Mar 23, 2016

Hvad får vores danske folkevalgte politikere til at miskreditere andre politikere og medmennesker, især på de sociale medier? For, "de-særligt-beskyttede-politikere-som-er-over-loven" er der en mangel på situationsfornemmelse, pli og anstændighed....) 23. Marts 2016

Politik for adfærd på Sociale Medier i Frederikshavn Kommune. Måske kunne politikerne på 'Borgen' lærer noget her?

Sociale medier er afgørende for danske politikere

04. feb. 2013 – kl. 08.30

Danske politikere er vilde med Facebook og Twitter, og de sociale medier er blevet afgørende for politikernes kommunikation. Blandt andet fordi man undgår pressen som kritisk mellemled. Det viser en ny DJ-undersøgelse blandt Folketingets medlemmer.

Af Niklas Lind og Troels Johannesen

En ny undersøgelse fra DJ bekræfter, hvad mange aner: At danske politikere i stor stil bruger sociale medier. Undersøgelsen, der inkluderer 58 af Folketingets 179 medlemmer, viser, at næsten alle de politikere, der har svaret, har en Facebook-side, de bruger politisk, og lidt under halvdelen har en Twitter-profil.

Undersøgelsen viser samtidig, at de danske folketingspolitikere for alvor har taget de sociale medier til sig som kommunikationskanal.

Fra Facebook til forsiden

Som politisk kommunikationskanal er Facebook og Twitter nemlig blevet særdeles afgørende for de danske politikere. De er langt fra blot medier, man med vedligeholder med venstre hånd. Således viser undersøgelsen, at 80 % af politikerne mener, at de to sociale medier er vigtige for deres politiske kommunikation.

Og det er langt fra tilfældigt, hvordan politikerne vælger at kommunikere, når de opdaterer deres Facebook- eller Twitter-profil. Næsten 90 % af de politikerne, der har svaret på undersøgelsen, siger, at de er bevidste om, at det, de skriver på Facebook eller Twitter, kan blive bragt i andre medier.
Næsten 90 % af de politikerne, der har svaret på undersøgelsen, siger, at de er bevidste om, at det, de skriver på Facebook eller Twitter, kan blive bragt i andre medier
Man skal altså ikke regne med, at en opdatering fra en dansk politiker er hverken spontan eller tilfældig. For undersøgelsen viser, at politikerne i den grad er bevidste om, at journalister holder skarpt øje med dem på de sociale medier.

Og det er helt i orden. Det mener politikerne i hvert fald. På trods af at 2012 var præget af mange debatter om, hvorvidt det er i orden, at journalister citerer fra sociale medier, så er det altså ikke et problem, hvis det står til de danske politikere. Hele 96 % af besvarelserne angiver, at det er i orden, at medierne citerer direkte fra deres Facebook-profil. Læs videre her

Læs også: Politikernes brug af sociale medier i 2015 og 2011 – en første analyse

Vil lige smide nogen af den mange "jeg-fortryder" opslag fra de sociale medier, som med garanti også er med fuldt overlæg...

“Reality” Edited in Real Time: New Tech Shows Why You Can’t Trust Anything You See on the News (Remember the Movie "2012"? When Impersonator Lyndall Grant playing the part of Governor Schwarzenegger....) - March 23, 2016

By Melissa Dykes

Talk about wag the dog. I’m not even sure what to write for a description of the video you are about to watch.

So-called “reality” can be edited in real-time.

It’s the matrix.

The project is a joint effort in progress between Stanford, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. According to the project’s abstract, via Stanford University:

Continue Reading at ......

Operation Gladio Strikes Brussels on Satanic Holiday — The 3/22 False Flag - March 23, 2016

Blogger: Sorry guys for all the FF posts, however it's so important to get the truth out, since humans still relies on Cabal-Illuminati-Satanists, who are master deceiver and counterfeiter....
Posted: 22 Mar 2016 02:26 PM PDT

If you believe "radical Muslims" observe satanic holidays and name their groups after pagan goddesses, I have some real estate in Mesopotamia to sell you

by Kevin Barrett

“Radical Muslims” (meaning fanatical wahhabis and other extreme-puritanical types) do not celebrate other people’s holidays…least of all the holidays of satanists.

