoritme' og dermed A.I. - kunstig intelligens i en dysfunktionel dystopia.. Berlingske: ".. Danske butikker burde stoppe salget af det populære legetøj »My Friend Cayla« og »iQue«, mener Forbrugerrådet efter en ny undersøgelse, som viser, at legetøjet kan hackes, ligesom det udsender skjult reklame.. Legetøjet er blot det seneste eksempel på, at hvordan ny teknologi i vores hverdag bruges til målrettet markedsføring. Berlingske beskrev for nylig, hvordan eksempler fra ind- og udland indikerer, at mikrofonen i folks smartphone bruges til at optage lyd, så de bagefter præsenteres for reklamer målrettet dem, og hvordan TV og mobil kan tale sammen på høje lydfrekvenser ved den såkaldte »audio beacons«-teknologi, så man igen ser målrettede annoncer, når man surfer rundt på forskellige onlinetjenester...".".. Ifølge 'Aflyttet' på Radio24Syv: ".. Disse dukker er et sindsygt koncept, det værste er forældre der ikke sætter sig ind i hvad de køber. Dukker som optager 'alt', automatisk forbundet til Internettet, og alt hvad barnet siger, bliver lagt på en udenlandsk server, 40 år senere, når barnet bliver voksen som Statsminister, så ligger der en millard optagelse af alle og alting som er kommunikeret ud til dukken, uden sammentykke eller været gamle nok til at vide hvad de gør. Ikke nok med disse firmaer kan sende alt Deres leg op på Internettet, men man kan forstille sig industriespionage (tager dukken med på fars arbejde), politisk pression, fremmed mennesker kan indtale upassende ting som børnene lytter på, legetøjet kan hackes, udsætter det angiveligt børn for skjult reklame. Der er stort set ikke grænser....")

My Friend Cayla dukke der aflytter børn
»Kid safe internet« står der på pakken med min nye dukke, Cayla. Men ifølge det norske forbrugerråd er hun alt andet end børnesikker. For eksempel kan en hacker tale igennem dukken, ligesom det, jeg siger, kan blive opsnappet.

Forbrugerrådet har lavet en test af både »My Friend Cayla« og legetøjsrobotten »iQue« fra det amerikanske legetøjsfirma Genesis Toys, som også importeres og sælges i Danmark. Udover at legetøjet kan hackes, udsætter det angiveligt børn for skjult reklame......

Læs videre:

Den nye sundhedsminister Ellen Trane Nørby startede ud med at blive grillet i sundhedsudvalget. Her sagde hun blandt andet: "Jeg vil overlade det til Enhedslisten at tage de paranoide briller på. Jeg tager de datakritiske og sikkerhedskritiske briller på". Men der er stadig god grund til at være paranoid, mener formanden for patientdataforeningen, Thomas Birk Christiansen, der stadig ikke er sikker på at DAMD er slettet - og er noget nervøs ved de kommende datasalg, der ligger forude. Vi har også besøg af sikkerhedsekspert Jacob Wolfschekel og vores egen disruption og digitaliseringskonsulent, Johan Thiellemann, til en snak om paranoia versus kritik, om sladrende dukker på nettet og om hvorfor man SKAL sætte tape for sit webcam, hvis man vil onanere.

Commute Chelsea Manning's Sentence to Time Served (Blogger: Kan bedst sammenlignes med Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, Coleen Rowley, David Petraeus. Chelsea Manning (født Bradley Manning, 17. december 1987 i Crescent, Oklahoma, USA) er en amerikansk soldat og whistleblower, der i 2010 blev anklaget for at have lækket fortrolig information. Information der menes at være givet til WikiLeaks. Den endelige anklage lød på 22 forbrydelser, heriblandt videregivelse af national forsvarsinformation til en uautoriseret kilde og hjælp til fjenden. Manning blev idømt 35 års fængsel... 109,318 signed - Needs 0 signatures by December 14, 2016 to get a response from the White House..)

Created by C.V. on November 14, 2016

Chelsea Manning has been incarcerated since May 2010, including in unlawful, unusually harsh solitary confinement for 11 months before her trial. She has spent the past six years helping others.

Chelsea has already served more time in prison than any individual in United States history who disclosed information in the public interest. Her disclosures harmed no one.

President Obama, as you and the medical community have recognized, prisoners who face solitary confinement are more likely to commit suicide.

Chelsea is a woman in a men's facility facing ongoing mistreatment. She has attempted suicide and has been punished with additional time in solitary confinement for her desperation. Her life is at risk and you can save her.

Please commute Chelsea Manning's sentence to time served.

Are We Being Set Up For A Crash? Stocks Hit A Level Only Seen During The Bubbles Of 1929, 2000 And 2007

Posted: 10 Dec 2016 02:55 PM PST

Source - The Economic Collapse Blog

by Michael Snyder, December 8th 2016

Will the financial bubble that has been rapidly growing ever since Donald Trump won the election suddenly be popped once he takes office? Could it be possible that we are being set up for a horrible financial crash that he will ultimately be blamed for? Yesterday, I shared my thoughts on the incredible euphoria that we have seen since Donald Trump’s surprise victory on November 8th. The U.S. dollar has been surging, companies are announcing that they are bringing jobs back to the U.S., and we are witnessing perhaps the greatest post-election stock market rally in Wall Street history. In fact, the Dow, the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 all set new all-time record highs again on Thursday. What we are seeing is absolutely unprecedented, and many believe that the good times will continue to roll as we head into 2017.

Read more »