Yet we are told that ISIS, whose acronym invokes a pagan goddess, has just conducted a big human sacrifice in Brussels on a major satanic holiday.

Scroll down for updates and make sure to check the article again later. As always, I will continue to update the story as soon as something new is revealed). 

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 23. Marts 2016 CET

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer

Thus, your time to shine is at hand. The dark can no longer keep postponing the inevitable. The monies are in place and the new banking system is in operation. The old ways are now fully exposed. They are shortly to become useless items, which are to fill the great dustbin of history to overflowing.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

5 Manik 0 Mac, 12 Manik
Dratzo! The process to change this reality continues. This is for the most part an uneven effort. On one hand, we have the Ascended Masters, numerous secret societies and their close allies, those individuals sincerely dedicated to a quick and sane ending to the power and wealth of the dark’s many minions. These oligarchs were intent on a massive depopulation program, which has recently begun to have some effect on the world’s numerous underdeveloped and poorer countries. This set of deadly projects is only now being somewhat stopped by a series of enlightened “whistleblowers.” These projects are part of other activities that are poisoning the world’s air, oceans and ground with deadly pathogens and an increase in the spread of radiation and its evil side effects to humanity. We are carefully monitoring these things and keeping the vile effects to a lower level of intensity. We can rid Gaia of these things only when the world’s major governments permit our visible presence over a wide period of time. Here, the importance of NESARA becomes quite evident. We look forward to new governance becoming a manifested reality. 

Matthew’s Message (Discernment about information; young people’s violence; Donald Trump; concepts, reality; anger; “walk-ins”; “whole bodies”; health, stress reduction; pets) March 23, 2015 CET

Kanaliseret af Suzy Ward 
© 2016 www.matthewbooks

Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.

Here’s the latest Matthew. I’m posting a highlight or two below.
“A great deal is happening energetically in your world as ever-increasing vibratory rates are rapidly separating wheat from chaff, so to say… their former ability to publicize only what they wanted you to know has been considerably weakened by the speed of social media and Internet-disseminated videos and articles…

“My mother has been inundated with emails about Donald Trump from readers in the United States and other countries. Although we are declining requests to speak about his qualifications to be that country’s president—that is for the citizens to assess—and we don’t know if he will be elected—the voters will decide who their next president is to be—we do want to respond to some of the other questions and comments.

“Citizens of all countries who feel that their governments are ignoring them want to be heard, and a collective voice that long has been ignored sometimes leads to a citizenry in violent revolt. As vibrations continue rising, resorting to violence to obtain justness and fairness will end incrementally.

“We hasten to add that never is a perfect body a requirement for personal ascension; however, reaction to a compromised health status does influence the ascension process.”
- kauilapele


March 20, 2016

Discernment about information; young people’s violence; Donald Trump; concepts, reality; anger; “walk-ins”; “whole bodies”; health, stress reduction; pets

Columnist Jon Kelly on Facebook Groups lockdown following publication exposing CIA/Gladio as part of Brussels 3/22 false flag (Secret Message - Mirror Encrypted Unconscious Communications) - March 23, 2016

CIA named in Brussels bombing attack columnist Jon Kelly on Facebook Groups lockdown following publication exposing CIA/Gladio as part of Brussels 3/22 false flag
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – columnist Jon Kelly was placed on Facebook group lockdown following his publication of a NewsInsideOut article exposing CIA/Gladio as a component of the March 22, 2016 false flag operation in Brussels, Belgium.
Jon Kelly wrote this reporter,
“hi Alfred, I’m presently on FB Groups “lockdown” through Thurs. [March 24]. Please feel free to group-share the following article:
“BRUSSELS: The Central Intelligence Agency was named by one witness to explosions at Brussels’ Zaventem airport, part of a wave of attacks against the Belgian capital that took place earlier today. ISIS, a division of the CIA (according to a Russian army military expert), is said to have claimed responsibility.”
CIA named in Brussels attacks according to new analysis of Zaventem airport explosions witness testimony
In the above link, “exclusive new video published to YouTube on March 22, 2016, purports to reveal how the Central Intelligence Agency was named by one witness to explosions at Brussels’ Zaventem airport, part of a wave of attacks against the Belgian capital that took place earlier that day. ISIS, a division of the CIA (according to a Russian army military expert), is said to have claimed responsibility for what alternative news sources have identified as CIA/Mossad state-sponsored for-profit false flag terrorism in which the Belgian government reportedly cited 30 dead and 230 injured.”
ACCESS FULL ARTICLE & LINKS columnist Jon Kelly on Facebook Groups lockdown following publication exposing CIA/Gladio as part of Brussels 3/22 false flag
By Alfred Lambremont Webre


Benjamin Fulford FULL Update By VIDEO and transcript - March 23, 2016 (※Weekly geo-political news and analysis) (Asian Royal families offering 8000 metric tons of gold, however Cabal has not responded yet. New TV Show has clear evidence that Western Cabal is planing to kill 90 pct of the worlds populations, footage of the notorious georgia guidestone, link to Princess Diana death and native american contact to aliens. JFK was murdered cause he wanted Asian Gold to take out the US Dollar and control of the khazarian mafia. Goldman Sachs maybe involved in bribery of malaysia officials and downing of MH370 due to chinese passenger list. Dead threads against Trump incl rent-a-mob Soros has been dealt with. Hillary Clinton uranium deal is also exposed in Cabal's NY times. The pick of Merrick Garland has backfired due to his coverup of Oklahoma City bombing and support of Gun Control. FBI has evidence against Monsanto poisoning food chain and label of GMO food in US are ongoing. President turkey Erdogan soon to loose power. Saudi Prince bribe WDS of 25 trillion dollar to go away did not succeed. Pope Francis major announcement in May 2016 and then retire...)

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

Something strange happening around Antarctica as negotiations for new financial system

Udgivet af Benjamin den 22. Marts 2016

Something is happening around Antarctica these days that is shrouded in secrecy but is also attracting a lot of heavy hitters. The visit to Antarctica by Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, in February was the first sign of something unusual happening. Now this week US Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama will be visiting the Nazi South American headquarters in Bariloche, in Southern Argentina.

Just before the Obama visit, it was revealed that China has built a giant space exploration base in Southern Argentina. Following this revelation, the Argentine government reported they sank a “Chinese fishing boat,” near a restricted area off the coast of Southern Argentina. Pentagon sources say the boat was probably a Chinese spy vessel since a normal fishing vessel would have responded to Argentine warnings.

Furthermore, the heavy handed attempt Khazarian mafia attempt to overthrow the government of Brazil has now failed, depriving the Khazarian mafia of Brazil as a place to flee now that the American people are waking up to the crimes that have been committed against them, CIA sources in South America say.

Now CIA sources in Asia are saying their connections “who are above the government,” are all “flying South,” this week and hinted strongly that “South” referred to Antarctica. This is all very interesting because years ago Paul Laine, a source in Pentagon military intelligence, told this writer the then state of the art UK guided missile destroyer HMS Sheffield had been captured by Nazis operating out of an undersea base in the region. The Sheffield was supposedly sunk in 1982 during the Falklands war between Argentina and the UK by an Exocet missile.

This increase in highly secret activity in the Southern Hemisphere near Antarctica is somehow connected to ongoing negotiations over a gold mine in Papua, New Guinea, that Laine also indicated was the location of a Nazi secret base.

America’s top spy, James Clapper, flew to Australia last week in what Australian media reports described as a “secret visit.”

One topic of discussion is the revelation a Chinese company has acquired a 99 year lease on the Australian harbour at Darwin that includes Australian Navy facilities.

However, there is also a very different agenda being discussed connected to gold and secret bases. CIA sources in Asia say that also present at the meeting were...............

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